A New Mycena Record for the Mycobiota of Turkey
Year 2017,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 9 - 11, 25.10.2017
Yasin Uzun
Kenan Demirel
The mycenoid species, Mycena pterigena (Fr.) P. Kumm. (Mycenaceae) is given as new record from Turkey. A brief description of the species and photographs related to its macro and micromorphologies are provided.
- Akata I, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2016). Macrofungal diversity of Zigana Mountain (Gümüşhane/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation 9(2): 57-69.
- Cannon PF, Kirk PM (2007). Fungal Families of the World. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
- Denğiz Y, Demirel K (2016). Şirvan (Siirt) Yöresinde Yetişen Makrofunguslar Üzerinde Taksonomik Bir Araştırma. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of the Institute of Natural & Applied Sciences 21(2): 112-123.
- Kaya A, Uzun Y, Karacan İH, Yakar S (2016). Contributions to Turkish Pyronemataceae from Gaziantep province. Turk J Bot 40: 298-307.
- Kaya A, Uzun Y, Karacan İH, Yakar S (2017). New additions to Turkish Helotiales and Orbiliales. Kastamonu Üniv. Journal of Forestry Faculty 17(2): (in print)
- Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi, 10th ed. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
- Miller A (2004). Trial Key to the Mycenoid Species in the Pacific Northwest. Pacific Nothwest Key Council, Victoria, USA.
- Öztürk Ö, Doğan HH, Şanda MA (2016). Some new additions to Turkish mycobiota from Sakarya region. Biological Diversity and Conservation 9(1): 97-100.
- Pegler DN (1986). Agaric flora of Sri Lanka. Kew Bulletin Additional Series 12: 1-519.
- Redhead SA (1984). Two fern-associated mushrooms, Mycena lohwagii and M. pterigena, in Canada. Le Naturaliste Canadien 111: 439-442.
- Sesli E, Denchev CM (2014). Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th edn. Mycotaxon Checklists Online. (http://www.mycotaxon.com/resources/checklists/sesli-v106-checklist.pdf): 1-136.
- Sesli E, Türkekul İ, Akata I, Niskanen T (2016). New records of Basidiomycota from Trabzon, Tokat, and İstanbul provinces in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 40(5): 531-545.
- Singer R (1986). The Agaricales in modern taxonomy. 4th ed. Königstein, Koeltz Scientific Books.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E, Allı H (2015). Macrofungi of Turkey Checklist Vol II. Üniversiteliler ofset, İzmir.
- Taşkın H, Doğan HH, Büyükalaca S, Colwez P, Moreau PA, O’Donnell K (2016). Four new morel (Morchella) species in the elata subclade (M. sect. Distantes) from Turkey, Mycotaxon, Volume 131 (2), 467-482.
- Uzun Y, Acar İ, Akçay ME, Kaya A (2017a). Contributions to the macrofungi of Bingöl, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 41(5): 516-534.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A (2017). A Hypogeous Lactarius sp., New to Turkish Mycobiota. The Journal of Fungus 8(2): (in print).
- Uzun Y, Kaya A, Karacan İH, Yakar S. (2017b). New additions to Turkish Hyaloscyphaceae. The Journal of Fungus 8(1): 13-19.
- Uzun Y, Acar İ (2016). Peziza granularis Donadini Türkiye Mikobiyotası için Yeni Bir Kayıt. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 21(1): 39-42.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A, Karacan İH, Yakar S (2017c). New additions to Turkish Agaricales. Biological Diversity and Conservation 10(2): 8-13.
Türkiye Mikobiyotası İçin Yeni Bir Mycena Kaydı
Year 2017,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 9 - 11, 25.10.2017
Yasin Uzun
Kenan Demirel
Mycenoid bir tür olan Mycena pterigena (Fr.) P. Kumm. Türkiye’den yeni kayıt olarak verilmiştir. Türün kısa betimlemesi ve makro ve mikromorfolojilerine ilişkin fotoğrafları verilmiştir.
- Akata I, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2016). Macrofungal diversity of Zigana Mountain (Gümüşhane/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation 9(2): 57-69.
- Cannon PF, Kirk PM (2007). Fungal Families of the World. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
- Denğiz Y, Demirel K (2016). Şirvan (Siirt) Yöresinde Yetişen Makrofunguslar Üzerinde Taksonomik Bir Araştırma. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of the Institute of Natural & Applied Sciences 21(2): 112-123.
- Kaya A, Uzun Y, Karacan İH, Yakar S (2016). Contributions to Turkish Pyronemataceae from Gaziantep province. Turk J Bot 40: 298-307.
- Kaya A, Uzun Y, Karacan İH, Yakar S (2017). New additions to Turkish Helotiales and Orbiliales. Kastamonu Üniv. Journal of Forestry Faculty 17(2): (in print)
- Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi, 10th ed. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
- Miller A (2004). Trial Key to the Mycenoid Species in the Pacific Northwest. Pacific Nothwest Key Council, Victoria, USA.
- Öztürk Ö, Doğan HH, Şanda MA (2016). Some new additions to Turkish mycobiota from Sakarya region. Biological Diversity and Conservation 9(1): 97-100.
- Pegler DN (1986). Agaric flora of Sri Lanka. Kew Bulletin Additional Series 12: 1-519.
- Redhead SA (1984). Two fern-associated mushrooms, Mycena lohwagii and M. pterigena, in Canada. Le Naturaliste Canadien 111: 439-442.
- Sesli E, Denchev CM (2014). Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th edn. Mycotaxon Checklists Online. (http://www.mycotaxon.com/resources/checklists/sesli-v106-checklist.pdf): 1-136.
- Sesli E, Türkekul İ, Akata I, Niskanen T (2016). New records of Basidiomycota from Trabzon, Tokat, and İstanbul provinces in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 40(5): 531-545.
- Singer R (1986). The Agaricales in modern taxonomy. 4th ed. Königstein, Koeltz Scientific Books.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E, Allı H (2015). Macrofungi of Turkey Checklist Vol II. Üniversiteliler ofset, İzmir.
- Taşkın H, Doğan HH, Büyükalaca S, Colwez P, Moreau PA, O’Donnell K (2016). Four new morel (Morchella) species in the elata subclade (M. sect. Distantes) from Turkey, Mycotaxon, Volume 131 (2), 467-482.
- Uzun Y, Acar İ, Akçay ME, Kaya A (2017a). Contributions to the macrofungi of Bingöl, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 41(5): 516-534.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A (2017). A Hypogeous Lactarius sp., New to Turkish Mycobiota. The Journal of Fungus 8(2): (in print).
- Uzun Y, Kaya A, Karacan İH, Yakar S. (2017b). New additions to Turkish Hyaloscyphaceae. The Journal of Fungus 8(1): 13-19.
- Uzun Y, Acar İ (2016). Peziza granularis Donadini Türkiye Mikobiyotası için Yeni Bir Kayıt. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 21(1): 39-42.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A, Karacan İH, Yakar S (2017c). New additions to Turkish Agaricales. Biological Diversity and Conservation 10(2): 8-13.