Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 104 - 126


This research investigates the effects of the Speech Level Singing (SLS) technique, a vocal training method, on vocal health, voice control, and performance sustainability. Developed by American vocal coach Seth Riggs, the SLS technique aims to enable singers to produce a more natural and comfortable vocal sound by minimizing strain on the vocal cords. The study evaluates previous research on the SLS technique to highlight its potential advantages over traditional methods in preserving vocal health, enhancing breath and voice control, and achieving a sustainable long-term performance. A literature review and document analysis methods were employed within this framework. The findings indicate that the SLS technique provides singers with the flexibility to produce sounds across a wide vocal range while minimizing pressure on the vocal cords, thereby supporting long-term vocal health. The study also reveals that the SLS technique makes significant contributions to improving voice quality through effective breath control and resonance. This technique facilitates the integration of the natural voice used in speech into singing, enabling singers to feel more secure in their stage performances and to reduce performance anxiety. SLS offers remarkable benefits for vocal health, particularly for singers in fields that demand intensive voice use, such as professional stage arts, musical theater, pop and rock genres.
This research underscores the positive impacts of adopting modern and innovative techniques in vocal training on singers’ vocal performances and vocal health. The SLS technique stands out as an alternative method for achieving sustainable and healthy vocal performance in vocal training and inspires future studies on its applicability across various music genres.


  • Akıncı, M. Ş., & Alpagut, U. (2019). Müzik öğretmenlerinin kaynaştırma öğrencilerinin şarkı ve çalgı eğitimlerine ilişkin görüşleri. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(3), 909-930.
  • Bartlett, I., & Wilson, P. (2017). Working 9-5: Causal relationships between singers' "day jobs" and their performance work, with implications for vocal health. Journal of Voice: Official Journal of the Voice Foundation, 31(2), 243.e27-243.e34.
  • Bowen, G. (2009). Document Analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9, 27-40.
  • Carnwell, R., & Daly, W. (2001). Strategies for the construction of a critical review of the literature. Nurse Education in Practice, 1(2), 57-63.
  • Christiner, M. & Reiterer, S. M. (2013) Song and speech: Examining the link between singing talent and speech imitation ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:874.
  • Dalglish, S. L., Khalid, H. & McMahon, S. A. (2020). Document analysis in health policy research: The read approach. Health Policy and Planning, 35(10), 1424–1431.
  • Devi, R. (2021). Importance of proper breathing in singing. ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 2(2), 86–90.
  • Doğanyiğit, S., & Yiğit, N. (2023). The perspective of trainers on the use of imagination in singing training, Journal of Pedagogical Research, 7(1).
  • Hazlett, D., Duffy, O., & Moorhead, S. (2011). Review of the impact of voice training on the vocal quality of professional voice users: Implications for vocal health and recommendations for further research. Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation, 25(2), 181-91.
  • Jiang, S. (2018). Discussion on the correct method of using breath in singing. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE 2018). Atlantis Press, 697-699.
  • Leonard, R., Ringel, R., Daniloff, R., & Horii, Y. (1987). Voice frequency change in singers and nonsingers. Journal of Voice, 1, 234-239.
  • McClellan, J. W. (2011). A comparative analysis of speech level singing and traditional vocal training in the united states (Doctoral thesis). University of Memphis.
  • McKinney, J. C. (1994). The diagnosis and correction of vocal faults: A manual for teachers of singing and for choir directors. Nashville: Genevox Music Group.
  • Miller, R. (2004). Solutions for singers: Tools for performers and teachers. Oxford University Press.
  • Moilanen, T., Sivonen, M., Hipp, K., Kallio, H., Papinaho, O., Stolt, M., Turjamaa, R., Häggman-Laitila, A., & Kangasniemi, M. (2022). Developing a feasible and credible method for analyzing healthcare documents as written data. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 9.
  • Nallamuthu, A., Boominathan, P., Arunachalam, R., & Mariswamy, P. (2021). Outcomes of vocal hygiene program in facilitating vocal health in female school teachers with voice problems. Journal of Voice: Official Journal of the Voice Foundation, 37(2), 295.e11-295.e22.
  • Portillo, M. P., Rojas, S., Guzmán, M., & Quezada, C. (2018). Comparison of effects produced by physiological versus traditional vocal warm-up in contemporary commercial music singers. Journal of Voice, 32(2), 200-208.
  • Reuber, R. (2010). Strengthening your literature review. Family Business Review, 23, 105-108.
  • Riggs, S. (1992). Singing for the stars: A complete program for training your voice. Alfred Music Publishing.
  • Scearce, L. (2016). Manual of Singing Voice Rehabilitation: A Practical Approach to Vocal Health. Plural Publishing.
  • Seo, J. (2016). A comparing and analysis of bel canto and seth riggs vocalization methods. The Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 17, 262-268.
  • Šiupšinskienė, N., & Lycke, H. (2011). Effects of vocal training on singing and speaking voice characteristics in vocally healthy adults and children based on choral and nonchoral data. Journal of Voice: Official Journal of the Voice Foundation, 25 (4), 177-189.
  • Song, Y., & Hyun-Tai, K. (2023). A study of two types of vocalization methods: Speech Level Singing (SLS) and Complete Vocal Technique (CVT). Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 24(1), 255–261.
  • Song, Y., & Kim, H. (2023). A study of traditional vocalization methods and SLS vocalization method: Focusing on successions and changes. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 24(2), 407–413.
  • Spencer, M., Siegmund, T., & Mongeau, L. (2008). Determination of superior surface strains and stresses, and vocal fold contact pressure in a synthetic larynx model using digital image correlation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(2), 1089-1103.
  • Sundberg, J. (1987). The science of the singing voice. Northern Illinois University Press.
  • Ter, W. S., & Wong, K. Y. (2022). The effect of semi-occluded vocal tract exercise (SOVTE) and traditional vocal warm-up (TVW) on the vocal quality of untrained female singers in Malaysia: A comparison. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 30(2), 557-577.
  • Thurman, L., & Welch, G. F. (2000). Bodymind & voice: Foundations of voice education. National Center for Voice and Speech.
  • Tremblay, P., Gagnon, L., Roy, J. P., & Arseneault, A. (2023). Speech production in healthy older adults with or without amateur singing experience. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research: JSLHR, 66(11), 4332–4352.
  • Tsilinko, A. P., Kats, M. L., Ovsyannikova, V. A., Yushchenko, N. S., & Pereverzeva, M. V. (2019). Speech level singing of Seth Riggs: Specificity of the pedagogical method. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), X(X), 1-4.
  • Vermeulen, R., Toit, M., Lierde, K., & Linde, J. (2022). The effect of vocal hygiene education programs on voice quality in professional voice users: A systematic review. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR, 65(12), 1-14.


Yıl 2025, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 104 - 126


Bu araştırma, ses eğitimi tekniklerinden biri olan Speech Level Singing (SLS) tekniğinin vokal sağlık, ses kontrolü ve performans sürdürülebilirliği üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektedir. SLS tekniği, Amerikalı vokal eğitmeni Seth Riggs tarafından geliştirilmiş olup, şarkıcıların ses tellerine minimum baskı yaparak daha doğal ve rahat bir ses üretimi sağlamalarını amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma, literatürde SLS tekniği ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaları değerlendirerek bu yöntemin geleneksel tekniklere kıyasla ses sağlığını koruma, nefes ve ses kontrolünü iyileştirme, uzun vadede sürdürülebilir bir performans sağlamadaki potansiyel avantajlarını ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Bu bağlamda literatür taraması ve doküman analizi yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen dokümanlar, SLS tekniğinin şarkıcılara geniş bir vokal aralıkta ses üretebilme esnekliği sunduğunu ve bu süreçte ses telleri üzerindeki baskıyı en aza indirerek uzun vadeli vokal sağlığını desteklediğini göstermektedir. Araştırma, ayrıca SLS tekniğinin doğru nefes kontrolü ve rezonans ile ses kalitesini artırma noktasında önemli katkılar sunduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu teknik, konuşma sırasında kullanılan doğal sesin şarkı söylemeye entegre edilmesine olanak tanıyarak şarkıcıların sahne performanslarında kendilerini daha güvende hissetmelerine ve performans kaygılarını azaltmalarına katkıda bulunmaktadır. Özellikle profesyonel sahne sanatları, müzikal tiyatro, pop ve rock gibi müzik türlerinde yoğun ses kullanımına ihtiyaç duyan şarkıcılar için SLS, uzun vadeli ses sağlığı açısından dikkat çekici faydalar sunmaktadır.
Bu araştırma, ses eğitimi süreçlerinde modern ve yenilikçi tekniklerin benimsenmesinin şarkıcıların vokal performansları ve ses sağlığı üzerindeki olumlu etkilerini vurgulamaktadır. SLS tekniği, ses eğitimi alanında sürdürülebilir ve sağlıklı bir vokal performans sağlamak adına alternatif bir yöntem olarak öne çıkmakta ve bu tekniğin farklı müzik türlerinde uygulanabilirliğine yönelik gelecekteki çalışmalara yol gösterebilir.

Etik Beyan

Bu araştırma, herhangi bir insan veya hayvan deneği içermemekte olup, dolayısıyla etik kurul izni gerektiren bir çalışma olarak değerlendirilmemektedir. Çalışma, mevcut literatürün kapsamlı bir analizine ve doküman incelemesine dayanmaktadır. Çalışma sürecinde, akademik etik ilkelerine tamamen bağlı kalınmış, atıf kurallarına özen gösterilmiş ve intihalden kaçınılmıştır. Ayrıca, araştırma boyunca yazarlar arasında çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır.


  • Akıncı, M. Ş., & Alpagut, U. (2019). Müzik öğretmenlerinin kaynaştırma öğrencilerinin şarkı ve çalgı eğitimlerine ilişkin görüşleri. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(3), 909-930.
  • Bartlett, I., & Wilson, P. (2017). Working 9-5: Causal relationships between singers' "day jobs" and their performance work, with implications for vocal health. Journal of Voice: Official Journal of the Voice Foundation, 31(2), 243.e27-243.e34.
  • Bowen, G. (2009). Document Analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9, 27-40.
  • Carnwell, R., & Daly, W. (2001). Strategies for the construction of a critical review of the literature. Nurse Education in Practice, 1(2), 57-63.
  • Christiner, M. & Reiterer, S. M. (2013) Song and speech: Examining the link between singing talent and speech imitation ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:874.
  • Dalglish, S. L., Khalid, H. & McMahon, S. A. (2020). Document analysis in health policy research: The read approach. Health Policy and Planning, 35(10), 1424–1431.
  • Devi, R. (2021). Importance of proper breathing in singing. ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 2(2), 86–90.
  • Doğanyiğit, S., & Yiğit, N. (2023). The perspective of trainers on the use of imagination in singing training, Journal of Pedagogical Research, 7(1).
  • Hazlett, D., Duffy, O., & Moorhead, S. (2011). Review of the impact of voice training on the vocal quality of professional voice users: Implications for vocal health and recommendations for further research. Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation, 25(2), 181-91.
  • Jiang, S. (2018). Discussion on the correct method of using breath in singing. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE 2018). Atlantis Press, 697-699.
  • Leonard, R., Ringel, R., Daniloff, R., & Horii, Y. (1987). Voice frequency change in singers and nonsingers. Journal of Voice, 1, 234-239.
  • McClellan, J. W. (2011). A comparative analysis of speech level singing and traditional vocal training in the united states (Doctoral thesis). University of Memphis.
  • McKinney, J. C. (1994). The diagnosis and correction of vocal faults: A manual for teachers of singing and for choir directors. Nashville: Genevox Music Group.
  • Miller, R. (2004). Solutions for singers: Tools for performers and teachers. Oxford University Press.
  • Moilanen, T., Sivonen, M., Hipp, K., Kallio, H., Papinaho, O., Stolt, M., Turjamaa, R., Häggman-Laitila, A., & Kangasniemi, M. (2022). Developing a feasible and credible method for analyzing healthcare documents as written data. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 9.
  • Nallamuthu, A., Boominathan, P., Arunachalam, R., & Mariswamy, P. (2021). Outcomes of vocal hygiene program in facilitating vocal health in female school teachers with voice problems. Journal of Voice: Official Journal of the Voice Foundation, 37(2), 295.e11-295.e22.
  • Portillo, M. P., Rojas, S., Guzmán, M., & Quezada, C. (2018). Comparison of effects produced by physiological versus traditional vocal warm-up in contemporary commercial music singers. Journal of Voice, 32(2), 200-208.
  • Reuber, R. (2010). Strengthening your literature review. Family Business Review, 23, 105-108.
  • Riggs, S. (1992). Singing for the stars: A complete program for training your voice. Alfred Music Publishing.
  • Scearce, L. (2016). Manual of Singing Voice Rehabilitation: A Practical Approach to Vocal Health. Plural Publishing.
  • Seo, J. (2016). A comparing and analysis of bel canto and seth riggs vocalization methods. The Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 17, 262-268.
  • Šiupšinskienė, N., & Lycke, H. (2011). Effects of vocal training on singing and speaking voice characteristics in vocally healthy adults and children based on choral and nonchoral data. Journal of Voice: Official Journal of the Voice Foundation, 25 (4), 177-189.
  • Song, Y., & Hyun-Tai, K. (2023). A study of two types of vocalization methods: Speech Level Singing (SLS) and Complete Vocal Technique (CVT). Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 24(1), 255–261.
  • Song, Y., & Kim, H. (2023). A study of traditional vocalization methods and SLS vocalization method: Focusing on successions and changes. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, 24(2), 407–413.
  • Spencer, M., Siegmund, T., & Mongeau, L. (2008). Determination of superior surface strains and stresses, and vocal fold contact pressure in a synthetic larynx model using digital image correlation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(2), 1089-1103.
  • Sundberg, J. (1987). The science of the singing voice. Northern Illinois University Press.
  • Ter, W. S., & Wong, K. Y. (2022). The effect of semi-occluded vocal tract exercise (SOVTE) and traditional vocal warm-up (TVW) on the vocal quality of untrained female singers in Malaysia: A comparison. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 30(2), 557-577.
  • Thurman, L., & Welch, G. F. (2000). Bodymind & voice: Foundations of voice education. National Center for Voice and Speech.
  • Tremblay, P., Gagnon, L., Roy, J. P., & Arseneault, A. (2023). Speech production in healthy older adults with or without amateur singing experience. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research: JSLHR, 66(11), 4332–4352.
  • Tsilinko, A. P., Kats, M. L., Ovsyannikova, V. A., Yushchenko, N. S., & Pereverzeva, M. V. (2019). Speech level singing of Seth Riggs: Specificity of the pedagogical method. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), X(X), 1-4.
  • Vermeulen, R., Toit, M., Lierde, K., & Linde, J. (2022). The effect of vocal hygiene education programs on voice quality in professional voice users: A systematic review. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR, 65(12), 1-14.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klasik Batı Müziğinde Yorumculuk, Müzik Eğitimi, Müzik Performansı
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sevda Gürel 0000-0003-0496-7852

Alper Şakalar 0000-0002-0137-9089

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Şubat 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

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