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Paronychia dudleyi ve Paronychia pontica'nın karyotip analizi

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 62 - 66


Polifiletik Paronychia cinsi, Afrika Asya'nın güneyi dışında dünyanın her yerine dağılmış yaklaşık 110 türü içerir. Türkiye, 29 türle temsil edilen Paronychia cinsinin en önemli dağılım merkezlerinden biridir. Türk Paronychia’ların 22 türünde (26 takson) temel ve diploid kromozom sayıları kaydedilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, P. dudleyi ve P. pontica'nın karyolojik verilerini ilk kez bildirmektir. Kromozom sayısı ve karyotip formülü P. dudleyi'de 2n = 4x = 36m, P. pontica'da 2n = 2x = 18m'dir. Karyotip asimetri değerleri (özellikle intrakromozomal) oldukça düşük bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak yeni karyolojik veriler kaydedildi: (i) temel ve diploid kromozom sayılarının ilk raporu, (ii) 2x ve 4x ploidi seviyeleri, (iii) ilk detaylı kromozomal veriler, (iv) en simetrik karyotipler.


  • Bittrich V (1993). Caryophyllaceae. In: Kubitzki K, Rohwer J, Bittrich V (eds.). The families and genera of vascular plants, Magnoliid, Hamamelid, and Caryophyllid Families, Vol. 2. Berlin: Springer, pp. 206-236.
  • Blackburn KB, Morton JK (1957). The incidence of polyploidy in the Caryophyllaceae of Britain and of Portugal. New Phytologist 56: 344-351.
  • Chaudhri MN (1967). Paronychia Mill. In: Davis PH (ed.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 250-262.
  • Chaudhri MN (1968). A revision of the Paronychinae. Utrecht: Tilburg, H. Gianotten.
  • Diosdado JC, Pastor J (1994). Estudio cariologico del gĕnero Paronychia Miller (Caryophyllaceae) en Andalucĭa (Espana). Acta Botanica Malacitana 19: 89-95.
  • Eroğlu HE, Doğan H, Altay D, Budak Ü (2017). The medicinal plant of genus Paronychia and the karyotype analysis of Paronychia adalia. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite 4(3): 103-107.
  • Eroğlu HE, Altay D, Budak Ü, Martin E (2020). Karyotypic phylogeny and polyploidy variations of Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae) taxa in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 44(3): 245-254.
  • Eroğlu HE, Budak Ü (2020). Karyotype analysis of Paronychia anatolica subsp. anatolica (Caryophyllaceae, Paronychioideae). Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10(4): 2424-2430.
  • Eroğlu HE, Altay D, Budak Ü, Martin E (2021). Karyotype analysis of two varieties of Paronychia amani (Caryophyllaceae, Paronychioideae). Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11(3): 1809-1816.
  • Fedorov AA (1974). Chromosome numbers of flowering plants. Leningrad: Komarov Botanical Institute.
  • Levan AK, Fredga K, Sandberg AA (1964). Nomenclature for centromeric position on chromosomes. Hereditas 52: 201-220.
  • Lorenzo Andreu A, García Sanz MP (1950). Cromosomas somáticos de plantas espontáneas en la estepa de Aragón. II. Anales de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei 2: 12-63.
  • Löve Á (1975). IOPB Chromosome Number Reports XLIX. Taxon 24: 501-516.
  • Martin E, Eroğlu HE, Hamzaoğlu E, Koç M, Kelkitoğlu A, Öztürk E, Tanhaş E, Maşa M, Bozkurt H, Yavaş FN (2022). New chromosomal data of the genus Dianthus section Dentati (Caryophyllaceae, Sileneae). Anatolian Journal of Botany 6(1): 34-38.
  • aszko B (2006). A critical review and a new proposal of karyotype asymmetry indices. Plant Systematics and Evolution 258: 39-48.
  • Peruzzi L, Eroğlu HE (2013). Karyotype asymmetry: again, how to measure and what to measure? Comparative Cytogenetics 7: 1-9.
  • Runemark H (1996). Mediterranean chromosome number reports 6 (590-678). Flora Mediterranea 6: 223-243.
  • Suda J, Kyncl T, Freiova R (2003). Nuclear DNA amounts in Macaronesian angiosperms. Annals of Botany 92: 153-164.

Karyotype analysis of Paronychia dudleyi and Paronychia pontica

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 62 - 66


The polyphyletic genus Paronychia includes about 110 species that are distributed throughout the world except in the southern of Africa and Asia. Türkiye is one of the most important distribution centers of genus Paronychia represented by 29 species. The basic and diploid chromosome numbers were recorded in 22 species (26 taxa) of Turkish Paronychia. The aim of this study is to report for the first time the karyological data of P. dudleyi and P. pontica. The chromosome number and karyotype formula were 2n = 4x = 36m in P. dudleyi and 2n = 2x = 18m in P. pontica. The karyotype asymmetry values (especially intrachromosomal) were quite low. As a result, the new karyological data were recorded: (i) first report of the basic and diploid chromosome numbers, (ii) ploidy levels of 2x and 4x, (iii) first detailed chromosomal data, (iv) the most symmetrical karyotypes.


  • Bittrich V (1993). Caryophyllaceae. In: Kubitzki K, Rohwer J, Bittrich V (eds.). The families and genera of vascular plants, Magnoliid, Hamamelid, and Caryophyllid Families, Vol. 2. Berlin: Springer, pp. 206-236.
  • Blackburn KB, Morton JK (1957). The incidence of polyploidy in the Caryophyllaceae of Britain and of Portugal. New Phytologist 56: 344-351.
  • Chaudhri MN (1967). Paronychia Mill. In: Davis PH (ed.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 250-262.
  • Chaudhri MN (1968). A revision of the Paronychinae. Utrecht: Tilburg, H. Gianotten.
  • Diosdado JC, Pastor J (1994). Estudio cariologico del gĕnero Paronychia Miller (Caryophyllaceae) en Andalucĭa (Espana). Acta Botanica Malacitana 19: 89-95.
  • Eroğlu HE, Doğan H, Altay D, Budak Ü (2017). The medicinal plant of genus Paronychia and the karyotype analysis of Paronychia adalia. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite 4(3): 103-107.
  • Eroğlu HE, Altay D, Budak Ü, Martin E (2020). Karyotypic phylogeny and polyploidy variations of Paronychia (Caryophyllaceae) taxa in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 44(3): 245-254.
  • Eroğlu HE, Budak Ü (2020). Karyotype analysis of Paronychia anatolica subsp. anatolica (Caryophyllaceae, Paronychioideae). Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10(4): 2424-2430.
  • Eroğlu HE, Altay D, Budak Ü, Martin E (2021). Karyotype analysis of two varieties of Paronychia amani (Caryophyllaceae, Paronychioideae). Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11(3): 1809-1816.
  • Fedorov AA (1974). Chromosome numbers of flowering plants. Leningrad: Komarov Botanical Institute.
  • Levan AK, Fredga K, Sandberg AA (1964). Nomenclature for centromeric position on chromosomes. Hereditas 52: 201-220.
  • Lorenzo Andreu A, García Sanz MP (1950). Cromosomas somáticos de plantas espontáneas en la estepa de Aragón. II. Anales de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei 2: 12-63.
  • Löve Á (1975). IOPB Chromosome Number Reports XLIX. Taxon 24: 501-516.
  • Martin E, Eroğlu HE, Hamzaoğlu E, Koç M, Kelkitoğlu A, Öztürk E, Tanhaş E, Maşa M, Bozkurt H, Yavaş FN (2022). New chromosomal data of the genus Dianthus section Dentati (Caryophyllaceae, Sileneae). Anatolian Journal of Botany 6(1): 34-38.
  • aszko B (2006). A critical review and a new proposal of karyotype asymmetry indices. Plant Systematics and Evolution 258: 39-48.
  • Peruzzi L, Eroğlu HE (2013). Karyotype asymmetry: again, how to measure and what to measure? Comparative Cytogenetics 7: 1-9.
  • Runemark H (1996). Mediterranean chromosome number reports 6 (590-678). Flora Mediterranea 6: 223-243.
  • Suda J, Kyncl T, Freiova R (2003). Nuclear DNA amounts in Macaronesian angiosperms. Annals of Botany 92: 153-164.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Botany (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Zeynep İbin 0000-0002-0202-7595

Ümit Budak 0000-0002-7517-7092

Halil Erhan Eroğlu 0000-0002-4509-4712

Early Pub Date March 17, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date January 18, 2025
Acceptance Date March 7, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA İbin, Z., Budak, Ü., & Eroğlu, H. E. (2025). Karyotype analysis of Paronychia dudleyi and Paronychia pontica. Anatolian Journal of Botany, 9(1), 62-66.
AMA İbin Z, Budak Ü, Eroğlu HE. Karyotype analysis of Paronychia dudleyi and Paronychia pontica. Ant J Bot. March 2025;9(1):62-66. doi:10.30616/ajb.1622830
Chicago İbin, Zeynep, Ümit Budak, and Halil Erhan Eroğlu. “Karyotype Analysis of Paronychia Dudleyi and Paronychia Pontica”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 9, no. 1 (March 2025): 62-66.
EndNote İbin Z, Budak Ü, Eroğlu HE (March 1, 2025) Karyotype analysis of Paronychia dudleyi and Paronychia pontica. Anatolian Journal of Botany 9 1 62–66.
IEEE Z. İbin, Ü. Budak, and H. E. Eroğlu, “Karyotype analysis of Paronychia dudleyi and Paronychia pontica”, Ant J Bot, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 62–66, 2025, doi: 10.30616/ajb.1622830.
ISNAD İbin, Zeynep et al. “Karyotype Analysis of Paronychia Dudleyi and Paronychia Pontica”. Anatolian Journal of Botany 9/1 (March 2025), 62-66.
JAMA İbin Z, Budak Ü, Eroğlu HE. Karyotype analysis of Paronychia dudleyi and Paronychia pontica. Ant J Bot. 2025;9:62–66.
MLA İbin, Zeynep et al. “Karyotype Analysis of Paronychia Dudleyi and Paronychia Pontica”. Anatolian Journal of Botany, vol. 9, no. 1, 2025, pp. 62-66, doi:10.30616/ajb.1622830.
Vancouver İbin Z, Budak Ü, Eroğlu HE. Karyotype analysis of Paronychia dudleyi and Paronychia pontica. Ant J Bot. 2025;9(1):62-6.

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