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12 Animal Images in Korean Proverbs

Yıl 2024, , 267 - 293, 30.11.2024


Proverbs are a very important element in understanding the philosophy of a people as they best reveal the way of thinking and behavior of a group. In particular, proverbs related to animals better reveal the speaker’s intentions, thoughts, and values, as well as the nation’s way of life. The purpose of this article is to analyze proverbs related to animals, especially the images of Earthly Branches animals, which are expressed in Korean proverbs. The reason the Earthly Branches animal was selected is because it has an important historical, cultural, and religious position in Korea.
As a result of comparing the symbolism of the 12 animals and the images appearing in the proverbs, it was confirmed that, except for the dragon and horse, all other animals among the 12 animals are seen as negative images in the proverbs despite being deified. It is especially difficult to find proverbs in which rats, snakes and monkeys appear in positive images. Researchers who analyzed Korean animal proverbs categorized the animals representing negative views among the 12 animals as dog, cow, tiger, horse, chicken, pig, rat and snake. The reason for this can be said to be that the animal’s bad or good characteristics have a negative effect and the animal’s ecological characteristics negatively affect human life, etc.


  • BATTULGA, Byambatseren (2013). “A comparative study of Korean and Mongolian proverbs - mainly proverbs related to horse -", Master thesis, South Korea: Gongju University.
  • BOLOMAA (2009), “The research of symbolic meaning expressed in korean animal proverbs”, Master thesis. South Korea: Gongju University.
  • CHEON, Jingi (2001). “A folkloric study on the symbolic system of the Oriental Zodiac”, Phd thesis, South Korea: Chungang Univetsity.
  • CHEON, Jingi (2003). Korean Animal Folklore. South Korea: Minsokwon.
  • CHOI, Jongsoon (2013). Korean history in pictures. South Korea: Kyelimbooks.
  • HAN, Takcheol (2017). “Research Study on the Comparison between Korean and Japanese Animal Proverbs -On the basis of rabbit as the subject matter-“, Kore Japon Modern Araştırmaları Derneği, C.56, s. 23-40.
  • HAN, Yemin (2012). “Aspect & Meaning of Twelve Animals into folktales - focusing on the collection of Korean oral literature –”, Master thesis. South Korea: Sungsil University.
  • LEE, Junghye (2020). “Kore Kültüründe 12 Hayvan Sembolleri ve Anlamları”, Kare Dergi, S. 9, s. 198-232.
  • KANG, Seongyeong (2002). “A Comparative Study on The Relationship Between Metaphorical İnference in Animal Proverbs of France And Korea”, French Language Education, C. 18, s. 149-169.
  • KIM, Jongdae (2001). The Symbolic World of Our Culture. South Korea: Dareunsesang.
  • KIM, Miae (2009). “The comparison between Korean and Chinese animal proverbs: a study on animals of twelve zodiacs”, Master thesis, South Korea: Hanyang University.
  • KIM, Myeongwha (2011). “The comparative study of Korean and Chinese proverbs of thet welve animals”, Master thesis, South Korea: Gongju University.
  • KIM, Sunpung (1995). The Twelve Zodiac Signs Story. South Korea: Jipmundang.
  • KIM, Euisook (1997a). 12 Zodiac Signs and Symbols (1) Rat. South Korea: National Institute of Korean Studies.
  • KIM, Jongdae (1997b). 12 Zodiac Signs and Symbols (11) Dog. South Korea: National Institute of Korean Studies.
  • LEE, Changsik (1998). 12 Zodiac Signs and Symbols (3) Lion. South Korea: National Institute of Korean Studies.
  • LEE, Dongjae (2014). “A Study on the Patterns of ‘Tiger’ Configuration in Sino-Korean Poems”, Doğu Asya Edebiyat Topluluğu, C. 61, s. 125-158.
  • LEE, Jonggawn (2016). “Study on Folklore Consciousness of Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals Shown in Folk Painting”, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, V. 17, No. 6, s. 347-359.
  • LIM, Jiryong (2012). “The Cognitive Linguistic Axiology of Modern Korean Animal Proverbs”, Korean Language Education Research, C. 50, s. 377-404.
  • PARK, Minsu (2010). “A Comparative Study: Symbolic Meaning of Animals Between Korea and China”, Comparative Cultural Studies, C. 21, s. 271-289.
  • PARK, Youngsoo (2005). The Story of Animal Symbolism in Artifacts, South Korea: Neailachim Publisher.
  • SHIN, Jongwon (2003). “A Tree Worship in the Dangun Myth”, Kore Tarih Yazımı Tarihi Derneği, C.8, s. 5-22.
  • SONG, Jaeseon (1997). Animal Proverbs Dictionary. South Korea: Dongmunseon.
  • SONG, Youngsuk (2006). “Types and aspects of Japan’s 12 animal folk tales”, Master thesis, South Korea: Chonnam University.
  • SONG, Youngsuk (2011). “A study on the oriental zodiac’s animals of the Japanese folktales”, Master thesis, South Korea: Chonnam University.
  • TETSUJI, Morohashı (2008). The Story of the Twelve Zodiac Signs, (çev. Subin Choi). South Korea: Bao Publisher.
  • TÜRKÖZÜ, S.Göksel (2018). Korece Atasözleri, Deyimler ve Hanca Dörtlemeler. İstanbul: Likya Kitap
  • ZHANG, Chunmei (2005). “A study on Korean language culture education through comparison of Korean and Chinese animal proverbs”, Master thesis, South Korea: Seoul University.
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Kore Atasözlerinde 12 Hayvan İmgesi

Yıl 2024, , 267 - 293, 30.11.2024


Atasözleri, bir halkın düşünce ve davranış biçimini en iyi şekilde ortaya koyduğu için o halkın felsefesini anlamakta çok önemli bir unsurdur. Özellikle hayvanlarla ilgili atasözleri, konuşmacının niyetini, düşünce yapısını, değer yargılarını ve halkın yaşam biçimini daha açık bir şekilde göstermektedir. Bu makalenin amacı, hayvanlarla ilgili atasözlerini, özellikle Kore atasözlerinde görünen 12 hayvan imgesini analiz etmektir. 12 hayvanının seçilmesinin nedeni, bunun Kore’de önemli bir tarihi, kültürel ve dini konuma sahip olmasıdır.
12 hayvan sembolü ve atasözlerinde görünen imgelerin karşılaştırılması sonucunda, 12 hayvan arasında ejderha ve at hariç, diğer tüm hayvanların tanrılaştırılmış olmalarına rağmen atasözlerinde olumsuz imgeler olarak görüldüğü doğrulanmıştır. Özellikle sıçan, yılan ve maymunun olumlu imge olarak göründüğü atasözleri bulmak zordur. Kore hayvan atasözlerini analiz eden araştırmacılar, 12 hayvan arasında olumsuz görüşleri temsil eden hayvanları köpek, inek, kaplan, at, tavuk, domuz, sıçan ve yılan olarak kategorize etmişlerdir. Bunun nedeni olarak, hayvanın kötü özelliğinin veya iyi bir özeliğinin olumsuz bir etkiye sahip olması ve hayvanın ekolojik özelliklerinin insan hayatını olumsuz etkilemesi vs. söylenebilir.


  • BATTULGA, Byambatseren (2013). “A comparative study of Korean and Mongolian proverbs - mainly proverbs related to horse -", Master thesis, South Korea: Gongju University.
  • BOLOMAA (2009), “The research of symbolic meaning expressed in korean animal proverbs”, Master thesis. South Korea: Gongju University.
  • CHEON, Jingi (2001). “A folkloric study on the symbolic system of the Oriental Zodiac”, Phd thesis, South Korea: Chungang Univetsity.
  • CHEON, Jingi (2003). Korean Animal Folklore. South Korea: Minsokwon.
  • CHOI, Jongsoon (2013). Korean history in pictures. South Korea: Kyelimbooks.
  • HAN, Takcheol (2017). “Research Study on the Comparison between Korean and Japanese Animal Proverbs -On the basis of rabbit as the subject matter-“, Kore Japon Modern Araştırmaları Derneği, C.56, s. 23-40.
  • HAN, Yemin (2012). “Aspect & Meaning of Twelve Animals into folktales - focusing on the collection of Korean oral literature –”, Master thesis. South Korea: Sungsil University.
  • LEE, Junghye (2020). “Kore Kültüründe 12 Hayvan Sembolleri ve Anlamları”, Kare Dergi, S. 9, s. 198-232.
  • KANG, Seongyeong (2002). “A Comparative Study on The Relationship Between Metaphorical İnference in Animal Proverbs of France And Korea”, French Language Education, C. 18, s. 149-169.
  • KIM, Jongdae (2001). The Symbolic World of Our Culture. South Korea: Dareunsesang.
  • KIM, Miae (2009). “The comparison between Korean and Chinese animal proverbs: a study on animals of twelve zodiacs”, Master thesis, South Korea: Hanyang University.
  • KIM, Myeongwha (2011). “The comparative study of Korean and Chinese proverbs of thet welve animals”, Master thesis, South Korea: Gongju University.
  • KIM, Sunpung (1995). The Twelve Zodiac Signs Story. South Korea: Jipmundang.
  • KIM, Euisook (1997a). 12 Zodiac Signs and Symbols (1) Rat. South Korea: National Institute of Korean Studies.
  • KIM, Jongdae (1997b). 12 Zodiac Signs and Symbols (11) Dog. South Korea: National Institute of Korean Studies.
  • LEE, Changsik (1998). 12 Zodiac Signs and Symbols (3) Lion. South Korea: National Institute of Korean Studies.
  • LEE, Dongjae (2014). “A Study on the Patterns of ‘Tiger’ Configuration in Sino-Korean Poems”, Doğu Asya Edebiyat Topluluğu, C. 61, s. 125-158.
  • LEE, Jonggawn (2016). “Study on Folklore Consciousness of Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals Shown in Folk Painting”, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, V. 17, No. 6, s. 347-359.
  • LIM, Jiryong (2012). “The Cognitive Linguistic Axiology of Modern Korean Animal Proverbs”, Korean Language Education Research, C. 50, s. 377-404.
  • PARK, Minsu (2010). “A Comparative Study: Symbolic Meaning of Animals Between Korea and China”, Comparative Cultural Studies, C. 21, s. 271-289.
  • PARK, Youngsoo (2005). The Story of Animal Symbolism in Artifacts, South Korea: Neailachim Publisher.
  • SHIN, Jongwon (2003). “A Tree Worship in the Dangun Myth”, Kore Tarih Yazımı Tarihi Derneği, C.8, s. 5-22.
  • SONG, Jaeseon (1997). Animal Proverbs Dictionary. South Korea: Dongmunseon.
  • SONG, Youngsuk (2006). “Types and aspects of Japan’s 12 animal folk tales”, Master thesis, South Korea: Chonnam University.
  • SONG, Youngsuk (2011). “A study on the oriental zodiac’s animals of the Japanese folktales”, Master thesis, South Korea: Chonnam University.
  • TETSUJI, Morohashı (2008). The Story of the Twelve Zodiac Signs, (çev. Subin Choi). South Korea: Bao Publisher.
  • TÜRKÖZÜ, S.Göksel (2018). Korece Atasözleri, Deyimler ve Hanca Dörtlemeler. İstanbul: Likya Kitap
  • ZHANG, Chunmei (2005). “A study on Korean language culture education through comparison of Korean and Chinese animal proverbs”, Master thesis, South Korea: Seoul University.
  • URL-1: (E.T.: 03.01.2024).
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Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Dünya Dilleri, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü (Diğer), Kültürel çalışmalar (Diğer)
Bölüm Özgün Makale

S. Göksel Türközü 0000-0003-2451-3241

Seungeun Kım 0000-0003-2542-5622

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 28 Kasım 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 28 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Türközü, S. G., & Kım, S. (2024). Kore Atasözlerinde 12 Hayvan İmgesi. Uluslararası Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 267-293.