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Serbest Doku Naklinde Arteriovenöz Döngünün Kullanımının Retrospektif Değerlendirmesi

Yıl 2024, , 49 - 52, 17.05.2024


Rekonstrüktif mikrocerrahi doku transferi için güçlü bir silah olması ile birlikte uygun alıcı damarların bulunması önemli bir kriteri oluşturur. Doku transferi ihtiyacı gelişen olguların önemli bir kısmında ise travma zonunda alıcı damarların sağlamlığı ve varlığı önemli bir değerlendirme noktasıdır. Olası alıcı damarların defekt bölgesinde bulunan ucundan ziyade travma zonu dışında kalan daha proksimal kısımları kullanılmaya çalışılır. Böylece olası intimal hasardan sakınılma amaçlanır. Fakat alıcı damarların uygun olmadığı durumlarda ise daha proksimalde ve travma zonundan uzakta yer alan alıcı alanlara uzun ven greftleri ile ulaşılarak kan akımı sağlamak uzun zamanlardan beri kullanılan bir tekniktir. Arteriovenöz (AV) döngü oluşturmak benzer mantıkla kullanılan bir diğer tekniktir. 2018-2023 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilen ve serbest doku nakiller ile rekonstrüksiyon gerçekleştirilen vakalar retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Değerlendirmeye alınan beş hastanın yaş ortalaması 53,9( 33-72). İkisi kadın üçü erkekti. Dört hastanın defekti alt ekstremitede yer alırken bir hastanın göğüs duvarı anteriorundaydı. Alt ekstremite defektlerinden ikisi kruris, ikisi diz anteriorunda olan defektlerdi. Hastalar defekt etiyolojisi açısından incelendiğinde üç hasta travmaya sekonder, bir göğüs defekti hastası tümör ilişkili, bir hastanın diz protezi uygulaması sonrası yara detaşmanı nedenli gelişmiştir. Hastaların dördünde LD (Latissimus dorsi) flep ile bir hastaya da şimerik ALT (Anterolateral thigh) flep ile rekonstrüksiyon sağlanmıştır. Bir hastanın haricinde diğer hastalara uygulanan serbest doku nakillerinde erken veya geç dönemde herhangi bir komplikasyon izlenmedi. AV döngü yardımı ile serbest flep rekonstrüksiyonları, lokal alıcı damarın uygun ya da güvenilir olmadığı bölgelerde, başarı şansı tatmin edici derecede yüksek olan cerrahi bir tekniktir.


Makale yazarlarının teşekkür ve destek beyanı bulunmamaktadır.


  • 1. Lai CS, Chang YT, Shen CH, Tsai YC, Lu C Te, Yen JH, et al. The role of vein grafts in reconstructive head and neck microsurgery. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Nov 1;88:S81–8.
  • 2. Arkudas A, Horch RE, Regus S, Meyer A, Lang W, Schmitz M, et al. Retrospective cohort study of combined approach for trunk reconstruction using arteriovenous loops and free flaps. J Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg. 2018 Mar 1;71(3):394–401.
  • 3. Taeger CD, Horch RE, Arkudas A, Schmitz M, Stübinger A, Lang W, et al. Combined free flaps with arteriovenous loops for reconstruction of extensive thoracic defects after sternal osteomyelitis. Microsurgery. 2016 Feb 25;36(2):121–7.
  • 4. Taeger CD, Arkudas A, Beier JP, Horch RE. Emergency arterio‐venous loop for free‐flap defect reconstruction of the lower thigh with a post‐irradiated and heavily infected wound. Int Wound J. 2015 Oct 14;12(5):598–600.
  • 5. Dornseifer U, Kleeberger C, Ehrl D, Herter F, Ninkovic M, Iesalnieks I. Arteriovenous Loop–Independent Free Flap Reconstruction of Sternal Defects after Cardiac Surgery. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2016 Feb 26;32(07):506–12.
  • 6. Langdell HC, Shammas RL, Atia A, Chang EI, Matros E, Phillips BT. Vein Grafts in Free Flap Reconstruction: Review of Indications and Institutional Pearls. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2022 Mar 23;149(3):742–9.
  • 7. Jandali S, Diluna ML, Storm PB, Low DW. Use of the vascularized free fibula graft with an arteriovenous loop for fusion of cervical and thoracic spinal defects in previously irradiated pediatric patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011 May;127(5):1932–8.
  • 8. Momeni A, Lanni MA, Levin LS, Kovach SJ. Does the use of arteriovenous loops increase complications rates in posttraumatic microsurgical lower extremity reconstruction?—A matched-pair analysis. Microsurgery. 2018 Sep 1;38(6):605–10.
  • 9. Zenn MR, Pribaz J, Walsh M. Use of the descending lateral femoral circumflex artery and vein for vascular grafting: A better alternative to an arteriovenous loop. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Jul;126(1):140–2.
  • 10. Henn D, Wähmann MST, Horsch M, Hetjens S, Kremer T, Gazyakan E, et al. One-Stage versus Two-Stage Arteriovenous Loop Reconstructions: An Experience on 103 Cases from a Single Center. In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019. p. 912–24.
  • 11. Cavadas PC. Arteriovenous vascular loops in free flap reconstruction of the extremities. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Feb;121(2):514–20.
  • 12. Knackstedt R, Aliotta R, Gatherwright J, Djohan R, Gastman B, Schwarz G, et al. Single-stage versus two-stage arteriovenous loop microsurgical reconstruction: A meta-analysis of the literature. Vol. 38, Microsurgery. John Wiley and Sons Inc.; 2018. p. 706–17.

Retrospective Evaluation of the Use of Arteriovenous Loop in Free Tissue Transfer

Yıl 2024, , 49 - 52, 17.05.2024


In the realm of reconstructive microsurgery, the utility of the procedure is significantly influenced by the availability of appropriate recipient vessels for tissue transfer. A critical factor in a substantial number of tissue transfer interventions is the assessment of the recipient artery's integrity and availability within the zone of trauma. The strategy often involves utilizing the more proximal segments of the potential recipient artery that are situated outside the trauma-affected zone, thereby circumventing the regions susceptible to intimal damage. In instances where the recipient vessels are deemed unsuitable, the employment of elongated vein grafts to facilitate blood flow to more proximally located recipient sites, distanced from the trauma zone, has been a longstanding practice. Similarly, the construction of arteriovenous (AV) loops represents an alternative methodology adhering to this rationale. This retrospective study encompasses cases from 2018 to 2023, wherein patients underwent reconstructive surgery utilizing free tissue grafts. The cohort comprised five patients with an average age of 53.9 years, ranging from 33 to 72, including two females and three males. The anatomical sites of the defects included the lower extremity in four patients (specifically, the cruris and the anterior knee region) and the anterior chest wall in one patient. The etiology of the defects varied: three were attributed to traumatic events, one resulted from oncological disease, and another ensued from wound dehiscence post knee prosthesis implantation. The reconstructive approaches employed involved the use of the Latissimus Dorsi (LD) flap in four patients and the chimeric Anterolateral Thigh (ALT) flap in one. The outcomes of the free flap reconstructions, barring one exception, were devoid of any early or late postoperative complications, thereby underscoring the high success rate of free flap reconstructions facilitated by arteriovenous loops in anatomical regions where local recipient vessels are compromised or deemed unreliable.


  • 1. Lai CS, Chang YT, Shen CH, Tsai YC, Lu C Te, Yen JH, et al. The role of vein grafts in reconstructive head and neck microsurgery. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Nov 1;88:S81–8.
  • 2. Arkudas A, Horch RE, Regus S, Meyer A, Lang W, Schmitz M, et al. Retrospective cohort study of combined approach for trunk reconstruction using arteriovenous loops and free flaps. J Plast Reconstr Aesthetic Surg. 2018 Mar 1;71(3):394–401.
  • 3. Taeger CD, Horch RE, Arkudas A, Schmitz M, Stübinger A, Lang W, et al. Combined free flaps with arteriovenous loops for reconstruction of extensive thoracic defects after sternal osteomyelitis. Microsurgery. 2016 Feb 25;36(2):121–7.
  • 4. Taeger CD, Arkudas A, Beier JP, Horch RE. Emergency arterio‐venous loop for free‐flap defect reconstruction of the lower thigh with a post‐irradiated and heavily infected wound. Int Wound J. 2015 Oct 14;12(5):598–600.
  • 5. Dornseifer U, Kleeberger C, Ehrl D, Herter F, Ninkovic M, Iesalnieks I. Arteriovenous Loop–Independent Free Flap Reconstruction of Sternal Defects after Cardiac Surgery. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2016 Feb 26;32(07):506–12.
  • 6. Langdell HC, Shammas RL, Atia A, Chang EI, Matros E, Phillips BT. Vein Grafts in Free Flap Reconstruction: Review of Indications and Institutional Pearls. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2022 Mar 23;149(3):742–9.
  • 7. Jandali S, Diluna ML, Storm PB, Low DW. Use of the vascularized free fibula graft with an arteriovenous loop for fusion of cervical and thoracic spinal defects in previously irradiated pediatric patients. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011 May;127(5):1932–8.
  • 8. Momeni A, Lanni MA, Levin LS, Kovach SJ. Does the use of arteriovenous loops increase complications rates in posttraumatic microsurgical lower extremity reconstruction?—A matched-pair analysis. Microsurgery. 2018 Sep 1;38(6):605–10.
  • 9. Zenn MR, Pribaz J, Walsh M. Use of the descending lateral femoral circumflex artery and vein for vascular grafting: A better alternative to an arteriovenous loop. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Jul;126(1):140–2.
  • 10. Henn D, Wähmann MST, Horsch M, Hetjens S, Kremer T, Gazyakan E, et al. One-Stage versus Two-Stage Arteriovenous Loop Reconstructions: An Experience on 103 Cases from a Single Center. In: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2019. p. 912–24.
  • 11. Cavadas PC. Arteriovenous vascular loops in free flap reconstruction of the extremities. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Feb;121(2):514–20.
  • 12. Knackstedt R, Aliotta R, Gatherwright J, Djohan R, Gastman B, Schwarz G, et al. Single-stage versus two-stage arteriovenous loop microsurgical reconstruction: A meta-analysis of the literature. Vol. 38, Microsurgery. John Wiley and Sons Inc.; 2018. p. 706–17.
Toplam 12 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Cerrahi (Diğer)
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma Makaleleri

Süleyman Çeçen 0000-0003-2430-727X

Murat Muhammed Biner 0000-0002-7620-3432

Duhan İçel 0000-0003-0847-8829

Selçuk Akın 0000-0003-1683-0722

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 16 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Çeçen S, Biner MM, İçel D, Akın S. Serbest Doku Naklinde Arteriovenöz Döngünün Kullanımının Retrospektif Değerlendirmesi. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Mayıs 2024;50(1):49-52. doi:10.32708/uutfd.1397270

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License" ile lisanslanmaktadır.

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Journal of Uludag University Medical Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.