Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 560 - 570



  • Saraçoğlu, M. H., & Özkaya, A. (2023). Investigation of acceleration on non-structural building elements under earthquake effect. Turkish Journal of Engineering, 7(1), 56-63. DOI:
  • Yılmaz, S., Karakayali, O., Yilmaz, S., Çetin, M., Eroglu, S. E., Dikme, O., ..., & Akoğlu, H. (2023). Emergency medicine association of Turkey disaster committee summary of field observations of february 6th Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 38(3), 415-418. DOI:
  • Ertuğrul, Ö. L., & Zahın, B. B. (2023). A parametric study on the dynamic lateral earth forces on retaining walls according to European and Turkish building earthquake codes. Turkish Journal of Engineering, 7(3), 196-207. DOI:
  • AFAD. (2024). Türkiye Deprem Tehlike Haritası.
  • Çınar, E. N., Abbara, A., & Yilmaz, E. (2023). Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria—collaboration is needed to mitigate longer terms risks to health. BMJ, 380. DOI:
  • Oduoye, M. O., Nazir, A., Gharaibeh, R. S., Yoruk, E., Sulakci, A. B., Nafula, W. P., & Akilimali, A. (2023). Devastating earthquake in Turkey: A call for global action. IJS Global Health, 6(2), e128.
  • Shi, P., Liu, L., Fang, W., Liu, J., Wu, J., Jiang, L., ..., & Zhang, Y. (2023). The 2023 earthquake in Türkiye and implications for China’s response to catastrophe. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 14(6), 1044-1053. DOI:
  • About emergency earthquake bulletins in terminals.
  • The first demonstration flight at Narita International Airport was completed successfully!! 2024.
  • How SFO earthquake-proofed a terminal using steel balls. 2024.
  • Yeni bir havalimanı deneyimi sürdürülebilirlik raporu, (2020).
  • Yokono, H., (2013). Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) Description and Processes.
  • Emergency operations plan. (2018).
  • Pekgöz, R.K. (2005). Deprem yükleri etkisi altındaki yapı davranışının yarı-aktif akışkanlı sönümleyiciler ve sismik taban yalıtım sistemleri kullanılarak bulanık mantık yöntemi ile kontrolü. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Structural Engineering, Doctoral Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Öztürk, H., C.A.D., Kuşku, İ., Dalğıç, S., Kasapçı, C., & Şengül, M., A. (2024). Soil liquefaction and subsidence disaster in İskenderun related to the 6 February 2023 Pazarcık (Mw: 7.7) and 20 February Defne (Mw: 6.4) earthquakes. DOI:
  • Akıllı şehirlerde afet ve acil durum yönetimi. (2020).
  • Browarska, M., & Ochoa, K. S. (2022). Working towards an ai-based clustering of airports, in the effort of improving humanitarian disaster preparedness. In Science and Information Conference (pp. 483-498). Cham: Springer International Publishing, (2022, July). DOI:
  • Park, J. W., Roh, S., Jang, H., & Seo, Y. J. (2023). The performance of major airports in the Europe, North America and Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(11), 2808-2833. DOI:
  • Polater, A. (2020). Airports’ role as logistics centers in humanitarian supply chains: A surge capacity management perspective. Journal of Air Transport Management. 83: p. 101765. DOI:
  • Polater, A. (2018). Managing airports in non-aviation related disasters: A systematic literature review. International journal of disaster risk reduction. 31: p. 367-380. DOI:
  • Choi, S., & Hanaoka, S. (2017). Diagramming development for a base camp and staging area in a humanitarian logistics base airport. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management,. 7(2): p. 152-171. DOI:
  • Vertalka, J. (2012). An assessment for increasing community natural disaster resiliency through the airport's role before, during, and after natural hazards and disasters. Michigan State University. Urban and Regional Planning.
  • Yıldız, D. Beklenen İstanbul Depremi Sonrasında Acil Su Temini Raporu.
  • TUIK, (2023). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları.
  • Authority, (2023). G.D.O.S.A., Statistical.
  • Chena, M., & Wang, S. (2010). The critical factors of success for information market: Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach. Expert Systems With Applications. 37(1): p. 694-704.
  • Dağdeviren, M., Akay, D., & Kurt, M. (2004). İş değerlendirme sürecinde analitik hiyerarşi süreci ve uygulaması. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 131-138.
  • Bolloju, N. (2003). Aggregation of analytic hierarchy process models based on similarities in decision makers preferences. European Of Operational Research, 128(3), 499-508. DOI:
  • Lin, R., Lin, J., Chang, J., Chao, H., & Julian, P. (2008). Note on group consistency in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 190(3), 672-678. DOI:
  • An, S-H., Kimb, G-H, & Kang, K-I. (2007). A case-based reasoning cost estimating model using experience by analytic hierarchy process. Building And Environment, 42(7), 2573-2579. DOI:
  • Pineda-Henson, R., Culaba, A.B., & Mendoza, G.A. (2008). Evaluating environmental performance of pulp and paper manufacturing using the analytic hierarchy process and life-cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 6(1), 15-28. DOI:
  • Braunschweig, T., & Becker, B. (2004). Choosing research priorities by using the analytic hierarchy process: An application to international agriculture. R&D Management, 34(1), 77-86. DOI:
  • Cao, D., Leung, L., & Law, J. (2008). Modifying inconsistent comparison matrix in analytic hierarchy process: A heuristic approach. Decision Support Systems, 44(4), 944-953. DOI:
  • Başak, I. (2002). On the use of information criteria in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 141(1), 200-216. DOI:
  • 35. Çelik, M. Ö., Kuşak, L., & Yakar, M. (2024). Assessment of groundwater potential zones utilizing geographic information system-based analytical hierarchy process, Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje, and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution methods: a case study in Mersin, Türkiye. Sustainability, 16(5), 2202
  • Saaty, T.L. (1994). How to make a decision: The analytic hierarchy process. Interfaces, 24(6), 19-43. DOI:
  • Hafeez, K., Malak, N., & Zhang, Y. (2007). Outsourcing non-core assets and competences of a firm using analytic hierarchy process. Computers And Operations Research, 34(12), 3592-3608. DOI:
  • Chou, Y., & Hsu, Y. Y. (2008). Human resources for science and technology: Analyzing competitiveness using the analytic hierarchy process. Technology In Society, 30(2), 141-153. DOI:
  • Jian-Zhong, X., Li-Jing, W., & Jun, L. (2008). A study of AHP-Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the development of eco-enterprise. International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Jiaozuo, 219-224. DOI: 10.1109/ICMSE.2008.4668919
  • Zhou, Y.-D., & Shi, M.-L. (2009). Rail transit project risk evaluation based on AHP model. Second International Conference on Information and Computing Science, Manchester, 3, 236-238. DOI: 10.1109/ICIC.2009.265
  • Saaty, T. L., & Ozdemir, S.M. (2003). Why the magic number seven plus or minus two. Mathematical And Computer Modelling, 38(3-4), 233-244. DOI:
  • Peng, X., & Dai, F. (2009). Information systems risk evaluation based on the AHP-Fuzzy algorithm. International Conference on Networking and Digital Society, Cancún, 178-180. DOI: 10.1109/ICNDS.2009.124
  • Karagiannidis, A., Papageorgiou, A., Perkoulidis, G., Sanida, G., & Samaras, P. (2010). A multi-criteria assessment of scenarios on thermal processing of infectious hospital wastes: A case study for central macedonia. Waste Management, 30(2), 251-262. DOI:
  • Wang, H. S., Che, Z. H., & Wu, C. (2010). Using analytic hierarchy process and particle swarm optimization algorithm for evaluating product plans. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(2), 1023-1034. DOI:
  • Sharma, M., & Song, J. Y. (2014). Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process-based decision tree in identifying priority attributes for supply chain coordination. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 17(1), 46-65. DOI:
  • Wang, Y., Liu, J., & Elhag, T. (2008). An integrated AHP-DEA methodology for bridge risk assessment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 54(3), 513-525. DOI:
  • Dayanandan, U., & Kalimuthu, V. (2018). A fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) based software quality assessment model: Maintainability analysis. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 11(4), 88-96. DOI: 10.22266/ijies2018.0831.09
  • Arreeras, S., & Arimura, M. (2021). A study on shelter airport selection during large-scale volcanic disasters using carats open dataset. Transportation Research Part C, 129, 103263. DOI:
  • Ünel, F. B., Kuşak, L., Yakar, M., & Doğan, H. (2023). Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri ve analitik hiyerarşi prosesi kullanarak Mersin ilinde otomatik meteoroloji gözlem istasyonu yer seçimi. Geomatik, 8(2), 107-123., 22(4), 1049-1064.
  • Ahmad, A., Sana, A., Tabassum, M. F., Kausar, A., & Ilyas, N. (2019). Multi-criteria decision-making for airport operation performance using triangular fuzzy numbers. Scientific Inquiry and Review (SIR), 3(3), 01-15. DOI:
  • Ssamula, B. (2010). Exploring multi-criteria decision analysis method as a tool to choose regional airport hubs within Africa. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 5(2), 83-97.
  • Belbag, S., Deveci, M., & Uludağ, A.S. (2013). Comparison of two fuzzy multi criteria decision methods for potential airport location selection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2013), Barcelona, 270-276. DOI: 10.5220/0004279702700276
  • Dožić, S. (2019). Multi-criteria decision making methods: Application in the aviation industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 79, 101683. DOI:
  • Agrawal, A. V., Soni, M., Keshta, İ, Savithri, V., Abdinabievna, P. S., & Singh, S. (2023). A probability-based fuzzy algorithm for multi-attribute decision-analysis with application to aviation disaster decision-making. Decision Analytics Journal, 8, 100310. DOI:
  • Tanrıverdi, G., Ecer, F., & Durak, M. Ş. (2022). Exploring factors affecting airport selection during the Covid-19 pandemic from air cargo carriers perspective through the triangular fuzzy dombi-bonferroni BWM methodology. Journal of Air Transport Management, 105, 102302. DOI:
  • Rangsaritvorakarn, N., Fakkhong, K., & Iamchuen, N. (2023). GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making approach to airport site selection. Global Conference On Business and Social Sciences Proceeding, Bangkok, 15(1), 132. DOI: 10.35609/gcbssproceeding.2023.1(132)
  • Barrios, M. O., Gül, M., Meza, P. L., Yücesan, M., & Jiménez, E. N. (2020). Evaluation of hospital disaster preparedness by a multi-criteria decision making approach: The case of Turkish hospitals. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 49, 101748.DOI:
  • Atmaca, E., Aktaş, E., & Öztürk, H. N. (2023). Evaluated post-disaster and emergency assembly areas using multi-criteria decision-making techniques: A case study of Turkey. Sustainability, 15, 8350. DOI:
  • Guarini, M. R., Chiovitti, A., & Rocca, F. (2018). Multicriteria spatial decision analysis for the development of the Italian minor airport system. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 33, 6847030. DOI:
  • Kanyi, P. M., Kamau P. K., & Mireri, C. (2016). Assessment of the appropriateness and adequacy of the existing physical infrastructure in mitigating aviation risks at Wilson Airport, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 21(7) 51-62. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2107015162
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  • Yalçın, S. (2024). IVPF-AHP integrated VIKOR methodology in supplier selection of three-dimensional (3D) printers. Turkish Journal of Engineering, 8(2), 235-253. DOI:
  • Paçacı, B., Erol, S., & Çubuk, K. (2022). Çok modlu taşımacılığa uygun lojistik merkez yer seçimi için bir öneri: Türkiye uygulaması. Politeknik Dergisi, 26(2), 923-928. DOI:
  • Sarraf, R., & McGuire, M. P. (2020). Integration and comparison of multi-criteria decision making methods in safe route planner. Expert Systems with Applications, 154, 113399. DOI:
  • Liberatore, M. J., & Nydick, R. L. (2008). The analytic hierarchy process in medical and health care decision making: A literature review. European Journal of Operational Research, 189(1), 194-207. DOI:
  • Thanassoulis, E., Dey, P. K., Petridis, K., Goniadis, I., & Georgiou, A. C. (2017). Evaluating higher education teaching performance using combined analytic hierarchy process and data envelopment analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 68(4), 431-445. DOI:
  • Karaca, E. O., Tanyıldızı, M., & Bozkurt, N. (2022). Investigation of seismic base isolation systems and their properties. Engineering Applications, 1(1), 63-71.
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  • Karataş, L., Ateş, T., Alptekin, A., Dal, M., & Yakar, M. (2023). A systematic method for post-earthquake damage assessment: Case study of the Antep Castle, Türkiye. Advanced Engineering Science, 3,62-71.
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Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 560 - 570


This study deals with the earthquake preparedness of airports in Türkiye. Türkiye is in an earthquake zone and suffered major losses in two consecutive earthquakes in the south on February 6, 2023. As a result of these major disasters, it has begun to investigate how prepared the provinces on the fault line are for earthquakes. In this context, seven provinces located on the North Anatolian Fault Line were examined according to the determined criteria, paying attention to airports that are of great importance in emergencies such as earthquakes. Five main criteria and thirteen sub-criteria have been determined to examine whether the airports in the selected provinces are working systematically after the disaster. AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and Fuzzy AHP, which are among the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MDCM) methods, were used. The fact that Istanbul stands out as the highest value among alternatives in both methods shows that this airport is better equipped according to determined criteria in emergencies such as earthquake. Moreover, more specific importance weight ratios with Fuzzy AHP method can contribute to the development of strategic planning by providing clearer information. As a result, this study is expected to support the development of airport earthquake disaster preparedness planning and emergency management strategies. Future studies are expected to further deepen these findings and increase the crisis management capacity of the aviation sector..


  • Saraçoğlu, M. H., & Özkaya, A. (2023). Investigation of acceleration on non-structural building elements under earthquake effect. Turkish Journal of Engineering, 7(1), 56-63. DOI:
  • Yılmaz, S., Karakayali, O., Yilmaz, S., Çetin, M., Eroglu, S. E., Dikme, O., ..., & Akoğlu, H. (2023). Emergency medicine association of Turkey disaster committee summary of field observations of february 6th Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 38(3), 415-418. DOI:
  • Ertuğrul, Ö. L., & Zahın, B. B. (2023). A parametric study on the dynamic lateral earth forces on retaining walls according to European and Turkish building earthquake codes. Turkish Journal of Engineering, 7(3), 196-207. DOI:
  • AFAD. (2024). Türkiye Deprem Tehlike Haritası.
  • Çınar, E. N., Abbara, A., & Yilmaz, E. (2023). Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria—collaboration is needed to mitigate longer terms risks to health. BMJ, 380. DOI:
  • Oduoye, M. O., Nazir, A., Gharaibeh, R. S., Yoruk, E., Sulakci, A. B., Nafula, W. P., & Akilimali, A. (2023). Devastating earthquake in Turkey: A call for global action. IJS Global Health, 6(2), e128.
  • Shi, P., Liu, L., Fang, W., Liu, J., Wu, J., Jiang, L., ..., & Zhang, Y. (2023). The 2023 earthquake in Türkiye and implications for China’s response to catastrophe. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 14(6), 1044-1053. DOI:
  • About emergency earthquake bulletins in terminals.
  • The first demonstration flight at Narita International Airport was completed successfully!! 2024.
  • How SFO earthquake-proofed a terminal using steel balls. 2024.
  • Yeni bir havalimanı deneyimi sürdürülebilirlik raporu, (2020).
  • Yokono, H., (2013). Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) Description and Processes.
  • Emergency operations plan. (2018).
  • Pekgöz, R.K. (2005). Deprem yükleri etkisi altındaki yapı davranışının yarı-aktif akışkanlı sönümleyiciler ve sismik taban yalıtım sistemleri kullanılarak bulanık mantık yöntemi ile kontrolü. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Structural Engineering, Doctoral Thesis, Istanbul.
  • Öztürk, H., C.A.D., Kuşku, İ., Dalğıç, S., Kasapçı, C., & Şengül, M., A. (2024). Soil liquefaction and subsidence disaster in İskenderun related to the 6 February 2023 Pazarcık (Mw: 7.7) and 20 February Defne (Mw: 6.4) earthquakes. DOI:
  • Akıllı şehirlerde afet ve acil durum yönetimi. (2020).
  • Browarska, M., & Ochoa, K. S. (2022). Working towards an ai-based clustering of airports, in the effort of improving humanitarian disaster preparedness. In Science and Information Conference (pp. 483-498). Cham: Springer International Publishing, (2022, July). DOI:
  • Park, J. W., Roh, S., Jang, H., & Seo, Y. J. (2023). The performance of major airports in the Europe, North America and Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(11), 2808-2833. DOI:
  • Polater, A. (2020). Airports’ role as logistics centers in humanitarian supply chains: A surge capacity management perspective. Journal of Air Transport Management. 83: p. 101765. DOI:
  • Polater, A. (2018). Managing airports in non-aviation related disasters: A systematic literature review. International journal of disaster risk reduction. 31: p. 367-380. DOI:
  • Choi, S., & Hanaoka, S. (2017). Diagramming development for a base camp and staging area in a humanitarian logistics base airport. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management,. 7(2): p. 152-171. DOI:
  • Vertalka, J. (2012). An assessment for increasing community natural disaster resiliency through the airport's role before, during, and after natural hazards and disasters. Michigan State University. Urban and Regional Planning.
  • Yıldız, D. Beklenen İstanbul Depremi Sonrasında Acil Su Temini Raporu.
  • TUIK, (2023). Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi Sonuçları.
  • Authority, (2023). G.D.O.S.A., Statistical.
  • Chena, M., & Wang, S. (2010). The critical factors of success for information market: Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach. Expert Systems With Applications. 37(1): p. 694-704.
  • Dağdeviren, M., Akay, D., & Kurt, M. (2004). İş değerlendirme sürecinde analitik hiyerarşi süreci ve uygulaması. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 131-138.
  • Bolloju, N. (2003). Aggregation of analytic hierarchy process models based on similarities in decision makers preferences. European Of Operational Research, 128(3), 499-508. DOI:
  • Lin, R., Lin, J., Chang, J., Chao, H., & Julian, P. (2008). Note on group consistency in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 190(3), 672-678. DOI:
  • An, S-H., Kimb, G-H, & Kang, K-I. (2007). A case-based reasoning cost estimating model using experience by analytic hierarchy process. Building And Environment, 42(7), 2573-2579. DOI:
  • Pineda-Henson, R., Culaba, A.B., & Mendoza, G.A. (2008). Evaluating environmental performance of pulp and paper manufacturing using the analytic hierarchy process and life-cycle assessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 6(1), 15-28. DOI:
  • Braunschweig, T., & Becker, B. (2004). Choosing research priorities by using the analytic hierarchy process: An application to international agriculture. R&D Management, 34(1), 77-86. DOI:
  • Cao, D., Leung, L., & Law, J. (2008). Modifying inconsistent comparison matrix in analytic hierarchy process: A heuristic approach. Decision Support Systems, 44(4), 944-953. DOI:
  • Başak, I. (2002). On the use of information criteria in analytic hierarchy process. European Journal of Operational Research, 141(1), 200-216. DOI:
  • 35. Çelik, M. Ö., Kuşak, L., & Yakar, M. (2024). Assessment of groundwater potential zones utilizing geographic information system-based analytical hierarchy process, Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje, and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution methods: a case study in Mersin, Türkiye. Sustainability, 16(5), 2202
  • Saaty, T.L. (1994). How to make a decision: The analytic hierarchy process. Interfaces, 24(6), 19-43. DOI:
  • Hafeez, K., Malak, N., & Zhang, Y. (2007). Outsourcing non-core assets and competences of a firm using analytic hierarchy process. Computers And Operations Research, 34(12), 3592-3608. DOI:
  • Chou, Y., & Hsu, Y. Y. (2008). Human resources for science and technology: Analyzing competitiveness using the analytic hierarchy process. Technology In Society, 30(2), 141-153. DOI:
  • Jian-Zhong, X., Li-Jing, W., & Jun, L. (2008). A study of AHP-Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the development of eco-enterprise. International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Jiaozuo, 219-224. DOI: 10.1109/ICMSE.2008.4668919
  • Zhou, Y.-D., & Shi, M.-L. (2009). Rail transit project risk evaluation based on AHP model. Second International Conference on Information and Computing Science, Manchester, 3, 236-238. DOI: 10.1109/ICIC.2009.265
  • Saaty, T. L., & Ozdemir, S.M. (2003). Why the magic number seven plus or minus two. Mathematical And Computer Modelling, 38(3-4), 233-244. DOI:
  • Peng, X., & Dai, F. (2009). Information systems risk evaluation based on the AHP-Fuzzy algorithm. International Conference on Networking and Digital Society, Cancún, 178-180. DOI: 10.1109/ICNDS.2009.124
  • Karagiannidis, A., Papageorgiou, A., Perkoulidis, G., Sanida, G., & Samaras, P. (2010). A multi-criteria assessment of scenarios on thermal processing of infectious hospital wastes: A case study for central macedonia. Waste Management, 30(2), 251-262. DOI:
  • Wang, H. S., Che, Z. H., & Wu, C. (2010). Using analytic hierarchy process and particle swarm optimization algorithm for evaluating product plans. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(2), 1023-1034. DOI:
  • Sharma, M., & Song, J. Y. (2014). Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process-based decision tree in identifying priority attributes for supply chain coordination. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 17(1), 46-65. DOI:
  • Wang, Y., Liu, J., & Elhag, T. (2008). An integrated AHP-DEA methodology for bridge risk assessment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 54(3), 513-525. DOI:
  • Dayanandan, U., & Kalimuthu, V. (2018). A fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) based software quality assessment model: Maintainability analysis. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 11(4), 88-96. DOI: 10.22266/ijies2018.0831.09
  • Arreeras, S., & Arimura, M. (2021). A study on shelter airport selection during large-scale volcanic disasters using carats open dataset. Transportation Research Part C, 129, 103263. DOI:
  • Ünel, F. B., Kuşak, L., Yakar, M., & Doğan, H. (2023). Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri ve analitik hiyerarşi prosesi kullanarak Mersin ilinde otomatik meteoroloji gözlem istasyonu yer seçimi. Geomatik, 8(2), 107-123., 22(4), 1049-1064.
  • Ahmad, A., Sana, A., Tabassum, M. F., Kausar, A., & Ilyas, N. (2019). Multi-criteria decision-making for airport operation performance using triangular fuzzy numbers. Scientific Inquiry and Review (SIR), 3(3), 01-15. DOI:
  • Ssamula, B. (2010). Exploring multi-criteria decision analysis method as a tool to choose regional airport hubs within Africa. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 5(2), 83-97.
  • Belbag, S., Deveci, M., & Uludağ, A.S. (2013). Comparison of two fuzzy multi criteria decision methods for potential airport location selection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2013), Barcelona, 270-276. DOI: 10.5220/0004279702700276
  • Dožić, S. (2019). Multi-criteria decision making methods: Application in the aviation industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 79, 101683. DOI:
  • Agrawal, A. V., Soni, M., Keshta, İ, Savithri, V., Abdinabievna, P. S., & Singh, S. (2023). A probability-based fuzzy algorithm for multi-attribute decision-analysis with application to aviation disaster decision-making. Decision Analytics Journal, 8, 100310. DOI:
  • Tanrıverdi, G., Ecer, F., & Durak, M. Ş. (2022). Exploring factors affecting airport selection during the Covid-19 pandemic from air cargo carriers perspective through the triangular fuzzy dombi-bonferroni BWM methodology. Journal of Air Transport Management, 105, 102302. DOI:
  • Rangsaritvorakarn, N., Fakkhong, K., & Iamchuen, N. (2023). GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making approach to airport site selection. Global Conference On Business and Social Sciences Proceeding, Bangkok, 15(1), 132. DOI: 10.35609/gcbssproceeding.2023.1(132)
  • Barrios, M. O., Gül, M., Meza, P. L., Yücesan, M., & Jiménez, E. N. (2020). Evaluation of hospital disaster preparedness by a multi-criteria decision making approach: The case of Turkish hospitals. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 49, 101748.DOI:
  • Atmaca, E., Aktaş, E., & Öztürk, H. N. (2023). Evaluated post-disaster and emergency assembly areas using multi-criteria decision-making techniques: A case study of Turkey. Sustainability, 15, 8350. DOI:
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There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Transportation Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Burçin Paçacı 0000-0001-6053-0458

Halise Ataseven 0000-0001-5238-4323

Kürşat Çubuk 0000-0001-8155-7123

Serpil Erol 0000-0002-6885-3849

Early Pub Date March 16, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date November 30, 2024
Acceptance Date February 11, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Paçacı, B., Ataseven, H., Çubuk, K., Erol, S. (2025). Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Engineering, 9(3), 560-570.
AMA Paçacı B, Ataseven H, Çubuk K, Erol S. Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye. TUJE. March 2025;9(3):560-570. doi:10.31127/tuje.1588670
Chicago Paçacı, Burçin, Halise Ataseven, Kürşat Çubuk, and Serpil Erol. “Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye”. Turkish Journal of Engineering 9, no. 3 (March 2025): 560-70.
EndNote Paçacı B, Ataseven H, Çubuk K, Erol S (March 1, 2025) Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Engineering 9 3 560–570.
IEEE B. Paçacı, H. Ataseven, K. Çubuk, and S. Erol, “Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye”, TUJE, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 560–570, 2025, doi: 10.31127/tuje.1588670.
ISNAD Paçacı, Burçin et al. “Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye”. Turkish Journal of Engineering 9/3 (March 2025), 560-570.
JAMA Paçacı B, Ataseven H, Çubuk K, Erol S. Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye. TUJE. 2025;9:560–570.
MLA Paçacı, Burçin et al. “Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye”. Turkish Journal of Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, 2025, pp. 560-7, doi:10.31127/tuje.1588670.
Vancouver Paçacı B, Ataseven H, Çubuk K, Erol S. Evaluation of Emergency Preparedness of Airports Located in Türkiye. TUJE. 2025;9(3):560-7.
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