Avasküler nekroz kemiğin vasküler yapısına veya direkt olarak kemik ve kemik iliği
yapılarına hasarlanma sonucu oluşan ve kemik ve kemik iliği hücrelerinin ölümüne yol açan;
sonuç olarak kısa sürede eklem destruksiyonuna yol açan bir durumdur. Hematolojik veya
hematolojik olmayan sebepleri mevcuttur. Özellikle hematolojik malignitelerden akut
lenfoblastik lösemi gösterilse de geç dönemde özellikle tedavinin bir komplikasyonu olarak
akut myeloblastik lösemide de gözlenebilmektedir. AML’li olguların femur başı avaskuler
nekrozu ile prezente olması çok nadir bir durumdur ve septik artritten ayrımı zordur.
Referans 1- Chang CC1, Greenspan A, Gershwin ME. Osteonecrosis: current perspectives on pathogenesis and treatment. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 1993 Aug;23(1):47-69.
Referans 2- Sorich MM, Cherian JJ, McElroy MJ et al. Osteonecrosis of the Hip in Hematologic Disease: A Review of Conditions and Treatment Options. J Long Term Eff Med Implants. 2015;25(4):253-68
Referans 3-Tan TJ, Tan SC. Concomitant early avascular necrosis of the femoral head and acute bacterial arthritis by enteric Gram-negative bacilli in four oncologic patients. Singapore Med J. 2013 May;54(5): e108-12.
Referans 4-Drescher W, Pufe T, Smeets R et al. Avascular necrosis of the hip- diagnosis and treatment., Z Orthop Unfall. 2011 Apr;149(2):231-40; quiz 241-2. doi: 10.1055/s-0030-1270984. Epub 2011 Apr 5.
Referans 5-Arico M, Boccalatte MF, Silvestri D et al. Osteonecrosis: An emerging complication of intensive chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia., Haematologica. 2003 Jul;88(7):747-53.
Femoral Head Avascular Necrosis Like Appearence on the New Onset Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia
Avascular necrosis is a process that occurs with the destruction of directly to the bone or bone
marrow itself or to the vascular compartments and becomes the reason of joint destruction
consequently in a short manner of time. It has hematological and non-hematological reasons.
It has been postulated to accompany with acute lymphoblastic leukemia among
hematological malignancies but also has been observed during late stages of acute
myeloblastic leukemia especially as a complication of its treatment. The presentation with
femoral head avascular necrosis on new onset AML is a rare situation and it can be
challanging to discriminate it from septic arthritis.
Referans 1- Chang CC1, Greenspan A, Gershwin ME. Osteonecrosis: current perspectives on pathogenesis and treatment. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 1993 Aug;23(1):47-69.
Referans 2- Sorich MM, Cherian JJ, McElroy MJ et al. Osteonecrosis of the Hip in Hematologic Disease: A Review of Conditions and Treatment Options. J Long Term Eff Med Implants. 2015;25(4):253-68
Referans 3-Tan TJ, Tan SC. Concomitant early avascular necrosis of the femoral head and acute bacterial arthritis by enteric Gram-negative bacilli in four oncologic patients. Singapore Med J. 2013 May;54(5): e108-12.
Referans 4-Drescher W, Pufe T, Smeets R et al. Avascular necrosis of the hip- diagnosis and treatment., Z Orthop Unfall. 2011 Apr;149(2):231-40; quiz 241-2. doi: 10.1055/s-0030-1270984. Epub 2011 Apr 5.
Referans 5-Arico M, Boccalatte MF, Silvestri D et al. Osteonecrosis: An emerging complication of intensive chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia., Haematologica. 2003 Jul;88(7):747-53.
Turgutkaya A, Yavaşoğlu İ. Yeni Tanı Akut Myeloblastik Lösemide Femur Başı Avasküler Nekrozu Benzeri Görünüm. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Ağustos 2020;46(2):217-219. doi:10.32708/uutfd.746055