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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 91 - 97, 25.12.2020


The climate change is becoming an increasingly important problem for life. It is now recognized that greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans have a negative impact on the environment. The total greenhouse gas emission caused directly and indirectly by an individual and an organization is generally called a carbon footprint. Determining an organization’s carbon footprint is an important step in reducing emissions generated during its activities. Wood-based products have many advantages in terms of environmental impact compared to their alternatives. Documentation of these advantages and detection of environmental impacts will contribute significantly to the competitiveness of wood materials in future building materials. Moreover, thanks to the detection and control of the emission outputs from the production of wood-based products, it will be possible to realize a more environmentally friendly production. In this study, the concept of carbon footprint in wood based products and their effects on the environment will be emphasized.


  • Ahmad O. (2017). How forests help tackle carbon emissions: lessons from India, China and South Korea. https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/2017/11/16/forests-tackle-carbonemissions-india-china-south-korea/, consulted 16 September 2020.
  • Argun, M.E., Ergüç, R. and Yunus, S. (2019). Konya/Selçuklu İlçesi Karbon Ayak İzinin Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 287-297.
  • Atanda, J.O. and Olukoya, O.A. (2019). Green building standards: Opportunities for Nigeria, Journal of Cleaner Production, 227, 366-377.
  • Beyer, G., Defays, M., Fischer, M., Fletcher, J., and Munck, E.D. (2006). Tackle climate change: use wood. Wood Fiber Science, 42, 107–124.
  • Chaabouni S., Zghidi N., and Mbarek M. (2016). On the causal dynamics between CO2 emissions, health expendituresand economic growth, Sustainable Cities and Society, 22, 184–191.
  • Council, B.S.L. (2009). Tackle Climate Change-Use Wood. Minneapolis: North American forest products industry by the BC Forestry Climate Change Working Group, Consulted 25 September 2020. https://www.anthonyforest.com/assets/pdf/tackle-climate-change-wood.pdf
  • Debek, R. (2016). Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization, Doctoral dissertation, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków 2016.
  • EDGAR (2019) Fossil CO2 and GHG emissions of all world countries, 2019 report, Emissions database for global atmospheric research, European Union, https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/booklet2019/Fossil_CO2andGHG_emissions_of_all_world_countries_booklet_2019report.pdf, consulted 10 October 2020
  • Eshun, J.F., Potting, J. and Leemans, R. (2010). Inventory analysis of the timber industry in Ghana. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 15, 715–725.
  • Franchetti, M.J. and Apul, D. (2012). Carbon footprint analysis: concepts, methods, implementation, and case studies. CRC Press, United States.
  • GCP (2019). Global Carbon Budget 2019, https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/11/1783/2019/ Consulted 10 November 2020.
  • Gillenwater, M., Van Pelt, M.M. and Peterson, K. (2002). Greenhouse gases and global warming potential values, exerpt from the inventory of us greenhouse emission sand sinks: 1990-2000, pages:, US Environmental Protection Agency, 4-9.
  • Gustavsson, L. and Sathre, R. (2011). Energy and CO2 analysis of wood substitution in construction, Climatic Change, 105(1-2), 129-153.
  • Hauschild, M. Z. (2018). Introduction to LCA methodology. In life cycle assessment, Springer, Germany.
  • Heath, L.S., Meltby, V., Miner, R., Skog, K.E., Smith, J.E., Unwin, J. and Upton, B. (2010). Greenhouse gas and carbon profile of the US forest products industry value chain. Environmental science and technology, 44(10), 3999-4005.
  • Hua, G., Chenga, T.C.E. and Wang, S. (2011). Managing carbon footprints in inventory management. International Journal of Production Economics, 132(2), 178-185.
  • IPCC (2007) Forestry, in climate change 2007: mitigation, contribution of working group iii to the fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • IPCC (2014) Contribution of working group III to the fifth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Kayo, C., Noda, R., Sasaki, T. and Takaoku, S. (2015). Carbon balance in the life cycle of wood: targeting a timber check dam, Journal of Wood Science, 2015, 61, 70–80.
  • Košir M., Krainer A., Dovjak M., Perdan R. and Kristl Ž. (2010). Alternative to the conventional heating and cooling systems in public buildings, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 56(9), 575–583.
  • Kunič, R. (2007). Planning an assessment of the impact of accelerated ageing of bituminous sheets on constructional complexes, doctoral dissertation, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Ljubljana.
  • Lun, F., Liu, M., Zhang, D., Li, W. and Liu, J. (2016). Life cycle analysis of carbon flow and carbon footprint of harvested wood products of larix principis-rupprechtii in China, Sustainability, 8(3), 247.
  • Mgbemene, C.A., Nnaji, C.C. and Nwozor, C. (2016). Industrialization and its backlash: focus on climate change and its consequences, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 9(4), 301-316.
  • MGM 2015, Yeni senaryolar ile türkiye iklim projeksiyonları ve iklim değişikliği, Araştırma dairesi başkanlığı klimatoloji şube müdürlüğü, https://mgm.gov.tr/FILES/iklim/iklim-degisikligi-projeksiyon2015.pdf, consulted 10 November 2020.
  • Miner, R. (2010). Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases (No. 159), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
  • Minnemeyer S, Harris N, & Payne O (2017). Conserving forests could cut carbon emissions as much as getting rid of every car on earth, consulted 7 November 2020, http://www.wri.org/blog/2017/11/conserving-forests-could-cut-carbon-emissions-much-getting ridevery-car-earth, consulted 27 October 2020.
  • Muthu, S.S. (2014). Assessment of Carbon Footprint in Different Industrial Sectors (Vol. 2). Springer Science and Business, Germany.
  • Palmer D. (2012). To what extent could planting trees help solve climate change, https://www.theguardian. com/environment/2012/nov/29/planting-trees-climate-change, consulted 8 June 2018.
  • Puettmann, M., Oneil, E. and Bergman, R. (2013). Cradle to gate life cycle assessment of softwood lumber production from the Northeast-North Central. Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. 1-33.
  • RETHINK, W. (2015). Evaluating the Carbon Footprint of Wood Buildings, Reducing greenhouse gases with high-performance structures, https://www.awc.org/pdf/education/gb/ReThinkMag-GB500A-EvaluatingCarbonFootprint-1810.pdf , consulted 20 November 2020.
  • Sabine, C.L., Heimann, M., Artaxo, P., Bakker, D.C.E., Chen, C.T.A., Field, C.B., Gruber, N., Le Quéré, C., Prinn, R., Richey, J.E., Lankao, P.R., Sathaye, J.A. and Valentini, R. (2004). Current status and past trends of the carbon cycle. In C.B. Field & M.R. Raupach, The global carbon cycle: integrating humans, climate, and the natural world, Island Press, United States.
  • SFI (2003). Forests and Climate Swedish Forest Industries Federation (Skogsindustrierna), https://www.forestindustries.se, consulted 27 October 2020.
  • Türkeş, M. (2008). Küresel iklim değişikliği nedir? Temel kavramlar, nedenleri, gözlenen ve öngörülen değişiklikler, İklim Değişikliği ve Çevre, 1(1), 26-37.
  • Üreden, A. and Özden, S. (2018). Kurumsal karbon ayak izi nasıl hesaplanır: teorik bir çalışma, Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 4(2), 10-20.
  • Wilson, J.B. (2010). Life-cycle inventory of medium density fiberboard in terms of resources, emissions, energy and carbon, Wood and Fiber Science, 42, 107-124.
  • Yazdi, S.K. and Khanalizadeh, B. (2017). Air pollution, economic growth and health care expenditure, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 30(1),1181–1190.
  • Zhang, Y.M. (2009). Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecysystem type, geographical location and climate, Global Ecology Biogeography, 18, 280–290.
  • Zhen, M. and Zhang, B. (2018). Energy performance of a light wood-timber structured house in the severely cold region of China, Sustainability, 10(5), 1501.
Yıl 2020, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 91 - 97, 25.12.2020



  • Ahmad O. (2017). How forests help tackle carbon emissions: lessons from India, China and South Korea. https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/2017/11/16/forests-tackle-carbonemissions-india-china-south-korea/, consulted 16 September 2020.
  • Argun, M.E., Ergüç, R. and Yunus, S. (2019). Konya/Selçuklu İlçesi Karbon Ayak İzinin Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 287-297.
  • Atanda, J.O. and Olukoya, O.A. (2019). Green building standards: Opportunities for Nigeria, Journal of Cleaner Production, 227, 366-377.
  • Beyer, G., Defays, M., Fischer, M., Fletcher, J., and Munck, E.D. (2006). Tackle climate change: use wood. Wood Fiber Science, 42, 107–124.
  • Chaabouni S., Zghidi N., and Mbarek M. (2016). On the causal dynamics between CO2 emissions, health expendituresand economic growth, Sustainable Cities and Society, 22, 184–191.
  • Council, B.S.L. (2009). Tackle Climate Change-Use Wood. Minneapolis: North American forest products industry by the BC Forestry Climate Change Working Group, Consulted 25 September 2020. https://www.anthonyforest.com/assets/pdf/tackle-climate-change-wood.pdf
  • Debek, R. (2016). Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization, Doctoral dissertation, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków 2016.
  • EDGAR (2019) Fossil CO2 and GHG emissions of all world countries, 2019 report, Emissions database for global atmospheric research, European Union, https://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu/booklet2019/Fossil_CO2andGHG_emissions_of_all_world_countries_booklet_2019report.pdf, consulted 10 October 2020
  • Eshun, J.F., Potting, J. and Leemans, R. (2010). Inventory analysis of the timber industry in Ghana. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 15, 715–725.
  • Franchetti, M.J. and Apul, D. (2012). Carbon footprint analysis: concepts, methods, implementation, and case studies. CRC Press, United States.
  • GCP (2019). Global Carbon Budget 2019, https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/11/1783/2019/ Consulted 10 November 2020.
  • Gillenwater, M., Van Pelt, M.M. and Peterson, K. (2002). Greenhouse gases and global warming potential values, exerpt from the inventory of us greenhouse emission sand sinks: 1990-2000, pages:, US Environmental Protection Agency, 4-9.
  • Gustavsson, L. and Sathre, R. (2011). Energy and CO2 analysis of wood substitution in construction, Climatic Change, 105(1-2), 129-153.
  • Hauschild, M. Z. (2018). Introduction to LCA methodology. In life cycle assessment, Springer, Germany.
  • Heath, L.S., Meltby, V., Miner, R., Skog, K.E., Smith, J.E., Unwin, J. and Upton, B. (2010). Greenhouse gas and carbon profile of the US forest products industry value chain. Environmental science and technology, 44(10), 3999-4005.
  • Hua, G., Chenga, T.C.E. and Wang, S. (2011). Managing carbon footprints in inventory management. International Journal of Production Economics, 132(2), 178-185.
  • IPCC (2007) Forestry, in climate change 2007: mitigation, contribution of working group iii to the fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • IPCC (2014) Contribution of working group III to the fifth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Kayo, C., Noda, R., Sasaki, T. and Takaoku, S. (2015). Carbon balance in the life cycle of wood: targeting a timber check dam, Journal of Wood Science, 2015, 61, 70–80.
  • Košir M., Krainer A., Dovjak M., Perdan R. and Kristl Ž. (2010). Alternative to the conventional heating and cooling systems in public buildings, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 56(9), 575–583.
  • Kunič, R. (2007). Planning an assessment of the impact of accelerated ageing of bituminous sheets on constructional complexes, doctoral dissertation, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Ljubljana.
  • Lun, F., Liu, M., Zhang, D., Li, W. and Liu, J. (2016). Life cycle analysis of carbon flow and carbon footprint of harvested wood products of larix principis-rupprechtii in China, Sustainability, 8(3), 247.
  • Mgbemene, C.A., Nnaji, C.C. and Nwozor, C. (2016). Industrialization and its backlash: focus on climate change and its consequences, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 9(4), 301-316.
  • MGM 2015, Yeni senaryolar ile türkiye iklim projeksiyonları ve iklim değişikliği, Araştırma dairesi başkanlığı klimatoloji şube müdürlüğü, https://mgm.gov.tr/FILES/iklim/iklim-degisikligi-projeksiyon2015.pdf, consulted 10 November 2020.
  • Miner, R. (2010). Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases (No. 159), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
  • Minnemeyer S, Harris N, & Payne O (2017). Conserving forests could cut carbon emissions as much as getting rid of every car on earth, consulted 7 November 2020, http://www.wri.org/blog/2017/11/conserving-forests-could-cut-carbon-emissions-much-getting ridevery-car-earth, consulted 27 October 2020.
  • Muthu, S.S. (2014). Assessment of Carbon Footprint in Different Industrial Sectors (Vol. 2). Springer Science and Business, Germany.
  • Palmer D. (2012). To what extent could planting trees help solve climate change, https://www.theguardian. com/environment/2012/nov/29/planting-trees-climate-change, consulted 8 June 2018.
  • Puettmann, M., Oneil, E. and Bergman, R. (2013). Cradle to gate life cycle assessment of softwood lumber production from the Northeast-North Central. Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials. University of Washington. Seattle, WA. 1-33.
  • RETHINK, W. (2015). Evaluating the Carbon Footprint of Wood Buildings, Reducing greenhouse gases with high-performance structures, https://www.awc.org/pdf/education/gb/ReThinkMag-GB500A-EvaluatingCarbonFootprint-1810.pdf , consulted 20 November 2020.
  • Sabine, C.L., Heimann, M., Artaxo, P., Bakker, D.C.E., Chen, C.T.A., Field, C.B., Gruber, N., Le Quéré, C., Prinn, R., Richey, J.E., Lankao, P.R., Sathaye, J.A. and Valentini, R. (2004). Current status and past trends of the carbon cycle. In C.B. Field & M.R. Raupach, The global carbon cycle: integrating humans, climate, and the natural world, Island Press, United States.
  • SFI (2003). Forests and Climate Swedish Forest Industries Federation (Skogsindustrierna), https://www.forestindustries.se, consulted 27 October 2020.
  • Türkeş, M. (2008). Küresel iklim değişikliği nedir? Temel kavramlar, nedenleri, gözlenen ve öngörülen değişiklikler, İklim Değişikliği ve Çevre, 1(1), 26-37.
  • Üreden, A. and Özden, S. (2018). Kurumsal karbon ayak izi nasıl hesaplanır: teorik bir çalışma, Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi 4(2), 10-20.
  • Wilson, J.B. (2010). Life-cycle inventory of medium density fiberboard in terms of resources, emissions, energy and carbon, Wood and Fiber Science, 42, 107-124.
  • Yazdi, S.K. and Khanalizadeh, B. (2017). Air pollution, economic growth and health care expenditure, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 30(1),1181–1190.
  • Zhang, Y.M. (2009). Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecysystem type, geographical location and climate, Global Ecology Biogeography, 18, 280–290.
  • Zhen, M. and Zhang, B. (2018). Energy performance of a light wood-timber structured house in the severely cold region of China, Sustainability, 10(5), 1501.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kereste, Hamur ve Kağıt, Kompozit ve Hibrit Malzemeler
Bölüm Review Articles

Uğur Aras 0000-0002-1572-0727

Hülya Kalaycıoğlu 0000-0002-1807-4353

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2020
Kabul Tarihi 9 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aras, U., & Kalaycıoğlu, H. (2020). EVALUATION OF CARBON FOOTPRINT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IN WOOD BASED PRODUCT. Wood Industry and Engineering, 2(2), 91-97.
Chicago Aras, Uğur, ve Hülya Kalaycıoğlu. “EVALUATION OF CARBON FOOTPRINT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IN WOOD BASED PRODUCT”. Wood Industry and Engineering 2, sy. 2 (Aralık 2020): 91-97.
EndNote Aras U, Kalaycıoğlu H (01 Aralık 2020) EVALUATION OF CARBON FOOTPRINT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IN WOOD BASED PRODUCT. Wood Industry and Engineering 2 2 91–97.
ISNAD Aras, Uğur - Kalaycıoğlu, Hülya. “EVALUATION OF CARBON FOOTPRINT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IN WOOD BASED PRODUCT”. Wood Industry and Engineering 2/2 (Aralık 2020), 91-97.
MLA Aras, Uğur ve Hülya Kalaycıoğlu. “EVALUATION OF CARBON FOOTPRINT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IN WOOD BASED PRODUCT”. Wood Industry and Engineering, c. 2, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 91-97.

Wood Industry and Engineering Journal
 Correspondence: Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Industry Engineering, Kanuni Campus, 61080, Trabzon / TURKEY
Contact E-mail: engin_gezer@yahoo.com (Editor - Prof. Dr. Engin Derya GEZER),   iaydin@ktu.edu.tr  (Co-Editor - Prof. Dr. Ismail AYDIN)
Phone: +90 (462) 377 1532,  Fax: +90 (462) 325 7499