Journal of Health Sciences of Adıyaman University (ISSN: 2458-9179), is a double-blind peer-reviewed, independent and unbiased, neutral, open access online science journal published by Adıyaman University Rectorate as 3 issues (April, August and December) in a year. It carries out academic publishing in the field of health sciences and medicine. The publication language of the journal is English and Turkish.
Journal of Health Sciences of Adıyaman University (ISSN: 2458-9179), is indexed in “TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM-TR Dizin”, “Sobiad”, “Türk Medline:Ulusal Biomedikal Süreli Yayınlar Veritabanı”, “ROAD”, “Crossref”, “JournalTOCs”, “Türkiye Atıf Dizini”, “Research Bible”, “Scilit”, “WorldCat”, “Index Copernicus (ICI World of Journals)” “EuroPub: Academic and Scholarly Research Publication Center” “İdealonline” “International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR)” ve “Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)”
There is no charge for the evaluation and publication of the articles. In addition, authors are not charged for open access to the article.
The authors are not paid any royalties for the articles published in the journal
Editor in chief
Name: Prof. Dr. Süleyman BAYRAM
Phone: +90 (416) 223 38 00 | +90 507 261 81 26
Name: Asst. Prof. Mümin SAVAŞ
Phone: +90 (416) 223 38 00-4615
Adıyaman University Faculty of Health Sciences, Altınşehir Mh. 3005 Sokak, No:13, 02040, Adiyaman, Turkey
Research Article
Tedaviye dirençli depresyon hastalarında beyin manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin tesadüfi bulgularıResearch Article
The effect of subcutaneous drain use on the healing process and development of recurrences in open repair of incisional herniasResearch Article
Bir Üniversite Hastanesine Başvuran Köpek Isırığı Olgularının DeğerlendirilmesiResearch Article
Aggressive Breast Cancer in Young Women: Single-Center ExperienceResearch Article
The relationship between fracture type and time of trauma in elderly patients admitted to the emergency department with proximal femur fracture after a fall