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Analysis of Patients with Extremity Fractures Admitted to the Emergency Department Due to Motorcycle, Bicycle and Scooter Accidents

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 50 Sayı: 3, 435 - 441, 12.01.2025


The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical characteristics of patients who applied to the emergency department after motorcycle, bicycle and scooter accidents between 2018 and 2022 and were found to have extremity injuries. The records of the cases who applied to the emergency department of an university hospital due to motorcycle, bicycle and scooter accidents between 01.10.2018 and 31.10.2022 were examined retrospectively. A total of 1900 traffic accident cases, including 1204 motorcycles, 573 bicycles and 123 scooters, who were admitted to the emergency department, were included in the study. 87.7% of the cases were male and the average age was 27.9±11.4 years. It was observed that accidents occurred most frequently (40.7%) in the summer months and between 17:00 and 00:00 (40.8%), which are after working hours. Upper extremity fractures were detected in 13.5% of the cases and lower extremity fractures in 10.6%. The most common bones with fractures in the upper extremity are; radius (4.2%), humerus (2.1%) and clavicle (2.1%), while the most common bones with lower extremity fractures are tibia (4.1%), fibula (2.7%) and metatarsal bones. (1.9%). While 81.4% of the cases were discharged, 3.2% were admitted to the intensive care unit and 0.4% died. According to the results of multivariate logistic regression analysis; Presence of fracture in any lower extremity bone (OR: 2.250 [95% CI: 1.211 - 4.180], p= 0.012) and request for consultation (OR: 2.004 [95% CI: 1.180 - 3.404], p= 0.011) independently of other variables A relationship was detected with ICU admission/exit. The risk of admission to the intensive care unit/exit was higher among cases in which fractures were detected in the lower extremity bones and consultation was requested for any reason. In cases with these risk factors, faster planning and early appropriate intervention may help reduce morbidity and mortality rates.


  • 1.Güngör F, Oktay C, Topaktaş Z, Akçimen M. Acil servisebaşvuran motosiklet kazasi olgularının özellikleri. Ulus TravmaAcil Cerrahi Derg. 2009;15(4):390-5.
  • Oliveira NL, de Sousa RM. Traffic accidents with motorcycles and their relationship to mortality. Rev Lat AmEnfermagem. 2011;19(2):403- 10.
  • 3.Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Samadirad B, Hosseinpour-Feizi H.Epidemiology of Traffic Fatalities among Motorcycle Users inEast Azerbaijan, Iran. Biomed Res Int. 2018;19:6971904.
  • 4.Shin DS, Byun JH, Jeong BY. Crashes and traffic signal violations caused by commercial motorcycle couriers. SafHealth Work 2019;10(2):213e8.
  • 5.Batista FDS, Silveira LO, Castillo JJAQ, Pontes JED, Villalobos LDC. Epidemiological Profile Of Extremity Fractures In Victims of Motorcycle Accidents. Acta Ortop Bras. 2015;23(1):43-6.
  • 6.Hidalgo-Fuentes S, Sospedra-Baeza MJ. Gender and age distribution of motorcycle crashes in Spain. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot. 2019;26(1):108- 14.
  • 7.Collaborators GBDCoD. Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980- 2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. 2018;392(10159):1736–88.
  • 8.Bahardoust M, Behnagh AK, Bagherifard A, et al. Comparing the Severity of Injury and Trauma Pattern between Scooter and Street Motorcycle Riders; a Prospective Cohort Study.2021;9(1):43.
  • 9.Ankarath S, Giannoudis PV, Barlow I, et al. Injury patterns associated with mortality following motorcycle crashes.2002;33(6):473–7.
  • 10.James SL, Lucchesi LR, Bisignano C, et al. Morbidity and mortality from road injuries: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study. Injury Prevention. 2020;26. 46–56.
  • 11.Liu BC, Ivers R, Norton R., et al. Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders. 2008.23;1.
  • 12.Petit L, Zaki T, Hsiang W, et al. A review of commonmotorcycle collision mechanisms of injury. 2020;5(9):544.
  • 13.Hidalgo S., Sospedra MJ. Gender and age distribution of motorcycle crashes in Spain. 2019;26(1):108- 14.
  • 14.Abrari M, Aghabayk K, Sadeghian M., et al. A multinomial logit model of motorcycle crash severity at Australian intersections. 2020;73:17-24.
  • 15.Koçak S., Uçar K., Bayır A., et al. Acil Servise Başvuran Motosiklet 51 ve Bisiklet Kazası Olgularının Karakteristikleri. 2010;10(3):112-8.
  • 16.Silva DW, Andrade SM, Soares DF., et al. Factors associated with road accidents among Brazilian motorcycle couriers.2012:605480.
  • 17.Islam M. The Effect of Motorcyclists’ Age on Injury Severitiesin Single. 2021;77. 125–38.
  • 18.Bocchialini G, Castellani A. Facial Trauma: A Retrospective Study of 1262 Patients. 2019;9(1):135.
  • 19.McGuinness MJ, Tiong Y, Bhagvan S. Shared electric scooterinjuries admitted to Auckland city hospital:a comparative review one year after their introduction. 2021;134(1530):21–9.
  • 20.White D, Lang J, Russell G, et al. A comparison of injuries tomoped/scooter and motorcycle riders in Queensland, Australia. Injury. 2013;44(6):855-62.
  • 21.Faduyile F, Emiogun F, Soyemi S, et al. Pattern of Injuries in Fatal Motorcycle Accidents Seen in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital: An Autopsy-Based Study. 2017. 8;5(2):112-16.
  • 22.Bahardoust M, Behnagh AK, Bagherifard A, et al. Comparing the Severity of Injury and Trauma Pattern between Scooter and Street Motorcycle Riders. 2021;9(1): 43.
  • 23.Guerre LEVM, Leenen LPH, Oner CF, et al. Injuries related to bicycle accidents: an epidemiological study in The Netherlands. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2020. 46:413–8.
  • 24.Siman M, Radomislensky I, Peleg K. The casualties from electric bike and motorized scooter road accidents. 2017;18(3):318-23.
  • 25.Spörri E, Halvachizadeh S, Gamble JG, et al. Comparison ofInjury Patterns between Electric Bicycle, Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents. 2021;10(15):3359.
  • 26.Rix K, Demchur NJ, Zane DF, et al. Injury rates per mile of travel for electric scooters versus motor vehicles.. 2021. 40:166-8.

Acil Servise Motosiklet, Bisiklet ve Scooter Kazaları Nedeni İle Başvuran ve Ekstremite Kırıkları Olan Hastaların Analizi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 50 Sayı: 3, 435 - 441, 12.01.2025


Bu çalışmanın amacı 2018-2022 yılları arasında motosiklet, bisiklet ve scooter kazaları sonrası acil servise başvuran ve ekstremite yaralanması saptanan hastaların klinik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesidir.01.10.2018 - 31.10.2022 tarihleri arasında bir üniversite hastanesi acil servisine motosiklet, bisiklet ve scooter kazası nedeniyle başvuran olguların kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Acil servise başvuran 1204 motosiklet, 573 bisiklet ve 123 scooter olmak üzere toplam 1900 trafik kazası olgusu çalışmaya alındı. Olguların %87,7’si erkekti ve yaş ortalaması 27,9±11,4 yıldı. Kazaların en sık (%40,7) yaz aylarında ve mesai sonrası saatler olan 17:00–00:00 arasında (%40,8) meydana geldiği görüldü. Olguların %13,5’inde üst ekstremite, %10,6’sında alt ekstremite fraktürü saptandı. Üst ekstremitede en sık fraktür saptanan kemikler sırasıyla; radius (%4,2), humerus (%2,1) ve klavikula (%2,1) iken, en sık alt ekstremite fraktürü saptanan kemikler tibia (%4,1), fibula (%2,7) ve metatarsal kemikler (%1,9) idi. Olguların %81,4’ü taburcu olurken, %3,2’si yoğun bakım ünitesi (YBÜ)’ne yatırıldı ve %0,4’ü ise eksitus oldu. Çok değişkenli lojistik regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre; herhangi bir alt ekstremite kemiğinde fraktür varlığı (OR: 2,250 [%95 GA: 1,211 - 4,180], p= 0,012) ve konsültasyon istenmesi (OR: 2,004 [%95 GA: 1,180 - 3,404], p= 0,011) diğer değişkenlerden bağımsız olarak yoğun bakım ünitesine yatış/eksitus ile ilişki saptandı. Alt ekstremite kemiklerinde fraktür saptanan ve herhangi bir nedenle konsültasyon istenen olgular arasında yoğun bakım ünitesine yatış/ eksitus riski daha yüksekti. Bu risk faktörlerine sahip olgularda, daha hızlı planlama ve uygun müdahalenin erken dönemde yapılması ile morbidite ve mortalite oranları azaltmada yardımcı olabilir.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma için Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu’ndan izin alındı (Karar no: 2022-18/10)


  • 1.Güngör F, Oktay C, Topaktaş Z, Akçimen M. Acil servisebaşvuran motosiklet kazasi olgularının özellikleri. Ulus TravmaAcil Cerrahi Derg. 2009;15(4):390-5.
  • Oliveira NL, de Sousa RM. Traffic accidents with motorcycles and their relationship to mortality. Rev Lat AmEnfermagem. 2011;19(2):403- 10.
  • 3.Sadeghi-Bazargani H, Samadirad B, Hosseinpour-Feizi H.Epidemiology of Traffic Fatalities among Motorcycle Users inEast Azerbaijan, Iran. Biomed Res Int. 2018;19:6971904.
  • 4.Shin DS, Byun JH, Jeong BY. Crashes and traffic signal violations caused by commercial motorcycle couriers. SafHealth Work 2019;10(2):213e8.
  • 5.Batista FDS, Silveira LO, Castillo JJAQ, Pontes JED, Villalobos LDC. Epidemiological Profile Of Extremity Fractures In Victims of Motorcycle Accidents. Acta Ortop Bras. 2015;23(1):43-6.
  • 6.Hidalgo-Fuentes S, Sospedra-Baeza MJ. Gender and age distribution of motorcycle crashes in Spain. Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot. 2019;26(1):108- 14.
  • 7.Collaborators GBDCoD. Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980- 2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. 2018;392(10159):1736–88.
  • 8.Bahardoust M, Behnagh AK, Bagherifard A, et al. Comparing the Severity of Injury and Trauma Pattern between Scooter and Street Motorcycle Riders; a Prospective Cohort Study.2021;9(1):43.
  • 9.Ankarath S, Giannoudis PV, Barlow I, et al. Injury patterns associated with mortality following motorcycle crashes.2002;33(6):473–7.
  • 10.James SL, Lucchesi LR, Bisignano C, et al. Morbidity and mortality from road injuries: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study. Injury Prevention. 2020;26. 46–56.
  • 11.Liu BC, Ivers R, Norton R., et al. Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders. 2008.23;1.
  • 12.Petit L, Zaki T, Hsiang W, et al. A review of commonmotorcycle collision mechanisms of injury. 2020;5(9):544.
  • 13.Hidalgo S., Sospedra MJ. Gender and age distribution of motorcycle crashes in Spain. 2019;26(1):108- 14.
  • 14.Abrari M, Aghabayk K, Sadeghian M., et al. A multinomial logit model of motorcycle crash severity at Australian intersections. 2020;73:17-24.
  • 15.Koçak S., Uçar K., Bayır A., et al. Acil Servise Başvuran Motosiklet 51 ve Bisiklet Kazası Olgularının Karakteristikleri. 2010;10(3):112-8.
  • 16.Silva DW, Andrade SM, Soares DF., et al. Factors associated with road accidents among Brazilian motorcycle couriers.2012:605480.
  • 17.Islam M. The Effect of Motorcyclists’ Age on Injury Severitiesin Single. 2021;77. 125–38.
  • 18.Bocchialini G, Castellani A. Facial Trauma: A Retrospective Study of 1262 Patients. 2019;9(1):135.
  • 19.McGuinness MJ, Tiong Y, Bhagvan S. Shared electric scooterinjuries admitted to Auckland city hospital:a comparative review one year after their introduction. 2021;134(1530):21–9.
  • 20.White D, Lang J, Russell G, et al. A comparison of injuries tomoped/scooter and motorcycle riders in Queensland, Australia. Injury. 2013;44(6):855-62.
  • 21.Faduyile F, Emiogun F, Soyemi S, et al. Pattern of Injuries in Fatal Motorcycle Accidents Seen in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital: An Autopsy-Based Study. 2017. 8;5(2):112-16.
  • 22.Bahardoust M, Behnagh AK, Bagherifard A, et al. Comparing the Severity of Injury and Trauma Pattern between Scooter and Street Motorcycle Riders. 2021;9(1): 43.
  • 23.Guerre LEVM, Leenen LPH, Oner CF, et al. Injuries related to bicycle accidents: an epidemiological study in The Netherlands. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2020. 46:413–8.
  • 24.Siman M, Radomislensky I, Peleg K. The casualties from electric bike and motorized scooter road accidents. 2017;18(3):318-23.
  • 25.Spörri E, Halvachizadeh S, Gamble JG, et al. Comparison ofInjury Patterns between Electric Bicycle, Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents. 2021;10(15):3359.
  • 26.Rix K, Demchur NJ, Zane DF, et al. Injury rates per mile of travel for electric scooters versus motor vehicles.. 2021. 40:166-8.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Acil Tıp
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma Makaleleri

Ramazan Peker 0009-0009-1799-325X

Ozlem Koksal 0000-0003-2271-5659

Vahide Aslıhan Durak 0000-0003-0836-7862

Göksel Aydoğan 0009-0006-2750-207X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 14 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 50 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Peker R, Koksal O, Durak VA, Aydoğan G. Acil Servise Motosiklet, Bisiklet ve Scooter Kazaları Nedeni İle Başvuran ve Ekstremite Kırıkları Olan Hastaların Analizi. Uludağ Tıp Derg. Ocak 2025;50(3):435-441. doi:10.32708/uutfd.1516857

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

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