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Disaster Nursing in Turkey

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 47 Sayı: 3, 469 - 476, 01.12.2021


Naturally originating events such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and human-induced events such as wars and industrial accidents can lead to very serious emergencies and disasters; can change natural living conditions. It is important that nurses have special knowledge and skills about "disaster nursing" in order to provide emergency response in case of disaster and to maintain health services in changing living conditions due to disasters. In this article, the situation of disaster nursing, which has started to attract more attention with the spread of disasters around the world, is discussed in Turkey; It is aimed to present the literature about the educational opportunities, scientific researches and the duties and responsibilities of nurses in disaster situations. Disaster nursing is still in the development stage in Turkey. By completing the specialization process, it could not become a separate branch like other branches of nursing. In Turkey, there are courses related to disasters in the curricula of undergraduate nursing programs. However, no standardization has been established regarding the scope of these courses. There is a very limited regulation on the duties and responsibilities in case of disaster in the laws determining the powers of nurses in Turkey. In the event of a disaster, nurses can provide health services in the health institutions they are assigned to, as volunteer members of search and rescue organizations or within the body of the Red Crescent, a social service organization. When the studies in the field of disaster nursing in Turkey are examined, it is noteworthy that the nurses do not consider themselves sufficient in responding to disasters and they need training in disaster nursing. It is important to create a standardized, common framework and core curriculum at the undergraduate level in order to meet the training need in question and to accelerate the development process of disaster nursing in Turkey.


  • 1. Furedi F. The changing meaning of disaster. Area, 2007;39(4):482-489.
  • 2. EM-DAT. Emergency Event Database. Retrieved from: (Accessed 15 November, 2020).
  • 3. Chacko S, Randolph R, Morsch G. Disaster Medicine: Public Health Preparedness for Natural Disasters. FP Essent, 2019;487:17-22.
  • 4. Işık Ö, Aydınlıoğlu HM, Koç S, Gündoğdu O, Korkmaz G, Ay A. Afet yönetimi ve afet odaklı sağlık hizmetleri. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi, 2012;28(2):82-123.
  • 5. Şahin Ş, Üçgül İ. Türkiye’de afet yönetimi ve iş sağlığı güvenliği. 2019
  • 6. Kemaloğlu M. Türkiye’de afet yönetiminin tarihi ve yasal gelişimi. Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 2015;52:126-147.
  • 7. Auf der Heide E, Scanlon J. The role of the health sector in planning and response. Emergency management: Principles and practice for local government, 2007;183-206.
  • 8. Shoaf K. Organizing the health sector for response to disasters. Cien Saude Colet, 2014;19(9):3705-3715.
  • 9. Putra A, Petpichetchian W. Public health nurses’ roles and competencies in disaster management. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 2011;1(1):1-14.
  • 10. Taşkıran G, Baykal Ü. Afetler ve Türkiye’de Hemşirelerin Afetlere Hazır Olma Durumları: Literatür İnceleme. Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi, 2017;4(2):79-88.
  • 11. ICN. Internatıonal Council of Nurses Core Competencies In Disaster Nursing Version 2.0. Retrieved from: (Accessed 15 November, 2020).
  • 12. McDonald L. Florence Nightingale and the early origins of evidence-based nursing. Evid Based Nurs, 2001;4(3):68-69.
  • 13. Powers R, Daily E. International disaster nursing. Cambridge University Press. 2010
  • 14. Veenema TG. Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness. Springer Publishing Company. 2018
  • 15. World Health Organization. (2009). Western Pacific Region; International Council of Nursing (ICN). ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO and ICN.
  • 16. Yamamoto A. Development of disaster nursing in Japan, and trends of disaster nursing in the world. Jpn J Nurs Sci, 2013;10(2):162-169.
  • 17. Grochtdreis T, de Jong N, Harenberg N, Görres S, Schröder-Bäck P. Nurses’ roles, knowledge and experience in national disaster pre-paredness and emergency response: A literature review. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH). 2016
  • 18. Al Thobaity A, Plummer V, Williams B. What are the most common domains of the core competencies of disaster nursing? A scoping review. International emergency nursing, 2017;31:64-71.
  • 19. Cole FL. The role of the nurse practitioner in disaster planning and response. Nurs Clin North Am, 2005;40(3):511-521, ix.
  • 20. Rivera-Rodriguez, E. (2017). Role of the nurse during disaster preparedness: A systematic literature review and application to public health nurses (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University)
  • 21. Fahlgren TL, Drenkard KN. Healthcare system disaster preparedness, part 2: nursing executive role in leadership. J Nurs Adm, 2002;32(10):531-537.
  • 22. İytemür A, Yeşil, ST. Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin hastane afet ve acil durum planları ile ilgili görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020;7(2):138-148.
  • 23. Grochtdreis T, de Jong N, Harenberg N, Görres S, Schröder-Bäck P. Nurses’ roles, knowledge and experience in national disaster preparedness and emergency response: A literature review. SEEJPH 2016, DOI:10.4119/UNIBI/SEEJPH-2016-133
  • 24. Daily E, Padjen P, Birnbaum M. A review of competencies developed for disaster healthcare providers: limitations of current processes and applicability. Prehosp Disaster Med, 2010;25(5):387-395.
  • 25. Corless IB, Nardi D, Milstead JA, Larson E, Nokes KM, Orsega S, Kurth AE, Kirksey K. M, Woith W. Expanding nursing's role in responding to global pandemics 5/14/2018. Nurs Outlook, 2018;66(4):412-415.
  • 26. Fawaz M, Anshasi H, Samaha A. Nurses at the Front Line of COVID-19: Roles, Responsibilities, Risks, and Rights. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 2020;103(4):1341-1342.
  • 27. Dölek İ. Türkiye`nin Fiziki Coğrafyası, Editörler: Hamza Akengin, İskender Dölek. Türkiye’de Doğal Afetler, Pegem Akademi 2. Baskı, 2019, Ankara, (pp.311-365). DOI: 10.14527/9786053180647.12
  • 28. Dücan E, Özsoylu AF. Türkiye’de Terörün Sosyo-Ekonomik Nedenlerinin Bölgesel Analizi: Panel Veri Analizi. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016;20(2):111-132.
  • 29. Kara P, Korkut R. Türkiye’de göç, iltica ve mülteciler. Türk İdare Dergisi, 2010;467(1):153-162.
  • 30. Özmen B, Özden AT. Türkiye'nin afet yönetim sistemine ilişkin eleştirel bir değerlendirme. Journal of Faculty of Political Science 2013;49.
  • 31. Law on The Organization and Duties of Disaster and Emergency Management. T.R. Official newspaper, 17.06.2009, Issue: 27261, Retrieved from:
  • 32. AFAD ve Tarihçesi. Erişilebilir: › afad-hakkinda, Erişildi: 15 Kasım 2021
  • 33. Pattillo MM. Mass casualty disaster nursing course. Nurse Educator, 2003;28(6):271-275.
  • 34. Hemşirelik Kanununda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun. TC Resmi gazete, 02.05.2007, Sayı: 26510. Erişilebilir:
  • 35. Hemşirelik Yönetmeliği. TC Resmi gazete, 08.03.2010, Sayı: 27515. Erişilebilir:
  • 36. Günaydın M, Tatlı Ö, Genç EE. Arama Kurtarma Örgütleri ve UMKE. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi, 2017;3(1):56-63.
  • 37. UMKE. TC Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Emergency Health Services. Retrieved from:,4457/umke.html. (Accessed 15 November, 2020).
  • 38. Kalanlar, B. (2018). Effects of disaster nursing education on nursing students’ knowledge and preparedness for disasters. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 28, 475-480
  • 39. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rapid assessment of injuries among survivors of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center--New York City, September 2001. MMWR: Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 2002;51(1):1-5.
  • 40. Tokuda Y, Kikuchi M, Takahashi O, Stein GH. Prehospital management of sarin nerve gas terrorism in urban settings: 10 years of progress after the Tokyo subway sarin attack. Resuscitation, 2006;68(2):193-202.
  • 41. Singh A, Haynes M. The challenges of COVID-19 in nursing education: The time for faculty leadership training is now. Nurse education in practice. 2020
  • 42. Erdoğan, Ö. Afet Hemşireliği Eğitimi. Turkiye Klinikleri Surgical Nursing-Special Topics, 2018;4(3):115-120.
  • 43. Ozpulat F, Kabasakal E. Knowledge levels of nursing students on disaster nursing and their state of disaster preparedness. Health Sciences, 2018;7(8).
  • 44. Vatan F, Salur D. Yönetici hemşirelerin hastanelerdeki deprem afet planları konusundaki görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, 2010;3(1):32-44.
  • 45. Taskiran G, Baykal U. Nurses’ disaster preparedness and core competencies in Turkey: a descriptive correlational design. International nursing review, 2019;66(2):165-175.
  • 46. Tas F, Cakir M, Kadioglu S. Identification of the preparedness level of nurses for disasters in Turkey: A university hospital example. International Journal Of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2020;44:101441.
  • 47. Andsoy I, Kes D, Top R, Dikici İ C. Dünyanin tehdidi kimyasal savaş: hemşireler kimyasal bir saldiri durumunda yapilmasi gereken uygulamalara ilişkin neler biliyor? Bozok Medical Journal, 15.
  • 48. Sezer A. Hemşirelik Bölümündeki Öğrencilerin Afet Konusundaki Bilgi ve Bilinç Düzeyleri. Resilience, 2020;4(1):89-101.
  • 49. Hisar KM, Yurdakul A. Bir üniversitenin hemşirelik öğrencilerinin afetlerde sağlik hizmetleri ile ilgili bilgilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015;3(2):54-65.
  • 50. Bayraktar, N., & Yıldırım, M. Senior Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Disaster Preparedness: A Descriptive Study. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 2016;10(4):557-561.
  • 51. Öztekin, SD, Larson EE, Altun Uğraş G, Yüksel S. Educational needs concerning disaster preparedness and response: A comparison of undergraduate nursing students from Istanbul, Turkey, and Miyazaki, J apan. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2014;11(2): 94-101.
  • 52. Öztekin, SD, Larson EE, Altun Uğraş G, Yüksel S, Savaşer S. Nursing educators' perceptions about disaster preparedness and response in Istanbul and Miyazaki. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2015;12(2):99-112.
  • 53. Öztekin SD, Larson EE, Yüksel S, Altun Uğraş G. Undergraduate nursing students' perceptions about disaster preparedness and response in Istanbul, Turkey, and M iyazaki, J apan: A cross‐sectional study. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2015;12(2):145-153.
  • 54. Unver V, Basak T, Tastan S, Kok G, Guvenc G, Demirtas A, Ayhan H, Köse G, Iyigun E, Tosune N. Analysis of the effects of high-fidelity simulation on nursing students’ perceptions of their preparedness for disasters. International emergency nursing, 2018;38:3-9.
  • 55. Koca B, Arkan G. The effect of the disaster management training program among nursing students. Public health nursing, 2020;37(5):769-777.
  • 56. Kalanlar, B. Effects of disaster nursing education on nursing students’ knowledge and preparedness for disasters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2018,28: 475-480
  • 57. Kılıç N, Şimşek N. The effects of psychological first aid training on disaster preparedness perception and self-efficacy. Nurse education today, 2019;83:104203.

Türkiye’de Afet Hemşireliği

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 47 Sayı: 3, 469 - 476, 01.12.2021


Deprem, sel, kasırga gibi doğa kaynaklı ve savaşlar, endüstriyel kazalar gibi insan kaynaklı olaylar, çok ciddi acil durumlara ve afetlere yol açabilmekte; doğal yaşam koşullarını değiştirebilmektedir. Afet durumunda acil müdahalenin sağlanabilmesi ve afetler nedeniyle değişen yaşam şartlarında sağlık hizmetlerinin sürdürülebilmesi için hemşirelerin “afet hemşireliği” ile ilgili özel bilgi ve becerilere sahip olması önemlidir. Bu makalede dünya çapında afetlerin yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte daha fazla dikkat çekmeye başlayan afet hemşireliğinin Türkiye’deki durumunun ele alınması; afet hemşireliğine ilişkin eğitim olanakları, bilimsel araştırmalar ve hemşirelerin afet durumundaki görev ve sorumluluklarına ilişkin alan yazın bilgisinin sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Türkiye’de afet hemşireliği halen gelişme aşamasındadır. Özelleşme sürecini tamamlayarak hemşireliğin diğer uzmanlık alanları gibi ayrı bir uzmanlık dalı haline gelememiştir. Türkiye’de lisans düzeyinde eğitim veren hemşirelik programlarının müfredatlarında afetlerle ilgili dersler yer almaktadır. Ancak bu derslerin kapsamı ile ilgili bir standardizasyon oluşturulmamıştır. Türkiye’de hemşirelerin yetkilerini belirleyen yasalarda da, afet durumundaki görev ve sorumluluklar konusunda oldukça sınırlı bir düzenleme bulunmaktadır. Hemşireler afet durumunda, görevli oldukları sağlık kuruluşlarında, arama kurtarma örgütlerinin gönüllü üyeleri olarak ya da bir sosyal hizmet kuruluşu olan Kızılay bünyesinde sağlık hizmeti verebilmektedir. Türkiye’de afet hemşireliği alanında yapılan araştırmalar incelendiğinde hemşirelerin kendilerini afetlere müdahale konusunda yeterli görmedikleri ve afet hemşireliği konusunda eğitim gereksinimleri olduğu dikkat çekmektedir. Söz konusu eğitim gereksiniminin karşılanabilmesi ve Türkiye’de afet hemşireliğinin gelişim sürecinin hızlanması için lisans düzeyinde standartlaştırılmış, ortak bir çerçeve ve çekirdek müfredatın oluşturulması önem taşımaktadır.


  • 1. Furedi F. The changing meaning of disaster. Area, 2007;39(4):482-489.
  • 2. EM-DAT. Emergency Event Database. Retrieved from: (Accessed 15 November, 2020).
  • 3. Chacko S, Randolph R, Morsch G. Disaster Medicine: Public Health Preparedness for Natural Disasters. FP Essent, 2019;487:17-22.
  • 4. Işık Ö, Aydınlıoğlu HM, Koç S, Gündoğdu O, Korkmaz G, Ay A. Afet yönetimi ve afet odaklı sağlık hizmetleri. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi, 2012;28(2):82-123.
  • 5. Şahin Ş, Üçgül İ. Türkiye’de afet yönetimi ve iş sağlığı güvenliği. 2019
  • 6. Kemaloğlu M. Türkiye’de afet yönetiminin tarihi ve yasal gelişimi. Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 2015;52:126-147.
  • 7. Auf der Heide E, Scanlon J. The role of the health sector in planning and response. Emergency management: Principles and practice for local government, 2007;183-206.
  • 8. Shoaf K. Organizing the health sector for response to disasters. Cien Saude Colet, 2014;19(9):3705-3715.
  • 9. Putra A, Petpichetchian W. Public health nurses’ roles and competencies in disaster management. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 2011;1(1):1-14.
  • 10. Taşkıran G, Baykal Ü. Afetler ve Türkiye’de Hemşirelerin Afetlere Hazır Olma Durumları: Literatür İnceleme. Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi, 2017;4(2):79-88.
  • 11. ICN. Internatıonal Council of Nurses Core Competencies In Disaster Nursing Version 2.0. Retrieved from: (Accessed 15 November, 2020).
  • 12. McDonald L. Florence Nightingale and the early origins of evidence-based nursing. Evid Based Nurs, 2001;4(3):68-69.
  • 13. Powers R, Daily E. International disaster nursing. Cambridge University Press. 2010
  • 14. Veenema TG. Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness. Springer Publishing Company. 2018
  • 15. World Health Organization. (2009). Western Pacific Region; International Council of Nursing (ICN). ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO and ICN.
  • 16. Yamamoto A. Development of disaster nursing in Japan, and trends of disaster nursing in the world. Jpn J Nurs Sci, 2013;10(2):162-169.
  • 17. Grochtdreis T, de Jong N, Harenberg N, Görres S, Schröder-Bäck P. Nurses’ roles, knowledge and experience in national disaster pre-paredness and emergency response: A literature review. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH). 2016
  • 18. Al Thobaity A, Plummer V, Williams B. What are the most common domains of the core competencies of disaster nursing? A scoping review. International emergency nursing, 2017;31:64-71.
  • 19. Cole FL. The role of the nurse practitioner in disaster planning and response. Nurs Clin North Am, 2005;40(3):511-521, ix.
  • 20. Rivera-Rodriguez, E. (2017). Role of the nurse during disaster preparedness: A systematic literature review and application to public health nurses (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University)
  • 21. Fahlgren TL, Drenkard KN. Healthcare system disaster preparedness, part 2: nursing executive role in leadership. J Nurs Adm, 2002;32(10):531-537.
  • 22. İytemür A, Yeşil, ST. Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin hastane afet ve acil durum planları ile ilgili görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020;7(2):138-148.
  • 23. Grochtdreis T, de Jong N, Harenberg N, Görres S, Schröder-Bäck P. Nurses’ roles, knowledge and experience in national disaster preparedness and emergency response: A literature review. SEEJPH 2016, DOI:10.4119/UNIBI/SEEJPH-2016-133
  • 24. Daily E, Padjen P, Birnbaum M. A review of competencies developed for disaster healthcare providers: limitations of current processes and applicability. Prehosp Disaster Med, 2010;25(5):387-395.
  • 25. Corless IB, Nardi D, Milstead JA, Larson E, Nokes KM, Orsega S, Kurth AE, Kirksey K. M, Woith W. Expanding nursing's role in responding to global pandemics 5/14/2018. Nurs Outlook, 2018;66(4):412-415.
  • 26. Fawaz M, Anshasi H, Samaha A. Nurses at the Front Line of COVID-19: Roles, Responsibilities, Risks, and Rights. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 2020;103(4):1341-1342.
  • 27. Dölek İ. Türkiye`nin Fiziki Coğrafyası, Editörler: Hamza Akengin, İskender Dölek. Türkiye’de Doğal Afetler, Pegem Akademi 2. Baskı, 2019, Ankara, (pp.311-365). DOI: 10.14527/9786053180647.12
  • 28. Dücan E, Özsoylu AF. Türkiye’de Terörün Sosyo-Ekonomik Nedenlerinin Bölgesel Analizi: Panel Veri Analizi. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016;20(2):111-132.
  • 29. Kara P, Korkut R. Türkiye’de göç, iltica ve mülteciler. Türk İdare Dergisi, 2010;467(1):153-162.
  • 30. Özmen B, Özden AT. Türkiye'nin afet yönetim sistemine ilişkin eleştirel bir değerlendirme. Journal of Faculty of Political Science 2013;49.
  • 31. Law on The Organization and Duties of Disaster and Emergency Management. T.R. Official newspaper, 17.06.2009, Issue: 27261, Retrieved from:
  • 32. AFAD ve Tarihçesi. Erişilebilir: › afad-hakkinda, Erişildi: 15 Kasım 2021
  • 33. Pattillo MM. Mass casualty disaster nursing course. Nurse Educator, 2003;28(6):271-275.
  • 34. Hemşirelik Kanununda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun. TC Resmi gazete, 02.05.2007, Sayı: 26510. Erişilebilir:
  • 35. Hemşirelik Yönetmeliği. TC Resmi gazete, 08.03.2010, Sayı: 27515. Erişilebilir:
  • 36. Günaydın M, Tatlı Ö, Genç EE. Arama Kurtarma Örgütleri ve UMKE. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi, 2017;3(1):56-63.
  • 37. UMKE. TC Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Emergency Health Services. Retrieved from:,4457/umke.html. (Accessed 15 November, 2020).
  • 38. Kalanlar, B. (2018). Effects of disaster nursing education on nursing students’ knowledge and preparedness for disasters. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 28, 475-480
  • 39. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rapid assessment of injuries among survivors of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center--New York City, September 2001. MMWR: Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 2002;51(1):1-5.
  • 40. Tokuda Y, Kikuchi M, Takahashi O, Stein GH. Prehospital management of sarin nerve gas terrorism in urban settings: 10 years of progress after the Tokyo subway sarin attack. Resuscitation, 2006;68(2):193-202.
  • 41. Singh A, Haynes M. The challenges of COVID-19 in nursing education: The time for faculty leadership training is now. Nurse education in practice. 2020
  • 42. Erdoğan, Ö. Afet Hemşireliği Eğitimi. Turkiye Klinikleri Surgical Nursing-Special Topics, 2018;4(3):115-120.
  • 43. Ozpulat F, Kabasakal E. Knowledge levels of nursing students on disaster nursing and their state of disaster preparedness. Health Sciences, 2018;7(8).
  • 44. Vatan F, Salur D. Yönetici hemşirelerin hastanelerdeki deprem afet planları konusundaki görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, 2010;3(1):32-44.
  • 45. Taskiran G, Baykal U. Nurses’ disaster preparedness and core competencies in Turkey: a descriptive correlational design. International nursing review, 2019;66(2):165-175.
  • 46. Tas F, Cakir M, Kadioglu S. Identification of the preparedness level of nurses for disasters in Turkey: A university hospital example. International Journal Of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2020;44:101441.
  • 47. Andsoy I, Kes D, Top R, Dikici İ C. Dünyanin tehdidi kimyasal savaş: hemşireler kimyasal bir saldiri durumunda yapilmasi gereken uygulamalara ilişkin neler biliyor? Bozok Medical Journal, 15.
  • 48. Sezer A. Hemşirelik Bölümündeki Öğrencilerin Afet Konusundaki Bilgi ve Bilinç Düzeyleri. Resilience, 2020;4(1):89-101.
  • 49. Hisar KM, Yurdakul A. Bir üniversitenin hemşirelik öğrencilerinin afetlerde sağlik hizmetleri ile ilgili bilgilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015;3(2):54-65.
  • 50. Bayraktar, N., & Yıldırım, M. Senior Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Disaster Preparedness: A Descriptive Study. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 2016;10(4):557-561.
  • 51. Öztekin, SD, Larson EE, Altun Uğraş G, Yüksel S. Educational needs concerning disaster preparedness and response: A comparison of undergraduate nursing students from Istanbul, Turkey, and Miyazaki, J apan. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2014;11(2): 94-101.
  • 52. Öztekin, SD, Larson EE, Altun Uğraş G, Yüksel S, Savaşer S. Nursing educators' perceptions about disaster preparedness and response in Istanbul and Miyazaki. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2015;12(2):99-112.
  • 53. Öztekin SD, Larson EE, Yüksel S, Altun Uğraş G. Undergraduate nursing students' perceptions about disaster preparedness and response in Istanbul, Turkey, and M iyazaki, J apan: A cross‐sectional study. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2015;12(2):145-153.
  • 54. Unver V, Basak T, Tastan S, Kok G, Guvenc G, Demirtas A, Ayhan H, Köse G, Iyigun E, Tosune N. Analysis of the effects of high-fidelity simulation on nursing students’ perceptions of their preparedness for disasters. International emergency nursing, 2018;38:3-9.
  • 55. Koca B, Arkan G. The effect of the disaster management training program among nursing students. Public health nursing, 2020;37(5):769-777.
  • 56. Kalanlar, B. Effects of disaster nursing education on nursing students’ knowledge and preparedness for disasters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2018,28: 475-480
  • 57. Kılıç N, Şimşek N. The effects of psychological first aid training on disaster preparedness perception and self-efficacy. Nurse education today, 2019;83:104203.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Perihan Şimşek 0000-0002-0216-3968

Abdulkadir Gündüz 0000-0001-8591-9769

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 1 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 47 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Şimşek P, Gündüz A. Türkiye’de Afet Hemşireliği. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Aralık 2021;47(3):469-476. doi:10.32708/uutfd.981301

Cited By

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

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Journal of Uludag University Medical Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.