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Yemen savaşı ve İran-Suudi Arabistan rekabeti

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 21, 30.06.2024


İran ve Suudi Arabistan 1979’daki İran İslam Devrimi’nden beri bölgesel güç mücadelesi içindedir. Bu rekabet Arap ayaklanmalarıyla birlikte artmıştır. Bu çalışma Arap ayaklanmaları sürecinde Yemen’de ortaya çıkan savaşta İran ve Suudi Arabistan arasındaki rekabeti incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın merkezi araştırma sorusu Yemen Savaşı’nda Suudi Arabistan-İran rekabetinin nasıl gerçekleştiğidir. Bunun yanında makale başka araştırma sorularını da cevaplamayı amaçlamaktadır: Yemen, Suudi Arabistan ve İran için ne derecede önemlidir? İran’ın Husiler’le ne tür bir ilişkisi vardır? Suudi Arabistan’ı Yemen’de askeri müdahaleye yönlendiren faktörler nelerdir? Hangi olaylar Suudi Arabistan’ı Yemen’de ateşkes yapmaya itmiştir? Bu sorular ışığında çalışma şu hipotezleri öne sürmektedir: İran ve Suudi Arabistan’ın Yemen krizine müdahil olması güç ve güvenlik temelinde neo-realist teori çerçevesinde açıklanabilir. Bunun yanında makale İran ve Husiler arasındaki ilişkilerin yaygın olarak kabul edildiğinin aksine inanç birlikteliğinden çok pragmatik bir temel dayandığını ileri sürmektedir. Ayrıca çalışma Suudi Arabistan’ın Yemen’e askeri müdahalesinin maliyet-fayda dengesinin git gide fayda aleyhine bozulması sonucunda onu Yemen’de ateşkes ilan etmeye sevk ettiğini savunmaktadır.


  • Abbasi, M. (2015, Mart 13). Iran continues to boast of its regional reach. Middle East Eye.
  • Acaps (2020). Tribes in Yemen: An Introduction into the tribal system.
  • Alarabiya News (2015, Mart 25). Hadi asks U.N. to back military action by “willing countries”.
  • Al-Dawsari, N. ( 2023, Mart 27). A Saudi-Houthi deal won’t bring lasting peace in Yemen. Middle East Insitute.
  • Al-Hamdani, S. (2015, Mart 3). Yemen’s legitimacy crisis is not new but critical. The New Arab.
  • Al-Maimouni, A. (2022, Nisan 30). The Saudi war of necessity in Yemen. The National Interest.
  • Al-Mowafak, H. (2021, Nisan 6). Yemen’s water crisis: A new urgency to an old problem. Peacelab Blog.
  • Asl, S. S. ve Karaoğlu, O. (2023). Jeopolitik açıdan Suudi Arabistan-Yemen sınır anlaşmazlığı ve Husiler meselesi. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 19(45), 363-392.
  • Baylis, J. ve Rengger, N. J. (1992). Introduction. İçinde J. Baylis ve N. J. Rengger (Ed.), Dilemmas of world politics: international issues in a changing world (s. 1-27). Oxford University Press.
  • Blinken, A. J. (2021, Haziran 10). U.S. sanctions international network enriching Houthis in Yemen. US Department of State.
  • Boroujerdi, M. (2022, Kasım 21). Sunnis in Iran: Protesting against decades of discrimination and repression. Washington Institute.
  • Bradley, J. R. (2006-2007). Iran’s ethnic tinderbox. The Washington Quarterly, 30(1), 181-190.
  • Brandt, M. (2017). Tribes and politics in Yemen: A history of the Houthi conflict. Oxford University Press.
  • Central Intelligence Agency (2023, Mart 21). The World Bank in Yemen.
  • Chubin, S. ve Tripp, C. (1996). Iran-Saudi Arabia relations and regional order. International Institute for Strategic Studies. Adelphi Paper. (204).
  • CIA (tarih yok). The world factbook.
  • Clausen, M.-L. (2022). Delegation or intervention: Yemen as a theatre for the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia. İçinde E. Wastnidge ve S. Mabon (Ed.), Saudi Arabia and Iran: the struggle to shape the Middle East. identities and geopolitics in the Middle East (s. 156-172). Manchester University Press.
  • Çendek, S. Y. ve Örki, A. (2019). Arap Baharı sürecinde Libya, Suriye ve Yemen’de yaşanan iç savaşlar: Karşılaştırmalı bir çözümleme. Elektrik Siyaset Bilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(1), 42-58.
  • Doğan, S. (2020, Nisan 8). Suudi Arabistan ordusu ve Yemen savaşı. INSAMER, analiz.
  • Ebrahim, N. ve Salem, M. (2023, Mart 22). A Saudi-Iran reconciliation may not end the war in Yemen just yet.’de alıntılanmıştır
  • Edroos, F. (2017, Ekim 20). Is the UAE pushing South Yemen towards secession? Al-Jazeera.
  • Esfandiary, D. ve Tabatabai, A. (2016). Yemen: an opportunity for Iran-Saudi dialogue? The Washington Quarterly, 39(2), 155-174.
  • Fakude, T. (2022, Haziran 6). Saudi Arabia is losing the war in Yemen after seven years of mayhem and destruction. Middle East Monitor.
  • Fattah, K. (2013, Kasım 21). Yemen – another battlefield in Saudi–Iran proxy war. VOA News. Middle East Voices. 11/insight-yemen-another-battlefield-in-Saudi–Iran-proxy-war-16406/#ixzz3lopW40Wj
  • Gambrell, J. (2023, Eylül 20). Saudi Arabia praises “positive results” after Yemen’s Houthi rebels visit kingdom for peace talks. AP News.
  • Gause, G. (2021, Aralık 10). What does U.S. “Withdrawal” from the Middle East mean? The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.
  • Global (tarih yok). Zaydi Islam.
  • Gulf States Newsletter (2016, Kasım 3). Quantifying a “taboo” subject: Saudi Arabia counts the cost of Yemen war.
  • Gordon, A. ve Parkinson, S. (2018, Ocak 27). How the Houthis became “Shi’a”. MERIP.
  • Harb, I. K. (2020, Nisan 12). Saudi Arabia is preparing to end the war in Yemen. Al-Jazeera.
  • Held, A. (2019, Haziran 20). In rare rebuke to Trump, Senate votes to block Saudi arms sale. NPR.
  • Herz, J. H. (1950). Idealist Internationalization and the Security Dilemma. World Politics, 2(2), 157-180.
  • Iran Primer (2015, Şubat 23). Report: Saudi-Iranian “Cold War” in Yemen.
  • Jalal, I. (2023, Nisan 5). China and the Saudi-Iran rapprochement: implications for Yemen. Middle East Institute.
  • Johnsen, G. D. (2021, Ekim 8). Seven Yemens: how Yemen fractured and collapsed, and what comes next. The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. (4),
  • Johnsen, G. D. (2023, Ocak 4). From the mountains, into the palace: The Houthis won the war but might lose what comes next. The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. (1),
  • Johnston, T., Lane, M., Casey, A., Williams, H. J., Rhoades, A. L., Sladden, J., Vest, N., Reimer, J. R. ve Haberman, R. (2020). Could the Houthis be the next Hizballah?: Iranian proxy development in Yemen and the future of the Houthi movement. Rand.
  • Juneau, T. (2016). Iran’s policy towards the Houthis in Yemen: a limited return on a modest investment. International Affairs, 92(3), 647-663.
  • Juneau, T. (2021). How war in Yemen transformed the Iran-Houthi partnership. Studies in Conflict in Conflict and Terrorism ,
  • Juneau, T. (2023, Mayıs 15). Negotiating Saudi Arabia’s defeat and the Houthi victory in Yemen. War on the Rocks.
  • Kendall, E. (2017). Iran’s fingerprints in Yemen: real or imagined? Atlantic Council. Issue Brief.
  • Khoury, N. A. (2023, Mart 22). Yemen and the Saudi-Iran rapprochement. Arab Center Washington DC.
  • Knights, M. (2018). The Houthi war machine: From guerrilla war to state capture. CTC Sentinel 11(8),
  • Lackner, H. (2023). Yemen, poverty, and conflict. Routledge.
  • Luck, T. (2017, Ağustos 24). In Saudi diplomatic shift on Iraq, a hand to Sunnis…and Shiites. The Christian Science Monitor.
  • Mabon, S. (2018, Kasım 12). Bahrain: The epicentre of the Saudi-Iranian rivalry. The Foreign Policy Centre.
  • Mearsheimer, J. (2016). Structural realism. İçinde T. Dunne, M. Kurki ve S. Smith (Ed.), International relations theories: discipline and diversity (4. bs.), Oxford University Press.
  • Mearsheimer, J. (2017). Anarchy and the struggle for power. İçinde R. J. Art ve R. Jervis (Ed.), International politics: enduring concepts and contemporary issues (13. bs.), (s. 70-80). Pearson.
  • Mepa News, Yemen’de son durum – Ocak 2024.
  • Minority Rights Group (tarih yok).
  • Mirza, M. N., Abbas, H. ve Qaisrani, I. H. (2021). Structural sources of Saudi-Iran rivalry and competition for the sphere of influence. Sage Open, 11(3), 1-9.
  • Nasser, A. (2022, Temmuz 28). Yemen’s prospects for unity are uncertain after many years of war. Arab Center Washington DC.’de alıntılanmıştır
  • Nasser, A. (2016, Ocak 20). How long can Saudi Arabia afford Yemen war? Al-Monitor.
  • Neo, R. (2020). Religious securitisation and institutionalised sectarianism in Saudi Arabia. Critical Studies on Security, 8(3), 203-222.
  • New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2021, Nisan 18). The importance of the Suez Canal to global trade.
  • Ottaway, D. B. (2015). Saudi Arabia’s “terrorist” allies in Yemen. Wilson Center Middle East Program. Viewpoints, (81).
  • Radman, H. (2022, Ocak 17). Between hegemonic aspirations and the need for peace and stability: Saudi Arabia’s role in Southern Yemen. Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies.
  • Riedel, B. (2020, Nisan 13). Order from chaos: Saudi Arabia wants out of Yemen. Brookings.
  • Salisbury, P. (2015). Yemen and the Saudi-Iranian “Cold War”. Chatham House – Royal Institute of International Affairs. Research Paper.
  • Saudi Embassy (2015, Mart 25). Statement by Saudi ambassador Al-Jubeir on military operations in Yemen.
  • Saudi Embassy (2019). Saudi Arabia and counterterrorism.
  • Schmitz, C. (2015, Şubat 14). Yemen’s Ansar Allah: causes and effects of its pursuit of power. Middle East Institute.
  • Shahidsaless, S. (2015, Şubat 12). Does Iran really control Yemen? Al-Monitor. originals/2015/02/iran-yemen-houthis-axis-of-resistance.html
  • Sleiman-Haidar, R. (2018, Haziran 22). Saudi-Iranian rivalry and the impact on the Syrian conflict. LSE’s Middle East Centre Blog.
  • Stark, A. (2022, Nisan 29). Can the Riyadh reshuffle bring peace for Yemen? War on the Rocks.
  • Stephens, M. (2015). The Gulf states. İçinde J. Eyal ve E. Quintana (Ed.), Inherently unresolved: Regional politics and the counter-ISIS campaign, (s. 23-29). Royal United Services Institute.
  • Şahin, T. Y. ve Kocatepe, D. (2022). İran’ın güvenlik politikasında Yemen’in rolü: tarihsel ve mezhepsel bir değerlendirme. KMU Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 24(42), 45-61.
  • Transfeld, M. (2017, Şubat 14). Iran’s small hand in Yemen. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Twaij, A. (2019, Temmuz 2). Mohammed bin Salman is making Muslims boycott Mecca. Foreign Policy.
  • U.N. Security Council (2018, Ocak 26). Final report of the panel of experts on Yemen.
  • Wehrey, F., Karasik, T. W., Nader, A., Ghez, J., Hansell, L. ve Guffey, R. A. (2009). Saudi-Iranian relations since the fall of Saddam: rivalry, cooperation and implications for U.S. policy. RAND.
  • UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency (2022). Fact sheet: Yemen. file:///C:/Users/Mehmet/Downloads/UNHCR%20Yemen%20Country%20Factsheet%20-%20January%202022%20(1).pdf
  • Wehrey, F., Karasik, T. W., Nader, A., Ghez, J., Hansell, L. ve Guffey, R. A. (2009). Saudi-Iranian relations since the fall of Saddam: rivalry, cooperation and implications for U.S. policy. RAND.
  • Wilson Center (2022, Temmuz 7). Who are Yemen’s Houthis?

The Yemen conflict and the Saudi-Iranian rivalry

Yıl 2024, , 1 - 21, 30.06.2024


Iran and Saudi Arabia have been competing with each other for regional power since the 1979 Iranian Islamic revolution. This rivalry has increased with the Arab revolts. This study investigates how the Saudi-Iranian rivalry played out during the Yemen conflict in the context of the Arab revolts. Other questions considered: How important is Yemen for Iran and Saudi Arabia? What kind of relationship do Iran and the Houthis have? Which factors induced Saudi Arabia to intervene militarily in Yemen, and which events compelled Saudi Arabia to call a ceasefire there? In the light of these questions, the hypotheses advanced are that involvement of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Yemen crisis can be explained on the basis of power and security in the framework of neo-realist frameworkapproach; contrary to the conventional wisdom, relations between Iran and the Houthis are of a pragmatic nature rather than stemming from a shared belief system; and the fact that the cost-benefit balance of Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen was progressively disrupted at the expense of benefit led Riyadh to cease fighting in Yemen.


  • Abbasi, M. (2015, Mart 13). Iran continues to boast of its regional reach. Middle East Eye.
  • Acaps (2020). Tribes in Yemen: An Introduction into the tribal system.
  • Alarabiya News (2015, Mart 25). Hadi asks U.N. to back military action by “willing countries”.
  • Al-Dawsari, N. ( 2023, Mart 27). A Saudi-Houthi deal won’t bring lasting peace in Yemen. Middle East Insitute.
  • Al-Hamdani, S. (2015, Mart 3). Yemen’s legitimacy crisis is not new but critical. The New Arab.
  • Al-Maimouni, A. (2022, Nisan 30). The Saudi war of necessity in Yemen. The National Interest.
  • Al-Mowafak, H. (2021, Nisan 6). Yemen’s water crisis: A new urgency to an old problem. Peacelab Blog.
  • Asl, S. S. ve Karaoğlu, O. (2023). Jeopolitik açıdan Suudi Arabistan-Yemen sınır anlaşmazlığı ve Husiler meselesi. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 19(45), 363-392.
  • Baylis, J. ve Rengger, N. J. (1992). Introduction. İçinde J. Baylis ve N. J. Rengger (Ed.), Dilemmas of world politics: international issues in a changing world (s. 1-27). Oxford University Press.
  • Blinken, A. J. (2021, Haziran 10). U.S. sanctions international network enriching Houthis in Yemen. US Department of State.
  • Boroujerdi, M. (2022, Kasım 21). Sunnis in Iran: Protesting against decades of discrimination and repression. Washington Institute.
  • Bradley, J. R. (2006-2007). Iran’s ethnic tinderbox. The Washington Quarterly, 30(1), 181-190.
  • Brandt, M. (2017). Tribes and politics in Yemen: A history of the Houthi conflict. Oxford University Press.
  • Central Intelligence Agency (2023, Mart 21). The World Bank in Yemen.
  • Chubin, S. ve Tripp, C. (1996). Iran-Saudi Arabia relations and regional order. International Institute for Strategic Studies. Adelphi Paper. (204).
  • CIA (tarih yok). The world factbook.
  • Clausen, M.-L. (2022). Delegation or intervention: Yemen as a theatre for the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia. İçinde E. Wastnidge ve S. Mabon (Ed.), Saudi Arabia and Iran: the struggle to shape the Middle East. identities and geopolitics in the Middle East (s. 156-172). Manchester University Press.
  • Çendek, S. Y. ve Örki, A. (2019). Arap Baharı sürecinde Libya, Suriye ve Yemen’de yaşanan iç savaşlar: Karşılaştırmalı bir çözümleme. Elektrik Siyaset Bilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(1), 42-58.
  • Doğan, S. (2020, Nisan 8). Suudi Arabistan ordusu ve Yemen savaşı. INSAMER, analiz.
  • Ebrahim, N. ve Salem, M. (2023, Mart 22). A Saudi-Iran reconciliation may not end the war in Yemen just yet.’de alıntılanmıştır
  • Edroos, F. (2017, Ekim 20). Is the UAE pushing South Yemen towards secession? Al-Jazeera.
  • Esfandiary, D. ve Tabatabai, A. (2016). Yemen: an opportunity for Iran-Saudi dialogue? The Washington Quarterly, 39(2), 155-174.
  • Fakude, T. (2022, Haziran 6). Saudi Arabia is losing the war in Yemen after seven years of mayhem and destruction. Middle East Monitor.
  • Fattah, K. (2013, Kasım 21). Yemen – another battlefield in Saudi–Iran proxy war. VOA News. Middle East Voices. 11/insight-yemen-another-battlefield-in-Saudi–Iran-proxy-war-16406/#ixzz3lopW40Wj
  • Gambrell, J. (2023, Eylül 20). Saudi Arabia praises “positive results” after Yemen’s Houthi rebels visit kingdom for peace talks. AP News.
  • Gause, G. (2021, Aralık 10). What does U.S. “Withdrawal” from the Middle East mean? The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.
  • Global (tarih yok). Zaydi Islam.
  • Gulf States Newsletter (2016, Kasım 3). Quantifying a “taboo” subject: Saudi Arabia counts the cost of Yemen war.
  • Gordon, A. ve Parkinson, S. (2018, Ocak 27). How the Houthis became “Shi’a”. MERIP.
  • Harb, I. K. (2020, Nisan 12). Saudi Arabia is preparing to end the war in Yemen. Al-Jazeera.
  • Held, A. (2019, Haziran 20). In rare rebuke to Trump, Senate votes to block Saudi arms sale. NPR.
  • Herz, J. H. (1950). Idealist Internationalization and the Security Dilemma. World Politics, 2(2), 157-180.
  • Iran Primer (2015, Şubat 23). Report: Saudi-Iranian “Cold War” in Yemen.
  • Jalal, I. (2023, Nisan 5). China and the Saudi-Iran rapprochement: implications for Yemen. Middle East Institute.
  • Johnsen, G. D. (2021, Ekim 8). Seven Yemens: how Yemen fractured and collapsed, and what comes next. The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. (4),
  • Johnsen, G. D. (2023, Ocak 4). From the mountains, into the palace: The Houthis won the war but might lose what comes next. The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. (1),
  • Johnston, T., Lane, M., Casey, A., Williams, H. J., Rhoades, A. L., Sladden, J., Vest, N., Reimer, J. R. ve Haberman, R. (2020). Could the Houthis be the next Hizballah?: Iranian proxy development in Yemen and the future of the Houthi movement. Rand.
  • Juneau, T. (2016). Iran’s policy towards the Houthis in Yemen: a limited return on a modest investment. International Affairs, 92(3), 647-663.
  • Juneau, T. (2021). How war in Yemen transformed the Iran-Houthi partnership. Studies in Conflict in Conflict and Terrorism ,
  • Juneau, T. (2023, Mayıs 15). Negotiating Saudi Arabia’s defeat and the Houthi victory in Yemen. War on the Rocks.
  • Kendall, E. (2017). Iran’s fingerprints in Yemen: real or imagined? Atlantic Council. Issue Brief.
  • Khoury, N. A. (2023, Mart 22). Yemen and the Saudi-Iran rapprochement. Arab Center Washington DC.
  • Knights, M. (2018). The Houthi war machine: From guerrilla war to state capture. CTC Sentinel 11(8),
  • Lackner, H. (2023). Yemen, poverty, and conflict. Routledge.
  • Luck, T. (2017, Ağustos 24). In Saudi diplomatic shift on Iraq, a hand to Sunnis…and Shiites. The Christian Science Monitor.
  • Mabon, S. (2018, Kasım 12). Bahrain: The epicentre of the Saudi-Iranian rivalry. The Foreign Policy Centre.
  • Mearsheimer, J. (2016). Structural realism. İçinde T. Dunne, M. Kurki ve S. Smith (Ed.), International relations theories: discipline and diversity (4. bs.), Oxford University Press.
  • Mearsheimer, J. (2017). Anarchy and the struggle for power. İçinde R. J. Art ve R. Jervis (Ed.), International politics: enduring concepts and contemporary issues (13. bs.), (s. 70-80). Pearson.
  • Mepa News, Yemen’de son durum – Ocak 2024.
  • Minority Rights Group (tarih yok).
  • Mirza, M. N., Abbas, H. ve Qaisrani, I. H. (2021). Structural sources of Saudi-Iran rivalry and competition for the sphere of influence. Sage Open, 11(3), 1-9.
  • Nasser, A. (2022, Temmuz 28). Yemen’s prospects for unity are uncertain after many years of war. Arab Center Washington DC.’de alıntılanmıştır
  • Nasser, A. (2016, Ocak 20). How long can Saudi Arabia afford Yemen war? Al-Monitor.
  • Neo, R. (2020). Religious securitisation and institutionalised sectarianism in Saudi Arabia. Critical Studies on Security, 8(3), 203-222.
  • New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2021, Nisan 18). The importance of the Suez Canal to global trade.
  • Ottaway, D. B. (2015). Saudi Arabia’s “terrorist” allies in Yemen. Wilson Center Middle East Program. Viewpoints, (81).
  • Radman, H. (2022, Ocak 17). Between hegemonic aspirations and the need for peace and stability: Saudi Arabia’s role in Southern Yemen. Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies.
  • Riedel, B. (2020, Nisan 13). Order from chaos: Saudi Arabia wants out of Yemen. Brookings.
  • Salisbury, P. (2015). Yemen and the Saudi-Iranian “Cold War”. Chatham House – Royal Institute of International Affairs. Research Paper.
  • Saudi Embassy (2015, Mart 25). Statement by Saudi ambassador Al-Jubeir on military operations in Yemen.
  • Saudi Embassy (2019). Saudi Arabia and counterterrorism.
  • Schmitz, C. (2015, Şubat 14). Yemen’s Ansar Allah: causes and effects of its pursuit of power. Middle East Institute.
  • Shahidsaless, S. (2015, Şubat 12). Does Iran really control Yemen? Al-Monitor. originals/2015/02/iran-yemen-houthis-axis-of-resistance.html
  • Sleiman-Haidar, R. (2018, Haziran 22). Saudi-Iranian rivalry and the impact on the Syrian conflict. LSE’s Middle East Centre Blog.
  • Stark, A. (2022, Nisan 29). Can the Riyadh reshuffle bring peace for Yemen? War on the Rocks.
  • Stephens, M. (2015). The Gulf states. İçinde J. Eyal ve E. Quintana (Ed.), Inherently unresolved: Regional politics and the counter-ISIS campaign, (s. 23-29). Royal United Services Institute.
  • Şahin, T. Y. ve Kocatepe, D. (2022). İran’ın güvenlik politikasında Yemen’in rolü: tarihsel ve mezhepsel bir değerlendirme. KMU Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 24(42), 45-61.
  • Transfeld, M. (2017, Şubat 14). Iran’s small hand in Yemen. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Twaij, A. (2019, Temmuz 2). Mohammed bin Salman is making Muslims boycott Mecca. Foreign Policy.
  • U.N. Security Council (2018, Ocak 26). Final report of the panel of experts on Yemen.
  • Wehrey, F., Karasik, T. W., Nader, A., Ghez, J., Hansell, L. ve Guffey, R. A. (2009). Saudi-Iranian relations since the fall of Saddam: rivalry, cooperation and implications for U.S. policy. RAND.
  • UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency (2022). Fact sheet: Yemen. file:///C:/Users/Mehmet/Downloads/UNHCR%20Yemen%20Country%20Factsheet%20-%20January%202022%20(1).pdf
  • Wehrey, F., Karasik, T. W., Nader, A., Ghez, J., Hansell, L. ve Guffey, R. A. (2009). Saudi-Iranian relations since the fall of Saddam: rivalry, cooperation and implications for U.S. policy. RAND.
  • Wilson Center (2022, Temmuz 7). Who are Yemen’s Houthis?
Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ortadoğu Çalışmaları, Uluslararası Güvenlik
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mehmet Bardakci 0000-0002-8116-0545

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 12 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Bardakci, M. (2024). Yemen savaşı ve İran-Suudi Arabistan rekabeti. Trakya Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi E-Dergi, 13(1), 1-21.

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