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Nadir Görülen Bir Over Tümörü: Sklerozan Stromal Tümör

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 46 Sayı: 3, 403 - 406, 01.12.2020


Sklerozan stromal tümör (SST) over seks kord stromal tümörleri arasında yer alan oldukça nadir görülen benign bir stromal tümördür. Bu olgu sunumunda sağ overde SST saptanan hastanın, radyolojik bulguları ve histopatolojik özellikleri literatür eşliğinde kısaca tartışılmıştır. 23 yaşında kadın hasta, pelvik ağrı şikayeti ile başvurduğu dış merkezde yapılan abdominal ultrasonografisinde sağ adnekste kistik ve solid komponenti olan kitle lezyon saptanması üzerine ileri tanı ve tedavi için hastanemiz kadın doğum polikliniğine yönlendirildi. Cinsiyet değiştirme istemi de olan hastaya yapılan laboratuvar incelemelerinde herhangi bir hormonal anormallik saptanmadı. Kitlenin frozen incelemesi sonrasında total abdominal histerektomi ve bilateral salpingoooferektomi (TAH+BSO) yapılması kararlaştırıldı. Frozen kesitlerin incelenmesi sonucu “seks kord stromal tümör” olarak değerlendirilen tümörün mikroskopik incelemesinde, kollajenöz ve ödemli hiposellüler alanlar ile hipersellüler alanların oluşturduğu psödolobüler patern, belirgin vasküler proliferasyon izlendi. Morfolojik ve immunhistokimyasal bulgular ışığında sağ overde izlenen tümör “SST” olarak tanı almıştır. Sklerozan stromal tümör olgularının büyük bir kısmı vasküler açıdan zengin solid kitle olduğundan radyolojik olarak öncelikle malign tümör olasılığı akla gelmektedir. SST’nin benign biyolojik davranışa sahip olması ve konservatif cerrahinin gerekli olduğu genç hastalarda görülmesi nedeniyle intraoperatif patolojik tanısı oldukça önemlidir.


  • Atram M, Anshu, Sharma S, Gangane N. Sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary. Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2014;57(5):405-8.
  • Chalvardjian A, Scully RE. Sclerosing stromal tumors of the ovary. Cancer 1973;31:664-70.
  • Furukawa S, Kanno K, Kojima M, Ohara M, Soeda S, Suzuki S, Watanabe T, Nishiyama H, Honda T, Fujimori K. Sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary treated with 2-incision total laparoscopic cystectomy. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015; 9: 72–74.
  • Youm HS, Cha DS, Han KH, Park EY, Hyon NN, Chong Y. A case of huge sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary weighing 10 kg in a 71-year-old postmenopausal woman. J Gynecol Oncol. 2008;19(4):270-4.
  • Kaygusuz EI, Cesur S, Cetiner H, et al. Sclerosing Stromal Tumour in Young Women: Clinicopathologic and Immunohistochemical Spectrum. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013 Sep; 7(9): 1932–5.
  • McCluggage WG, Kiyokawa T, Staats PN, Young RH. Sex cord-stromal tumours-pure stromal tumours: Sclerosing Adenosis In: Kurman RJ, Carcangiu ML, Herrington CS, Young RH eds. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs. Lyon, France: IARC Press, 2014(4);46-7.
  • Marelli G, Carinelli S, Mariani A, Frigerio L, Ferrari A. Sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary. Report of eight cases and review of the literature. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1998 Jan;76(1):85-9.
  • Lee CM, Lim S, Cho HY, Lee JS, Shin JW. Sclerosing Sromal Tumor of the Ovary in Postmenopausal Women: A Report of Two Cases. J Menopausal Med. 2015;21(2):115-9.
  • Squillaro AI1, Zhou S2, Thomas SM3,4, Kim ES1,5. A 10-Month-Old Infant Presenting With Signs of Precocious Puberty Secondary to a Sclerosing Stromal Tumor of the Ovary in the Absence of Hormonal Elevation. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2018 Dec 21:1093526618819605. doi: 10.1177/1093526618819605.
  • Ozdemir O, Sarı ME, Sen E, Kurt A, Ileri AB, Atalay CR. Sclerosing stromal tumour of the ovary: A case report and the review of literature. Niger Med J. 2014;55(5):432-7.
  • Khanna M, Khanna A, Manjari M. Sclerosing stromal tumor of ovary: a case report. Case Rep Pathol. 2012;2012:592836.
  • Momtahan M, Akbarzadeh-Jahromi M, Najib FS, Namazi N. Different Presentations of Five Rare Cases of Sclerosing Stromal Tumor of the Ovary. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2018 Dec;9(4):581-584.
  • Park SM, Kim YN, Woo YJ, et al. A sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary with masculinization in a premenarchal girl. Korean J Pediatr. 2011;54(5):224-7.
  • Naidu A, Chung B, Simon M, Marshall I. Bilateral Sclerosing Stromal Ovarian Tumor in an Adolescent. Case Rep Radiol. 2015;2015:271394.
  • Jaime Prat. Ovarian Sex Cord–Stromal and Steroid Cell Tumors: Sclerosing Stromal Tumor In: Mutter GL, Prat J eds. Pathology of The Female Reproductive Tract. Elsevier, 2014 (3);654-5.
  • Lim GSD, Oliva E. Sex Cord Stromal Tumors of the Ovary: Sclerosing Stromal Tumor In: Soslow RA, Tornos C eds. Diagnostic Pathology of Ovarian Tumors. Springer, 2011; 206-7.
  • Park CK, Kim HS. Clinicopathological Characteristics of Ovarian Sclerosing Stromal Tumor with an Emphasis on TFE3 Overexpression. Anticancer Res. 2017 Oct;37(10):5441-7.

Sclerosing Stromal Tumor: A Rare Case Report

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 46 Sayı: 3, 403 - 406, 01.12.2020


Sclerosing stromal tumor (SST), an extremely rare benign stromal tumor, is a subtype of sexcord stromal tumors of the ovary. In this report, radiological and histopathological features of the case are briefly discussed in light of the literature. A 23-year-old female patient with a right adnexal mass showing cystic and solid components on abdominal ultrasonography, was referred to our center’s obstetrics clinic for further diagnosis and treatment. The patient had no blood hormonal abnormalities and also had a request for gender change. Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was performed after intraoperative examination of the mass. The diagnosis of sex cord stromal tumor was given intraoperatively and later histopathological examination revealed a pseudolobular pattern formed by collagenous and edematous hyper-hypocellular areas and marked vascular proliferation. Morphological and immunohistochemical findings of the the right ovarian tumor was consistent with "SST". Radiologically, SSTS are diagnosed as a malignant tumor because of the most of them are highly vascular solid masses. For this reason, intraoperative histopathological examination is crucial to prevetn over-treatment, because SST has a benign biological behavior and occurs in young patients which conservative surgery is required.


  • Atram M, Anshu, Sharma S, Gangane N. Sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary. Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2014;57(5):405-8.
  • Chalvardjian A, Scully RE. Sclerosing stromal tumors of the ovary. Cancer 1973;31:664-70.
  • Furukawa S, Kanno K, Kojima M, Ohara M, Soeda S, Suzuki S, Watanabe T, Nishiyama H, Honda T, Fujimori K. Sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary treated with 2-incision total laparoscopic cystectomy. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015; 9: 72–74.
  • Youm HS, Cha DS, Han KH, Park EY, Hyon NN, Chong Y. A case of huge sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary weighing 10 kg in a 71-year-old postmenopausal woman. J Gynecol Oncol. 2008;19(4):270-4.
  • Kaygusuz EI, Cesur S, Cetiner H, et al. Sclerosing Stromal Tumour in Young Women: Clinicopathologic and Immunohistochemical Spectrum. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013 Sep; 7(9): 1932–5.
  • McCluggage WG, Kiyokawa T, Staats PN, Young RH. Sex cord-stromal tumours-pure stromal tumours: Sclerosing Adenosis In: Kurman RJ, Carcangiu ML, Herrington CS, Young RH eds. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs. Lyon, France: IARC Press, 2014(4);46-7.
  • Marelli G, Carinelli S, Mariani A, Frigerio L, Ferrari A. Sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary. Report of eight cases and review of the literature. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1998 Jan;76(1):85-9.
  • Lee CM, Lim S, Cho HY, Lee JS, Shin JW. Sclerosing Sromal Tumor of the Ovary in Postmenopausal Women: A Report of Two Cases. J Menopausal Med. 2015;21(2):115-9.
  • Squillaro AI1, Zhou S2, Thomas SM3,4, Kim ES1,5. A 10-Month-Old Infant Presenting With Signs of Precocious Puberty Secondary to a Sclerosing Stromal Tumor of the Ovary in the Absence of Hormonal Elevation. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2018 Dec 21:1093526618819605. doi: 10.1177/1093526618819605.
  • Ozdemir O, Sarı ME, Sen E, Kurt A, Ileri AB, Atalay CR. Sclerosing stromal tumour of the ovary: A case report and the review of literature. Niger Med J. 2014;55(5):432-7.
  • Khanna M, Khanna A, Manjari M. Sclerosing stromal tumor of ovary: a case report. Case Rep Pathol. 2012;2012:592836.
  • Momtahan M, Akbarzadeh-Jahromi M, Najib FS, Namazi N. Different Presentations of Five Rare Cases of Sclerosing Stromal Tumor of the Ovary. Indian J Surg Oncol. 2018 Dec;9(4):581-584.
  • Park SM, Kim YN, Woo YJ, et al. A sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary with masculinization in a premenarchal girl. Korean J Pediatr. 2011;54(5):224-7.
  • Naidu A, Chung B, Simon M, Marshall I. Bilateral Sclerosing Stromal Ovarian Tumor in an Adolescent. Case Rep Radiol. 2015;2015:271394.
  • Jaime Prat. Ovarian Sex Cord–Stromal and Steroid Cell Tumors: Sclerosing Stromal Tumor In: Mutter GL, Prat J eds. Pathology of The Female Reproductive Tract. Elsevier, 2014 (3);654-5.
  • Lim GSD, Oliva E. Sex Cord Stromal Tumors of the Ovary: Sclerosing Stromal Tumor In: Soslow RA, Tornos C eds. Diagnostic Pathology of Ovarian Tumors. Springer, 2011; 206-7.
  • Park CK, Kim HS. Clinicopathological Characteristics of Ovarian Sclerosing Stromal Tumor with an Emphasis on TFE3 Overexpression. Anticancer Res. 2017 Oct;37(10):5441-7.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Patoloji , Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum
Bölüm Olgu Bildirimi Makaleler

Seçil Hasdemir 0000-0003-1769-7484

Fatma Öz Atalay 0000-0002-7188-6115

Mehmet Aral Atalay Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9685-956X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2020
Kabul Tarihi 9 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 46 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Hasdemir S, Öz Atalay F, Atalay MA. Nadir Görülen Bir Over Tümörü: Sklerozan Stromal Tümör. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Aralık 2020;46(3):403-406. doi:10.32708/uutfd.770229

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

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