Bulgurlu, Ş., ve M. Ergül. 1978. Yemlerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik analiz metodları. E.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No:127.
Czerkawski, J.W. and G. Breckenridge. 1977. Design and development of a long-term rumen simulation technique (Rusitec). Br. J. Nutr., 38: 371-384.
Decruyenaere, V., D. Remond, N. Zimmer, C. Poncet, A. Jebri, and A. Thewis. 1996. Effet des tannins de châtaignier sur la digestion in sacco et in vivo des matieres azotees chez le ruminants. Renc. Rech. Ruminants, 3:93-96.
Goering, H.K. and P.J. Van Soest. 1970. Forage fibre analysis. Agricultural handbook. No:379. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C.
Hayler, R. 1999. Wirkung tanninhaltiger futtermittel auf die ruminale methanbildung in vitro in vivo. Dissertation, Institüt für Tierenährung, Universität Hohenheim.
Kumar, R. and M. Singh. 1984. Tannins, their adverse role in ruminant nutrition. J. Agric. Food Chem., 32: 447-453.
Leinmüller, E. 1989. Wirkungen tanninhaltiger futtermittel auf den protein- und kohlenhydratstoffwechsel in vitro. Dissertation, Institut für Tierernaehrung, Universitaet Hohenheim.
Leinmüller, E., H. Steingass, K.H. Menke. 1991. Tannine in futtermitteln für wiederkauer. II. wirkungen auf den passenstoffwechsel in vitro. Übers. Tierernaehrung, 18:91-114.
Longland, A.C., M.C. Theodorou, R. Sanderson, S.J. Lister, C.J. Powell, composition and in vitro fermentability of tropical forage legumes varying in phenolic content. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 55: 161-177. polysaccharide
Makkar, H.P.S. 1993. Antinutritional factors in foods for livestock. In: Animal production in developing countries. Brit. Soc. Anim. Prod., Occasional Publications, 16: 69-85.
Mc Dougall, E.I. 1948. Studies on ruminant saliva. Biochem. J., 43: 99-109.
Özdamar, K. 2002. Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizleri-I SPSS-Minitab. Kağan Kitapevi, Eskişehir, 686s. Prustel, N. 1994.
Untersuchungen mit der
pansensimulationtechnik RUSITEC zum einfluss von nitrat
und harnstoff auf mikrobielle fermentationund nitratumsatz.
Dissertation, Agr., Univ. Giessen.
Roth, S., H. Steingass, W. Drochner. 2001. Reducing the methane emission and optimization of N-supply in ruminants by treating feeds with tannins. Ref. type: Internet communication http://www.uni- hohenheim.de/~wwwgcoll/teilpr/suse/suse.html accessed in May 2002.
Sarıçiçek, B.Z. ve Ü. Kılıç. 2002. Meşe palamutunun yem değerinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir çalışma. Hayvansal Üretim, 43(1):32-44.
Singh, B., T.K. Bhat, O.P. Sharma. 2001. Biodegradation of tannic acid in an in vitro ruminal system. Livest. Prod. Sci., 68: 259- 262.
Sliwinski, B.J., C.R. Soliva, A. Machmüller, M. Kreuzer. 2002a. Efficacy of plant extracts rich in secondary constituents to modify rumen fermentation. Anim. Feed Sci. and Tech., 101:101-114
Sliwinski, B.J., M. Kreuzer, H.R. Wettstein, A. Machmüller. 2002b. Rumen fermentation and nitrogen balance of lambs fed diets containing plant extracts rich in tannins and saponins, and associated emissions of nitrogen and methane. Arch. Anim. Nutr., 56: 379-392.
VDLUFA. 1993. Die chemische untersuchung von futtermitteln. VDLUFA-Methodenbuch. Bd.III; 3. Ergänzung, VDLUFA- Verlag, Darmstadt
Zimmer, N. and R. Cordesse. 1996. Digestibility and ruminal digestion of non-nitrogenous compounds in adult sheep and goats: Effects of chesnut tannins. Anim.Feed. Sci. Tech., 61: 259- 273.
Sığır Besi Yemine İlave Edilen Meşe Palamudu Taneninin Rumen Fermentasyonuna Etkilerinin Rumen Simulasyon Tekniği (Rusitek) ile Saptanması
Bulgurlu, Ş., ve M. Ergül. 1978. Yemlerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik analiz metodları. E.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No:127.
Czerkawski, J.W. and G. Breckenridge. 1977. Design and development of a long-term rumen simulation technique (Rusitec). Br. J. Nutr., 38: 371-384.
Decruyenaere, V., D. Remond, N. Zimmer, C. Poncet, A. Jebri, and A. Thewis. 1996. Effet des tannins de châtaignier sur la digestion in sacco et in vivo des matieres azotees chez le ruminants. Renc. Rech. Ruminants, 3:93-96.
Goering, H.K. and P.J. Van Soest. 1970. Forage fibre analysis. Agricultural handbook. No:379. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C.
Hayler, R. 1999. Wirkung tanninhaltiger futtermittel auf die ruminale methanbildung in vitro in vivo. Dissertation, Institüt für Tierenährung, Universität Hohenheim.
Kumar, R. and M. Singh. 1984. Tannins, their adverse role in ruminant nutrition. J. Agric. Food Chem., 32: 447-453.
Leinmüller, E. 1989. Wirkungen tanninhaltiger futtermittel auf den protein- und kohlenhydratstoffwechsel in vitro. Dissertation, Institut für Tierernaehrung, Universitaet Hohenheim.
Leinmüller, E., H. Steingass, K.H. Menke. 1991. Tannine in futtermitteln für wiederkauer. II. wirkungen auf den passenstoffwechsel in vitro. Übers. Tierernaehrung, 18:91-114.
Longland, A.C., M.C. Theodorou, R. Sanderson, S.J. Lister, C.J. Powell, composition and in vitro fermentability of tropical forage legumes varying in phenolic content. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 55: 161-177. polysaccharide
Makkar, H.P.S. 1993. Antinutritional factors in foods for livestock. In: Animal production in developing countries. Brit. Soc. Anim. Prod., Occasional Publications, 16: 69-85.
Mc Dougall, E.I. 1948. Studies on ruminant saliva. Biochem. J., 43: 99-109.
Özdamar, K. 2002. Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizleri-I SPSS-Minitab. Kağan Kitapevi, Eskişehir, 686s. Prustel, N. 1994.
Untersuchungen mit der
pansensimulationtechnik RUSITEC zum einfluss von nitrat
und harnstoff auf mikrobielle fermentationund nitratumsatz.
Dissertation, Agr., Univ. Giessen.
Roth, S., H. Steingass, W. Drochner. 2001. Reducing the methane emission and optimization of N-supply in ruminants by treating feeds with tannins. Ref. type: Internet communication http://www.uni- hohenheim.de/~wwwgcoll/teilpr/suse/suse.html accessed in May 2002.
Sarıçiçek, B.Z. ve Ü. Kılıç. 2002. Meşe palamutunun yem değerinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir çalışma. Hayvansal Üretim, 43(1):32-44.
Singh, B., T.K. Bhat, O.P. Sharma. 2001. Biodegradation of tannic acid in an in vitro ruminal system. Livest. Prod. Sci., 68: 259- 262.
Sliwinski, B.J., C.R. Soliva, A. Machmüller, M. Kreuzer. 2002a. Efficacy of plant extracts rich in secondary constituents to modify rumen fermentation. Anim. Feed Sci. and Tech., 101:101-114
Sliwinski, B.J., M. Kreuzer, H.R. Wettstein, A. Machmüller. 2002b. Rumen fermentation and nitrogen balance of lambs fed diets containing plant extracts rich in tannins and saponins, and associated emissions of nitrogen and methane. Arch. Anim. Nutr., 56: 379-392.
VDLUFA. 1993. Die chemische untersuchung von futtermitteln. VDLUFA-Methodenbuch. Bd.III; 3. Ergänzung, VDLUFA- Verlag, Darmstadt
Zimmer, N. and R. Cordesse. 1996. Digestibility and ruminal digestion of non-nitrogenous compounds in adult sheep and goats: Effects of chesnut tannins. Anim.Feed. Sci. Tech., 61: 259- 273.