Aim & Scope

ADÜ-JSS is a scientific, double-blind peer-reviewed periodical that started its publishing life in 2024 with the aim of contributing to the field of sports sciences, which is published by Aydın Adnan Menderes University.
ADÜ-Journal of Sports Sciences (ADÜ-JSS) is a scientific and international electronic journal that publishes original research articles and review articles aiming to contribute to the field of Sports Sciences, adopts an open access policy, conducts double-blind peer-review, and is a scientific and international electronic journal. ADU-JSS publishes two issues a year and the publication language of the journal is English and Turkish.

ADU-JSS accepts original research articles and review articles related to all sub-disciplines of sports sciences for evaluation.

Period Months
July December
Last Update Time: 3/20/24, 1:21:25 PM