Araştırma Makalesi
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The Impact of Anxiety Experienced in Competition on Decision-Making: A Study on Individual Sports Competitions

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 145 - 155, 30.09.2024


Aim: Individuals who are exposed to anxiety, which is a type of stress response, can have negative effects on their behavior. Anxiety is divided into two sub-dimensions as physical (somatic) and cognitive anxiety. In this study, anxiety was addressed from its cognitive aspect (worry and concentration disruption). Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to reveal the impact of anxiety experienced by athletes in competition on their decision-making behavior.
Methods: SmartPls program was used for data analysis. A questionnaire form including anxiety and decision-making scales was applied to the athletes. Data was collected from 189 athletes using the survey technique. The collected data was examined with structural equation modeling.
Results: As a result of the analysis made; worry experienced by the athletes in the competition negatively affects their rational, intuitive, avoidant, dependent, and spontaneous decision-making behaviors. Accordingly, if the athletes are worried in the competition they perform, all decision-making behaviors are negatively affected by this situation.
Conclusion: The concentration disruption experienced by the athletes in the competition negatively affects the decision-making situation dependent on their decision-making behavior. In this sense, the fact that the athletes experience concentration disruption in the competitions in which they perform negatively affects the decisions they make in line with the recommendations and directions of others.


  • Arbuckle, J. L. (2011). IBM SPSS Amos 20 user’s guide. Amos Development Corporation.
  • Akyol, A., Altıntaş, A., Sezer, G. ve Aşçı, H. (2016). The construct validity and reliability of sport anxiety scale-2: Confirmatory factor analysis. The 14th International Sports Sciences Congress: Antalya, 01.11.2016 - 04.11.2016.
  • Bagozzi, R. P., & Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74–94.
  • Başaran M. H., Taşğın Ö., Sanioğlu A., & Taşkın A. K., (2009). Sporcularda durumluk ve sürekli kaygı düzeylerinin bazı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 0(21), 533-542.
  • Blomqvist, C. G., Lewis, S. F., Taylor, W. F., & Graham, R. M. (1981). The similarity of the hemodynamic responses to static and dynamic exercise of small muscle groups. Circulation research, 48(6 Pt 2), I87-I92.
  • Borkovec, T. D., Wilkinson L., Folsenbee R., & Lerman C., (1983). Stimulus control applications to the treatment of worry. Behavioral Research and Therapy, 21, 9-16.
  • Brown, T. A., O'Leary, T. A. & Barlow, D. H. (2003). Generalized anxiety disorder. In. D. H. Barlow (Edi.), Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders: A Step-By-Step Treatment Manual (p. 154–208). The Guilford Press.
  • Chamberlain, C. J., & Coelho, A. J. (1993). The perceptual side of action: decision-making in sport. In. J. L. Starkes and F. Allard (Edi.), Cognitive Issues in Motor Expertise, Vol. 102, p. 135–157. North-Holland.
  • Cheng, W. N. K., Hardy, L., & Markland, D. (2009). Toward a three-dimensional conceptualization of performance anxiety: Rationale and ınitial measurement development. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10(2), 271–278.
  • Ford, J., Ildefonso, K., Jones, M., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2017). Sport-related anxiety: Current insights. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 8, 205-212. 10.2147/OAJSM.S125845.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50. doi:10.2307/3151312
  • Fortes, L. de S., Lima, R. C. R. de, Almeida, S. S., Fonseca, R. M. C., Paes, P. P., & Ferreira, M. E. C. (2018). Effect of competitive anxiety on passing decision-making in under-17 soccer players. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 28(0). DOI:10.1590/1982-4327e2820
  • Grossbard, J. R., Smith, R. E., Smoll, F. L. & Cumming, S. P., (2009). Competitive anxiety in young athletes: Differentiating somatic anxiety, worry, and concentration disruption, anxiety, stress, and coping. An International Journal, 22(2), 153-166, DOI: 10.1080/10615800802020643
  • Güvendi, B., Can, H. C. & Türksoy Işım, A., (2020). Triatlon sporcularının zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının karar verme stilleri ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies (IntJCES) 6(1), 146–160.
  • Hair, F.J., William, C. B., Barry, J. B., & Anderson, R., E., (2010). Multivariate data analysis (Seventh Edition). New Jersey, Pearson, Prentice-Hall.
  • Hair, F. J., Risher, J. J., Sarstedt, M., & Ringle, C. M. (2019). When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM. European Business Review, 31(1), 2-24.
  • Johansen, B.T., & Haugen, T. (2013) Anxiety level and decision- making among norwegian top-class soccer referees. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11(2), 215-226.
  • Jones, G. (1991). Stress and Anxiety (Ed: Bull J.S.). Sport psychology, A Self-Help Guide, The Crossword Press, Great Britain, 44-45.
  • Konter, E. (1996). Spor’da stres ve performans. Saray Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Köknel, Ö. (1985). Kaygıdan mutluluğa kişilik. Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi.
  • Macquet, A. C., & Fleurance, P. (2007). Naturalistic decision-making in expert badminton players. Ergonomics, 50(9), 1433–1450.
  • Manav, F. (2011). Kaygı Kavramı. Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(9), 201-211.
  • McCarthy, P. J., Allen, M. S., & Jones, M. V. (2013). Emotions, cognitive interference, and concentration disruption in youth sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31(5), 505-515.
  • Mitchell, J. H. (1974). Static (isometric) exercise and the heart: Physiological and clinical considerations. University of Texas Healty Science Center at Dallas.
  • Mitchell, J. H., Haskell, W. L., & Raven, P. B. (1994). Classification of sports. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 24(4), 864-866.
  • Moran, A., (2009). Cognitive psychology in sport: Progress and prospects. Psychology of Sport And Exercise, 10, 420-426.
  • Özavci, R., & Gözaydın, G. (2022). Rekreasyonel alan kullanımında koronavirüs kaygısının yaşam doyumuna etkisi. Tourism and Recreation, 4(2), 89-94.
  • Özavci, R., Korkutata, A., Gözaydın, G., & Çakır, Z. (2023). Üniversite öğrencilerinde algılanan stresin yaşam doyumu ve rekreasyonel sağlık algısına etkisi. The Online Journal of Recreation and Sports, 12(3), 454-461.
  • Öztürk, A. (2008). Manisa Celal Bayar üniversitesi, beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğretmenlik programı öğrencilerinin durumluk ve sürekli kaygı düzeyleri ile akademik başarıları arasındaki ilişki (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Denizli.
  • Sanioglu, A., Ülker, M., & Sanioglu Tanis, Z. (2017). The effect of trait anxiety on success ın ındividual athletes. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 19(2), 289-295.
  • Sarason, I.G. (1984). Stress, anxiety, and cognitive interference: Reactions to tests. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46, 929-938.
  • Schoemaker, P. J., & Russo, J. E. (2016). Decision-making. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Scott, S., & Bruce, R. (1995). Decision-Making Style: The development and assessment of a new measure. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 55(5), 818–831.
  • Smith R. E., & Smoll F. L. (1990) Sport performance anxiety (Ed.: In. Leitenberg H.). Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety. Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Smith, R. E., Smoll, F. L., Cumming, S. P., & Grossbard, J. R. (2006). Measurement of multidimensional sports performance anxiety in children and adults: The sport anxiety scale-2. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 28(4), 479–501.
  • Smith, R., E., Smoll F. L., & Schutz R. W., (1990) Measurement and correlates of sport-specific cognitive and somatic trait anxiety: The sport anxiety scale. Anxiety Research, 2(4), 263-280, DOI: 10.1080/08917779008248733
  • Spielberger, C. D. (1966). Theory and Research on anxiety (In. C. D. Spielberger). Anxiety and Behavior (pp. 3–20). Academic Press.
  • Taşdelen, A. (2002). Öğretmen adaylarının farklı psiko sosyal değişkenlere göre karar verme stilleri (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü D.E.U.B.E.F. İzmir.
  • Tekin, M., Taşğın, Ö. & Yıldız, M., (2009). Beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin karar verme ve kaygı düzeylerinin incenlenmesi (Karaman İl Örneği). SBArD, 13 (Mart),169-181.
  • Tovilovic, S., Novović, Z., Mihic, L., & Jovanović, V. (2009). The role of trait anxiety in induction of state anxiety. Psihologija, 42, 491-504. 10.2298/PSI0904491T.
  • Voorhees, C. M., Brady, M. K., Calantone, R., & Ramirez, E. (2016). Discriminant validity testing in marketing: an analysis, causes for concern, and proposed remedies. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 119–134.
  • Weinberg, R. & Gould, D., (2019). Foundations of Sport And Exercise Psychology. 7th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Werner, N. S., Duschek, S., & Schandry, R. (2009). Relationships between affective states and decision-making. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 74(3), 259–265.
  • Williams, J.M., Nideffer, R. M., Wilson V. E. & Sagal M., (2015). Concentration and strategies for controlling It (Ed.: Williams, J.M. & Krane, V.). Applied Sport Psychology Personal Growth To Peak Performance. (7th edt) McGraw-Hill, Newyork.

Müsabakada Yaşanılan Kaygının Karar Vermeye Etkisi: Bireysel Spor Müsabakalarında Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 145 - 155, 30.09.2024


Amaç: Bir stres tepkisi olan kaygıya maruz kalmanın bireylerin davranışları üzerinde olumsuz etkileri olabilmektedir. Kaygı, fiziksel (somatik) ve bilişsel kaygı olmak üzere iki alt boyuta ayrılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kaygı, bilişsel yönüyle (endişe ve konsantrasyon bozukluğu) ele alınmıştır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın temel amacı, sporcuların müsabakada yaşadıkları kaygının karar verme davranışları üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktır.
Yöntem: Veri analizi için SmartPls programı kullanılmıştır. Sporculardan kaygı ve karar verme ölçeklerinin yer aldığı bir anket formu uygulanmıştır. 189 sporcudan anket tekniği ile veri toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler yapısal eşitlik modellemesiyle incelenmiştir.
Bulgular: Sporcuların müsabakada yaşadıkları endişe, onların akılcı, sezgisel, kaçınan, bağımlı ve kendiliğinden karar verme davranışlarını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Buna göre, sporcular katıldıkları müsabakalar sırasında endişeli iseler bu durumdan tüm karar verme davranışları olumsuz etkilenebilmektedir.
Sonuç: Sporcuların müsabakada yaşadıkları konsantrasyon bozukluğu, karar verme davranışlarına bağlı olarak karar verme durumlarını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu anlamda sporcuların performans gösterdikleri müsabakalarda konsantrasyon bozukluğu yaşamaları, başkalarının tavsiye ve yönlendirmeleri doğrultusunda aldıkları kararları olumsuz etkilemektedir.


  • Arbuckle, J. L. (2011). IBM SPSS Amos 20 user’s guide. Amos Development Corporation.
  • Akyol, A., Altıntaş, A., Sezer, G. ve Aşçı, H. (2016). The construct validity and reliability of sport anxiety scale-2: Confirmatory factor analysis. The 14th International Sports Sciences Congress: Antalya, 01.11.2016 - 04.11.2016.
  • Bagozzi, R. P., & Yi, Y. (1988). On the evaluation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74–94.
  • Başaran M. H., Taşğın Ö., Sanioğlu A., & Taşkın A. K., (2009). Sporcularda durumluk ve sürekli kaygı düzeylerinin bazı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 0(21), 533-542.
  • Blomqvist, C. G., Lewis, S. F., Taylor, W. F., & Graham, R. M. (1981). The similarity of the hemodynamic responses to static and dynamic exercise of small muscle groups. Circulation research, 48(6 Pt 2), I87-I92.
  • Borkovec, T. D., Wilkinson L., Folsenbee R., & Lerman C., (1983). Stimulus control applications to the treatment of worry. Behavioral Research and Therapy, 21, 9-16.
  • Brown, T. A., O'Leary, T. A. & Barlow, D. H. (2003). Generalized anxiety disorder. In. D. H. Barlow (Edi.), Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders: A Step-By-Step Treatment Manual (p. 154–208). The Guilford Press.
  • Chamberlain, C. J., & Coelho, A. J. (1993). The perceptual side of action: decision-making in sport. In. J. L. Starkes and F. Allard (Edi.), Cognitive Issues in Motor Expertise, Vol. 102, p. 135–157. North-Holland.
  • Cheng, W. N. K., Hardy, L., & Markland, D. (2009). Toward a three-dimensional conceptualization of performance anxiety: Rationale and ınitial measurement development. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10(2), 271–278.
  • Ford, J., Ildefonso, K., Jones, M., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2017). Sport-related anxiety: Current insights. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 8, 205-212. 10.2147/OAJSM.S125845.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50. doi:10.2307/3151312
  • Fortes, L. de S., Lima, R. C. R. de, Almeida, S. S., Fonseca, R. M. C., Paes, P. P., & Ferreira, M. E. C. (2018). Effect of competitive anxiety on passing decision-making in under-17 soccer players. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 28(0). DOI:10.1590/1982-4327e2820
  • Grossbard, J. R., Smith, R. E., Smoll, F. L. & Cumming, S. P., (2009). Competitive anxiety in young athletes: Differentiating somatic anxiety, worry, and concentration disruption, anxiety, stress, and coping. An International Journal, 22(2), 153-166, DOI: 10.1080/10615800802020643
  • Güvendi, B., Can, H. C. & Türksoy Işım, A., (2020). Triatlon sporcularının zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının karar verme stilleri ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies (IntJCES) 6(1), 146–160.
  • Hair, F.J., William, C. B., Barry, J. B., & Anderson, R., E., (2010). Multivariate data analysis (Seventh Edition). New Jersey, Pearson, Prentice-Hall.
  • Hair, F. J., Risher, J. J., Sarstedt, M., & Ringle, C. M. (2019). When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM. European Business Review, 31(1), 2-24.
  • Johansen, B.T., & Haugen, T. (2013) Anxiety level and decision- making among norwegian top-class soccer referees. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11(2), 215-226.
  • Jones, G. (1991). Stress and Anxiety (Ed: Bull J.S.). Sport psychology, A Self-Help Guide, The Crossword Press, Great Britain, 44-45.
  • Konter, E. (1996). Spor’da stres ve performans. Saray Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Köknel, Ö. (1985). Kaygıdan mutluluğa kişilik. Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi.
  • Macquet, A. C., & Fleurance, P. (2007). Naturalistic decision-making in expert badminton players. Ergonomics, 50(9), 1433–1450.
  • Manav, F. (2011). Kaygı Kavramı. Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(9), 201-211.
  • McCarthy, P. J., Allen, M. S., & Jones, M. V. (2013). Emotions, cognitive interference, and concentration disruption in youth sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31(5), 505-515.
  • Mitchell, J. H. (1974). Static (isometric) exercise and the heart: Physiological and clinical considerations. University of Texas Healty Science Center at Dallas.
  • Mitchell, J. H., Haskell, W. L., & Raven, P. B. (1994). Classification of sports. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 24(4), 864-866.
  • Moran, A., (2009). Cognitive psychology in sport: Progress and prospects. Psychology of Sport And Exercise, 10, 420-426.
  • Özavci, R., & Gözaydın, G. (2022). Rekreasyonel alan kullanımında koronavirüs kaygısının yaşam doyumuna etkisi. Tourism and Recreation, 4(2), 89-94.
  • Özavci, R., Korkutata, A., Gözaydın, G., & Çakır, Z. (2023). Üniversite öğrencilerinde algılanan stresin yaşam doyumu ve rekreasyonel sağlık algısına etkisi. The Online Journal of Recreation and Sports, 12(3), 454-461.
  • Öztürk, A. (2008). Manisa Celal Bayar üniversitesi, beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğretmenlik programı öğrencilerinin durumluk ve sürekli kaygı düzeyleri ile akademik başarıları arasındaki ilişki (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Denizli.
  • Sanioglu, A., Ülker, M., & Sanioglu Tanis, Z. (2017). The effect of trait anxiety on success ın ındividual athletes. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 19(2), 289-295.
  • Sarason, I.G. (1984). Stress, anxiety, and cognitive interference: Reactions to tests. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46, 929-938.
  • Schoemaker, P. J., & Russo, J. E. (2016). Decision-making. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Scott, S., & Bruce, R. (1995). Decision-Making Style: The development and assessment of a new measure. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 55(5), 818–831.
  • Smith R. E., & Smoll F. L. (1990) Sport performance anxiety (Ed.: In. Leitenberg H.). Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety. Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Smith, R. E., Smoll, F. L., Cumming, S. P., & Grossbard, J. R. (2006). Measurement of multidimensional sports performance anxiety in children and adults: The sport anxiety scale-2. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 28(4), 479–501.
  • Smith, R., E., Smoll F. L., & Schutz R. W., (1990) Measurement and correlates of sport-specific cognitive and somatic trait anxiety: The sport anxiety scale. Anxiety Research, 2(4), 263-280, DOI: 10.1080/08917779008248733
  • Spielberger, C. D. (1966). Theory and Research on anxiety (In. C. D. Spielberger). Anxiety and Behavior (pp. 3–20). Academic Press.
  • Taşdelen, A. (2002). Öğretmen adaylarının farklı psiko sosyal değişkenlere göre karar verme stilleri (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü D.E.U.B.E.F. İzmir.
  • Tekin, M., Taşğın, Ö. & Yıldız, M., (2009). Beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin karar verme ve kaygı düzeylerinin incenlenmesi (Karaman İl Örneği). SBArD, 13 (Mart),169-181.
  • Tovilovic, S., Novović, Z., Mihic, L., & Jovanović, V. (2009). The role of trait anxiety in induction of state anxiety. Psihologija, 42, 491-504. 10.2298/PSI0904491T.
  • Voorhees, C. M., Brady, M. K., Calantone, R., & Ramirez, E. (2016). Discriminant validity testing in marketing: an analysis, causes for concern, and proposed remedies. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 119–134.
  • Weinberg, R. & Gould, D., (2019). Foundations of Sport And Exercise Psychology. 7th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Werner, N. S., Duschek, S., & Schandry, R. (2009). Relationships between affective states and decision-making. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 74(3), 259–265.
  • Williams, J.M., Nideffer, R. M., Wilson V. E. & Sagal M., (2015). Concentration and strategies for controlling It (Ed.: Williams, J.M. & Krane, V.). Applied Sport Psychology Personal Growth To Peak Performance. (7th edt) McGraw-Hill, Newyork.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor ve Egzersiz Psikolojisi, Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Abdulmenaf Korkutata 0000-0001-7915-8174

Muhsin Halis 0000-0001-9495-5083

Bayram Bolel 0000-0003-4684-4092

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 28 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 21 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Korkutata, A., Halis, M., & Bolel, B. (2024). The Impact of Anxiety Experienced in Competition on Decision-Making: A Study on Individual Sports Competitions. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences - IJSETS, 10(3), 145-155.