Flammulina fennae Bas, Karz Dağı’ından (Bitlis) bir yeni kayıt
Year 2018,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 19 - 21, 01.05.2018
Cemil Sadullahoğlu
Kenan Demirel
Flammulina fennae Bas (Physalacriaceae) Türkiye’de ilk kez kaydedilmiştir. Yeni kaydın ekolojisi, yayılışı, lokalitesi, makro ve mikro fotoğrafları ve kısa bir deskripsiyonu verilmiştir.
- Abatay M (1983). Studies on the fungus species infecting woody plants in the East Black Sea Region. Ormancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları 118: 57-67.
- Akata I, Uzun Y (2017). Macrofungi Determined in Uzungöl Nature Park (Trabzon). Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 18(1): 15-24.
- Aktaş S, Öztürk C, Pamukçu D (2017). Nallıhan (Ankara) İlçesi Makrofungusları. The Journal of Fungus 8(1): 60-67.
Bas C (1983). Flammulina in western Europe. Persoonia 12: 51-66.
- Demirel K (1998). Contributions to the macrofungi flora of West Black Sea Region. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5(1): 23-27.
- Demirel K, Koçak MZ (2016). Zilan Vadisinin (Erciş-VAN) Makrofungal Çeşitliliği. The Journal of Fungus 7(2): 122-134.
- Demirel K, Uzun Y, Keleş K, Akçay ME, Acar İ (2017). Macrofungi of Karagöl-Sahara National Park (Şavşat-Artvin/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation 10(2): 32-40.
- Ge ZW, Yang ZL, Zhang P, Matheny PB, Hibbett DS (2008). Flammulina species from China inferred by morphological and molecular data. Fungal Diversity 32: 59-68.
- Index Fungorum (2017). http://www.indexfungorum.org/Names/Names.asp. Accessed 25 October 2017.
- Işık H, Türkekul İ (2017). A new record for Turkish mycota from Akdağmadeni (Yozgat) province: Russula decolorans (Fr.) Fr. Anatolian Journal of Botany 1(1): 1-3.
- Kaya A, Uzun Y, Karacan İH (2009). Macrofungi of Göksun (Kahramanmaraş) District. Turkish Journal of Botany 33: 131-139.
- Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi. 10th ed. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
- Öztürk C, Doğan HH, Kaşık G (2001). Additions to the macrofungus flora of Ermenek (Karaman). Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 18: 61-66.
- Pekşen A, Karaca G (2003). Macrofungi of Samsun Province. Turkish Journal of Botany 27: 173-184.
- Ripková, S., Hughes, K., Adamčik, S., Kučera, V. & Adamčikova, K. (2010). The delimitation of Flammulina fennae. Mycological Progress 9: 469–484.
- Robert V, Stegehuis G, Stalpers J (2005 Onward (Continuously Updated). The MycoBank Engine and Related Databases. Available online at http://www.mycobank.org.
- Schafer D, Kibby G (2015). Flammulina fennae new to Britain. Field Mycology 16(3): 97-99.
- Sesli E (1999). The macrofungi determined in A5 (Samsun-Bafra) and A6 (Ordu)]. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 6(1): 95-98.
- Sesli E, Denchev CM (2014). Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th edn. Mycotaxon Checklists Online. (http://www.mycotaxon.com/resources/checklists/sesli-v106-checklist.pdf): 1-136.
- Sesli E, Vizzini A (2017). Two new Rhodocybe species (sect. Rufobrunnea, Entolomataceae) from the East Black Sea coast of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 41: 200-210.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Gücin F, Gökler I (1999). Macrofungi of İzmir Province. Turkish Journal of Botany 23: 383-390.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E, Allı H (2015). Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist, Vol. II. İzmir, Turkey: Üniversiteliler Ofset.
- Uzun Y, Acar İ, Akçay ME, Kaya A (2017a). Contributions to the macrofungi of Bingöl, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 41(5): 516-534.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A (2017). A Hypogeous Lactarius sp., New to Turkish Mycobiota. The Journal of Fungus 8(2): 163-167.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A, Karacan İH, Yakar S (2017b). New additions to Turkish Agaricales. Biological Diversity and Conservation 10(2): 8-13.
- Uzun Y, Keleş A, Demirel K, Solak MH (2004). Some macrofungi from Bayburt Province ın Turkey. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences 23(1): 47-55.
Flammulina fennae Bas, A New Record For Physalacriaceae from Karz Mountain (Bitlis)
Year 2018,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 19 - 21, 01.05.2018
Cemil Sadullahoğlu
Kenan Demirel
Flammulina fennae Bas (Physalacriaceae) is recorded for the first time from Turkey. Ecology, distribution, locality, and photographs related to macro and micromorphologies and a short description of the new record were given.
- Abatay M (1983). Studies on the fungus species infecting woody plants in the East Black Sea Region. Ormancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları 118: 57-67.
- Akata I, Uzun Y (2017). Macrofungi Determined in Uzungöl Nature Park (Trabzon). Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 18(1): 15-24.
- Aktaş S, Öztürk C, Pamukçu D (2017). Nallıhan (Ankara) İlçesi Makrofungusları. The Journal of Fungus 8(1): 60-67.
Bas C (1983). Flammulina in western Europe. Persoonia 12: 51-66.
- Demirel K (1998). Contributions to the macrofungi flora of West Black Sea Region. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5(1): 23-27.
- Demirel K, Koçak MZ (2016). Zilan Vadisinin (Erciş-VAN) Makrofungal Çeşitliliği. The Journal of Fungus 7(2): 122-134.
- Demirel K, Uzun Y, Keleş K, Akçay ME, Acar İ (2017). Macrofungi of Karagöl-Sahara National Park (Şavşat-Artvin/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation 10(2): 32-40.
- Ge ZW, Yang ZL, Zhang P, Matheny PB, Hibbett DS (2008). Flammulina species from China inferred by morphological and molecular data. Fungal Diversity 32: 59-68.
- Index Fungorum (2017). http://www.indexfungorum.org/Names/Names.asp. Accessed 25 October 2017.
- Işık H, Türkekul İ (2017). A new record for Turkish mycota from Akdağmadeni (Yozgat) province: Russula decolorans (Fr.) Fr. Anatolian Journal of Botany 1(1): 1-3.
- Kaya A, Uzun Y, Karacan İH (2009). Macrofungi of Göksun (Kahramanmaraş) District. Turkish Journal of Botany 33: 131-139.
- Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi. 10th ed. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
- Öztürk C, Doğan HH, Kaşık G (2001). Additions to the macrofungus flora of Ermenek (Karaman). Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 18: 61-66.
- Pekşen A, Karaca G (2003). Macrofungi of Samsun Province. Turkish Journal of Botany 27: 173-184.
- Ripková, S., Hughes, K., Adamčik, S., Kučera, V. & Adamčikova, K. (2010). The delimitation of Flammulina fennae. Mycological Progress 9: 469–484.
- Robert V, Stegehuis G, Stalpers J (2005 Onward (Continuously Updated). The MycoBank Engine and Related Databases. Available online at http://www.mycobank.org.
- Schafer D, Kibby G (2015). Flammulina fennae new to Britain. Field Mycology 16(3): 97-99.
- Sesli E (1999). The macrofungi determined in A5 (Samsun-Bafra) and A6 (Ordu)]. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany 6(1): 95-98.
- Sesli E, Denchev CM (2014). Checklists of the myxomycetes, larger ascomycetes, and larger basidiomycetes in Turkey. 6th edn. Mycotaxon Checklists Online. (http://www.mycotaxon.com/resources/checklists/sesli-v106-checklist.pdf): 1-136.
- Sesli E, Vizzini A (2017). Two new Rhodocybe species (sect. Rufobrunnea, Entolomataceae) from the East Black Sea coast of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 41: 200-210.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Gücin F, Gökler I (1999). Macrofungi of İzmir Province. Turkish Journal of Botany 23: 383-390.
- Solak MH, Işıloğlu M, Kalmış E, Allı H (2015). Macrofungi of Turkey, Checklist, Vol. II. İzmir, Turkey: Üniversiteliler Ofset.
- Uzun Y, Acar İ, Akçay ME, Kaya A (2017a). Contributions to the macrofungi of Bingöl, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 41(5): 516-534.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A (2017). A Hypogeous Lactarius sp., New to Turkish Mycobiota. The Journal of Fungus 8(2): 163-167.
- Uzun Y, Kaya A, Karacan İH, Yakar S (2017b). New additions to Turkish Agaricales. Biological Diversity and Conservation 10(2): 8-13.
- Uzun Y, Keleş A, Demirel K, Solak MH (2004). Some macrofungi from Bayburt Province ın Turkey. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences 23(1): 47-55.