Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

  • AURUM Journal of Engineering Systems and Architecture (A-JESA) is published biannually (June-December).
  • The publisher, editor and editorial board of the journal are not obliged to accept the responsibility of the ethical violations that may arise due to the views and opinions expressed by the authors, and the responsibility of the articles and articles in the journal belongs to the author(s).
  • All articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by at least two expert referees by blind review (single blind method).
  • The editors of the journal decide on the publication of the articles for which the requested corrections and suggestions are made in line with the opinions of the referees. Editorial board has the right to make corrections in the submitted articles, to publish or not to publish the articles even if the referee process is positive. In the case of correction, the articles decided to be published are sent to the author(s) for final review. The responsibility of the mistakes in the works and their compliance with the language rules belong to the author(s).
  • Author(s) can withdraw their submissions during the evaluation process. However, if the paper is accepted for publication and published, then it cannot be withdrawn from publication.
  • Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or evaluated for publication.
  • There is no article processing fee.
  • All submission and evaluation process is conducted on DergiPark system.
  • For other cases of ethical principles and publication policy, please check our "Liabilities and Responsibilities of Editors" section and general ethical guidelines accepted worldwide, such as Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Articles submitted to our journal are subject to plagiarism check and articles with high similarity results are rejected.

In line with the decisions taken by ULAKBİM TR Dizin, Ethics Committee Permission is required for studies to be published as of 2020. The works that require these permissions are as follows:

  1. All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaire, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
  2. Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
  3. Clinical studies on humans,
  4. Research on animals,
  5. Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data.

When uploading your study to our journal, upload your Ethics Committee document along with your article file. If your study is not among the group that requires ethics committee approval, you must sign the declaration form indicating this situation and indicate the relevant situation in your article text. Click here for the declaration form.


  1. Stating that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used
  2. Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others,
  3. In case presentations, it should be stated that the "informed consent form" was obtained.

Ethics committee approval is not required for articles that have used research data before 2020, produced from master's / doctoral studies (should be specified in the article), submitted a publication application to the journal the previous year, accepted but not yet published. Please indicate in the declaration form that your work carries this situation.

Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission and Accepted for Publication

  1. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first / last page of the article.
  2. In case reports, the information that the informed consent / consent form was signed should be included in the article.
