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Clinical and Histopathological Features of Urethral Caruncle: Series of Patients

Yıl 2019, , 13 - 15, 01.04.2019


Urethral caruncle is a benign polypoid mass of the urethral meatus in primarily postmenopausal
This study analyzes
patients with urethral caruncule which were diagnosed between 2005-2013. Their
clinical and histopathological features were evaluated retrospectively.
Demographics of patients, clinical history, clinical diagnosis and pathologic
characteristics of the specimen were assessed.
caruncle  may clinically mimic benign and
malignant conditions. Biopsy should be indicated only if the mass has other
characteristics that raise suspicion of malignancy.


  • AbdullGaffar B, Keloth TR, Raman LG, Mahmood S, Almulla A, AlMarzouqi M, Al-Hasani S. Unusual benign polypoid and papular neoplasms and tumor-like lesions of the vulva. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2014 Apr;18(2):63-70.
  • Coban S, Bıyık I. Urethral caruncle: Case report of a rare acute urinary retension cause.Can Urol Assoc J. 2014 Mar;8(3-4):E270-2.
  • Chiba M, Toki A, Sugiyama A, Suganuma R, Osawa S, Ishii R, Nakagami T, Suzuki J, Watarai Y, Kawano S, Suzuki K. Urethral caruncle in a 9-year-old girl: a case report and review of the literature. J Med Case Rep. 2015;9:71.
  • Tomita H, Takeyama N, Hayashi T, Tanihuji S, Yamamoto K, Sasaki H, Ohike N, Nakajima Y, Hashimoto T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of a Urethral Caruncle and the Pathologic Correlation: A Report of 3 Cases. J Comput Assist Tomogr 2017;41: 962–4
  • Turkeri L, Simsek F, Akdas A. Urethral caruncle in an unusual location occurring in prepubertal girl. Eur Urol 1989;16:153-4.6. Burkland CE. Common lesions of the urethra in women. Calif Med. 1952;76:69–73.
  • Conces MR1, Williamson SR, Montironi R, Lopez-Beltran A, Scarpelli M, Cheng L. Urethral caruncle: clinicopathologic features of 41 cases. Human Pathology (2012) 43, 1400–4
  • Hall ME, Oyesanya T, Cameron AP. Results of surgical excision of urethral prolapse in symptomatic patients. Neurourol Urodyn. 2017 Nov;36(8):2049-2055.9. Omar A, Thomas A, Thompson I. Primary urethral transitional cell carcinoma presenting as a urethral caruncle. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2007;18:1227-8.
  • Kaneko G, Nishimoto K, Ogata K, et al. A case of intraepithelial squamous cell carcinoma arising from urethral caruncle. Can Urol Assoc J 2011;5:E14-6.
  • Safadi A, Schwalb S, Ben-Shachar I, Katz R. Primary malignant urethral melanoma resembling a urethral caruncle. Urol Case Rep. 2017 Sep 9;15:28-9
  • Becker LE. Urethral caruncle: a herald lesion for distal urethral stenosis? J Natl Med Assoc 1975;67:228-30.
  • Cheng L, Leibovich BC, Cheville JC, Ramnani DM, Sebo TJ, Nehra A, Malek RS, Zincke H, Bostwick DG. Squamous papilloma of the urinary tract is unrelated to condyloma acuminata. Cancer 2000;88:1679-86.
  • Tabibian L, Ginsberg DA. Thrombosed urethral hemangioma. J Urol 2003;170:1942.
  • Presentation of a benign fibroepithelial polyp with frank haematuria: an unusual diagnosis. Dolan R, Morton S, Granitsiotis P. Scott Med J. 2015 Feb;60(1):e24-6.
  • Oyesanya T, Cameron AP Results of surgical excision of urethral prolapse in symptomatic patients. Hall ME. Neurourol Urodyn. 2017 Nov;36(8):2049-55.

Üretral Karünküllerin Klinik ve Histopatolojik Özellikleri: Olgu Serisi

Yıl 2019, , 13 - 15, 01.04.2019


        Üretral karünküller, postmenopozal kadınlarda daha sık gözlenen
üretral meatusun benign polipoid kitleleridir. Çalışmada 2005 – 2013 yılları
arasında, üretral karünkül tanısı almış olgular, geriye dönük incelenerek,
klinik ve histopatolojik özellikleri ortaya konuldu.  Üretral karünküller benign ve malign
tümörleri taklit edebilen lezyonlardır. Özellikle semptomatik veya malignite
şüphesi taşıyan üretral karünküllerden biyopsi örneklemesi yapılmalıdır. 


  • AbdullGaffar B, Keloth TR, Raman LG, Mahmood S, Almulla A, AlMarzouqi M, Al-Hasani S. Unusual benign polypoid and papular neoplasms and tumor-like lesions of the vulva. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2014 Apr;18(2):63-70.
  • Coban S, Bıyık I. Urethral caruncle: Case report of a rare acute urinary retension cause.Can Urol Assoc J. 2014 Mar;8(3-4):E270-2.
  • Chiba M, Toki A, Sugiyama A, Suganuma R, Osawa S, Ishii R, Nakagami T, Suzuki J, Watarai Y, Kawano S, Suzuki K. Urethral caruncle in a 9-year-old girl: a case report and review of the literature. J Med Case Rep. 2015;9:71.
  • Tomita H, Takeyama N, Hayashi T, Tanihuji S, Yamamoto K, Sasaki H, Ohike N, Nakajima Y, Hashimoto T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of a Urethral Caruncle and the Pathologic Correlation: A Report of 3 Cases. J Comput Assist Tomogr 2017;41: 962–4
  • Turkeri L, Simsek F, Akdas A. Urethral caruncle in an unusual location occurring in prepubertal girl. Eur Urol 1989;16:153-4.6. Burkland CE. Common lesions of the urethra in women. Calif Med. 1952;76:69–73.
  • Conces MR1, Williamson SR, Montironi R, Lopez-Beltran A, Scarpelli M, Cheng L. Urethral caruncle: clinicopathologic features of 41 cases. Human Pathology (2012) 43, 1400–4
  • Hall ME, Oyesanya T, Cameron AP. Results of surgical excision of urethral prolapse in symptomatic patients. Neurourol Urodyn. 2017 Nov;36(8):2049-2055.9. Omar A, Thomas A, Thompson I. Primary urethral transitional cell carcinoma presenting as a urethral caruncle. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2007;18:1227-8.
  • Kaneko G, Nishimoto K, Ogata K, et al. A case of intraepithelial squamous cell carcinoma arising from urethral caruncle. Can Urol Assoc J 2011;5:E14-6.
  • Safadi A, Schwalb S, Ben-Shachar I, Katz R. Primary malignant urethral melanoma resembling a urethral caruncle. Urol Case Rep. 2017 Sep 9;15:28-9
  • Becker LE. Urethral caruncle: a herald lesion for distal urethral stenosis? J Natl Med Assoc 1975;67:228-30.
  • Cheng L, Leibovich BC, Cheville JC, Ramnani DM, Sebo TJ, Nehra A, Malek RS, Zincke H, Bostwick DG. Squamous papilloma of the urinary tract is unrelated to condyloma acuminata. Cancer 2000;88:1679-86.
  • Tabibian L, Ginsberg DA. Thrombosed urethral hemangioma. J Urol 2003;170:1942.
  • Presentation of a benign fibroepithelial polyp with frank haematuria: an unusual diagnosis. Dolan R, Morton S, Granitsiotis P. Scott Med J. 2015 Feb;60(1):e24-6.
  • Oyesanya T, Cameron AP Results of surgical excision of urethral prolapse in symptomatic patients. Hall ME. Neurourol Urodyn. 2017 Nov;36(8):2049-55.
Toplam 14 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma Makaleleri

Seçil Hasdemir 0000-0003-1769-7484

Berna Aytaç Vuruşkan

Hakan Vuruşkan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2019
Kabul Tarihi 3 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

AMA Hasdemir S, Aytaç Vuruşkan B, Vuruşkan H. Üretral Karünküllerin Klinik ve Histopatolojik Özellikleri: Olgu Serisi. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Nisan 2019;45(1):13-15. doi:10.32708/uutfd.426197

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

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