e-ISSN: 2602-2818
Founded: 2017
Publisher: Abdullah KAYA
Cover Image

Anatolian Journal of Botany (Ant J Bot) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal. It publishes original articles, reviews or short communications in all areas of plant biology (biotechnology, diversity, ecology, function, genetics, physiology, structure and systematics) including algae, fungi, lichens and mosses, and chemistry of all above organisms. The journal is published biannually.
Anatolian Journal of Botany welcomes only the manuscripts which are written in English, were not published before and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Anatolian Journal of Botany is indexed in TR Dizin, Index Copernicus, Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI), Google ScholarScientific Indexing Services (SIS) and Turkish Citation Index.
Researchers, working on any field of botany, are invited to take place in this journal as an author or reviewer. If you have any question, please write to "anatolianjbot@gmail.com".
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the Internet to the Ant J Bot through the online system provided by DergiPark (https://dergipark.org.tr/ajb).

2024 - Volume: 8 Issue: 2

Anatolian Journal of Botany is licensed under CC BY 4.0cc.svg?ref=chooser-v1by.svg?ref=chooser-v1.