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Şizofreni ile Birliktelik Gösteren Capgras Sendromu: Bir Ergen Olgu Sunumu

Yıl 2024, , 313 - 315, 08.10.2024


Capgras sendromunda (CS), hasta orijinal kişi ya da nesnelerin tıpatıp benzerleri (sahteleri) ile yer değiştirdiğine inanır. Sendrom nadiren saf haliyle ortaya çıkar. Genellikle psikotik hastalık ve organik patolojiye eşlik eder. Capgras sendromu bütün yaş gruplarında ortaya çıkabilir ve kadınlarda görülme sıklığı daha fazladır. Bu yazıda saldırganlık, çevresine zarar verme ve DNA testi yaptırmak isteme şikayetiyle hastaneye başvuran 16 yaşında kadın hasta olgusu sunulacaktır. İlk başvuru muayenesinde Capgras sanrılarının olduğu görülmüş olup psikiyatri kliniğinde yatırılarak takip edilmiştir. Erken başlangıçlı psikotik bozukluk tanısıyla izlenen hastanın takiplerde erken başlangıçlı Şizofreni ile birliktelik gösteren CS olgusu olduğu belirlenmiştir. Erken başlangıçlı Şizofreni nadir görülen bir durumdur ve CS'nin bu yaşta başlaması da nadirdir. Olgumuz nadir görülen bir durum olan CS'nin ergenlik döneminde de görülebileceğini göstermesi açısından değerlidir.


  • 1. Cipriani G, Vedovello M, Ulivi M, Lucetti C, Di Fiorino A,Nuti A. Delusional misidentification syndromes and dementia:a border zone between neurology and psychiatry. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias®.2013;28(7):671-78.
  • 2. Edelstyn NM, Oyebode F, Barrett K. The delusions of Capgrasand intermetamorphosis in a patient with right-hemisphere white-matter pathology. Psychopathology. 2001;34(6):299-304.
  • 3. Salvatore P, Bhuvaneswar C, Tohen M, Khalsa H-MK, Maggini C, Baldessarini RJ. Capgras' syndrome in first-episode psychotic disorders. Psychopathology. 2014;47(4):261-69.
  • 4. Gibson R, Lowe G, Morgan K, Henry M, De La Haye W, IronsA.Capgras syndrome presenting in an adolescent girl in theCaribbean. West Indian Medical Journal. 2013;62(1).
  • 5. Breitborde NJ, Srihari VH, Woods SW. Review of theoperational definition for first‐episode psychosis. Early intervention in psychiatry. 2009;3(4):259-65.
  • 6. Association AP. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mentaldisorders. Text revision. 2000.
  • 7. Förstl H, Almeida OP, Owen AM, Burns A, Howard R.Psychiatric, neurological and medical aspects ofmisidentification syndromes: a review of 260 cases.Psychological medicine. 1991;21(4):905-10.
  • 8. Devinsky O. Delusional misidentifications and duplications: right brain lesions, left brain delusions. Neurology. 2009;72(1):80-87.
  • 9. Christodoulou GN. The delusional misidentificationsyndromes. Bibl Psychiatr. 1986.
  • 10. Enoch D, Puri BK, Ball H. Uncommon psychiatric syndromes. Routledge; 2020.

Capgras Syndrome Accompanying Schizophrenia: An Adolescent Case Report

Yıl 2024, , 313 - 315, 08.10.2024


In Capgras syndrome, the patient believes that the original person or objects have been replaced by identical ones (fakes). The syndrome rarely occurs in its pure form. It often accompanies psychotic illness and organic pathology. Capgras syndrome can occur in all age groups and is more common in women. In this article, the case of a 16-year-old female patient who applied to the hospital with complaints of aggression, harming her environment and wanting to have a DNA test will be presented. During her first admission examination, she was found to have Capgras delusions, and she was hospitalized and monitored in a psychiatric clinic. The patient, who was followed up with a diagnosis of early-onset psychotic disorder, was determined to be a case of CS accompanying Schizophrenia. Early-onset Schizophrenia is already a rare condition, and the onset of CS at this age is uncommon. Our case is valuable as it shows that CS, a rare condition, can also be seen in adolescence.


  • 1. Cipriani G, Vedovello M, Ulivi M, Lucetti C, Di Fiorino A,Nuti A. Delusional misidentification syndromes and dementia:a border zone between neurology and psychiatry. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias®.2013;28(7):671-78.
  • 2. Edelstyn NM, Oyebode F, Barrett K. The delusions of Capgrasand intermetamorphosis in a patient with right-hemisphere white-matter pathology. Psychopathology. 2001;34(6):299-304.
  • 3. Salvatore P, Bhuvaneswar C, Tohen M, Khalsa H-MK, Maggini C, Baldessarini RJ. Capgras' syndrome in first-episode psychotic disorders. Psychopathology. 2014;47(4):261-69.
  • 4. Gibson R, Lowe G, Morgan K, Henry M, De La Haye W, IronsA.Capgras syndrome presenting in an adolescent girl in theCaribbean. West Indian Medical Journal. 2013;62(1).
  • 5. Breitborde NJ, Srihari VH, Woods SW. Review of theoperational definition for first‐episode psychosis. Early intervention in psychiatry. 2009;3(4):259-65.
  • 6. Association AP. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mentaldisorders. Text revision. 2000.
  • 7. Förstl H, Almeida OP, Owen AM, Burns A, Howard R.Psychiatric, neurological and medical aspects ofmisidentification syndromes: a review of 260 cases.Psychological medicine. 1991;21(4):905-10.
  • 8. Devinsky O. Delusional misidentifications and duplications: right brain lesions, left brain delusions. Neurology. 2009;72(1):80-87.
  • 9. Christodoulou GN. The delusional misidentificationsyndromes. Bibl Psychiatr. 1986.
  • 10. Enoch D, Puri BK, Ball H. Uncommon psychiatric syndromes. Routledge; 2020.
Toplam 10 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Psikiyatri
Bölüm Olgu Bildirimi Makaleler

Mehtap Eroğlu 0000-0002-5879-9412

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Eroğlu M. Capgras Syndrome Accompanying Schizophrenia: An Adolescent Case Report. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Ekim 2024;50(2):313-315. doi:10.32708/uutfd.1478893

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

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Journal of Uludag University Medical Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.