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Determining The Employee Reactions to Perceptions of Organizational Politics: The Role of Job Satisfaction

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 121 - 141, 25.03.2019


The purpose of this study is to determine the direct effect of organizational politics perceptions of employees on exit, voice, loyalty, neglect and also indirect effect through job satisfaction. The data used in the study conducted for this purpose was collected through a questionnaire from retail sector employees selected by using convenience-sampling method through surveys. As a result of the analysis, it has been revealed that the perception of politics leads to the feeling of dissatisfaction among the employees. It has been determined that the perception of politics is positively related to exit and neglect, negatively related to voice and loyalty, and that job satisfaction has a mediating role in the relationship between the perception of politics and these variables.


  • Arif, A. ve Chohan, A. (2012). How job satisfaction is influencing the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): A study on employees. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(8), 74–88.
  • Aziri, B. (2011). Job satisfaction: A literature review. Management Research and Practice, 3(1), 77–90.
  • Başar, U. ve Varoğlu, A. K. (2016). Örgütsel politika algısının ihmalkârlık üzerindeki etkisinde işten ayrılma niyetinin aracı rolü. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 23(3), 751–765.
  • Bateman, T. S. ve Organ, D. W. (1983). Job satisfaction and the good soldier: the relationship between affect and employee citizenship. Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 587–595.
  • Bridges, E. M. (1980). Job satisfaction and teacher absenteeism. Educational Administration Quarterly, 16(2), 41–56.
  • Cacciattolo, K. (2015). Organisational politics: The positive & negative sides. European Scientific Journal, 11(1), 1857–1881.
  • Cammann, C., Fichman, M., Jenkins, G. D. ve Klesh, J. (1983). Michigan organizational assessment questionnaire. In S.E. Seashore, E. E. Lawler, P. H. Mirvis & C. Cammann (Eds.), Assessing organizational change: A guide to methods, measures, and practices (pp. 71-138), New York: Wiley-Interscience
  • Cropanzano, R., Howes, J. C., Grandey, A. A. ve Toth, P. (1997). The relationship of organizational politics and support to work behaviors, attitudes, and stress. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(2), 159–180.
  • Cropanzano, R. S., Kacmar. K. M. ve Bozeman, D. P. (1995). The social setting of work organizations: Politics, justice and support. in R.S. Cropanzano & K.M. Kacmar (Eds.), Organizational politics, justice, and support: Managing the social climate in the workplace (pp. 1-18). Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
  • Curtis, S. (2003). Lies, damned lies and organisational politics. Industrial and Commercial Training, 35(7), 293–297.
  • Drory, A. ve Romm, T. (1990). The definition of organizational politics: A review. Human Relations, 43(11), 1133–1154.
  • Farrell, D. (1983). Exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect as responses to job dissatisfaction: A multidimensional scaling study. Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 596–607.
  • Ferris, G. R. ve Kacmar, K. M. (1992). Perceptions of Organizational Politics. Journal of Management, 18(1), 93-116.
  • Ferris, G. R., Perrewé, P. L., Daniels, S. R., Lawong, D. ve Holmes, J. J. (2017). Social influence and politics in organizational research: What we know and what we need to know. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 24(1), 5–19.
  • Ferris, G.R., Russ, G.S. ve Fandt, P.M. (1989). Politics in organizations. In R.A. Giacalone & P. Rosenfeld (Eds), Impression management in the organization (pp.143–170). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Gull, S. ve Zaidi, A. A. (2012). Impact of Organizational Politics on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in the Health Sector of Lahore Pakistan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 4(2), 156–170.
  • Gürbüz, S. ve Şahin, F. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri felsefe, yöntem, analiz (4. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hackman, J. R., and Oldham, G. R. (1974). The job diagnostic survey: an ınstrument for the diagnosis of jobs and the evaluation of job redesign projects. Report No. 4, Yale University, Department of Administration Science, New Haven, CT., (1).
  • Hagedoorn, M., Van Yperen, N. W., Van De Vliert, E. ve Buunk, B. P. (1999). Employees' reactions to problematic events: a circumplex structure of five categories of responses, and the role of job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 321(20), 309–321.
  • Hsiung, H. H. ve Yang, K. P. (2012). Employee behavioral options in problematic working conditions: Response pattern analysis. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(9), 1888–1907.
  • Iaffaldano, M. ve Muchinsky, P. (1985). Job satisfaction and job performance. American Psychological Association Inc., 97(2), 251–273.
  • Igelans, J. ve Roussel, P. (1999). A study of the relationships between compensation package, work motivation and job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(1), 1003-1025.
  • Iqbal, Q. (2016). Organizational politics, transformational leadership and neglect in banking sector. International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 3(10), 609–622.
  • Judge, T. A. ve Klinger, R. (2008). Job satisfaction: Subjective well-being at work. M. Eid ve R. J. Larsen (Ed.), The Science of Subjective Well-Being içinde (pp. 393–413). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Judge, T. A., Parker, S., Colbert, A. E., Heller D. ve Ilies, R. (2001). Job satisfaction: A cross-cultural review. In N. Anderson, D. S. Ones, H. K. Sinangil, and C. Viswesvaran (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology (pp.25-52). London: Sage.
  • Judge, T. A., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E. ve Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction–job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127(3), 376–407.
  • Julius, N. T., Ojiabo, U. ve Alagah, D. (2017). Organizational politics and employee's job satisfaction in the health sector of Rivers State. International Journal of Advanced Academic Research, Wh8–106.
  • Kacmar, K. M. ve Carlson, D. S. (1997). Further validation of the perceptions of politics scale (POPS): A multiple sample investigation. Journal of Management, 23(5), 627–658.
  • Kacmar, K. M. ve Ferris, G. R. (1991). Perceptions of organizational politics scale (POPS): Development and construct validation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 51(1), 193–205.
  • Kacmar, K. M. ve Ferris, G. R. (1993). Politics at work: Sharpening the focus of political behavior in organizations. Business Horizons, 36(4), 70–74.
  • Kalleberg, A. L. (1977). Work values and job rewards: A theory of job satisfactıon. American Sociological Association, 42(1), 124-143.
  • Kidron, A. ve Vinarski Peretz, H. (2018). Organizational political climate and employee engagement in political behavior in public sector organizations: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 26(4), 773–795.
  • Landells, E. ve Albrecht, S. L. (2013). Organizational political climate: Shared perceptions about the building and use of power bases. Human Resource Management Review, 23(4), 357–365.
  • Leck, J. D. ve Saunders, D. M. (1992). Hirschman’s loyalty: Attitude or behavior?, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 5(3), 219-230.
  • Locke, E. A. (1969). What is job satisfaction? Organizational Behavior & Human Performance, 4(4), 309–336.
  • Markovits, Y., Davis, A. J., Fay, D. ve van Dick, R. (2010). The link between job satisfaction and organizational commitment: Differences between public and private sector employees. International Public Management Journal, 13(2), 177–196.
  • Matrunola, P. (1996). Is there a relationship hetween job satisfaction and ahsenteeism?. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 827–834.
  • McLain, D. L. (1995). Responses to health and safety risk in the work environment. Academy of Management journal. Academy of Management, 38(6), 1726–1743.
  • Netemeyer, R. G., Burton, S. ve Johnson, M. W. (1995). A nested comparison of four models of the consequences of role perception variables. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 61(1), 77-3.
  • Panayides, P. (2013). Coefficient alpha: Interpret with caution. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 9(4), 687-696.
  • Rusbult, C. E., Farrell, D., Rogers, G. ve Mainous, A. G. (1988). Impact of exchange variables on exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: An ıntegrative model of responses to declining job status satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 31(3), 599–627.
  • Rusbult, C. E. ve Zembrodt, I. M. (1983). Responses to dissatisfaction in romantic involvements: A multidimensional scaling analysis. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 19(3), 274–293.
  • Rusbult, Caryl E., Zembrodt, I. M. ve Gunn, L. K. (1982). Exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: Responses to dissatisfaction in romantic involvements. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43(6), 1230–1242.
  • Schappe, S. P. (1998). The influence of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and fairness perceptions on organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 132(3), 277–290.
  • Scott, A., Gravelle, H., Simoens, S., Bojke, C. ve Sibbald, B. (2006). Job satisfaction and quitting intentions: A structural model of British general practitioners. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(3), 519–540.
  • Scott, K. D. ve Taylor, G. S. (1985). An examination of conflicting findings on the relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism: A meta-analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 28(3), 599–612.
  • Shin, J. (2013). Employee Voice Behavior During Organizational Change. University of Maryland.
  • Siegall, M. ve McDonald, T. (1995). Focus of attention and employee reactions to job change. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25(13), 1121–1141.
  • Sun, Y. ve Xia, H. (2018). Research on perceptions of organizational politics and ıts ınfluence on employee silence. Open Journal of Business and Management, 6(2), 250–264.
  • Vigoda-Gadot, E. ve Talmud, I. (2010). Organizational Politics and Job Outcomes : Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(11), 2829–2861.
  • Vigoda, E. (2000). Organizational politics, job attitudes, and work outcomes: Exploration and implications for the public sector. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57(3), 326–347.
  • Vigoda, E. (2001). Reactions to organizational politics: A cross-cultural examination in Israel and Britain. Human Relations, 54(11), 1483–1518.
  • Williams, L. J. ve Hazer, J. T. (1986). Antecedents and consequences of satisfaction and commitment in turnover models: A reanalysis using latent variable structural equation methods. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(2), 219-231.
  • Withey, M. J. ve Cooper, W. H. (1989). Predicting exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect. Administrative Science Quarterly, 34(4), 521.
  • Witt, L. A., Andrews, M. C. ve Kacmar, K. M. (2000). The role of participation in decision-making in the organizational politics-job satisfaction relationship. Human Relations, 53(3), 341–358.

İşgörenlerin Örgütsel Politika Algısına Tepkilerinin Belirlenmesinde İş Tatminin Rolü

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 121 - 141, 25.03.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı; çalışanların örgütsel politika algılarının örgütten ayrılma, ses çıkarma, sadakat ve ihmal etme davranışları üzerindeki doğrudan etkisi ile iş tatmini aracılığıyla dolaylı etkisinin ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda gerçekleştirilen çalışmada kullanılan veri kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen perakende sektörü çalışanlarından anket yoluyla toplanmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucu, politika algısının çalışanlarda tatminsizlik duygusuna yol açtığını ortaya konulmuştur. Politika algısının örgütten ayrılma ve ihmal etme davranışıyla pozitif, ses verme ve sadakat ile ise negatif ilişkili olduğu ve politika algısı ile söz konusu değişkenler arasındaki ilişkide iş tatminin aracılık rolünün bulunduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Arif, A. ve Chohan, A. (2012). How job satisfaction is influencing the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): A study on employees. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(8), 74–88.
  • Aziri, B. (2011). Job satisfaction: A literature review. Management Research and Practice, 3(1), 77–90.
  • Başar, U. ve Varoğlu, A. K. (2016). Örgütsel politika algısının ihmalkârlık üzerindeki etkisinde işten ayrılma niyetinin aracı rolü. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 23(3), 751–765.
  • Bateman, T. S. ve Organ, D. W. (1983). Job satisfaction and the good soldier: the relationship between affect and employee citizenship. Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 587–595.
  • Bridges, E. M. (1980). Job satisfaction and teacher absenteeism. Educational Administration Quarterly, 16(2), 41–56.
  • Cacciattolo, K. (2015). Organisational politics: The positive & negative sides. European Scientific Journal, 11(1), 1857–1881.
  • Cammann, C., Fichman, M., Jenkins, G. D. ve Klesh, J. (1983). Michigan organizational assessment questionnaire. In S.E. Seashore, E. E. Lawler, P. H. Mirvis & C. Cammann (Eds.), Assessing organizational change: A guide to methods, measures, and practices (pp. 71-138), New York: Wiley-Interscience
  • Cropanzano, R., Howes, J. C., Grandey, A. A. ve Toth, P. (1997). The relationship of organizational politics and support to work behaviors, attitudes, and stress. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(2), 159–180.
  • Cropanzano, R. S., Kacmar. K. M. ve Bozeman, D. P. (1995). The social setting of work organizations: Politics, justice and support. in R.S. Cropanzano & K.M. Kacmar (Eds.), Organizational politics, justice, and support: Managing the social climate in the workplace (pp. 1-18). Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
  • Curtis, S. (2003). Lies, damned lies and organisational politics. Industrial and Commercial Training, 35(7), 293–297.
  • Drory, A. ve Romm, T. (1990). The definition of organizational politics: A review. Human Relations, 43(11), 1133–1154.
  • Farrell, D. (1983). Exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect as responses to job dissatisfaction: A multidimensional scaling study. Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 596–607.
  • Ferris, G. R. ve Kacmar, K. M. (1992). Perceptions of Organizational Politics. Journal of Management, 18(1), 93-116.
  • Ferris, G. R., Perrewé, P. L., Daniels, S. R., Lawong, D. ve Holmes, J. J. (2017). Social influence and politics in organizational research: What we know and what we need to know. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 24(1), 5–19.
  • Ferris, G.R., Russ, G.S. ve Fandt, P.M. (1989). Politics in organizations. In R.A. Giacalone & P. Rosenfeld (Eds), Impression management in the organization (pp.143–170). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Gull, S. ve Zaidi, A. A. (2012). Impact of Organizational Politics on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in the Health Sector of Lahore Pakistan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 4(2), 156–170.
  • Gürbüz, S. ve Şahin, F. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri felsefe, yöntem, analiz (4. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Hackman, J. R., and Oldham, G. R. (1974). The job diagnostic survey: an ınstrument for the diagnosis of jobs and the evaluation of job redesign projects. Report No. 4, Yale University, Department of Administration Science, New Haven, CT., (1).
  • Hagedoorn, M., Van Yperen, N. W., Van De Vliert, E. ve Buunk, B. P. (1999). Employees' reactions to problematic events: a circumplex structure of five categories of responses, and the role of job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 321(20), 309–321.
  • Hsiung, H. H. ve Yang, K. P. (2012). Employee behavioral options in problematic working conditions: Response pattern analysis. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(9), 1888–1907.
  • Iaffaldano, M. ve Muchinsky, P. (1985). Job satisfaction and job performance. American Psychological Association Inc., 97(2), 251–273.
  • Igelans, J. ve Roussel, P. (1999). A study of the relationships between compensation package, work motivation and job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(1), 1003-1025.
  • Iqbal, Q. (2016). Organizational politics, transformational leadership and neglect in banking sector. International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 3(10), 609–622.
  • Judge, T. A. ve Klinger, R. (2008). Job satisfaction: Subjective well-being at work. M. Eid ve R. J. Larsen (Ed.), The Science of Subjective Well-Being içinde (pp. 393–413). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Judge, T. A., Parker, S., Colbert, A. E., Heller D. ve Ilies, R. (2001). Job satisfaction: A cross-cultural review. In N. Anderson, D. S. Ones, H. K. Sinangil, and C. Viswesvaran (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology (pp.25-52). London: Sage.
  • Judge, T. A., Thoresen, C. J., Bono, J. E. ve Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction–job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127(3), 376–407.
  • Julius, N. T., Ojiabo, U. ve Alagah, D. (2017). Organizational politics and employee's job satisfaction in the health sector of Rivers State. International Journal of Advanced Academic Research, Wh8–106.
  • Kacmar, K. M. ve Carlson, D. S. (1997). Further validation of the perceptions of politics scale (POPS): A multiple sample investigation. Journal of Management, 23(5), 627–658.
  • Kacmar, K. M. ve Ferris, G. R. (1991). Perceptions of organizational politics scale (POPS): Development and construct validation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 51(1), 193–205.
  • Kacmar, K. M. ve Ferris, G. R. (1993). Politics at work: Sharpening the focus of political behavior in organizations. Business Horizons, 36(4), 70–74.
  • Kalleberg, A. L. (1977). Work values and job rewards: A theory of job satisfactıon. American Sociological Association, 42(1), 124-143.
  • Kidron, A. ve Vinarski Peretz, H. (2018). Organizational political climate and employee engagement in political behavior in public sector organizations: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 26(4), 773–795.
  • Landells, E. ve Albrecht, S. L. (2013). Organizational political climate: Shared perceptions about the building and use of power bases. Human Resource Management Review, 23(4), 357–365.
  • Leck, J. D. ve Saunders, D. M. (1992). Hirschman’s loyalty: Attitude or behavior?, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 5(3), 219-230.
  • Locke, E. A. (1969). What is job satisfaction? Organizational Behavior & Human Performance, 4(4), 309–336.
  • Markovits, Y., Davis, A. J., Fay, D. ve van Dick, R. (2010). The link between job satisfaction and organizational commitment: Differences between public and private sector employees. International Public Management Journal, 13(2), 177–196.
  • Matrunola, P. (1996). Is there a relationship hetween job satisfaction and ahsenteeism?. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 827–834.
  • McLain, D. L. (1995). Responses to health and safety risk in the work environment. Academy of Management journal. Academy of Management, 38(6), 1726–1743.
  • Netemeyer, R. G., Burton, S. ve Johnson, M. W. (1995). A nested comparison of four models of the consequences of role perception variables. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 61(1), 77-3.
  • Panayides, P. (2013). Coefficient alpha: Interpret with caution. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 9(4), 687-696.
  • Rusbult, C. E., Farrell, D., Rogers, G. ve Mainous, A. G. (1988). Impact of exchange variables on exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: An ıntegrative model of responses to declining job status satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 31(3), 599–627.
  • Rusbult, C. E. ve Zembrodt, I. M. (1983). Responses to dissatisfaction in romantic involvements: A multidimensional scaling analysis. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 19(3), 274–293.
  • Rusbult, Caryl E., Zembrodt, I. M. ve Gunn, L. K. (1982). Exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: Responses to dissatisfaction in romantic involvements. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43(6), 1230–1242.
  • Schappe, S. P. (1998). The influence of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and fairness perceptions on organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 132(3), 277–290.
  • Scott, A., Gravelle, H., Simoens, S., Bojke, C. ve Sibbald, B. (2006). Job satisfaction and quitting intentions: A structural model of British general practitioners. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(3), 519–540.
  • Scott, K. D. ve Taylor, G. S. (1985). An examination of conflicting findings on the relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism: A meta-analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 28(3), 599–612.
  • Shin, J. (2013). Employee Voice Behavior During Organizational Change. University of Maryland.
  • Siegall, M. ve McDonald, T. (1995). Focus of attention and employee reactions to job change. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25(13), 1121–1141.
  • Sun, Y. ve Xia, H. (2018). Research on perceptions of organizational politics and ıts ınfluence on employee silence. Open Journal of Business and Management, 6(2), 250–264.
  • Vigoda-Gadot, E. ve Talmud, I. (2010). Organizational Politics and Job Outcomes : Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(11), 2829–2861.
  • Vigoda, E. (2000). Organizational politics, job attitudes, and work outcomes: Exploration and implications for the public sector. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57(3), 326–347.
  • Vigoda, E. (2001). Reactions to organizational politics: A cross-cultural examination in Israel and Britain. Human Relations, 54(11), 1483–1518.
  • Williams, L. J. ve Hazer, J. T. (1986). Antecedents and consequences of satisfaction and commitment in turnover models: A reanalysis using latent variable structural equation methods. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(2), 219-231.
  • Withey, M. J. ve Cooper, W. H. (1989). Predicting exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect. Administrative Science Quarterly, 34(4), 521.
  • Witt, L. A., Andrews, M. C. ve Kacmar, K. M. (2000). The role of participation in decision-making in the organizational politics-job satisfaction relationship. Human Relations, 53(3), 341–358.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Esengül İplik 0000-0002-6000-1588

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mart 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Şubat 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA İplik, E. (2019). İşgörenlerin Örgütsel Politika Algısına Tepkilerinin Belirlenmesinde İş Tatminin Rolü. Uluslararası Ekonomi Ve Yenilik Dergisi, 6(1), 121-141.

Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Yenilik Dergisi

Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, İİBF, İktisat Bölümü, 61080, Trabzon/Türkiye


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