Writing Rules

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  •  The language of the journal is English.
  • The article should be submitted by placing it in the article template above.
  • The full text should be at most 20 pages or 8000 words, including abstract and references.
  • Information about the authors (title, institution, Doi number, and e-mail addresses) should be at the bottom of the first page. However, the authors' names and any information identifying the authors should not be included in the first article submission.
  • If the study has been presented at any congress or symposium, related information about the title, date, and place should be included at the bottom of the first page.
  • Page format should be; A4 Portrait, margins (top, bottom, left, right) 3 cm.
  • Use 14-point bold for your article title, with an initial capital letter for proper nouns. Please margin the article title to the center. Keep titles brief and descriptive. The title should contain a maximum of 12 words.
  • Manuscripts should include an abstract of 150-250 words containing the purpose, methodology, findings, and essential conclusions. Font size should be 19 point Times New Roman in single space and justified. They should also include 3-5 separate keywords with a comma. Capitalize the first letter of the first word, and the other words must start with a lowercase letter. References should not be included.
  • Manuscripts should be single-spaced. The font size for the text should be 11-point Times New Roman. Please margin the text to the justified. It should be in a one-column format. All relevant information should be included in the main text. Do not indent paragraphs. Do not underline words for emphasis. Use italics instead.
  • Use short, meaningful, arranged numbers sub-headings. Please use 12-point bold for first-level headings, 11-point bold for second-level headings, and 11-point bold and italics for third-level headings with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns. Do not number the acknowledgments and references. First-level headings should be centered, and second and third-level headings should be left justified.
  • Manuscripts should be prepared following the APA6 publication manual. When citing references within the text, the following format should be used:
     1 author (Şahin, 2007).
    2 authors (Yıldız & Elibol, 1979).
    3 authors and more (Karatekin et al., 1985).
  • All author surnames should be included in the first citation. However, "et al." should be used in studies with seven or more authors even in the first citation.
  • The manuscript should include the introduction, method (population-sampling or study group, research instruments, data collection process, data analysis, validity, and reliability), results, discussion and conclusion, and references. However, some changes can be made according to the article's structure.
  • In the introduction, the conceptual framework should be explained, the importance of the research and the studies done in the literature should be mentioned, and the gap that the research will fill in the field and its contribution to the field should be stated. The purpose of the research and the problem/sub-problems (if any) should be written.
  • Readers should be informed about the study method, data collection sources, and data collection and analysis processes in the method part.
  • In the result section, the data should be presented clearly. The meaning of the results should be explained. They should not be compared with the literature. The study's results should be explained with tables, diagrams, graphics, or pictures in a way that supports the aim and problem of the study.
  • In tables, font size ten must be used, and vertical lines must not be drawn. The number of the table must be written above the table. The table title should be below the table number and in italics.
  • Figures should be in .jpg, .tiff, or .gif format and centered. The figure number and description should be centered on the page below the figure.
  • In the discussion and conclusion part, in light of the importance of the study, the results should be discussed by referring to literature and author opinions. Suggestions should be made based on the results of the study.
  • The references section should be arranged following the APA6 style. Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure every in-text citation has a corresponding reference in the reference list. Conversely, ensure that every entry in the reference list has a corresponding in-text citation. References should not be numbered. Doi numbers must be added to the references.


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