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A Protest Against Human Domination over Nature in Daniel Quinn’s Ishmael

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29, 309 - 326, 30.01.2025


Daniel Quinn’s 1992 novel Ishmael has initiated a profound re-examination of our connection with the natural world and has challenged the prevalent view of human supremacy. This research examines the pivotal insights and themes expounded in Ishmael, shedding light on their implications for our understanding of our position within the ecological community. At the heart of the novel lies Ishmael, a wise gorilla who assumes the role of an unconventional teacher on deeply established convictions about human superiority and the unchecked exploitation of Earth’s resources. Ishmael’s teachings underscore the complex interdependence of all life forms and emphasize the pressing need to listen to the voices of fellow forms in the tapestry of life. This study endeavors to explore the concept of human supremacy, examining its origins and the transformative potential inherent in embracing a more inclusive perspective regarding our bond with nature. It analyses the historical, religious, and cultural factors that have preserved human dominance and the resulting detrimental actions toward the environment generated by these beliefs. Eventually, this research concludes that Ishmael’s message remains relevant and urgent, beckoning us to critically evaluate our values, behaviors, and assumptions. It implores us to actively engage in reshaping our world by challenging prevailing narratives, interrogating societal structures, and adopting sustainable practices.


  • BACON, F. (1964). The masculine birth of time, or the great instauration of the dominion of man over the universe. In F. Bacon, The Philosophy of Francis Bacon: An Essay on its Development from 1603 to 1609, (pp. 59-62). Liverpool University Press.
  • CONKLIN, A. L. (1998). Colonialism and Human Rights, A Contradiction in Terms? The Case of France and West Africa, 1895-1914. The American Historical Review, 103(2), pp. 419-442.
  • DESCARTES, R. (2003 [1637]) Discourse on Method and Meditations. Dover Publications, Joe.
  • DESROCHERS, P. (2022, April 4). From Prometheus to Arcadia: Human Supremacy, Carrying Capacity and Ecological Footprints. Retrieved from Econlib: desrochersprometheus.html
  • Genesis 1:27. (2023, 07 11). Retrieved from
  • GLOTFELTY, C. (1996). Introduction: Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis. In C. Glotfelty & H. Fromm (Eds.), The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology, pp. 1-17. The University of Georgia Press.
  • GORALNİK, L., & NESLON, M. (2012). Anthropocentrism: What is it? Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition). (R. Chadwick, Ed.) New York: Elsevier Inc.
  • KARMAKAR, G., & CHETTY, R. (2023). Episteme and Ecology: Amitav Ghosh’s The Living Mountain and the Decolonial Turn. South Asian Review, 45(3), pp. 315–335.
  • KEONG, C. Y. (2018, April). Nurturing a Sustainable Earth System in the Age of Science and Technology: From Francis Bacon’s Conquest of Nature to Albert Schweitzer’s Ethics of Reverence for Life. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 9(4), pp. 110-114.
  • KERRIDGE, R. (1998). Introduction. In Kerridge, R. and Sammells, N. (Eds) Writing the Environment, pp. 1-9. London: Zed Books.
  • LEISS, W. (1994). The Domination of Nature. McGill-Queen University Press.
  • MARZEC, R. P. (2007). An Ecological and Postcolonial Study of Literature: From Daniel Defoe to Salman Rushdie. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • QUINN, D. (1995). Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit. New York: Bantam/Turner Books.
  • QUINN, D. (2023, June 19). Questions About Ishmael. Retrieved from
  • REINWALD, P. (2013, July 13). ‘Ishmael’ by Daniel Quinn and the movement it inspired. Retrieved from Chicago Tribune: https://www.chicagotribune. com/entertainment/books/ct-xpm-2013-07-13-ct-prj-0714-ishmael-lifes-operating-manual-tom-sha-20130713-story.html
  • SVOBODA, T. (2019). Christine Korsgaard, Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals. Environmental Values, 28(6), pp. 763-765. The Holly Bible. (2017). Nashville, Tennessee: Holman Bible Publishers.
  • WATTS, V. (2013). Indigenous place-thought & agency amongst humans and non-humans (First Woman and Sky Woman go on a European world tour!). Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 2(1), pp. 20-34.

Daniel Quinn’in İsmail Adlı Romanında İnsanın Doğa Üzerindeki Hâkimiyetine Karşı Bir Protesto

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29, 309 - 326, 30.01.2025


Daniel Quinn’in romanı Ishmael (İsmail, ilk Türkçe baskı 2012), doğal dünyayla olan bağlantımızın derinlemesine yeniden incelenmesini sağladı ve insanın üstünlüğüne dair yaygın görüşe meydan okudu. Bu araştırma, İsmail’de açıklanan temel anlayışları ve temaları incelemekte ve bunların ekolojik topluluk içindeki konumumuza dair anlamlarına ışık tutmaktadır. Romanın merkezinde, insanın üstünlüğü ve dünya kaynaklarının kontrolsüzce sömürülmesi hakkındaki köklü inançlar konusunda alışılmadık bir öğretmen rolünü üstlenen bilge bir goril olan İsmail yatıyor. İsmail’in öğretileri, tüm yaşam formlarının karmaşık karşılıklı bağımlılığının altını çizer ve yaşamın dokusundaki ortak formların seslerini dinlemenin acil ihtiyacını vurgular. Bu çalışma, insan üstünlüğü kavramını, bu kavramın kökenlerini ve doğayla olan bağımıza ilişkin daha kapsayıcı bir bakış açısı benimsemenin doğasında var olan dönüştürücü potansiyeli incelemeye çalışmaktadır. İnsan egemenliğini koruyan tarihi, dini ve kültürel faktörleri ve bu inançların neden olduğu çevreye yönelik zararlı eylemleri analiz eder. Sonuç olarak bu araştırma, İsmail’in mesajının güncel ve acil olduğu sonucuna vararak bizi değerlerimizi, davranışlarımızı ve varsayımlarımızı eleştirel bir şekilde değerlendirmeye çağırır. Hakim anlatılara meydan okuyarak, toplumsal yapıları sorgulayarak ve sürdürülebilir uygulamaları benimseyerek dünyamızı yeniden şekillendirmeye aktif olarak katılmamız için bizi teşvik eder.


  • BACON, F. (1964). The masculine birth of time, or the great instauration of the dominion of man over the universe. In F. Bacon, The Philosophy of Francis Bacon: An Essay on its Development from 1603 to 1609, (pp. 59-62). Liverpool University Press.
  • CONKLIN, A. L. (1998). Colonialism and Human Rights, A Contradiction in Terms? The Case of France and West Africa, 1895-1914. The American Historical Review, 103(2), pp. 419-442.
  • DESCARTES, R. (2003 [1637]) Discourse on Method and Meditations. Dover Publications, Joe.
  • DESROCHERS, P. (2022, April 4). From Prometheus to Arcadia: Human Supremacy, Carrying Capacity and Ecological Footprints. Retrieved from Econlib: desrochersprometheus.html
  • Genesis 1:27. (2023, 07 11). Retrieved from
  • GLOTFELTY, C. (1996). Introduction: Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis. In C. Glotfelty & H. Fromm (Eds.), The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology, pp. 1-17. The University of Georgia Press.
  • GORALNİK, L., & NESLON, M. (2012). Anthropocentrism: What is it? Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Second Edition). (R. Chadwick, Ed.) New York: Elsevier Inc.
  • KARMAKAR, G., & CHETTY, R. (2023). Episteme and Ecology: Amitav Ghosh’s The Living Mountain and the Decolonial Turn. South Asian Review, 45(3), pp. 315–335.
  • KEONG, C. Y. (2018, April). Nurturing a Sustainable Earth System in the Age of Science and Technology: From Francis Bacon’s Conquest of Nature to Albert Schweitzer’s Ethics of Reverence for Life. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 9(4), pp. 110-114.
  • KERRIDGE, R. (1998). Introduction. In Kerridge, R. and Sammells, N. (Eds) Writing the Environment, pp. 1-9. London: Zed Books.
  • LEISS, W. (1994). The Domination of Nature. McGill-Queen University Press.
  • MARZEC, R. P. (2007). An Ecological and Postcolonial Study of Literature: From Daniel Defoe to Salman Rushdie. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • QUINN, D. (1995). Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit. New York: Bantam/Turner Books.
  • QUINN, D. (2023, June 19). Questions About Ishmael. Retrieved from
  • REINWALD, P. (2013, July 13). ‘Ishmael’ by Daniel Quinn and the movement it inspired. Retrieved from Chicago Tribune: https://www.chicagotribune. com/entertainment/books/ct-xpm-2013-07-13-ct-prj-0714-ishmael-lifes-operating-manual-tom-sha-20130713-story.html
  • SVOBODA, T. (2019). Christine Korsgaard, Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals. Environmental Values, 28(6), pp. 763-765. The Holly Bible. (2017). Nashville, Tennessee: Holman Bible Publishers.
  • WATTS, V. (2013). Indigenous place-thought & agency amongst humans and non-humans (First Woman and Sky Woman go on a European world tour!). Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 2(1), pp. 20-34.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dünya Dilleri, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sedat Bay 0000-0001-9118-2775

Cengiz Karagöz 0000-0002-7564-3815

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Bay, S., & Karagöz, C. (2025). A Protest Against Human Domination over Nature in Daniel Quinn’s Ishmael. Trakya Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(29), 309-326.