BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 424 - 438, 24.10.2023



  • American Psychiatric Association, DSM-5 Task Force. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5™ (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc..
  • Avellar, S. A., Thomas, J., Kleinman, R., Sama-Miller, E., Woodruff, S. E., Coughlin, R. ve Westbrook, T. R. (2017). External Validity: The Next Step for Systematic Reviews? Evaluation review, 41(4), 283–325.
  • Barnicot, K., Gonzalez, R., McCabe, R. ve Priebe, S. (2016). Skills use and common treatment processes in dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 52, 147-156.
  • Bohus, M., Haaf, B., Simms, T., Limberger, M. F., Schmahl, C., Unckel, C., Lieb, K. ve Linehan, M. M. (2004). Effectiveness of inpatient dialectical behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder: a controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42(5), 487–499.
  • Budak, A. M. Ü. ve Kocabaş, E. Ö. (2019). Dialectical behavior therapy and skill training: Areas of use and importance in preventive mental health. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 11(2), 192-204.
  • Chapman, A. L. ve Gratz, K. L. (2007). The borderline personality disorder survival guide. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
  • Childs-Fegredo, J. ve Fellin, L. (2018). ‘Everyone should do it’: Client experience of a 12-week dialectical behaviour therapy group programme – An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
  • Cowdry, R. W., Pickar, D. ve Davies, R. (1986). Symptoms and EEG Findings in the Borderline Syndrome. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 15(3), 201–211.
  • Crowell, S. E., Beauchaine, T. P. ve Linehan, M. M. (2009). A biosocial developmental model of borderline personality: Elaborating and extending Linehan's theory. Psychological Bulletin, 135(3), 495–510.
  • Dimeff, L. A. ve Koerner, K. (Eds.). (2007). Dialectical behavior therapy in clinical practice: Applications across disorders and settings. Guilford Press.
  • Grant, B. F., Chou S. P., Goldstein R. B., Huang B., Stinson F. S., Saha T.D., Smith S. M., Dawson D. A., Pulay A.J., Pickering R. P. ve Ruan W. J. (2008). Prevalence, correlates, disability, and comorbidity of DSM-IV borderline personality disorder: results from the wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey on alcohol and related conditions. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 69(4), 533–545.
  • Gunderson, J. G. (2001). Borderline personality disorder: A clinical guide. American Psychiatric Publication.
  • Leichsenring, F. ve Leibing, E. (2003). The effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy and cognitive behavior therapy in the treatment of personality disorders: a meta-analysis. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 160(7), 1223–1232.
  • Leichsenring, F., Leibing, E., Kruse, J., New, A. S. ve Leweke, F. (2011). Borderline personality disorder. The Lancet, 377(9759), 74-84.
  • Lereya, S. T., Winsper, C., Tang, N. K. ve Wolke, D. (2017). Sleep Problems in Childhood and Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms in Early Adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45(1), 193–206. Linehan, M. M. (1993). Cognitive behavioral therapy of borderline personality disorder. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Maier, W., Lichtermann, D., Klingler, T., Heun, R. ve Hallmayer, J. (1992). Prevalence of personality disorders (DSM-III-R) in the community. Journal of Personality Disorders, 6(3), 187–196.
  • McMain, S. F., Chapman, A. L., Kuo, J. R., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., Guimond, T. H., Labrish, C., Isaranuwatchai, W. ve Streiner, D. L. (2022). The Effectiveness of 6 versus 12 Months of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Noninferiority Randomized Clinical Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 91(6), 382–397.
  • McMain, S. F., Guimond, T., Streiner, D. L., Cardish, R. J. ve Links, P. S. (2012). Dialectical behavior therapy compared with general psychiatric management for borderline personality disorder: clinical outcomes and functioning over a 2-year follow-up. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 169(6), 650–661.
  • Neacsiu, A. D., Rizvi, S. L. ve Linehan, M. M. (2010). Dialectical behavior therapy skills use as a mediator and outcome of treatment for borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(9), 832–839.
  • Nordmo M., Monsen J.T., Høglend P.A., Solbakken O.A. (2021). Comparing the magnitude of improvement for patients with and without personality disorders in open-ended psychotherapy. Personality Disorders, 12(6), 606–616.
  • O’Donohuve, W., Fowler, K. A. ve Lilienfield, S. O. (2007). Personality Disorders: Toward the DSM-V. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
  • Paris, J. ve H. Zweig-Frank (1992). A critical review of the role of childhood sexual abuse in the etiology of borderline personality disorder. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 37(2), 125-128.
  • Priebe, S., Bhatti, N., Barnicot, K., Bremner, S., Gaglia, A., Katsakou, C., Molosankwe, I., McCrone, P. ve Zinkler, M. (2012). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy for self-harming patients with personality disorder: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 81(6), 356–365.
  • Reeves-Dudley, B. (2017). Borderline personality disorder psychological treatment: An integrative review. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 31(1), 83-87.
  • Robinson L., Delgadillo J., Kellett S. (2020). The dose-response effect in routinely delivered psychological therapies: A systematic review. Psychotherapy Research: 30(1):79–96.
  • Sargın, M. ve Sargın, A.E. (2015). “Yaşamaya değer bir hayat” için: Diyalektik davranışçı terapinin gelişimi ve temel ilkeleri. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Psychiatry-Special Topics, 8(2), 64-70.
  • Skodol, A. E., Gunderson, J. G., Pfohl, B., Widiger, T. A., Livesley, W. J. ve Siever, L. J. (2002). The borderline diagnosis I: psychopathology, comorbidity, and personality structure. Biological Psychiatry, 51(12), 936–950.
  • Soler, J., Pascual, J. C., Tiana, T., Cebrià, A., Barrachina, J., Campins, M. J., Gich, I., Alvarez, E., & Pérez, V. (2009). Dialectical behaviour therapy skills training compared to standard group therapy in borderline personality disorder: a 3-month randomised controlled clinical trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(5), 353–358.
  • Soler, J., Valdepérez, A., Feliu-Soler, A., Pascual, J. C., Portella, M. J., Martín-Blanco, A., Alvarez, E. ve Pérez, V. (2012). Effects of the dialectical behavioral therapy-mindfulness module on attention in patients with borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50(2), 150–157.
  • Stepp, S. D., Lazarus, S. A. ve Byrd, A. L. (2016). A systematic review of risk factors prospectively associated with borderline personality disorder: Taking stock and moving forward. Personality Disorders, 7(4), 316–323.
  • Torgersen S., Kringlen E., Cramer V. (2001). The prevalence of personality disorders in a community sample. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58(6), 590–6.
  • Van Asselt, A. D. I., Dirksen, C. D., Arntz, A. ve Severens, J. L. (2007). The cost of borderline personality disorder: Societal cost of illness in BPD-patients. European Psychiatry, 22(6), 354–361.
  • Van den Bosch, L. M., Koeter, M. W., Stijnen, T., Verheul, R. ve van den Brink, W. (2005). Sustained efficacy of dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43(9), 1231–1241.
  • van Reekum, R., Bolago, I., Finlayson, M. A., Garner, S. ve Links, P. S. (1996). Psychiatric disorders after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 10(5), 319–327.
  • Verheul, R., van den Bosch, L. M. C., Koeter, M. W. J., de Ridder, M. A. J., Stijnen, T. ve Van den Brink, W. (2003). Dialectical behaviour therapy for women with borderline personality disorder: 12-month, randomised clinical trial in The Netherlands. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 182(2), 135–140.
  • West, A. E. ve Pavuluri, M. N. (2009). Psychosocial treatments for childhood and adolescent bipolar disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 18(2), 471–482.
  • Winsper, C. (2012). The developmental precursors of borderline personality disorder symptoms at 11 years in a British cohort. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
  • Winsper C. (2018). The aetiology of borderline personality disorder (BPD): contemporary theories and putative mechanisms. Current Opinion in Psychology, 21, 105–110.
  • Zanarini, M. C., Frankenburg, F. R., Hennen, J., Reich, D. B. ve Silk, K. R. (2004). Axis I comorbidity in patients with borderline personality disorder: 6-year follow-up and prediction of time to remission. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(11), 2108–2114.

Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 424 - 438, 24.10.2023


Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu hem hasta hem de psikoterapistler için oldukça zorlayıcı bir psikiyatrik bozukluk olarak görülmektedir. Diyalektik Davranış Terapisi Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu tedavisi için üzerinde en çok araştırma yapılan yaklaşımlardan biridir. Diyalektik Davranış Terapisisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu semptomları üzerindeki etkililiğine dair farklı çalışmalar olmasına karşın geliştirilen farklı tedavi yaklaşımlarından farklı olarak nasıl bir etki mekanizmasına sahip olduğu bilinmemektedir. Bu sistematik derlemenin amacı; diyalektik davranış terapisinin borderline kişilik bozukluğu üzerindeki etkiliğini inceleyen literatürdeki güncel çalışmaları bir araya getirmektir. Buna ek olarak diyalektik davranış terapisinin borderline kişilik bozukluğu semptomlarında nasıl bir iyileşme meydana getirdiğini anlamak ve etkin olan müdahaleleri kritik etmek gelecek çalışmalar için yön gösterici olacaktır. Bu derleme çalışmasında önceden belirlenen içleme kriterlerine uygun olduğu görülen 9 araştırma yer almaktadır. Çalışma sonuçları diyalektik davranış terapisinin borderline kişilik bozukluğu olan kişilerin farkındalık becerilerinde, özellikle kaygı ve depresyon semptomlarında, intihar girişimi içeren ve içermeyen kendine zarar verme davranışlarındaki düşüşte ve duygu regülasyonunda anlamlı değişiklikler gösterdiğine ve altı aylık bir DDT sürecinin belirtilerdeki iyileşme için yeterince iyi bir zaman olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Farklı psikoterapi yaklaşımlarına kıyasla diyalektik davranış terapisinde tedaviden ayrılma oranının düşük olması, daha kısa süreli olması ve psikoterapistlerin eğitim almalarının daha elverişli olması bu yaklaşımın yaygınlaşması ve ulaşılabilir olması için önemli görülmektedir.


  • American Psychiatric Association, DSM-5 Task Force. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5™ (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc..
  • Avellar, S. A., Thomas, J., Kleinman, R., Sama-Miller, E., Woodruff, S. E., Coughlin, R. ve Westbrook, T. R. (2017). External Validity: The Next Step for Systematic Reviews? Evaluation review, 41(4), 283–325.
  • Barnicot, K., Gonzalez, R., McCabe, R. ve Priebe, S. (2016). Skills use and common treatment processes in dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 52, 147-156.
  • Bohus, M., Haaf, B., Simms, T., Limberger, M. F., Schmahl, C., Unckel, C., Lieb, K. ve Linehan, M. M. (2004). Effectiveness of inpatient dialectical behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder: a controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42(5), 487–499.
  • Budak, A. M. Ü. ve Kocabaş, E. Ö. (2019). Dialectical behavior therapy and skill training: Areas of use and importance in preventive mental health. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 11(2), 192-204.
  • Chapman, A. L. ve Gratz, K. L. (2007). The borderline personality disorder survival guide. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
  • Childs-Fegredo, J. ve Fellin, L. (2018). ‘Everyone should do it’: Client experience of a 12-week dialectical behaviour therapy group programme – An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
  • Cowdry, R. W., Pickar, D. ve Davies, R. (1986). Symptoms and EEG Findings in the Borderline Syndrome. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 15(3), 201–211.
  • Crowell, S. E., Beauchaine, T. P. ve Linehan, M. M. (2009). A biosocial developmental model of borderline personality: Elaborating and extending Linehan's theory. Psychological Bulletin, 135(3), 495–510.
  • Dimeff, L. A. ve Koerner, K. (Eds.). (2007). Dialectical behavior therapy in clinical practice: Applications across disorders and settings. Guilford Press.
  • Grant, B. F., Chou S. P., Goldstein R. B., Huang B., Stinson F. S., Saha T.D., Smith S. M., Dawson D. A., Pulay A.J., Pickering R. P. ve Ruan W. J. (2008). Prevalence, correlates, disability, and comorbidity of DSM-IV borderline personality disorder: results from the wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey on alcohol and related conditions. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 69(4), 533–545.
  • Gunderson, J. G. (2001). Borderline personality disorder: A clinical guide. American Psychiatric Publication.
  • Leichsenring, F. ve Leibing, E. (2003). The effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy and cognitive behavior therapy in the treatment of personality disorders: a meta-analysis. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 160(7), 1223–1232.
  • Leichsenring, F., Leibing, E., Kruse, J., New, A. S. ve Leweke, F. (2011). Borderline personality disorder. The Lancet, 377(9759), 74-84.
  • Lereya, S. T., Winsper, C., Tang, N. K. ve Wolke, D. (2017). Sleep Problems in Childhood and Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms in Early Adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45(1), 193–206. Linehan, M. M. (1993). Cognitive behavioral therapy of borderline personality disorder. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Maier, W., Lichtermann, D., Klingler, T., Heun, R. ve Hallmayer, J. (1992). Prevalence of personality disorders (DSM-III-R) in the community. Journal of Personality Disorders, 6(3), 187–196.
  • McMain, S. F., Chapman, A. L., Kuo, J. R., Dixon-Gordon, K. L., Guimond, T. H., Labrish, C., Isaranuwatchai, W. ve Streiner, D. L. (2022). The Effectiveness of 6 versus 12 Months of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Noninferiority Randomized Clinical Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 91(6), 382–397.
  • McMain, S. F., Guimond, T., Streiner, D. L., Cardish, R. J. ve Links, P. S. (2012). Dialectical behavior therapy compared with general psychiatric management for borderline personality disorder: clinical outcomes and functioning over a 2-year follow-up. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 169(6), 650–661.
  • Neacsiu, A. D., Rizvi, S. L. ve Linehan, M. M. (2010). Dialectical behavior therapy skills use as a mediator and outcome of treatment for borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(9), 832–839.
  • Nordmo M., Monsen J.T., Høglend P.A., Solbakken O.A. (2021). Comparing the magnitude of improvement for patients with and without personality disorders in open-ended psychotherapy. Personality Disorders, 12(6), 606–616.
  • O’Donohuve, W., Fowler, K. A. ve Lilienfield, S. O. (2007). Personality Disorders: Toward the DSM-V. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
  • Paris, J. ve H. Zweig-Frank (1992). A critical review of the role of childhood sexual abuse in the etiology of borderline personality disorder. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 37(2), 125-128.
  • Priebe, S., Bhatti, N., Barnicot, K., Bremner, S., Gaglia, A., Katsakou, C., Molosankwe, I., McCrone, P. ve Zinkler, M. (2012). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy for self-harming patients with personality disorder: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 81(6), 356–365.
  • Reeves-Dudley, B. (2017). Borderline personality disorder psychological treatment: An integrative review. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 31(1), 83-87.
  • Robinson L., Delgadillo J., Kellett S. (2020). The dose-response effect in routinely delivered psychological therapies: A systematic review. Psychotherapy Research: 30(1):79–96.
  • Sargın, M. ve Sargın, A.E. (2015). “Yaşamaya değer bir hayat” için: Diyalektik davranışçı terapinin gelişimi ve temel ilkeleri. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Psychiatry-Special Topics, 8(2), 64-70.
  • Skodol, A. E., Gunderson, J. G., Pfohl, B., Widiger, T. A., Livesley, W. J. ve Siever, L. J. (2002). The borderline diagnosis I: psychopathology, comorbidity, and personality structure. Biological Psychiatry, 51(12), 936–950.
  • Soler, J., Pascual, J. C., Tiana, T., Cebrià, A., Barrachina, J., Campins, M. J., Gich, I., Alvarez, E., & Pérez, V. (2009). Dialectical behaviour therapy skills training compared to standard group therapy in borderline personality disorder: a 3-month randomised controlled clinical trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(5), 353–358.
  • Soler, J., Valdepérez, A., Feliu-Soler, A., Pascual, J. C., Portella, M. J., Martín-Blanco, A., Alvarez, E. ve Pérez, V. (2012). Effects of the dialectical behavioral therapy-mindfulness module on attention in patients with borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50(2), 150–157.
  • Stepp, S. D., Lazarus, S. A. ve Byrd, A. L. (2016). A systematic review of risk factors prospectively associated with borderline personality disorder: Taking stock and moving forward. Personality Disorders, 7(4), 316–323.
  • Torgersen S., Kringlen E., Cramer V. (2001). The prevalence of personality disorders in a community sample. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58(6), 590–6.
  • Van Asselt, A. D. I., Dirksen, C. D., Arntz, A. ve Severens, J. L. (2007). The cost of borderline personality disorder: Societal cost of illness in BPD-patients. European Psychiatry, 22(6), 354–361.
  • Van den Bosch, L. M., Koeter, M. W., Stijnen, T., Verheul, R. ve van den Brink, W. (2005). Sustained efficacy of dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43(9), 1231–1241.
  • van Reekum, R., Bolago, I., Finlayson, M. A., Garner, S. ve Links, P. S. (1996). Psychiatric disorders after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 10(5), 319–327.
  • Verheul, R., van den Bosch, L. M. C., Koeter, M. W. J., de Ridder, M. A. J., Stijnen, T. ve Van den Brink, W. (2003). Dialectical behaviour therapy for women with borderline personality disorder: 12-month, randomised clinical trial in The Netherlands. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 182(2), 135–140.
  • West, A. E. ve Pavuluri, M. N. (2009). Psychosocial treatments for childhood and adolescent bipolar disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 18(2), 471–482.
  • Winsper, C. (2012). The developmental precursors of borderline personality disorder symptoms at 11 years in a British cohort. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
  • Winsper C. (2018). The aetiology of borderline personality disorder (BPD): contemporary theories and putative mechanisms. Current Opinion in Psychology, 21, 105–110.
  • Zanarini, M. C., Frankenburg, F. R., Hennen, J., Reich, D. B. ve Silk, K. R. (2004). Axis I comorbidity in patients with borderline personality disorder: 6-year follow-up and prediction of time to remission. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(11), 2108–2114.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sosyal Politika (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Tubanur Bayram Kuzgun 0000-0002-0299-7284

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayram Kuzgun, T. (2023). Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(2), 424-438.
AMA Bayram Kuzgun T. Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması. YSBD. Ekim 2023;13(2):424-438.
Chicago Bayram Kuzgun, Tubanur. “Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması”. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13, sy. 2 (Ekim 2023): 424-38.
EndNote Bayram Kuzgun T (01 Ekim 2023) Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13 2 424–438.
IEEE T. Bayram Kuzgun, “Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması”, YSBD, c. 13, sy. 2, ss. 424–438, 2023.
ISNAD Bayram Kuzgun, Tubanur. “Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması”. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 13/2 (Ekim 2023), 424-438.
JAMA Bayram Kuzgun T. Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması. YSBD. 2023;13:424–438.
MLA Bayram Kuzgun, Tubanur. “Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması”. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 424-38.
Vancouver Bayram Kuzgun T. Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu Üzerindeki Etkililiğine İlişkin Sistematik Derleme Çalışması. YSBD. 2023;13(2):424-38.

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