ISSN: 2149-5572
e-ISSN: 2717-6835
Founded: 2015
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Aydın Dental Journal is the official publication of Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Dentistry.

It is a peer-reviewed scientific journal where original scientific studies are evaluated through double-blind peer review.

It is published three times a year.

Aydın Dental Journal, as a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific journal, publishes scientific articles in the field of Health Sciences.

Publishers do not provide any guarantees regarding the descriptions of advertised commercial products and do not accept responsibility in this regard. Considering international standards, adherence to principles during the preparation of an article, and verifying compliance with these rules in evaluated articles are important for elevating our scientific publishing standards.

To ensure consistency in the format of the articles submitted to our journal, the following guidelines have been established. Please submit your articles in accordance with these rules.

10 fundamental rules to follow during the preparation of the article:

1. The journal is published in Turkish and English.
2. Submitted works for publication in our journal should not have been published in any other journal, accepted for publication, or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
3. Papers presented at scientific conferences and whose abstracts are published can be considered for publication, provided that the name, date, and location of the conference are specified.
4. In studies submitted for publication, if there are any quoted texts, tables, images, etc., the author must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and authors and indicate this in the article. Legal responsibility in this regard lies with the authors.
5. The format of the articles should be prepared according to the rules of the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication' (
6. All authors must disclose their scientific contributions and responsibilities, confirm the absence of conflicts of interest, and state which institutions, organizations, or pharmaceutical or equipment companies provided any financial or material support for the research. If applicable, the acknowledgment section should be included, and all authors must sign the publication collectively. (AUTHOR FORM)
7. For Turkish articles, the Turkish Language Association's Turkish dictionary or should be referred to, and the glossary of terms specific to the branches of Turkish medical associations should also be considered.
8. The "materials and methods" section must explicitly state how the sample size was determined, how the sampling was done, and which biostatistical methods and principles were used in data analysis.
9. No fee or compensation is paid for published articles in the journal. The editorial board acknowledges that the authors commit not to submit the articles they send to the journal to another journal until the evaluation process is completed. Articles submitted to the journal are not returned, whether published or not.
10. Scientific and ethical responsibility lies entirely with the author(s).

All authors in the submitted article must have a direct academic-scientific contribution. The author responsible for communication with the journal bears the responsibility for the final version of the article on behalf of all authors.

For all studies involving the element of "human," compliance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration should be sought. In the presence of such studies, authors are required to state in the materials and methods section of the article that they conducted the study in accordance with these principles, obtained "Informed Consent" from the ethical committees of their institutions, and from individuals who participated in the study.

If the study involves the use of "animals," authors should state in the materials and methods section of the article that they protected animal rights in accordance with the principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and obtained approval from the ethical committees of their institutions.

In case presentations, informed consent must be obtained from patients without revealing the patient's identity.

If there is a direct or indirect commercial connection or financial support from an institution for the study in the article, authors should declare to the editor, on the submission page, that they have no commercial relationship with the used commercial product, drug, company, etc., and if there is any relationship, they should specify its nature (consultant, other agreements).

If obtaining "Ethics Committee Approval" is necessary for the article, authors must declare in the "Materials and Methods" section that they have obtained ethical committee permission-approval.

Authors must transfer the publication copyright to Aydın Dental Journal. According to the 1976 Copyright Act, all publication rights of accepted articles belong to the publishing institution. This transfer becomes binding upon acceptance of the article for publication. The content of the articles is entirely the responsibility of the authors. Authors are not paid any fee for their articles. No part of the printed material can be used elsewhere without the written permission of Aydın Dental Journal. The thoughts and suggestions in the articles are entirely the responsibility of the authors. Authors should fill out the "Publication Rights Transfer Form" provided in the attachment and submit it online along with the article to “”.

Istanbul Aydın University, Journal of Faculty of Dentistry, (AydınDental Journal) is a Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed journal which provides a platform for publication of original scientific research and applied practice studies. Positioned as a vehicle for academics and practitioners to share field research, the journal aims to appeal to both researchers and academicians.

The Journal is distributed on a twice a year basis (April, October). The AydınDental Journal is in the area of dentistry and is published in English language; however, authors are requested to provide their abstracts in both English and Turkish.

2024 - Volume: 10 Issue: 3

Case Report


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