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Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium multiflorum) : A Review

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 26 - 30, 30.06.2021


Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for ryegrass growth and development but excess of it may lead to accumulation of nitrate in plants which may be lethal for ruminants. Irrigation, seed rate, variety, quality, cutting time and frequency, location alittude and fertilizer types are variables in the different articles in this review we selected to see the reaction of Italian rygrass to different nitrogen doses in core. A series of comments were also mentioned in the conclusion part of this article to improve future studies in thes area.


  • Abraha, A.B., Truter, W.F., Annandale, J.G., Fessehazion, M. K. 2015. Forage yield and quality response of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) to different water and nitrogen levels. African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 32(2): 125-131.
  • Bora, S.S., Sharma, K. K., Borah, K., Borgohain, R.K.S.L. 2020. Effect of nitrogen levels and seed rate on quality of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in Assam. Forage Res, 46(1): 54-57.
  • Casals, M. L., Deneufbourg, F., Rijckaert, G., Sicard, G. 2007. Nitrogen fertilization of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) for seed production: Requirement evaluation for N supply calculation. Seed production in the northern light, 244.
  • De Villiers, J.F., Van Ryssen, J.B.J. 2001. Performance responses of lambs of various ages to Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) fertilized with various levels of nitrogen. South African Journal of Animal Science, 31(3): 142-148.
  • Eckard, R.J. 1990. The effect of source of nitrogen on the dry matter yield, nitrogen and nitrate‐N content of Lolium multiflorum. Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 7(3): 208-209.
  • Eckard, R.J., Bartholomew, P.E., Tainton, N.M. 1995. The yield response of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) to varying nitrogen fertilizer application strategies. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 12(3): 112-116.
  • Fernandes, A.M., Moreira, N.T. 2000. Nitrogen fertilisation and mineral composition of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Pastagens e Forragens, 21: 377-382.
  • Hides, D.H. 1978. Winter hardiness in Lolium multiflorum Lam. I. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and autumn cutting managements in the field. Grass and Forage Science, 33(2): 99-105.
  • Karatassiou, M., Parissi, Z. M., Kostopoulou, P., Lazaridou, M., Dimitrakopoulos, A. 2010. Effects of drought on leaf area and nitrogen partitioning in Lolium multiflorum L. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 26 (spec.issue), p:443-449.
  • Koter, Z., Krawczyk, Z. 1981. Nitrogen fertilization and cutting frequency of di-and tetraploid Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). 1. The effects on forage yield and nitrogen uptake. Pamietnik Pulawski (Poland).
  • Lee, C.H., Cheon, S.G., Choi, S.L., Lee, H.S., Shin, W.K. 1990. Effects of nitrogen levels on green yield and nitrate content of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer, 23(1): 40-43.
  • Rechiţean, D., Dragoş, M., Dragomir, N., Horablaga, M., Sauer, M., Camen, D., Sala, A. 2018. Associated culture of ıtalian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and crimson Clover (Trifolium incarnatum) under nitrogen fertilization. Scientific Papers: Animal Science & Biotechnologies/Lucrari Stiintifice: Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, 51(1).
  • Silveira, D.C., Machado, J.M., Bonetti, L.P., Carvalho, I.R., Szareski, V.J., Barbosa, M.H., Moura, N.B. Influence of nitrogen rates on the persistence of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) forage production. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14(10):1549-1554
  • Sunaga, Y., Harada, H., Kawachi, T., Hatanaka, T., Ebato, M. 2006. Simple technique for estimating nitrate nitrogen concentration of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) at the heading stage using a chlorophyll meter. Grassland science, 52(3): 133-140.
  • Tan, W., Zhang, D., Yuyama, N., Chen, J., Sugita, S., Kawachi, T., Cai, H. 2021. Quantitative trait loci analysis of nitrate-nitrogen content in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Euphytica, 217(1): 1-11.
  • Theron, J.F., Snyman, H. A. 2004. The influence of nitrogen and defoliation on digestibility and fibre content of Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 21(1): 21-27.
  • Theron, J.F., Van Rensburg, W.L.J., Snyman, H.A. 2002. The influence of nitrogen and defoliation on the nitrogen content of Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 19(3): 167-173.
  • Trevino, J., Centeno, C., Caballero, R. 1980. Effect of application of different rates of nitrogen on the composition of the nitrogenous fraction of Lolium multiflorum var. westerwoldicum. Pastos, 10(1): 125-130.
  • Türk, M., Pak, M., Biçakçi, E. 2019. The effects of different nitrogen fertilizer doses on the yield and quality of some annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) cultivars. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Isparta University 14(2): 219-225.
Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 26 - 30, 30.06.2021



  • Abraha, A.B., Truter, W.F., Annandale, J.G., Fessehazion, M. K. 2015. Forage yield and quality response of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) to different water and nitrogen levels. African Journal of Range & Forage Science, 32(2): 125-131.
  • Bora, S.S., Sharma, K. K., Borah, K., Borgohain, R.K.S.L. 2020. Effect of nitrogen levels and seed rate on quality of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in Assam. Forage Res, 46(1): 54-57.
  • Casals, M. L., Deneufbourg, F., Rijckaert, G., Sicard, G. 2007. Nitrogen fertilization of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) for seed production: Requirement evaluation for N supply calculation. Seed production in the northern light, 244.
  • De Villiers, J.F., Van Ryssen, J.B.J. 2001. Performance responses of lambs of various ages to Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) fertilized with various levels of nitrogen. South African Journal of Animal Science, 31(3): 142-148.
  • Eckard, R.J. 1990. The effect of source of nitrogen on the dry matter yield, nitrogen and nitrate‐N content of Lolium multiflorum. Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 7(3): 208-209.
  • Eckard, R.J., Bartholomew, P.E., Tainton, N.M. 1995. The yield response of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) to varying nitrogen fertilizer application strategies. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 12(3): 112-116.
  • Fernandes, A.M., Moreira, N.T. 2000. Nitrogen fertilisation and mineral composition of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Pastagens e Forragens, 21: 377-382.
  • Hides, D.H. 1978. Winter hardiness in Lolium multiflorum Lam. I. The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and autumn cutting managements in the field. Grass and Forage Science, 33(2): 99-105.
  • Karatassiou, M., Parissi, Z. M., Kostopoulou, P., Lazaridou, M., Dimitrakopoulos, A. 2010. Effects of drought on leaf area and nitrogen partitioning in Lolium multiflorum L. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 26 (spec.issue), p:443-449.
  • Koter, Z., Krawczyk, Z. 1981. Nitrogen fertilization and cutting frequency of di-and tetraploid Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). 1. The effects on forage yield and nitrogen uptake. Pamietnik Pulawski (Poland).
  • Lee, C.H., Cheon, S.G., Choi, S.L., Lee, H.S., Shin, W.K. 1990. Effects of nitrogen levels on green yield and nitrate content of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer, 23(1): 40-43.
  • Rechiţean, D., Dragoş, M., Dragomir, N., Horablaga, M., Sauer, M., Camen, D., Sala, A. 2018. Associated culture of ıtalian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and crimson Clover (Trifolium incarnatum) under nitrogen fertilization. Scientific Papers: Animal Science & Biotechnologies/Lucrari Stiintifice: Zootehnie si Biotehnologii, 51(1).
  • Silveira, D.C., Machado, J.M., Bonetti, L.P., Carvalho, I.R., Szareski, V.J., Barbosa, M.H., Moura, N.B. Influence of nitrogen rates on the persistence of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) forage production. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 14(10):1549-1554
  • Sunaga, Y., Harada, H., Kawachi, T., Hatanaka, T., Ebato, M. 2006. Simple technique for estimating nitrate nitrogen concentration of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) at the heading stage using a chlorophyll meter. Grassland science, 52(3): 133-140.
  • Tan, W., Zhang, D., Yuyama, N., Chen, J., Sugita, S., Kawachi, T., Cai, H. 2021. Quantitative trait loci analysis of nitrate-nitrogen content in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Euphytica, 217(1): 1-11.
  • Theron, J.F., Snyman, H. A. 2004. The influence of nitrogen and defoliation on digestibility and fibre content of Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 21(1): 21-27.
  • Theron, J.F., Van Rensburg, W.L.J., Snyman, H.A. 2002. The influence of nitrogen and defoliation on the nitrogen content of Lolium multiflorum cv. Midmar. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 19(3): 167-173.
  • Trevino, J., Centeno, C., Caballero, R. 1980. Effect of application of different rates of nitrogen on the composition of the nitrogenous fraction of Lolium multiflorum var. westerwoldicum. Pastos, 10(1): 125-130.
  • Türk, M., Pak, M., Biçakçi, E. 2019. The effects of different nitrogen fertilizer doses on the yield and quality of some annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) cultivars. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Isparta University 14(2): 219-225.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Review

Seyithan Seydoşoğlu 0000-0002-3711-3733

Kağan Kökten 0000-0001-5403-5629

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date February 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Seydoşoğlu, S., & Kökten, K. (2021). Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium multiflorum) : A Review. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, 2(1), 26-30.
AMA Seydoşoğlu S, Kökten K. Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium multiflorum) : A Review. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. June 2021;2(1):26-30. doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.879575
Chicago Seydoşoğlu, Seyithan, and Kağan Kökten. “Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium Multiflorum) : A Review”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 2, no. 1 (June 2021): 26-30.
EndNote Seydoşoğlu S, Kökten K (June 1, 2021) Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium multiflorum) : A Review. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 2 1 26–30.
IEEE S. Seydoşoğlu and K. Kökten, “Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium multiflorum) : A Review”, Turk.J.R.For.Sci., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 26–30, 2021, doi: 10.51801/turkjrfs.879575.
ISNAD Seydoşoğlu, Seyithan - Kökten, Kağan. “Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium Multiflorum) : A Review”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 2/1 (June 2021), 26-30.
JAMA Seydoşoğlu S, Kökten K. Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium multiflorum) : A Review. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2021;2:26–30.
MLA Seydoşoğlu, Seyithan and Kağan Kökten. “Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium Multiflorum) : A Review”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, vol. 2, no. 1, 2021, pp. 26-30, doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.879575.
Vancouver Seydoşoğlu S, Kökten K. Nitrogen Requirement of Italian Rygrass (Lolium multiflorum) : A Review. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2021;2(1):26-30.

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