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Can Law Be Civilizing? An Analysis of Bentham's Thoughts on International Law

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 1, 83 - 115, 31.01.2025


This article analyzes Jeremy Bentham’s thinking on law and specifically on international law, considering the role of “law as a civilizing force”. The article examines Bentham’s unique perspectives on the role of law in international relations and shows how these perspectives relate to contemporary international law. It also assesses the impact of Bentham’s proposals on shaping the legal norms and practices of the international community. This analysis provides an important insight into how Bentham’s thought underpins the understanding of contemporary international law and society. For this purpose, the study first examines Bentham’s philosophy of utilitarianism and his views on why he adopted its principles as an important principle in the law-making process. Then, his thoughts on international law and his ideas on the connection between civilization and law are examined. Finally, his contribution to the philosophical foundations of international criminal law is presented.


  • Aksu, Eşref (2008) Early Notions Of Global Governance : Selected Eighteenth-Century Proposals For 'Perpetual Peace' : With Rousseau, Bentham and Kant Unabridged, University of Wales Press.
  • Archambeault, William G. (1979) Evaluating The Utility Of The Deterrent Residual In Predicting Deterrent Outcomes In A Self-Report Study: A Comparative Analysis Of The Beccarian And Benthamite Models Of Deterrence Theory, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Armitage, David (2011) “Globalizing Jeremy Bentham”, History of Political Thought, V:32, N:1, p. 63–82.
  • Arneil, Barbara (2021) “Jeremy Bentham: Pauperism, Colonialism, and Imperialism”, The American Political Science Review, V: 115, N: 4, p. 1147–1158.
  • Ayres, Robert U. (2023) “Bentham and Utilitarianism”, In The History and Future of Economics, Springer International Publishing AG, pp. 113–126.
  • Baujard, Antoinette (2009) “A Return to Bentham's Felicific Calculus: From Moral Welfarism to Technical Non-Welfarism.” The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, V: 16, N: 3, 2009, pp. 431–53.
  • Bentham, Jeremy (1776) A fragment on government : being an examination of what is delivered, on the subject of government in general, in the introduction to Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries. E. Wilson.
  • Bentham, Jeremy (1789) An Introduction To The Principles Of Morals And Legislation, Printed in the year 1780, and now first published, By Jeremy Bentham, of Lincoln's Inn, Esquire, printed for T. Payne, and Son, at the Mews Gate.
  • Bentham, Jeremy (1928) A Comment on the Commentaries : a Criticism of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England / by Jeremy Bentham, Now First Printed from the Author's Manuscript, with Introduction and Notes / by Charles Warren Everett, England: The Clarendon press.
  • Bentham, Jeremy, and John Bowring (1843), The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Edinburgh : London: W. Tait; Simpkin, Marshall.
  • Bourcier, Benjamin (2021) “Bentham's International Political Theory: Taking States’ Responsibilities Seriously.” Utilitas, V: 33, N: 3, pp. 287–303.
  • Bruno, Jonathan. R. (2017) “Vigilance and Confidence: Jeremy Bentham, Publicity, and the Dialectic of Political Trust and Distrust”, The American Political Science Review, V: 111, N:2, p. 295–307.
  • Burns, James H. (2005) “Happiness and Utility: Jeremy Bentham's Equation.” Utilitas, V: 17, N: 1, pp. 46–61.
  • Cello, Lorenzo (2021) “Jeremy Bentham's Vision of International Order”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, V: 34, N:1, p. 46–64.
  • Clarke, Ronald (2021) “Regulating Crime and the International Crime Drop”, International Criminal Justice Review, V:31, N: 3, p. 257–259.
  • Colombos, C. John (1927) "Jeremy Bentham's Plan for a Universal and Perpetual Peace" (Book Review), British Yearbook of International Law, H. Frowde, V: 8, p. 208.
  • Crimmins, James E. (2023) "Jeremy Bentham", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2023 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), s.e.t. 20.01.2024.
  • Cutler, Fred. (1999) “Jeremy Bentham and the Public Opinion Tribunal”, Public Opinion Quarterly, V: 63, N: 3, p. 321–346.
  • De Champs, Emmanuelle (2011) “Constitution And The Code: Jeremy Bentham On The Limits Of The Constitutional Branch Of Jurisprudence: Jeremy Bentham's Theory Today”, The Tocqueville Review, V: 32, N: 1, p. 21–42.
  • Dinwiddy, John R. (1989) “Bentham on Invention in Legislation.” Enlightenment and Dissent, N: 8, p. 25.
  • Draper, Anthony J. (2002) “An Introduction to Jeremy Bentham’s Theory of Punishment”, Journal of Bentham Studies, V: 5, N: 1, s. 1-17.
  • Feldman, Fred (2004) Pleasure and the Good Life: Concerning the Nature, Varieties, and Plausibility of Hedonism (1st ed.), Clarendon Press.
  • Ferraro, Francesco (2013) “Adjudication and Expectations: Bentham on the Role of Judges.” Utilitas, V: 25, N: 2, pp. 140–60.
  • Heilbron, Johan; Magnusson, Lars; Wittrock, Björn (1998). The Rise of The Social Sciences And The Formation of Modernity : Conceptual Change In Context, 1750-1850, KluwerAcademic Publishers.
  • Himmelfarb, Gertrude (2020). “Bentham Versus Blackstone”, Econ Journal Watch, V: 17, N: 1, p. 256–269.
  • Hollander, Samuel (2020) “Bentham, Utilitarian Ethics and Distributive Justice” A History of Utilitarian Ethics, 1st ed., Routledge, pp. 215–36.
  • Johnston, Jane (2018) “Three Phases of Courts’ Publicity: Reconfiguring Bentham's Open Justice in the Twenty-First Century”, International Journal of Law in Context, V :14, N: 4, p.525–38.
  • Kaino, Michihiro (2022) “Bentham as a Theorist of the Rule of Law and His Idea of Universal Interest”, Ratio Juris, V: 35, N: 1, p. 55–70.
  • Kelly, Paul. J. (1989) “Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: The Civil Law and the Foundations of Bentham's Economic Thought.” Utilitas, V: 1, N: 1, pp. 62–81.
  • Janis, M. W. (1984). Jeremy Bentham and the Fashioning of “International Law” The American Journal of International Law, V: 78, N: 2, pp. 405–418.
  • Li, Cheng (2021) Projecting Law Reform : Jeremy Bentham's Networks in Hanoverian Britain, c1790-1830, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Marciniak, Angela (2017) “'Prevention of Evil, Production of Good': Jeremy Bentham's Indirect Legislation and Its Contribution to a New Theory of Prevention.” History of European Ideas, V: 43, N: 1, pp. 83–105.
  • Mill, John S.; Bentham, Jeremy, & Austin, John (1962). Utilitarianism, On liberty, Essay on Bentham : Together with selected writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin, World Pub. Co.
  • Moyn, Samuel (2014) “Judith Shklar on the Philosophy of International Criminal Law”, International Criminal Law Review, V: 14, N: 4-5, p. 717–737.
  • Oldham, James (1991). “From Blackstone to Bentham: Common Law versus Legislation in Eighteenth-Century Britain”, Michigan Law Review, V: 89, N: 6, p. 1637–1660.
  • Oppenheim, Lassa (1906). International law, a treatise : v.1: Peace (1905) V: 1). Longmans, Green, and co.
  • Orakhelashvili, Alexander (2011) “The Philosophy of International Criminal Law”, In Research Handbook on the Theory and History of International Law, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Padovani, Andrea; Stein, Peter G., & Lobban, Michael (2015) “The Age Of Bentham And Austın”, In A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, Springer Netherlands, pp. 411–441.
  • Pitts, Jennifer (2003) “Legislator of the World? A Rereading of Bentham on Colonies”, Political Theory, 31(2), p. 200–234.
  • Polloczek, Dieter Paul (1999) “Utilitarian Conscience and Legal Fictions in Bentham.” Angelaki : Journal of Theoretical Humanities, V: 4, N: 1, pp. 81–98.
  • Quinn, Michael (2014) Bentham on Mensuration: Calculation and Moral Reasoning. Utilitas, V: 26, N:1, p. 61–104.
  • Rosen, Frederick (2004) “Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832), Philosopher, Jurist, and Reformer”, In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press.
  • Rossmo, D. Kim & Summers, Lucia (2021). Bentham and the Philosophical Nature of Preventive Policing. International Criminal Justice Review, V: 31, N: 3, pp. 263–265.
  • Schofield, Philip (2013) “The Legal and Political Legacy of Jeremy Bentham.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science, V: 9, N: 1, pp. 51–70.
  • Schofield, Philip (2014) A Defence of Jeremy Bentham's Critique of Natural Rights. Bentham's Theory of Law and Public Opinion, pp. 208–230.
  • Schofield, Philip (2017) “Bentham, Jeremy”, In The Wiley‐Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 1–3.
  • Schofield, Philip., Tasioulas, John, & Albrecht, Kristin (n.d.). Bentham, Jeremy: On Justice. In Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Springer Netherlands, pp. 259–264.
  • Scott, Jacques (2021). “The Story of Jeremy Bentham on Police: Bridging the Bentham Project to Criminology”, In Jeremy Bentham on Police, p. 3. UCL Press.
  • Strauss, Loe (2022). “The Hedonistic Calculus and the Problem of Courage” (356c– 359c), In Leo Strauss on Plato’s "Protagoras", University of Chicago Press, pp. 380–404).
  • Sundem, Garth (2009) If It Feels Good, Do It: Jeremy Bentham's Hedonistic Calculus, In The Geeks' Guide to World Domination, Crown/Archetype.
  • Sverdlik, Steven (2023) Bentham's An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation: A Guide, 1st ed., Oxford University Press,
  • Weinreich, Spencer J. (2021) “Panopticon, Inc.: Jeremy Bentham, Contract Management, and (Neo) Liberal Penality”, Punishment & Society, V: 23, N: 4, p. 497–514.
  • Yıldız, Elif Çağla (2016) “Jeremy Bentham’ın İdam Cezasına Yaklaşımı”, Hukuk Felsefesi Arkivi, s. 428-431

Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 1, 83 - 115, 31.01.2025


Bu makalede Jeremy Bentham’ın öncelikle genel anlamda hukukla ve sonrasında uluslararası hukukla ilgili düşünceleri analiz edilerek, “hukukun uygarlaştırıcı bir güç” olarak toplumsal sistemler içindeki rolüne dair düşünceleri ele alınmaktadır. Makale, Bentham’ın uluslararası ilişkilerde hukukun rolüne dair utilitarist (faydacı) etik bağlamındaki özgün bakış açısını inceleyerek bu yaklaşımın günümüz uluslararası hukukuyla nasıl ilişkilendirildiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, Bentham’ın önerilerinin uluslararası toplumun hukuki normlarını ve uygulamalarını şekillendirmedeki etkilerini değerlendirmektedir. Böylece, Bentham’ın düşüncelerinin günümüz uluslararası hukuku ve toplumunun anlayışına nasıl bir zemin
oluşturduğu konusunda önemli bir perspektif sunmaktadır. Bu amaçla çalışmada ilk olarak Bentham’ın faydacılık felsefesi ve ilkelerini hukuk yapım sürecinde neden önemli bir ilkesel zemin olarak benimsediğine dair görüşlerine yer verilmiştir. Ardından uluslararası hukuka dair düşünceleri, uygarlaşmak ve hukuk arasındaki bağlantıya dair fikirleri incelenmiştir. Son olarak da uluslararası ceza hukukunun felsefi temellerine katkısı ortaya konulmuştur.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışma bilimsel araştırma ve etik kurallarına uygun olarak hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada etik kurul izni veya yasal/özel izin gerektirecek bir içerik bulunmamaktadır.


  • Aksu, Eşref (2008) Early Notions Of Global Governance : Selected Eighteenth-Century Proposals For 'Perpetual Peace' : With Rousseau, Bentham and Kant Unabridged, University of Wales Press.
  • Archambeault, William G. (1979) Evaluating The Utility Of The Deterrent Residual In Predicting Deterrent Outcomes In A Self-Report Study: A Comparative Analysis Of The Beccarian And Benthamite Models Of Deterrence Theory, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Armitage, David (2011) “Globalizing Jeremy Bentham”, History of Political Thought, V:32, N:1, p. 63–82.
  • Arneil, Barbara (2021) “Jeremy Bentham: Pauperism, Colonialism, and Imperialism”, The American Political Science Review, V: 115, N: 4, p. 1147–1158.
  • Ayres, Robert U. (2023) “Bentham and Utilitarianism”, In The History and Future of Economics, Springer International Publishing AG, pp. 113–126.
  • Baujard, Antoinette (2009) “A Return to Bentham's Felicific Calculus: From Moral Welfarism to Technical Non-Welfarism.” The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, V: 16, N: 3, 2009, pp. 431–53.
  • Bentham, Jeremy (1776) A fragment on government : being an examination of what is delivered, on the subject of government in general, in the introduction to Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries. E. Wilson.
  • Bentham, Jeremy (1789) An Introduction To The Principles Of Morals And Legislation, Printed in the year 1780, and now first published, By Jeremy Bentham, of Lincoln's Inn, Esquire, printed for T. Payne, and Son, at the Mews Gate.
  • Bentham, Jeremy (1928) A Comment on the Commentaries : a Criticism of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England / by Jeremy Bentham, Now First Printed from the Author's Manuscript, with Introduction and Notes / by Charles Warren Everett, England: The Clarendon press.
  • Bentham, Jeremy, and John Bowring (1843), The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Edinburgh : London: W. Tait; Simpkin, Marshall.
  • Bourcier, Benjamin (2021) “Bentham's International Political Theory: Taking States’ Responsibilities Seriously.” Utilitas, V: 33, N: 3, pp. 287–303.
  • Bruno, Jonathan. R. (2017) “Vigilance and Confidence: Jeremy Bentham, Publicity, and the Dialectic of Political Trust and Distrust”, The American Political Science Review, V: 111, N:2, p. 295–307.
  • Burns, James H. (2005) “Happiness and Utility: Jeremy Bentham's Equation.” Utilitas, V: 17, N: 1, pp. 46–61.
  • Cello, Lorenzo (2021) “Jeremy Bentham's Vision of International Order”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, V: 34, N:1, p. 46–64.
  • Clarke, Ronald (2021) “Regulating Crime and the International Crime Drop”, International Criminal Justice Review, V:31, N: 3, p. 257–259.
  • Colombos, C. John (1927) "Jeremy Bentham's Plan for a Universal and Perpetual Peace" (Book Review), British Yearbook of International Law, H. Frowde, V: 8, p. 208.
  • Crimmins, James E. (2023) "Jeremy Bentham", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2023 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), s.e.t. 20.01.2024.
  • Cutler, Fred. (1999) “Jeremy Bentham and the Public Opinion Tribunal”, Public Opinion Quarterly, V: 63, N: 3, p. 321–346.
  • De Champs, Emmanuelle (2011) “Constitution And The Code: Jeremy Bentham On The Limits Of The Constitutional Branch Of Jurisprudence: Jeremy Bentham's Theory Today”, The Tocqueville Review, V: 32, N: 1, p. 21–42.
  • Dinwiddy, John R. (1989) “Bentham on Invention in Legislation.” Enlightenment and Dissent, N: 8, p. 25.
  • Draper, Anthony J. (2002) “An Introduction to Jeremy Bentham’s Theory of Punishment”, Journal of Bentham Studies, V: 5, N: 1, s. 1-17.
  • Feldman, Fred (2004) Pleasure and the Good Life: Concerning the Nature, Varieties, and Plausibility of Hedonism (1st ed.), Clarendon Press.
  • Ferraro, Francesco (2013) “Adjudication and Expectations: Bentham on the Role of Judges.” Utilitas, V: 25, N: 2, pp. 140–60.
  • Heilbron, Johan; Magnusson, Lars; Wittrock, Björn (1998). The Rise of The Social Sciences And The Formation of Modernity : Conceptual Change In Context, 1750-1850, KluwerAcademic Publishers.
  • Himmelfarb, Gertrude (2020). “Bentham Versus Blackstone”, Econ Journal Watch, V: 17, N: 1, p. 256–269.
  • Hollander, Samuel (2020) “Bentham, Utilitarian Ethics and Distributive Justice” A History of Utilitarian Ethics, 1st ed., Routledge, pp. 215–36.
  • Johnston, Jane (2018) “Three Phases of Courts’ Publicity: Reconfiguring Bentham's Open Justice in the Twenty-First Century”, International Journal of Law in Context, V :14, N: 4, p.525–38.
  • Kaino, Michihiro (2022) “Bentham as a Theorist of the Rule of Law and His Idea of Universal Interest”, Ratio Juris, V: 35, N: 1, p. 55–70.
  • Kelly, Paul. J. (1989) “Utilitarianism and Distributive Justice: The Civil Law and the Foundations of Bentham's Economic Thought.” Utilitas, V: 1, N: 1, pp. 62–81.
  • Janis, M. W. (1984). Jeremy Bentham and the Fashioning of “International Law” The American Journal of International Law, V: 78, N: 2, pp. 405–418.
  • Li, Cheng (2021) Projecting Law Reform : Jeremy Bentham's Networks in Hanoverian Britain, c1790-1830, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Marciniak, Angela (2017) “'Prevention of Evil, Production of Good': Jeremy Bentham's Indirect Legislation and Its Contribution to a New Theory of Prevention.” History of European Ideas, V: 43, N: 1, pp. 83–105.
  • Mill, John S.; Bentham, Jeremy, & Austin, John (1962). Utilitarianism, On liberty, Essay on Bentham : Together with selected writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin, World Pub. Co.
  • Moyn, Samuel (2014) “Judith Shklar on the Philosophy of International Criminal Law”, International Criminal Law Review, V: 14, N: 4-5, p. 717–737.
  • Oldham, James (1991). “From Blackstone to Bentham: Common Law versus Legislation in Eighteenth-Century Britain”, Michigan Law Review, V: 89, N: 6, p. 1637–1660.
  • Oppenheim, Lassa (1906). International law, a treatise : v.1: Peace (1905) V: 1). Longmans, Green, and co.
  • Orakhelashvili, Alexander (2011) “The Philosophy of International Criminal Law”, In Research Handbook on the Theory and History of International Law, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Padovani, Andrea; Stein, Peter G., & Lobban, Michael (2015) “The Age Of Bentham And Austın”, In A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, Springer Netherlands, pp. 411–441.
  • Pitts, Jennifer (2003) “Legislator of the World? A Rereading of Bentham on Colonies”, Political Theory, 31(2), p. 200–234.
  • Polloczek, Dieter Paul (1999) “Utilitarian Conscience and Legal Fictions in Bentham.” Angelaki : Journal of Theoretical Humanities, V: 4, N: 1, pp. 81–98.
  • Quinn, Michael (2014) Bentham on Mensuration: Calculation and Moral Reasoning. Utilitas, V: 26, N:1, p. 61–104.
  • Rosen, Frederick (2004) “Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832), Philosopher, Jurist, and Reformer”, In Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press.
  • Rossmo, D. Kim & Summers, Lucia (2021). Bentham and the Philosophical Nature of Preventive Policing. International Criminal Justice Review, V: 31, N: 3, pp. 263–265.
  • Schofield, Philip (2013) “The Legal and Political Legacy of Jeremy Bentham.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science, V: 9, N: 1, pp. 51–70.
  • Schofield, Philip (2014) A Defence of Jeremy Bentham's Critique of Natural Rights. Bentham's Theory of Law and Public Opinion, pp. 208–230.
  • Schofield, Philip (2017) “Bentham, Jeremy”, In The Wiley‐Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 1–3.
  • Schofield, Philip., Tasioulas, John, & Albrecht, Kristin (n.d.). Bentham, Jeremy: On Justice. In Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Springer Netherlands, pp. 259–264.
  • Scott, Jacques (2021). “The Story of Jeremy Bentham on Police: Bridging the Bentham Project to Criminology”, In Jeremy Bentham on Police, p. 3. UCL Press.
  • Strauss, Loe (2022). “The Hedonistic Calculus and the Problem of Courage” (356c– 359c), In Leo Strauss on Plato’s "Protagoras", University of Chicago Press, pp. 380–404).
  • Sundem, Garth (2009) If It Feels Good, Do It: Jeremy Bentham's Hedonistic Calculus, In The Geeks' Guide to World Domination, Crown/Archetype.
  • Sverdlik, Steven (2023) Bentham's An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation: A Guide, 1st ed., Oxford University Press,
  • Weinreich, Spencer J. (2021) “Panopticon, Inc.: Jeremy Bentham, Contract Management, and (Neo) Liberal Penality”, Punishment & Society, V: 23, N: 4, p. 497–514.
  • Yıldız, Elif Çağla (2016) “Jeremy Bentham’ın İdam Cezasına Yaklaşımı”, Hukuk Felsefesi Arkivi, s. 428-431
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk ve Beşeri Bilimler, Hukuk (Diğer), Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku, Uluslararası Kamu Hukuku

Ayşe Yaşar Ümütlü 0000-0001-9500-5338

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yaşar Ümütlü, A. (2025). Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi(1), 83-115.
AMA Yaşar Ümütlü A. Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz. YBHD. Ocak 2025;(1):83-115. doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.1482102
Chicago Yaşar Ümütlü, Ayşe. “Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, sy. 1 (Ocak 2025): 83-115.
EndNote Yaşar Ümütlü A (01 Ocak 2025) Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 1 83–115.
IEEE A. Yaşar Ümütlü, “Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz”, YBHD, sy. 1, ss. 83–115, Ocak 2025, doi: 10.33432/ybuhukuk.1482102.
ISNAD Yaşar Ümütlü, Ayşe. “Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi 1 (Ocak 2025), 83-115.
JAMA Yaşar Ümütlü A. Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz. YBHD. 2025;:83–115.
MLA Yaşar Ümütlü, Ayşe. “Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz”. Yıldırım Beyazıt Hukuk Dergisi, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 83-115, doi:10.33432/ybuhukuk.1482102.
Vancouver Yaşar Ümütlü A. Hukuk Uygarlaştırıcı Olabilir Mi? Bentham’ın Uluslararası Hukuka Dair Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Analiz. YBHD. 2025(1):83-115.
