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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 3, 1 - 24, 30.09.2020


Migration has become a popular subject in many fields such as international relations, political science, sociology, psychology, security studies, labor economics and public administration. As the number of immigrants in the world gradually increases, the saturation of immigrants in the receiving societies and the irregular and illegal dimension of the process comes to the forefront, the issue of migration has reached at the top of the agenda. Individual or mass mobility, seen as a natural process of humanity, has been subjected to politicization and then to securitization, especially in the late and immediately after the Cold War. Migrants, previously encouraged for the development of national economies, have been mentioned with various security problems and have been expressed as threats through discourse. Immigration, which has started to be seen as a process affecting individual, society, state, region and international security areas, has become an area where the state authorities have focused on as an important subject of discussion. While the national security concerns are more involved in the security-migration relationship, it is remarkable that the relationship between migration and individual security is less talked about. The security threats forcing individuals to migration, they face during the route, they confront in receiving countries and the problems expressed by individuals in the receiving communities should be addressed in this context. In this study, first of all, the securitization approach and the process of migration getting into the security field will be examined. Then, the relationship between migration and individual security will be considered within four headings. This study is thought to contribute to the field in terms of systematically dealing with the process of establishing the relationship between migration and security and revealing the ways in which individuals are affected from this process.


  • Ahsan, M. K. (2016) “Revisiting the Concept of Human Security”, Philosophy and Progress: 59-60 (1-2), 10-42. Akgül Açıkmeşe, S. (2011) “Algı Mı? Söylem Mi? Kopenhag Okulu ve Yeni Klasik Gerçekçilikte Güvenlik Tehditleri”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, 8 (30): 43-73. Andreas, P. (2000) “Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide”, New York: Cornell University Press. Baldwin, D. (1997) “The Concept of Security”, Review of International Studies, 23(1): 5-26. Balzacq, T. (2005) “The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency, Audience and Context”, European Journal of International Relations, 11 (2): 171-201 Benedict, K. (July 1989) “Funding Peace Studies: A Perspective from the Foundation World”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 504: 90-97. Booth, K. (October 1991) “Security and Emancipation”, Review of International Relations, 17 (4): 313-326. Bourbeau, P. (2011) “The Securitization of Migration: A Study of Movement and Order”, London and New York: Routledge. Butcher, K. and Piehl, A. (1998) “Cross-city Evidence on the Relationship Between Immigration and Crime”, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 17: 457-493. Buzan, B. (1991) “People, States & Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the post-Cold War Era”, Colchester: The ECPR Press. Buzan, B. (1997) “Rethinking Security After the Cold War”, Cooperation and Conflict, 32(1): 5-28. Buzan, B. and Lensen, L. (2009), “The Evolution of International Security Studies”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Buzan, B., Ole, W. and de Wilde, J. (1998) “Security: A Framework Analysis”, London: Lynne Rienner. Chipman, J. (1992) “The Future of Strategic Studies: Beyond Even Grand Strategy”, The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 81 (322): 135-152. Clark, M. A. (July 2003) “Trafficking in Persons: An Issue of Human Security”, Journal of Human Development, 4(2): 247-263. Crepeau, F., Nakache, D. and Atak, I. (2007) “International Migration: Security Concerns and Human Right Standards”, Transcult Psychiatry, 44(3): 311-337. Dalby, S. (1992) “Security, Modernity, Ecology: The Dilemmas of Post-Cold War Security Discourse”, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 17(1): 95-134. Dauvergne, C. (2008) “Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means for Migration and Law”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dedeoğlu, B. (2014) “Uluslararası Güvenlik ve Strateji”, İstanbul: Yeniyüzyıl Yayınları. Den Boer, M. and de Wilde, J. (eds.) (2010) “The Viability of Human Security”, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Floyd, R. (Winter, 2007) “Human Security and the Copenhagen School’s Securitization Approach: Conceptualizing Human Security as a Securitizing Move”, Human Security Journal, 5: 38-49. Hagan, J. and Palloni, A (1998) “Immigration and Crime in the United States”, J. P. Smith and B. Edmonton (eds.), The Migration Debate, Washington: National Academy Press, 367-387. Huysman, J. (1995) “Migrants as A Security Problem: Dangers of ‘Securitizing Societal Issues’”, Robert Miles and Dietrich Thranhardt (eds.), Migration and European Integration: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion, London: Pinter Publishers, 53-72. Huysman, J. (1998) “Revisiting Copenhagen: Or, On the Creative Development of a Security Studies Agenda in Europe”, European Journal of International Relations, 4 (4): 479-505. Huysman, J. (December 2000) “The European Union and the Securitization of Migration”, Journal of Common Market Studies”, 38 (5): 751-777. Huysmans, J. and Squire, V. (2009) “Migration and Security”, D. C. Myriam and C. Mauer (eds.), Handbook of Security Studies, London: Routledge, 169-179. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) (2018) “Annual Report 2018”, Genava: IDMC. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) (2019) “Mid-Year Figures: Internal Displacement from January to June”, Genava: IDMC. IOM (2003) “Bordering On Control: Combating Irregular Migration in North America and Europe”, International Organization for Migration, (Philip Martin prep.), Genava: IOM. IOM (2017), “World Migration Report 2018”, International Organization for Migration, Genava: IOM. IOM (2018), “World Migration Report 2019”, International Organization for Migration, Genava: IOM. IOM (2019), “Missing Migrants: Tracking Deaths Along Migration Routes”, International Organization for Migration Data, access (02.12.2019), IOM (2019), “World Migration Report 2020”, International Organization for Migration, Genava: IOM. Jain, P. (2006) “Asian Values and Human Security: Some Definitional and Conceptual Concern”, Annual Report 2005-2006: Human Security, Kobe: Asia Pacific Research Centre, 338-346. Krause, K. and Williams, M. (October 1996) “Broadening the Agenda of Security Studies: Politics and Methods”, Mershon International Studies Review, 40 (2): 229-254. Leffler, M. P. (June, 1990) “National Security”, The Journal of American History, 77 (1): 143-152. MacFarlane, S. N. and Khong, Y. F. (2006) “Human Security and the UN”, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. Marrus, M. R. (1985) “The Unwanted: European Refugees in the Twentieth Century”, New York: Oxford University Press. McKay, S. (2008) “The Commonalities of Experience: Refugees and Recent Migrants”, Sonia McKay (eds.), Refugees, Recent Migrants and Employment: Challenging Barriers and Exploring Pathways, New York and London: Routledge, 11-22. Mears, D. (2001) “The Immigration-Crime Nexus: Toward an Analytic Framework for Assessing and Guiding Theory, Research and Policy”, Sociological Perspectives, 44: 1-19. Migration Data Portal, “Migration Deaths and Disappearanece”, (01.12.2019) OCHA (2018) “Lake Chad Basin: Crisis Overview”, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Genava, access (01.12.2019) OECD (2015) “Responses to the Refugee Crisis: Corruption and the Smuggling of Refugees”, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, 1-8. Ousey, G. C. and Kubrin, C. E. (2018) “Immigration and Crime: Assessing A Contentious Issue”, Annual Review of Criminology, 1: 63-84. Özyılmaz Kiraz, B. (2019) “An Analysis of Causes, Process and Consequences of Securitization”, Zeynep Yücel (eds.), Current Security Issues in International Relations: The World Between Fear and Hope, Berlin: Peterlang, 29-41. Peoples, C. and Vaughan-Williams, N. (2010) “Critical Security Studies: An Introduction”, London and New York: Routledge. Rudolph, C. (November 2003) “Security and the Political Economy of International Migration”, The American Political Science Review, 97(4): 603-620. Salt, J. (1989) “A Comparative Overview of International Trends and Types: 1950-1980”, International Migration Review, 23(3): 431-456. Schittecatte, C. (2006), “Toward A More Inclusive Global Governance and Enhanced Human Security”, MacLean, S. J., Black, D. R. and Shaw, T. M. (eds.), A Decade of Human Security: Global Governance and New Multilateralisms, Hampshire: Ashgate, 129-144. Stritzel, H. (2007) “Towards A Theory of Securitization: Copenhagen and Beyond”, European Journal of International Relations”, 13 (3): 357-383. Şen, Y. F. and Çiçek, H. (2018) “Boko Haram Terör Örgütünün Bölgesindeki Etkisi ve Örgütle Müzakere Olanakları”, Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(15): 2093-2145. Ullman, R. H. (1983) “Redefining Security”, International Security, 8 (1): 129-153. UN (1994) “Human Development Report 1994”, United Nations Development Programme, Oxford: Oxford University Press. UNESCO (2008) “Human Security: Approaches and Challenges”, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris: STEDI Media. UNHCR (June 2007) “Collection of International Instruments and Legal Texts Concerning Refugees and Others of Concern to UNHCR”, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Genava: UNHCR. UNHRC (2010), “Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees”, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Genava: Communication and Public Information Service. Wæver, O. (1993) “Societal Security: The Concept”, Ole Wæver et. all. (eds.), Identity, Migration, and the New Security Agenda in Europe, New York: St. Martin’s Press. Wæver, O. (1995) “Securitization and Desecuritization”, Ronnie D. Lipschutz (ed.), On Security, New York: Columbia University Press. Weiner, M. (September 1985) “On International Migration and Relations”, Population and Development Review, 11(3): 441-455. Weiner, M. (Winter 1992-1993) “Security, Stability, and International Migration”, International Security, 17(3): 91-126. Williams, A. M. (2008) “Employability and International Migration”, Sonia McKay (ed.), Refugees, Recent Migrants and Employment: Challenging Barriers and Exploring Pathways, New York and London: Routledge, 23-34. Wolfers, A. (December, 1952) “National Security: As an Ambiguous Symbol”, Political Science Quarterly, 67 (4): 481-502.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 3, 1 - 24, 30.09.2020


Göç günümüzde uluslararası ilişkiler, siyaset bilimi, sosyoloji, psikoloji, güvenlik çalışmaları, çalışma ekonomisi, kamu yönetimi gibi pek çok çalışma alanına giren popüler bir konu haline gelmiştir. Dünyadaki göçmen sayısının giderek artması, öncesinin göç alan toplumlarında göçmenlere olan doygunluk, bu bağlamda sürecin düzensiz ve yasa dışı boyutunun ön plana çıkması süreçleri yaşandıkça göç konusu gündemin daha üst sıralarında yer almaktadır. İnsanlığın doğal bir süreci olarak görülen bireysel veya kitlesel hareketlilik, özellikle Soğuk Savaş’ın sonlarında ve hemen sonrasında önce politikleştirmeye arkasından da güvenlikleştirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. Daha önce ülke ekonomilerinin kalkınması için özendirilen göçmenler, çeşitli güvenlik sorunlarıyla beraber anılmaya ve söylem yoluyla tehdit olarak ifade edilmeye başlanmıştır. Birey, toplum, devlet, bölge ve uluslararası güvenlik alanlarını etkileyen bir süreç olarak görülmeye başlayan göç; önemli bir tartışma konusu olarak devlet yetkililerinin üzerine eğildikleri bir alan haline gelmiştir. Güvenlik-göç ilişkisinde bu kapsamda ulusal güvenlik kapsamı daha fazla yer tutarken, göçün birey güvenliği ile ilişkisinin daha az konuşulması oldukça dikkat çekicidir. Bireyleri göçe iten, göç yolunda karşılaştıkları, varış toplumlarında maruz kaldıkları güvenlik tehditleri ile göç alan toplumlardaki bireylerin ifade ettikleri sorunlar bu bağlamda ele alınmalıdır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle güvenlikleştirme yaklaşımı ve göçün güvenlik alanına girme süreci incelenecektir. Arkasından ise göçün birey güvenliği ile ilişkisi dört başlık haline ele alınacaktır. Bu çalışmanın göçün güvenlikle ilişkisinin kurulma sürecinin sistematik olarak ele alınması ve bireylerin bu süreçten hangi yönlerden etkilendiğini ortaya koyması bakımından alana katkı sağlaması düşünülmektedir.


  • Ahsan, M. K. (2016) “Revisiting the Concept of Human Security”, Philosophy and Progress: 59-60 (1-2), 10-42. Akgül Açıkmeşe, S. (2011) “Algı Mı? Söylem Mi? Kopenhag Okulu ve Yeni Klasik Gerçekçilikte Güvenlik Tehditleri”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, 8 (30): 43-73. Andreas, P. (2000) “Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide”, New York: Cornell University Press. Baldwin, D. (1997) “The Concept of Security”, Review of International Studies, 23(1): 5-26. Balzacq, T. (2005) “The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency, Audience and Context”, European Journal of International Relations, 11 (2): 171-201 Benedict, K. (July 1989) “Funding Peace Studies: A Perspective from the Foundation World”, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 504: 90-97. Booth, K. (October 1991) “Security and Emancipation”, Review of International Relations, 17 (4): 313-326. Bourbeau, P. (2011) “The Securitization of Migration: A Study of Movement and Order”, London and New York: Routledge. Butcher, K. and Piehl, A. (1998) “Cross-city Evidence on the Relationship Between Immigration and Crime”, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 17: 457-493. Buzan, B. (1991) “People, States & Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the post-Cold War Era”, Colchester: The ECPR Press. Buzan, B. (1997) “Rethinking Security After the Cold War”, Cooperation and Conflict, 32(1): 5-28. Buzan, B. and Lensen, L. (2009), “The Evolution of International Security Studies”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Buzan, B., Ole, W. and de Wilde, J. (1998) “Security: A Framework Analysis”, London: Lynne Rienner. Chipman, J. (1992) “The Future of Strategic Studies: Beyond Even Grand Strategy”, The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 81 (322): 135-152. Clark, M. A. (July 2003) “Trafficking in Persons: An Issue of Human Security”, Journal of Human Development, 4(2): 247-263. Crepeau, F., Nakache, D. and Atak, I. (2007) “International Migration: Security Concerns and Human Right Standards”, Transcult Psychiatry, 44(3): 311-337. Dalby, S. (1992) “Security, Modernity, Ecology: The Dilemmas of Post-Cold War Security Discourse”, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 17(1): 95-134. Dauvergne, C. (2008) “Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means for Migration and Law”, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dedeoğlu, B. (2014) “Uluslararası Güvenlik ve Strateji”, İstanbul: Yeniyüzyıl Yayınları. Den Boer, M. and de Wilde, J. (eds.) (2010) “The Viability of Human Security”, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Floyd, R. (Winter, 2007) “Human Security and the Copenhagen School’s Securitization Approach: Conceptualizing Human Security as a Securitizing Move”, Human Security Journal, 5: 38-49. Hagan, J. and Palloni, A (1998) “Immigration and Crime in the United States”, J. P. Smith and B. Edmonton (eds.), The Migration Debate, Washington: National Academy Press, 367-387. Huysman, J. (1995) “Migrants as A Security Problem: Dangers of ‘Securitizing Societal Issues’”, Robert Miles and Dietrich Thranhardt (eds.), Migration and European Integration: The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion, London: Pinter Publishers, 53-72. Huysman, J. (1998) “Revisiting Copenhagen: Or, On the Creative Development of a Security Studies Agenda in Europe”, European Journal of International Relations, 4 (4): 479-505. Huysman, J. (December 2000) “The European Union and the Securitization of Migration”, Journal of Common Market Studies”, 38 (5): 751-777. Huysmans, J. and Squire, V. (2009) “Migration and Security”, D. C. Myriam and C. Mauer (eds.), Handbook of Security Studies, London: Routledge, 169-179. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) (2018) “Annual Report 2018”, Genava: IDMC. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) (2019) “Mid-Year Figures: Internal Displacement from January to June”, Genava: IDMC. IOM (2003) “Bordering On Control: Combating Irregular Migration in North America and Europe”, International Organization for Migration, (Philip Martin prep.), Genava: IOM. IOM (2017), “World Migration Report 2018”, International Organization for Migration, Genava: IOM. IOM (2018), “World Migration Report 2019”, International Organization for Migration, Genava: IOM. IOM (2019), “Missing Migrants: Tracking Deaths Along Migration Routes”, International Organization for Migration Data, access (02.12.2019), IOM (2019), “World Migration Report 2020”, International Organization for Migration, Genava: IOM. Jain, P. (2006) “Asian Values and Human Security: Some Definitional and Conceptual Concern”, Annual Report 2005-2006: Human Security, Kobe: Asia Pacific Research Centre, 338-346. Krause, K. and Williams, M. (October 1996) “Broadening the Agenda of Security Studies: Politics and Methods”, Mershon International Studies Review, 40 (2): 229-254. Leffler, M. P. (June, 1990) “National Security”, The Journal of American History, 77 (1): 143-152. MacFarlane, S. N. and Khong, Y. F. (2006) “Human Security and the UN”, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. Marrus, M. R. (1985) “The Unwanted: European Refugees in the Twentieth Century”, New York: Oxford University Press. McKay, S. (2008) “The Commonalities of Experience: Refugees and Recent Migrants”, Sonia McKay (eds.), Refugees, Recent Migrants and Employment: Challenging Barriers and Exploring Pathways, New York and London: Routledge, 11-22. Mears, D. (2001) “The Immigration-Crime Nexus: Toward an Analytic Framework for Assessing and Guiding Theory, Research and Policy”, Sociological Perspectives, 44: 1-19. Migration Data Portal, “Migration Deaths and Disappearanece”, (01.12.2019) OCHA (2018) “Lake Chad Basin: Crisis Overview”, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Genava, access (01.12.2019) OECD (2015) “Responses to the Refugee Crisis: Corruption and the Smuggling of Refugees”, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, 1-8. Ousey, G. C. and Kubrin, C. E. (2018) “Immigration and Crime: Assessing A Contentious Issue”, Annual Review of Criminology, 1: 63-84. Özyılmaz Kiraz, B. (2019) “An Analysis of Causes, Process and Consequences of Securitization”, Zeynep Yücel (eds.), Current Security Issues in International Relations: The World Between Fear and Hope, Berlin: Peterlang, 29-41. Peoples, C. and Vaughan-Williams, N. (2010) “Critical Security Studies: An Introduction”, London and New York: Routledge. Rudolph, C. (November 2003) “Security and the Political Economy of International Migration”, The American Political Science Review, 97(4): 603-620. Salt, J. (1989) “A Comparative Overview of International Trends and Types: 1950-1980”, International Migration Review, 23(3): 431-456. Schittecatte, C. (2006), “Toward A More Inclusive Global Governance and Enhanced Human Security”, MacLean, S. J., Black, D. R. and Shaw, T. M. (eds.), A Decade of Human Security: Global Governance and New Multilateralisms, Hampshire: Ashgate, 129-144. Stritzel, H. (2007) “Towards A Theory of Securitization: Copenhagen and Beyond”, European Journal of International Relations”, 13 (3): 357-383. Şen, Y. F. and Çiçek, H. (2018) “Boko Haram Terör Örgütünün Bölgesindeki Etkisi ve Örgütle Müzakere Olanakları”, Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(15): 2093-2145. Ullman, R. H. (1983) “Redefining Security”, International Security, 8 (1): 129-153. UN (1994) “Human Development Report 1994”, United Nations Development Programme, Oxford: Oxford University Press. UNESCO (2008) “Human Security: Approaches and Challenges”, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris: STEDI Media. UNHCR (June 2007) “Collection of International Instruments and Legal Texts Concerning Refugees and Others of Concern to UNHCR”, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Genava: UNHCR. UNHRC (2010), “Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees”, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Genava: Communication and Public Information Service. Wæver, O. (1993) “Societal Security: The Concept”, Ole Wæver et. all. (eds.), Identity, Migration, and the New Security Agenda in Europe, New York: St. Martin’s Press. Wæver, O. (1995) “Securitization and Desecuritization”, Ronnie D. Lipschutz (ed.), On Security, New York: Columbia University Press. Weiner, M. (September 1985) “On International Migration and Relations”, Population and Development Review, 11(3): 441-455. Weiner, M. (Winter 1992-1993) “Security, Stability, and International Migration”, International Security, 17(3): 91-126. Williams, A. M. (2008) “Employability and International Migration”, Sonia McKay (ed.), Refugees, Recent Migrants and Employment: Challenging Barriers and Exploring Pathways, New York and London: Routledge, 23-34. Wolfers, A. (December, 1952) “National Security: As an Ambiguous Symbol”, Political Science Quarterly, 67 (4): 481-502.
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Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Emre Çıtak 0000-0002-8704-6495

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çıtak, E. (2020). MIGRATION AND SECURITIZATION: AN ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SECURITY. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 18(3), 1-24.
AMA Çıtak E. MIGRATION AND SECURITIZATION: AN ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SECURITY. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi. Eylül 2020;18(3):1-24. doi:10.11611/yead.745781
Chicago Çıtak, Emre. “MIGRATION AND SECURITIZATION: AN ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SECURITY”. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 18, sy. 3 (Eylül 2020): 1-24.
EndNote Çıtak E (01 Eylül 2020) MIGRATION AND SECURITIZATION: AN ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SECURITY. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 18 3 1–24.
IEEE E. Çıtak, “MIGRATION AND SECURITIZATION: AN ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SECURITY”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 3, ss. 1–24, 2020, doi: 10.11611/yead.745781.
ISNAD Çıtak, Emre. “MIGRATION AND SECURITIZATION: AN ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SECURITY”. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 18/3 (Eylül 2020), 1-24.
MLA Çıtak, Emre. “MIGRATION AND SECURITIZATION: AN ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SECURITY”. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 3, 2020, ss. 1-24, doi:10.11611/yead.745781.
Vancouver Çıtak E. MIGRATION AND SECURITIZATION: AN ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN SECURITY. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2020;18(3):1-24.