Kısa Abstinens Süresiyle Ardışık Ejakülasyonun Sperm Kromatin Bütünlüğü ve Antioksidan Aktiviteye Etkisi
Yıl 2022,
, 175 - 182, 15.09.2022
Seda Işıklar
Cihan Çakır
Işıl Kasapoğlu
Göktan Kuspinar
Kiper Aslan
Gürkan Uncu
Berrin Avcı
Üremeye yardımcı tedavi uygulamalarında tercih edilen tedavi yaklaşımına göre semen parametrelerinin embriyoloji laboratuvarı sonuçlarına ve klinik başarıya etkisi değişmektedir. Semen parametreleri abstinens süresine ve androloji laboratuvarında uygulanan yıkama protokollerine göre değişmekte ve insemine edilecek sperm materyalinin kalitesini etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada normozoospermik erkeklerde kısa abstinens süresinin rutin semen parametrelerine, sperm kromatin ve DNA bütünlüğüne, oksidatif strese karşı gelişen antioksidan kapasiteye etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Aynı hastadan ardışık ejakülasyonla 2-5 günlük abstinens süresi sonrası (n=36) ve 1 saat abstinens süresi sonrası (n=36) alınan numuneler yıkama öncesi ve yıkama sonrası değerlendirildi. Yıkama öncesinde sperm volümünün ve total motil sperm sayısının kısa abstinens grubunda anlamlı olarak azaldığı bulundu. Yıkama sonrasında gruplar arasında motilitenin değişmediği, konsantrasyonun kısa abstinens grubunda anlamlı olarak azaldığı görüldü. Abstinens süresi kısa tutulduğunda sperm kromatin hasarının ve DNA fragmantasyon oranının azaldığı, antioksidan kapasitede bir değişiklik oluşturmadığı saptandı. Sonuç olarak normozoospermik olgularda, abstinens süresinin kısa tutulması sperm konsantrasyonunu ve total progressif motil sperm sayısını azaltmakla birlikte, uygulanacak üremeye yardımcı tedavi yaklaşımına göre inseminasyonda kromatin ve DNA bütünlüğü açısından daha kaliteli sperm kullanılmasına imkan sağlayacaktır. Ardışık ejakülasyon ve abstinens süresindeki kısalma aktioksidan kapasitede olumlu ya da olumsuz bir etki oluşturmamaktadır.
- 1.Agarwal A, Virk G, Ong C, du Plessis SS. Effect of oxidative stres on male reproduction. World J Men’s Health 2014;32:1-17.
- 2.Barratt CL. Semen analysis is the corner stone of investigation formale infertility. Practitioner 2007;251:8-10, 12, 5-7.
- 3.Francavilla F, Barbonetti A, Necozione S et al. Within-subject variation of seminal parameters in men within fertile marriages. Int J Androl 2007;30:174–181.
- 4.Mortimer D, Templeton AA, Lenton EA, Coleman RA. Influence of abstinence and ejaculation to analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men. Arch Androl 1982;8:251–256.
- 5.Dupesh S , Pandiyan N , Pandiyan R , Kartheeswaran J , Prakash B. Ejaculatory abstinence in semen analysis: does it make any sense? 2020;15;14:2633494120906882.
- 6.Bahadur G, Almossawi O, Zaid Z et al. Semen characteristics in consecutive ejaculates with short abstinence in subfertile males. Reprod Biomed Online 2015;32:323–328.
- 7.Agarwal A, Varghese AC, Sharma RK. Markers of oxidative stres and sperm chromatin integrity. Methods Mol Biol 2009;590:377-402.
- 8.Donatella P, Giulia P, Francesco P et al. Cytological and molecular aspects of the ageing sperm. Hum Reprod 2019;1;34(2):218-227.
- 9.Gosalvez J, Gonzalez-Martinez M, Lopez-Fernandez C, Fernandez J L, Sanchez-Martin P. Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate. Fertil Steril 2011;96:1083- 1086.
- 10.Richthoff J, Spano M, Giwercman YL et al. The impact of testicular and accessory sex gland function on sperm chromatin integrity as assessed by the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). Hum Reprod 2002;17:3162-3169.
- 11.Sharma RK, Agarwal A. Role of reactive oxygen species in male infertility. Urology 1996;48(6):835–850. https://doi: 10.1016/S0090-4295(96)00313-5.
- 12.Agarwal A, Sharma RK, Nallella KP et al. Reactive oxygen species as an independent marker of male factor infertility.Fertil Steril 2006;86(4):878–885.
- 13.WHO. Laboratory Manual For the Examination and Processing of Human Semen 5 th ed. ISBN 2010;978 92 4 1547789.
- 14.Høst E, Lindenberg S, Ernst E, Christensen F. Sperm morphology and IVF: embryo quality in relation to sperm morphology following the WHO and Kruger's strict criteria.Acta Obstet Gynecol S cand1999;78;526;9.
- 15.Pellestor F, Girardet A, Andreo B. Effect of long abstinence periods on human sperm quality. Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud 1993;39:278–82.
- 16.Sanchez-Martin P, Sanchez-Martin F, Gonzalez-Martinez M, Gosalvez J. Increased pregnancy after reduced male abstinence. Syst Biol Reprod Med 2013;59:256–60 /19396368.2013.790919.
- 17.Sunanda P, Panda B, Dash C, Padhy RN, Routray P. Effect of age and abstinence on semen quality: A retrospectivestudy in a teaching hospital. Asian Pac J Reprod.2014;3:134–41.
- 18.Carlsen E, Petersen JH, Andersson AM, Skakkebaek NE. (2004). Effects of ejaculatory frequency and season on variations in semen quality. Fertil Steril 2004;82:358–66. fertnstert.01.039.
- 19.Guzick DS, Overstreet JW, Factor-Litvak P et al. Sperm morphology, motility, and concentration in fertile and infertile men. N Engl J Med 2001;345: 1388-93. https://doi.Org/10.1056/NEJM oa003005.
- 20.Marshburn PB, Alanis M, Matthews ML et al. A short period of ejaculatory abstinence before intrauterine insemination is associated with higher pregnancy rates. Fertil Steril 2009;93: 286–8.
- 21.Oldereid NB, Gordeladze JO, Kirkhus B , Purvis K. Human sperm characteristics during frequent ejaculation. J Reprod Fertil1984;71:135–40.
- 22.Padova G, Tita P, Briguglia G, Giuffrida D. Influence of abstinence length on ejaculate characteristics. Acta Eur Fertil 1988;19:29–31.
- 23.Lehavi O, Botchan A, Paz G et al. Twenty-four hours abstinence and the quality of sperm parameters. Andrologia 2014;46:692–697.
- 24.De Jonge C, La Fromboise M, Bosmans E et al. Influence of the abstinence period on human sperm quality. Fertil Steril.2004;82:57–65. fertnstert..03.014.
- 25.Mayorga-Torres JM, Agarwal A, Roychoudhury S , Cadavid A , Cardona-Maya WD. Can a Short Term of Repeated Ejaculations Affect Seminal Parameters ? J Reprod Infertil 2016;17:177–83.
- 26.Scarselli F, Cursio E, Muzzì S et al. How 1 h of abstinence improves sperm quality and increases embryo euploidy rate after PGT-A: a study on 106 sibling biopsied blastocysts. J Assist Reprod Genet 2019;36:1591-1597.
- 27.Dupesh S, Pandiyan N, Pandiyan R, Kartheeswaran J, Prakash B. Ejaculatory abstinence in semen analysis: does it makeany sense? TherAdv Reprod Health2020.15;14: 2633494120906882.
- 28.Shi X, Shan Chan CP, Waters T et al. Lifestyle and demographic factors associated with human semen quality and sperm function. Syst Biol Reprod Med 2018;64;358;367.
- 29.Comar AV, Petersen G C. Mauri A L et al. Influence of the abstinence period on human sperm quality: analysis of 2,458 semen samples. JBRA Assist Reprod 2017;21;306;312.
- 30.Ricci G, Perticarari S, Boscolo R et al. Semen preparation methods and sperm apoptosis: swim-up versus gradient-density centrifugation technique. Fertil Steril 2009;91:632–8.
- 31.Agarwal A, Gupta S, Plessis SD et al. Abstinence Time and Its Impact on Basic and Advanced Semen Parameters. Urology 2016;94:102-10.
- 32.Du Plessis SS, McAllister DA, Luu A et al. Effects of H(2)O(2) exposure on human sperm motility parameters, reactive oxygen species levels and nitric oxide levels. Andrologia.2010;42(3):206–210.
- 33.Irvine DS. Twigg JP, Gordon EL et al. DNA integrity in human spermatozoa: relationships with semen quality. J Androl.2000;21(1):33–44.
- 34.Aitken RJ, Gibb Z, Baker MA, Drevet J Gharagozloo P. Causes and consequences of oxidative stress in spermatozoa. ReprodFertil Dev 2016;28:1–10.
- 35.Gavriliouk D, Aitken R. Damage to sperm DNA mediated by reactive oxygenspecies: it simpact on human reproduction and the health trajectory of offspring. Adv Exp Med Biol.2015;868:23–47.
- 36.Aitken RJ. Reactive oxygen species as mediators of sperm capacitation and pathological damage. Mol Reprod Dev 2017;84;1039;1052.
- 37. Marshburn PB, Giddings A, Causby S et al. Influence of ejaculatory abstinence on seminal total antioxidant capacity and sperm membrane lipid peroxidation. Fertil Steril 2014;102;705;10.
Effect of Sequential Ejaculation with Short Abstinence Time on Sperm Chromatin Integrity and Antioxidant Activity
Yıl 2022,
, 175 - 182, 15.09.2022
Seda Işıklar
Cihan Çakır
Işıl Kasapoğlu
Göktan Kuspinar
Kiper Aslan
Gürkan Uncu
Berrin Avcı
The effects of semen parameters on embryology laboratory results and clinical success vary according to the preferred treatment approach in assisted reproductive technology. Semen parameters vary according to the duration of abstinence and the washing protocols applied in the andrology laboratory and effect the quality of the sperm material to be inseminated. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a short abstinence period on routine semen parameters, sperm chromatin, DNA integrity, and antioxidant capacity against oxidative stress in normozoospermic men. Samples taken from the same patient after 2-5 days of abstinence with consecutive ejaculation (n=36) and after 1 hour of abstinence (n=36) were evaluated before and after washing. It was found that sperm volume and total motile sperm count were significantly decreased in the short abstinence group before washing. It was observed that motility did not change between the groups after washing, and the concentration decreased significantly in the short abstinence group. It was determined that sperm chromatin damage and DNA fragmentation rate decreased when the abstinence period was kept short, and there was no change in antioxidant capacity. As a result, in normozoospermic cases, keeping the abstinence period short will decrease sperm concentration and total progressive motile sperm count and allow the use of higher quality sperm in terms of chromatin and DNA integrity in insemination compared to the assisted approach reproductive treatment. Sequential ejaculation and shortening of the abstinence time do not have a positive or negative effect on the antioxidant capacity.
- 1.Agarwal A, Virk G, Ong C, du Plessis SS. Effect of oxidative stres on male reproduction. World J Men’s Health 2014;32:1-17.
- 2.Barratt CL. Semen analysis is the corner stone of investigation formale infertility. Practitioner 2007;251:8-10, 12, 5-7.
- 3.Francavilla F, Barbonetti A, Necozione S et al. Within-subject variation of seminal parameters in men within fertile marriages. Int J Androl 2007;30:174–181.
- 4.Mortimer D, Templeton AA, Lenton EA, Coleman RA. Influence of abstinence and ejaculation to analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men. Arch Androl 1982;8:251–256.
- 5.Dupesh S , Pandiyan N , Pandiyan R , Kartheeswaran J , Prakash B. Ejaculatory abstinence in semen analysis: does it make any sense? 2020;15;14:2633494120906882.
- 6.Bahadur G, Almossawi O, Zaid Z et al. Semen characteristics in consecutive ejaculates with short abstinence in subfertile males. Reprod Biomed Online 2015;32:323–328.
- 7.Agarwal A, Varghese AC, Sharma RK. Markers of oxidative stres and sperm chromatin integrity. Methods Mol Biol 2009;590:377-402.
- 8.Donatella P, Giulia P, Francesco P et al. Cytological and molecular aspects of the ageing sperm. Hum Reprod 2019;1;34(2):218-227.
- 9.Gosalvez J, Gonzalez-Martinez M, Lopez-Fernandez C, Fernandez J L, Sanchez-Martin P. Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate. Fertil Steril 2011;96:1083- 1086.
- 10.Richthoff J, Spano M, Giwercman YL et al. The impact of testicular and accessory sex gland function on sperm chromatin integrity as assessed by the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). Hum Reprod 2002;17:3162-3169.
- 11.Sharma RK, Agarwal A. Role of reactive oxygen species in male infertility. Urology 1996;48(6):835–850. https://doi: 10.1016/S0090-4295(96)00313-5.
- 12.Agarwal A, Sharma RK, Nallella KP et al. Reactive oxygen species as an independent marker of male factor infertility.Fertil Steril 2006;86(4):878–885.
- 13.WHO. Laboratory Manual For the Examination and Processing of Human Semen 5 th ed. ISBN 2010;978 92 4 1547789.
- 14.Høst E, Lindenberg S, Ernst E, Christensen F. Sperm morphology and IVF: embryo quality in relation to sperm morphology following the WHO and Kruger's strict criteria.Acta Obstet Gynecol S cand1999;78;526;9.
- 15.Pellestor F, Girardet A, Andreo B. Effect of long abstinence periods on human sperm quality. Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud 1993;39:278–82.
- 16.Sanchez-Martin P, Sanchez-Martin F, Gonzalez-Martinez M, Gosalvez J. Increased pregnancy after reduced male abstinence. Syst Biol Reprod Med 2013;59:256–60 /19396368.2013.790919.
- 17.Sunanda P, Panda B, Dash C, Padhy RN, Routray P. Effect of age and abstinence on semen quality: A retrospectivestudy in a teaching hospital. Asian Pac J Reprod.2014;3:134–41.
- 18.Carlsen E, Petersen JH, Andersson AM, Skakkebaek NE. (2004). Effects of ejaculatory frequency and season on variations in semen quality. Fertil Steril 2004;82:358–66. fertnstert.01.039.
- 19.Guzick DS, Overstreet JW, Factor-Litvak P et al. Sperm morphology, motility, and concentration in fertile and infertile men. N Engl J Med 2001;345: 1388-93. https://doi.Org/10.1056/NEJM oa003005.
- 20.Marshburn PB, Alanis M, Matthews ML et al. A short period of ejaculatory abstinence before intrauterine insemination is associated with higher pregnancy rates. Fertil Steril 2009;93: 286–8.
- 21.Oldereid NB, Gordeladze JO, Kirkhus B , Purvis K. Human sperm characteristics during frequent ejaculation. J Reprod Fertil1984;71:135–40.
- 22.Padova G, Tita P, Briguglia G, Giuffrida D. Influence of abstinence length on ejaculate characteristics. Acta Eur Fertil 1988;19:29–31.
- 23.Lehavi O, Botchan A, Paz G et al. Twenty-four hours abstinence and the quality of sperm parameters. Andrologia 2014;46:692–697.
- 24.De Jonge C, La Fromboise M, Bosmans E et al. Influence of the abstinence period on human sperm quality. Fertil Steril.2004;82:57–65. fertnstert..03.014.
- 25.Mayorga-Torres JM, Agarwal A, Roychoudhury S , Cadavid A , Cardona-Maya WD. Can a Short Term of Repeated Ejaculations Affect Seminal Parameters ? J Reprod Infertil 2016;17:177–83.
- 26.Scarselli F, Cursio E, Muzzì S et al. How 1 h of abstinence improves sperm quality and increases embryo euploidy rate after PGT-A: a study on 106 sibling biopsied blastocysts. J Assist Reprod Genet 2019;36:1591-1597.
- 27.Dupesh S, Pandiyan N, Pandiyan R, Kartheeswaran J, Prakash B. Ejaculatory abstinence in semen analysis: does it makeany sense? TherAdv Reprod Health2020.15;14: 2633494120906882.
- 28.Shi X, Shan Chan CP, Waters T et al. Lifestyle and demographic factors associated with human semen quality and sperm function. Syst Biol Reprod Med 2018;64;358;367.
- 29.Comar AV, Petersen G C. Mauri A L et al. Influence of the abstinence period on human sperm quality: analysis of 2,458 semen samples. JBRA Assist Reprod 2017;21;306;312.
- 30.Ricci G, Perticarari S, Boscolo R et al. Semen preparation methods and sperm apoptosis: swim-up versus gradient-density centrifugation technique. Fertil Steril 2009;91:632–8.
- 31.Agarwal A, Gupta S, Plessis SD et al. Abstinence Time and Its Impact on Basic and Advanced Semen Parameters. Urology 2016;94:102-10.
- 32.Du Plessis SS, McAllister DA, Luu A et al. Effects of H(2)O(2) exposure on human sperm motility parameters, reactive oxygen species levels and nitric oxide levels. Andrologia.2010;42(3):206–210.
- 33.Irvine DS. Twigg JP, Gordon EL et al. DNA integrity in human spermatozoa: relationships with semen quality. J Androl.2000;21(1):33–44.
- 34.Aitken RJ, Gibb Z, Baker MA, Drevet J Gharagozloo P. Causes and consequences of oxidative stress in spermatozoa. ReprodFertil Dev 2016;28:1–10.
- 35.Gavriliouk D, Aitken R. Damage to sperm DNA mediated by reactive oxygenspecies: it simpact on human reproduction and the health trajectory of offspring. Adv Exp Med Biol.2015;868:23–47.
- 36.Aitken RJ. Reactive oxygen species as mediators of sperm capacitation and pathological damage. Mol Reprod Dev 2017;84;1039;1052.
- 37. Marshburn PB, Giddings A, Causby S et al. Influence of ejaculatory abstinence on seminal total antioxidant capacity and sperm membrane lipid peroxidation. Fertil Steril 2014;102;705;10.