Writing Rules

The journal accepts original studies focused on football and football-related disciplines in sports sciences, written in Turkish or English, based on scientific methods and data, and not previously published or submitted elsewhere.
• For Turkish articles, the Turkish Language Association's Writing Guide is used for spelling and punctuation. Submissions must be scientifically sound in language and expression, clear, and understandable. Articles not meeting these criteria will be returned to the author.

Please download the article template here

• The writing template should be organized in accordance with APA 7.0. The manuscripts to be submitted to the journal should be uploaded without changing the structure of the above template. To do this, please paste your texts into the template with the “Keep Text Only (A)” format.
• Information on spelling rules for authors is as follows;

• Ensure the English abstract is prepared by a competent institution or individual.
• The Turkish and English titles of the article must be written with capitalized initial letters, 12-point font size, and 1-line spacing, centered on the page.
• The Turkish and English abstracts must be in 11-point font.
• The entire article must be in Microsoft Word format, “Times New Roman” font, 11-point size.
• Paragraph spacing throughout the article should be "single" and "0 pt" (leave one blank line after main headings and paragraphs).
• Remove any "Track Changes" or "Comments" sections from your article.
• The font size for tables, graphs, figures, etc., should be 10 points (ranging from 9-11 points), and they should be prepared according to APA 7 style.
• Do not add page numbers to your article.
• The references section should not be numbered, and there should be a single line of spacing between each reference.
• Section headings (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, References) should be aligned to the left.
• Do not center any headings or lines in your article, except for the Turkish and English titles.
• Scientific studies are limited to 15 pages (additional pages may be allowed by the editor).
• Review articles are limited to 20 pages (additional pages may be allowed by the editor).
• Your article must have an Ethics Committee Approval Report. Articles without this report will not be considered.
• The date and number of the Ethics Committee Report must be explicitly stated in the methods section of your article.
• For English articles, a Turkish abstract is mandatory. The abstract must not exceed 250 words.
• In-text citations for multiple sources should be listed alphabetically. When citing two or more works in the same parentheses, separate the works with a semicolon (Schwarzer & Buchwald, 2004; Malecki & Demaray, 2002). For English works: (Thoits et al., 1995: 120-125).
• For English articles, when citing works with three, four, or five authors, use "et al." instead of "and others" (e.g., Butcher et al., 2004).
• References must be written in 10-point font, with single-line spacing, and follow APA 7 style.
• If a study has been presented at a scientific meeting, published as an abstract or extended abstract, or derived from a thesis, the author must clearly indicate this in the notes to the editor during submission. The journal cannot be held responsible for any omissions in this regard. Moreover, studies previously presented and published in full-text proceedings are not eligible for submission to the journal. Such submissions will be rejected even if they complete the peer review process.

Last Update Time: 10/25/24, 5:33:14 PM