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Yıl 2022, , 487 - 502, 30.04.2022


Futbol sahalarının dış etkilere açık olması, yağış-sıcaklık gibi çevresel faktörlerden etkilenmesine sebep olmaktadır. Yılın büyük kısmında müsabakalara ev sahipliği yapması, ulusal-uluslararası birçok organizasyona ve amatör düzeye kadar geniş çaplı kullanımı olması sebebiyle bu mühendislik yapısının drenaj özellikleri dikkatli bir şekilde incelenmelidir. Futbol sahalarının zemini, doğal çim yüzeyli ve sentetik(suni) çim yüzeyli olmak üzere iki tür olarak inşa edilebilir. Özellikle son yıllarda geliştirilen, kalitesi daha da arttırılan 3.Nesil sentetik çim futbol sahalarının kullanım sıklığı artmıştır. Bu çalışmada suni çim futbol sahalarının doğal olanlara göre avantaj ve dezavantajları incelenmiş ve bu iki sistem drenaj özellikleri açısından karşılaştırılmıştır.


  • 1. Adams, W. A. (1986) Practical aspects of sports field drainage, Soil Use Manage, 2 (2): 51–54. doi: .tb00679.x.
  • 2. Adkison, J.W., Requa, R.K. ve Garrick, J.G. (1974) Injury rates in high school football: a comparison of synthetic surfaces and grass fields. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 99, 131-136. PMID:4825706.
  • 3. Aoki, H., Kohno, T., Fujiya, H., Kato, H., Yatabe, K., Morikawa, T. ve Seki, J. (2010) Incidence of injury among adolescent soccer players: a comparative study of artificial and natural grass turfs. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 20(1), 1-7. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0b013e3181c967cd
  • 4. Backx, F. J., Beijer, H. J., Bol, E. ve Erich, W. B. (1991) Injuries in high-risk persons and high-risk sports: a longitudinal study of 1818 school children, The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 19(2), 124-130. doi: 10.1177/036354659101900206
  • 5. Baker, S. W. (2003) Construction methods for public sector and professional sports pitches: A review, In I International Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports Fields, 661, 27-37. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.1
  • 6. Baker, S. W. (1989) Soil physical conditions of the root zone layer and the performance of winter games’ pitches, Soil Use Manage, 5 (3), 116–122. doi:
  • 7. Bartlett, M.D., James, I.T., Ford, M. ve Jennings-Temple, M. (2009) Testing natural turf sports surfaces: the value of performance quality standards, Proc. IMechE. Part P: J. Sports Eng. and Tech, 223(1), 21- 29. doi:
  • 8. Bjørneboe, J., Bah, R. ve Andersen, T.E. (2010) Risk of injury on thirdgeneration artificial turf in Norwegian professional football, Brit. J. Sports Med., 44(11), 794-798. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2010.073783
  • 9. Bocca, B., Forte, G., Petrucci, F., Cosntantini, S. ve Izzo, P. (2009) Metals contained and leached from rubber granulates used in synthetic turf areas, Sci. Total Environ., 407(7), 2183-2190. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.12.026
  • 10. Burgers, R., van der Heide, I. E. ve Zeng, X. (2014) A study on improving the comfort of artificial grass in sports, University of twente, 4-5. doi : 10.13140/RG.2.1.3969.2963
  • 11. Burillo, P., Gallardo, L., Felipe, J. L. ve Gallardo, A. M. (2012), Mechanical assessment of artificial turf football pitches: the consequences of no quality certification, Scientific Research and Essays, 7(28), 2457-2465. doi:
  • 12. Canaway, P. M. (1994). Maximising the performance of sports turf, Doctoral dissertation, Dept. of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Liverpool.
  • 13. Canaway, P. M., Bell, M. J., Holmes, G. ve Baker, S. W. (1990) Standards for the playing quality of natural turf for association football, Natural and artificial playing fields: characteristics and safety features, 1073, 29-47. doi:
  • 14. Cheng, H., Hu, Y. ve Reinhard, M. (2014), Environmental and health impacts of artificial turf: a review, Environmental science & technology, 48(4), 2114-2129. doi: 10.1021/es4044193
  • 15. Claudio, L. (2008) Synthetic turf: health Debate Takes root, National Institute of Environmental Healty Sciences, 116(3), 116-122. doi: 10.1289/ehp.116-a116
  • 16. Collignon, H., Sultan, N. ve Santander, C. (2011) The sports market. In Major trends and challenges in an industry full of passion, AT Kearney.
  • 17. Dixon, S., Fleming, P., James, I. ve Carre, M., (2015) The science and engineering of sport surfaces, New York: Routledge. ISBN 9781138633605
  • 18. Dragoo, J. L., Braun, H.J. (2010) The effect of playing surface on injury rate: a review of the current literature, Sports Medicine, 40(11), 981-990. doi: 10.2165/11535910-000000000-00000
  • 19. Edwards, A. M., Mann, M. E., Marfell-Jones, M. J., Rankin, D. M., Noakes, T. D. ve Shillington, D. P. (2007) Influence of moderate dehydration on soccer performance: physiological responses to 45 min of outdoor match-play and the immediate subsequent performance of sport-specific and mental concentration tests, British journal of sports medicine, 41(6), 385-391. doi:
  • 20. Ekstrand, J., Timpka, T., ve Hagglund, M. (2006) Risk of injury in elite football played on artificial turf versus natural grass: a prospective two-cohort study, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 40 (12), 975-980. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.027623
  • 21. Engebretsen, L., Kase, T. (1987) Soccer injuries and artificial turf, Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 107(26), 2215-2217. Norwegian. PMID: 3672453.
  • 22. FIFA, (2005). FIFA quality concept for artificial turf guide (pp. 1–43). Zurich: FIFA
  • 23. FIFA, (2007). FIFA U-17 Championship Peru 2005. Turf Roots 1:8-10
  • 24. FIFA, (2009a). FIFA Quality Concept for Football Turf. Handbook of Requirements, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Zurich.
  • 25. FIFA, (2009b). FIFA Quality Concept for Football Turf. Handbook of Test Methods, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Zurich.
  • 26. FIFA, (2015). FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf. Handbook of Requirements, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Zurich.
  • 27. FIFA, (2021a). FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf. Member Association Handbook, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Zurich.
  • 28. Fleming, P.R., Forrester, S.E. ve McLaren, N.J. (2015) Understanding the effects of decompaction maintenance on the infill state and play performance of third-generation artificial grass pitches, Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Sports Enginerring and Technology, 229(3), 169–182. doi: 10.1177/1754337114566480
  • 29. Fleming, P. (2011) Artificial turf systems for sport surfaces: current knowledge and research needs, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 225(2), 43-63. doi:
  • 30. Fleming, P. R., Watts, C. ve Forrester, S. (2020) A new model of third generation artificial turf degradation, maintenance interventions and benefits, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 1754337120961602, 1-15. doi:
  • 31. Fleming, P., Ferrandino, M. ve Forrester, S. (2016) Artificial Turf Field–A New Build Case Study, Procedia engineering, 147, 836-841. doi:
  • 32. Foster, J.B. (2007) Newer artificial turf appears safer for soccer players, BioMechanics, 14, 9–10.
  • 33. Fuller, C.W., Clarke, L. ve Molloy, M.G. (2010) Risk of injury associated with rugby union played on artificial turf, J. Sports Sci, 28(5), 563-570. doi:
  • 34. Fuller, C. W., Dick, R. W., Corlette, J., ve Schmalz, R. (2007) Comparison of the incidence, nature and cause of injuries sustained on grass and new generation artificial turf by male and female football players. Part 1: match injuries, British journal of sports medicine, 41, i20-i26. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2007.037267
  • 35. Gezici, K. (2021). Spor Sahalarında Kullanılan Drenaj Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • 36. Gezici, K., Kesgin, E. ve Agaccioglu, H. (2021) Hydrological Assessment of Experimental Behaviors for Different Drainage Methods in Sports Fields, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147(9), 04021034. doi:
  • 37. STF, (2017). Guidelines for Synthetic Turf Base Systems, Synthetic Turf Council (STF).
  • 38. Hagel, B.E., Fick, G.H. ve Meeuwisse, W.H. (2003) Injury risk in men’s Canada West University football, American Journal of Epidemiology, 157(9), 825-33. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwg050
  • 39. James, I.T. (2015) Surface classification, function, construction and maintenance. In: Dixon S, Fleming PR, Carre MJ, et al. (eds) The science and engineering of sport surfaces. London: Taylor and Francis, 2015, pp.9–25. ISBN 9781138633605
  • 40. James, I. T. Hann, M. J. ve Godwin, R. J. (2007b) Design and operational considerations for the use of mole ploughing in the drainage of sports pitches, Biosystems Engineering, 97(1), 99-107, doi:
  • 41. James, I. T., Blackburn, D. W. K. ve Godwin, R. J. (2007a) Mole drainage as an alternative to sand slitting in natural turf sports surfaces on clays, Soil Use Manage, 23 (1), 28–35. doi:
  • 42. Junge, A., Langevoort, G., Pipe, A., Peytavin, A., Wong, F., Mountjoy, M., ... ve Dvorak, J. (2006). Injuries in team sport tournaments during the 2004 Olympic Games. The American journal of sports medicine, 34(4), 565-576. doi:
  • 43. Kesgin, E. (2021). Investigation of Effective Drainage Methods in Sports Field Under Various Rainfall Conditions, Doctoral dissertation, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul.
  • 44. Kesgin, E., Dogan, A. ve Agaccioglu, H. (2018) Rainfall simulator for investigating sports field drainage processes, Measurement, 125 (Sep): 360–370. doi:
  • 45. Kesgin, E., Gezici, K. ve Ağaçcıoğlu, H., (2020b) Hydrological evaluation of sports field drainage, ISPEP 9th International Conferance on Engineering & Natural Sciences, Ankara, Turkey, 182-191.
  • 46. Kesgin, E., Agaccioglu, H. ve Dogan, A. (2020a) Experimental and numerical investigation of drainage mechanisms at sports fields under simulated rainfall, Journal of Hydrolgy, 580 (Jan), 124251. doi:
  • 47. Kolitzus, H. J. (2007) Artificial turf surfaces for soccer, What owners of soccer pitches should know about artificial turf. IST Switzerland, United States Sport s Surfacing Laboratory USSL, 1-29.
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  • 52. McAuliffe, K. W. (2014) Optimising the performance of major multi-use stadia playing surfaces, XXIX Int. Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014), Leuven, Belgium, 1–8. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1122.1
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Comparison of Natural and Artificial Turf Football Fields in terms of Drainage Properties

Yıl 2022, , 487 - 502, 30.04.2022


Football fields are impacted by environmental factors such as precipitation and temperature since they are in touch with weather conditions. The drainage properties of this engineering structure should be carefully examined, since it hosts competitions in large periods of the year, and it is widely used in many national-international organizations and amateur level. Football fields may be created with either a natural grass surface or an artificial (synthetic) turf surface. Especially in recent years, the application of synthetic surface fields has increased, which has developed and continuously improved quality. In this study, the advantages and disadvantages of artificial turf football fields and natural ones were reviewed and these two systems were compared in terms of drainage properties.


  • 1. Adams, W. A. (1986) Practical aspects of sports field drainage, Soil Use Manage, 2 (2): 51–54. doi: .tb00679.x.
  • 2. Adkison, J.W., Requa, R.K. ve Garrick, J.G. (1974) Injury rates in high school football: a comparison of synthetic surfaces and grass fields. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 99, 131-136. PMID:4825706.
  • 3. Aoki, H., Kohno, T., Fujiya, H., Kato, H., Yatabe, K., Morikawa, T. ve Seki, J. (2010) Incidence of injury among adolescent soccer players: a comparative study of artificial and natural grass turfs. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 20(1), 1-7. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0b013e3181c967cd
  • 4. Backx, F. J., Beijer, H. J., Bol, E. ve Erich, W. B. (1991) Injuries in high-risk persons and high-risk sports: a longitudinal study of 1818 school children, The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 19(2), 124-130. doi: 10.1177/036354659101900206
  • 5. Baker, S. W. (2003) Construction methods for public sector and professional sports pitches: A review, In I International Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports Fields, 661, 27-37. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.1
  • 6. Baker, S. W. (1989) Soil physical conditions of the root zone layer and the performance of winter games’ pitches, Soil Use Manage, 5 (3), 116–122. doi:
  • 7. Bartlett, M.D., James, I.T., Ford, M. ve Jennings-Temple, M. (2009) Testing natural turf sports surfaces: the value of performance quality standards, Proc. IMechE. Part P: J. Sports Eng. and Tech, 223(1), 21- 29. doi:
  • 8. Bjørneboe, J., Bah, R. ve Andersen, T.E. (2010) Risk of injury on thirdgeneration artificial turf in Norwegian professional football, Brit. J. Sports Med., 44(11), 794-798. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2010.073783
  • 9. Bocca, B., Forte, G., Petrucci, F., Cosntantini, S. ve Izzo, P. (2009) Metals contained and leached from rubber granulates used in synthetic turf areas, Sci. Total Environ., 407(7), 2183-2190. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.12.026
  • 10. Burgers, R., van der Heide, I. E. ve Zeng, X. (2014) A study on improving the comfort of artificial grass in sports, University of twente, 4-5. doi : 10.13140/RG.2.1.3969.2963
  • 11. Burillo, P., Gallardo, L., Felipe, J. L. ve Gallardo, A. M. (2012), Mechanical assessment of artificial turf football pitches: the consequences of no quality certification, Scientific Research and Essays, 7(28), 2457-2465. doi:
  • 12. Canaway, P. M. (1994). Maximising the performance of sports turf, Doctoral dissertation, Dept. of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Liverpool.
  • 13. Canaway, P. M., Bell, M. J., Holmes, G. ve Baker, S. W. (1990) Standards for the playing quality of natural turf for association football, Natural and artificial playing fields: characteristics and safety features, 1073, 29-47. doi:
  • 14. Cheng, H., Hu, Y. ve Reinhard, M. (2014), Environmental and health impacts of artificial turf: a review, Environmental science & technology, 48(4), 2114-2129. doi: 10.1021/es4044193
  • 15. Claudio, L. (2008) Synthetic turf: health Debate Takes root, National Institute of Environmental Healty Sciences, 116(3), 116-122. doi: 10.1289/ehp.116-a116
  • 16. Collignon, H., Sultan, N. ve Santander, C. (2011) The sports market. In Major trends and challenges in an industry full of passion, AT Kearney.
  • 17. Dixon, S., Fleming, P., James, I. ve Carre, M., (2015) The science and engineering of sport surfaces, New York: Routledge. ISBN 9781138633605
  • 18. Dragoo, J. L., Braun, H.J. (2010) The effect of playing surface on injury rate: a review of the current literature, Sports Medicine, 40(11), 981-990. doi: 10.2165/11535910-000000000-00000
  • 19. Edwards, A. M., Mann, M. E., Marfell-Jones, M. J., Rankin, D. M., Noakes, T. D. ve Shillington, D. P. (2007) Influence of moderate dehydration on soccer performance: physiological responses to 45 min of outdoor match-play and the immediate subsequent performance of sport-specific and mental concentration tests, British journal of sports medicine, 41(6), 385-391. doi:
  • 20. Ekstrand, J., Timpka, T., ve Hagglund, M. (2006) Risk of injury in elite football played on artificial turf versus natural grass: a prospective two-cohort study, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 40 (12), 975-980. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.027623
  • 21. Engebretsen, L., Kase, T. (1987) Soccer injuries and artificial turf, Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 107(26), 2215-2217. Norwegian. PMID: 3672453.
  • 22. FIFA, (2005). FIFA quality concept for artificial turf guide (pp. 1–43). Zurich: FIFA
  • 23. FIFA, (2007). FIFA U-17 Championship Peru 2005. Turf Roots 1:8-10
  • 24. FIFA, (2009a). FIFA Quality Concept for Football Turf. Handbook of Requirements, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Zurich.
  • 25. FIFA, (2009b). FIFA Quality Concept for Football Turf. Handbook of Test Methods, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Zurich.
  • 26. FIFA, (2015). FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf. Handbook of Requirements, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Zurich.
  • 27. FIFA, (2021a). FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf. Member Association Handbook, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, Zurich.
  • 28. Fleming, P.R., Forrester, S.E. ve McLaren, N.J. (2015) Understanding the effects of decompaction maintenance on the infill state and play performance of third-generation artificial grass pitches, Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Sports Enginerring and Technology, 229(3), 169–182. doi: 10.1177/1754337114566480
  • 29. Fleming, P. (2011) Artificial turf systems for sport surfaces: current knowledge and research needs, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 225(2), 43-63. doi:
  • 30. Fleming, P. R., Watts, C. ve Forrester, S. (2020) A new model of third generation artificial turf degradation, maintenance interventions and benefits, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 1754337120961602, 1-15. doi:
  • 31. Fleming, P., Ferrandino, M. ve Forrester, S. (2016) Artificial Turf Field–A New Build Case Study, Procedia engineering, 147, 836-841. doi:
  • 32. Foster, J.B. (2007) Newer artificial turf appears safer for soccer players, BioMechanics, 14, 9–10.
  • 33. Fuller, C.W., Clarke, L. ve Molloy, M.G. (2010) Risk of injury associated with rugby union played on artificial turf, J. Sports Sci, 28(5), 563-570. doi:
  • 34. Fuller, C. W., Dick, R. W., Corlette, J., ve Schmalz, R. (2007) Comparison of the incidence, nature and cause of injuries sustained on grass and new generation artificial turf by male and female football players. Part 1: match injuries, British journal of sports medicine, 41, i20-i26. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2007.037267
  • 35. Gezici, K. (2021). Spor Sahalarında Kullanılan Drenaj Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • 36. Gezici, K., Kesgin, E. ve Agaccioglu, H. (2021) Hydrological Assessment of Experimental Behaviors for Different Drainage Methods in Sports Fields, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147(9), 04021034. doi:
  • 37. STF, (2017). Guidelines for Synthetic Turf Base Systems, Synthetic Turf Council (STF).
  • 38. Hagel, B.E., Fick, G.H. ve Meeuwisse, W.H. (2003) Injury risk in men’s Canada West University football, American Journal of Epidemiology, 157(9), 825-33. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwg050
  • 39. James, I.T. (2015) Surface classification, function, construction and maintenance. In: Dixon S, Fleming PR, Carre MJ, et al. (eds) The science and engineering of sport surfaces. London: Taylor and Francis, 2015, pp.9–25. ISBN 9781138633605
  • 40. James, I. T. Hann, M. J. ve Godwin, R. J. (2007b) Design and operational considerations for the use of mole ploughing in the drainage of sports pitches, Biosystems Engineering, 97(1), 99-107, doi:
  • 41. James, I. T., Blackburn, D. W. K. ve Godwin, R. J. (2007a) Mole drainage as an alternative to sand slitting in natural turf sports surfaces on clays, Soil Use Manage, 23 (1), 28–35. doi:
  • 42. Junge, A., Langevoort, G., Pipe, A., Peytavin, A., Wong, F., Mountjoy, M., ... ve Dvorak, J. (2006). Injuries in team sport tournaments during the 2004 Olympic Games. The American journal of sports medicine, 34(4), 565-576. doi:
  • 43. Kesgin, E. (2021). Investigation of Effective Drainage Methods in Sports Field Under Various Rainfall Conditions, Doctoral dissertation, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul.
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Toplam 79 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İnşaat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Kadir Gezici 0000-0001-6349-8262

Hayrullah Ağaçcıoğlu 0000-0002-1860-9848

Erdal Kesgin 0000-0002-9441-5359

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ekim 2021
Kabul Tarihi 21 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Gezici, K., Ağaçcıoğlu, H., & Kesgin, E. (2022). DOĞAL VE SENTETİK ÇİM ZEMİNLİ FUTBOL SAHALARININ DRENAJ TASARIMLARI AÇISINDAN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1), 487-502.
Chicago Gezici, Kadir, Hayrullah Ağaçcıoğlu, ve Erdal Kesgin. “DOĞAL VE SENTETİK ÇİM ZEMİNLİ FUTBOL SAHALARININ DRENAJ TASARIMLARI AÇISINDAN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 27, sy. 1 (Nisan 2022): 487-502.
EndNote Gezici K, Ağaçcıoğlu H, Kesgin E (01 Nisan 2022) DOĞAL VE SENTETİK ÇİM ZEMİNLİ FUTBOL SAHALARININ DRENAJ TASARIMLARI AÇISINDAN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 27 1 487–502.
IEEE K. Gezici, H. Ağaçcıoğlu, ve E. Kesgin, “DOĞAL VE SENTETİK ÇİM ZEMİNLİ FUTBOL SAHALARININ DRENAJ TASARIMLARI AÇISINDAN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI”, UUJFE, c. 27, sy. 1, ss. 487–502, 2022, doi: 10.17482/uumfd.1005013.
ISNAD Gezici, Kadir vd. “DOĞAL VE SENTETİK ÇİM ZEMİNLİ FUTBOL SAHALARININ DRENAJ TASARIMLARI AÇISINDAN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 27/1 (Nisan 2022), 487-502.
MLA Gezici, Kadir vd. “DOĞAL VE SENTETİK ÇİM ZEMİNLİ FUTBOL SAHALARININ DRENAJ TASARIMLARI AÇISINDAN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 27, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 487-02, doi:10.17482/uumfd.1005013.

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30.03.2021- Nisan 2021 (26/1) sayımızdan itibaren TR-Dizin yeni kuralları gereği, dergimizde basılacak makalelerde, ilk gönderim aşamasında Telif Hakkı Formu yanısıra, Çıkar Çatışması Bildirim Formu ve Yazar Katkısı Bildirim Formu da tüm yazarlarca imzalanarak gönderilmelidir. Yayınlanacak makalelerde de makale metni içinde "Çıkar Çatışması" ve "Yazar Katkısı" bölümleri yer alacaktır. İlk gönderim aşamasında doldurulması gereken yeni formlara "Yazım Kuralları" ve "Makale Gönderim Süreci" sayfalarımızdan ulaşılabilir. (Değerlendirme süreci bu tarihten önce tamamlanıp basımı bekleyen makalelerin yanısıra değerlendirme süreci devam eden makaleler için, yazarlar tarafından ilgili formlar doldurularak sisteme yüklenmelidir).  Makale şablonları da, bu değişiklik doğrultusunda güncellenmiştir. Tüm yazarlarımıza önemle duyurulur.

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