Publication Policies

  1. Academic Journal of Information Technology is AJIT-e as short name. In the following sections, the acronym AJIT-e, which replaces the name of Academic Journal of Information Technology, will be used.
  2. AJIT-e, which began its publishing life as an online electronic journal in September 2010, is international peer-reviewed journal. AJIT-e publishes numbers four times a year: Winter – Spring, Summer and Fall.
  3. AJIT-e is published only electronically. In AJIT-e, published at, the whole process is carried out through Dergipark.
  4. Articles in AJIT-e are archived with LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system.
  5. AJIT-e supports and accepts the Budapest Open Access Initiative. In this context open Access policy follows and is licensed with Creative Commons Attribution-Same License Share 4.0 International License. Access to published studies is free and all published articles are shared with the world of science at national and international level. Application have been made to international indexes and are currently indexed in widely known index and content browsing services such as  Index Copernicus, Crossref, Google Scholar, EBSCO, ProQuest.
  6. AJIT-e has also registered with DOI since July 2011 and assigns DOI number for each article accepted to publication.
  7. The author may request the "Publication Acceptance Document" signed by the editor for the article accepted for publication.
  8. AJIT-e does not accept the article for any number. Articles can always be sent to the journal. The articles whose review process is completed are selected by the editor for the number approved.
  9. All legal and scientific responsibility for the content of the articles published in AJIT-e belongs to the author (s).
  10. All authors who submit articles to AJIT-e have equal rights. No privileges are given to the author during the review, acceptance, and publishing processes of the articles. The order in which accepted articles are published is set up depending on the time of acceptance. However, the editorial board reserves the right to make changes where it deems necessary.
  11.  AJIT-e is published within the Akademik Bilişim Araştırmaları Derneği (ABA). (English name is Society of Academic Research on Informatics)
  12. Since 2010, the year it was founded in AJIT-e, the journal secretariat, editors and referees voluntarily carry out the whole process. However, the server and domain costs, Crossref membership fees and article registration fees received by Crossref on each DOI record, and many more costs, require the support of authors. For this reason, Society of Academic Research on Informatics has been established to continue the existence of our journal, which has been published for more than 10 years. Students and young academics are supported, and scientific activities are organized by the association, especially the publication of the journal. In this context, 500 Turkish Lira (500 TL is 100 USD regardless of dollar exchange rate)  Article Processing Charge (APC) was decided from articles. The editorial board of the journal is waiting for your support in this regard. Detailed information can be found on this page.
  13. APC has no positive or negative effect on the review process. Our policy in article 11 will always apply.
  14. AJIT-e uses information such as name, title and e-mail addresses shared on the website only for the stated purposes of this journal; it does not use it for any other purpose or make it available to others. 
  15. The "Copyright Transfer Form" must be filled out and signed by all authors and uploaded to the journal system.
  16. All rights of the published article are published as belonging to AJIT-e.
  17. AJIT-e is committed to applying publication ethics to the highest standards and following the application guide prepared by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


    AJIT-e has benefited from the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) while defining the ethical duties and responsibilities below.
    Ethical Principles That Authors Must Follow
    • AJIT-e accepts the original studies of the author(s).
    • The author(s) must cite the studies he has used, completely and accurately, using APA version 7.
    • Persons who do not contribute to the content intellectually in the creation of the study should not be specified as authors.
    • Situations and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any, of all studies submitted for publication should be disclosed. You can access our Conflict of Interest Policy here.
    • Raw data regarding their articles can be requested from the author(s) within the framework of the evaluation processes, in such a case the author(s) is obliged to present the expected data and information to the editor and editorial board.
    • The author(s) must have a document showing that they have the right to use the data used, the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or the consent of the experimental subjects.
    • In the event that the author(s) notices a mistake or an error in their published, early appearance or evaluation work, they are obliged to cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing the journal editor or publisher.
    • Authors cannot have their study in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application. A study published in another journal cannot be sent to AJIT-e.
    • Changing the author responsibilities of a study whose evaluation process has begun (such as adding an author, changing the order of authors, removing an author) cannot be proposed.

    Ethical Principles That Editors Must Follow
    Editors are responsible for every content published on AJIT-e. In the context of this responsibility, editors must fulfill the following roles and responsibilities:
    • Making efforts to meet the information needs of readers and writers,
    • Ensuring that every article published in AJIT-e is published in accordance with AJIT-e publication policies and international standards,
    • Ensuring the continuous development of the journal,
    • Conducting processes to improve the quality of studies published in the journal,
    • Supporting freedom of thought,
    • Ensuring academic integrity,
    • Continuing business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
    • Demonstrating openness and transparency in terms of publication on issues that require correction and clarification.

    Editors’ Relationship with Readers
    Editors should make decisions by considering the knowledge, skills and experience expectations of all readers, researchers and practitioners. It should be careful that the published studies contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and scientific literature and that they are original. In addition, editors are obliged to consider the feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners, and to provide explanatory and informative feedback.

    Editors’ Relationship with Authors
    The duties and responsibilities of the editors to the authors are as follows:
    • Editors should make a positive or negative decision based on the importance, original value, validity, clarity of the narrative, and the purpose and scope of the journal.
    • Studies that are in accordance with the scope of publication and writing rules should be evaluated by the referee.
    • Editors should not ignore positive referee suggestions unless there are any problems with the study.
    • Editors newly appointed to the work should not change the decisions made by the previous editor(s) unless there is a problem.
    • Editors, "Double-Sided Blind Refereeing and Evaluation Process" must be operated and any problems that may arise in the defined processes should be resolved.
    • Authors should be informed and returned in an explanatory and informative way.

    Editors' Relationship with Reviewers
    The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the referees are as follows:
    • The referees should be determined in accordance with the subject of the study.
    • It is responsible for providing the information and guides that the referees will need during the evaluation phase.
    • It has to consider whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors and the referees.
    • Within the framework of the principle of Double Blind Arbitration, the identities of the referees should be kept confidential.
    • Encourage reviewers to evaluate the work in an impartial, scientific and objective language.
    • It should determine practices and policies that increase the performance of referees.
    • Take the necessary steps to dynamically update the referee pool.
    • It should prevent rude and unscientific evaluations.
    • Take steps to ensure that the referee pool is broad.

    Editors' Relationship with Editorial Board
    Editors should inform the members of the editorial board about the editorial policies and keep them informed of the developments. In this context, the editorial board should advance the process in accordance with the journal's publication policies and guidelines. In addition, editors;
    • Should ensure that the members of the editorial board evaluate the study impartially and independently.
    • New editorial board members should be determined as contributing and suitable.
    • The members of the editorial board should send studies suitable for their field of expertise for evaluation.
    • Must interact regularly with the editorial board.
    • Regular meetings should be held with the editorial board for the development of publication policies and the journal.

    Editors' Relationship with Journal Owner and Publisher
    The relationship between the editors and the publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence. The journal owner, publisher and no other political or commercial factors should affect the editors' independent decision making.

    Ethical Principles that editors must follow in the evaluation process
    Editors should lead the evaluation process in accordance with the principle of "Double-Sided Blind Refereeing" in the journal's publication policies. In addition, the editors ensure that each work is completed in a fair, unbiased and timely evaluation process.

    Editors' Protection of Personal Data
    Editors are obliged to ensure the protection of personal data regarding the subjects or images included in the evaluated studies. It is responsible for refusing to work unless the explicit consent of the individuals used in the studies is documented. In addition, editors are responsible for protecting the individual data of authors, referees and readers.

    Editors Request Ethics Committee Approval and Protect Intellectual Property Rights
    Editors must request ethics committee approval for the following studies:
    • All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
    • The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
    • Clinical studies on humans,
    • Research on animals,
    • Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.
    Editors also;
    • Indicating that “Informed Consent Form” was received in case reports,
    • Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,
    • It is necessary to indicate that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
    • Editors are responsible for refusing to work in the absence of permissions for research.

    Editors' Action Against Possible Abuse
    Editors are obliged to take precautions against possible abuses. It is among the responsibilities of the editor to share the relevant findings, as well as to conduct a rigorous and objective investigation regarding the identification and evaluation of complaints regarding this situation.

    Ensuring the Integrity of Academic Publication by Editors
    Editors should ensure that judgments containing errors, inconsistencies or misdirection in studies are promptly corrected.

    Editors' Constructivism and Openness to Discussion
    • should take into account the persuasive criticisms of the studies published in the journal and display a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.
    • should give the right to reply to the author(s) of the criticized study.
    • should not ignore or exclude studies with negative results.
    Editors' Attitude to Complaints
    Editors are responsible for carefully examining and responding to complaints from authors, referees or readers in an enlightening and explanatory manner.
    Editors' Attitude to Conflicts of Interest
    Editors ensure that the publication process is completed independently and impartially, taking into account the conflicts of interest between the author(s), referees and other editors.

    Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
    The evaluation process at AJIT-e is carried out with the principle of "Double-Sided Blind Arbitration". Reviewers cannot directly communicate with the authors, evaluations and comments are sent to the editor via the journal management system. In this process, reviewer comments on evaluation forms and full texts are forwarded to the author(s) through the editor. In this context, it is expected that the reviewers evaluating the study for AJIT-e have the following ethical responsibilities:
    • He should agree to evaluate only studies related to its field of expertise.
    • Evaluation should be done with impartiality and confidentiality.
    • If he thinks that he is facing a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, he should refuse to review the study and inform the journal editor.
    • In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, they should destroy the studies they have examined after the evaluation process. They can only use the final versions of the studies they have reviewed after they are published.
    • He should make the evaluation objectively only in relation to the content of the study. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not be allowed to influence the evaluation.
    • He should make the assessment in a constructive and courteous language. He shouldn’t make derogatory personal comments that include hostility, slander and insults.
    • He should perform the study that he accepts to evaluate on time and with the above ethical responsibilities.
    Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
    AJIT-e editors and editorial board act with the awareness of the following ethical responsibilities:
    • Editors are responsible for all processes of the studies submitted to AJIT-e. In this context, the decision makers are the editors, regardless of economic or political gains.
    • It undertakes to create an independent editorial decision.
    • AJIT-e protects the property and copyright of every published article and undertakes to keep a record of every published copy.
    • It is responsible for taking all kinds of scientific misconduct and plagiarism precautions regarding the editors.
    If you encounter unethical behavior or content other than the ethical responsibilities mentioned above, please report it via e-mail to

 Publishing Purpose of AJIT e

  1. As new communication environments are much more advantageous than print media in terms of speed and broadcast processes, the future of academic publishing has begun to take shape around new communication environments such as the Internet. Articles can be published long before the printed versions of journals. AJIT-e started publication in 2010 to provide a resource and publication environment for research interested in the field of communication and informatics.

Scope of AJIT e

  1. AJIT-e is a multidisciplinary journal that covers research and studies examined according to scientific criteria within the framework of communication sciences and informatics technologies. AJIT-e publication areas include the following topics:




















































 The Qualification of Articles in AJIT e

  1. Original articles based on scientific criteria and research that will contribute to the field are accepted by AJIT-e.
  2. Review articles that have a detailed bibliography and reveal criticism and views on the subject under consideration are accepted by AJIT-e.
  3. The studies obtained from the thesis or conference proceedings are published if they meet the following conditions. 
    • If the study was published as abstract; title of the article, name of the event, date and place information should be specified in the footnote.
    • If the study was produced from postgraduate theses; The name of the thesis, the name of the consultant, the information of the university and institute and the date of completion of the thesis should be indicated in the footnote.
    • If the study was supported by the research institution or fund; Name of the organization providing the support, project number and date of completion should be indicated in the footnote.

  4. Submitted articles must not have been previously published in another journal or have not been accepted for publication.
  5. Submitted articles should be uploaded in Word (doc, docx) format in order to create an review copy and to make layout work in case the publisher receives its approval.

Review Process and Publication of Studies 

  1. The editorial board evaluates the scientific quality and originality and determines the area to which the work belongs, then evaluates the article's publication principles and its relevance to publication ethics.Before the articles are sent to the referees, the following points are examined, and the articles found suitable for the review process are sent to the referees:

  • During the referee review process, the referees access the review copies added to the system and download the electronic copy of the article to their computers. In the downloaded copy, the word REVIEW COPY is clearly stated and does not include any statements regarding the author (s) of the study.
  • Each referee evaluating the article evaluates according to the review criteria created in the system; In the referee review form, there is a field where they can report the necessary corrections and changes. Referees can write the details of the article or the corrections to be made here or they can also upload it to the system with an additional file. They also select the relevant item showing the result of the assessment.
  • Double blind referee system is used in AJIT-e. The “positive” opinion of at least two referees is sought for the publication of the article. If one of the referees gives a “positive” opinion and the other a “negative” opinion, the article is sent to the third referee. After two “positive” referee opinions, the editorial board assigns numbers to the articles selected for publication. PDF copies are produced and added to the system.
  • The relevant issue is published when the time comes then the article is made visible.
  1. The review process is started for each article that satisfies the above conditions. The fee specified in article 13 is requested after the article has received approval from at least two referees. This fee has no positive or negative effect on the review process. As stated in Article 10, all authors have equal rights.
  1. According to the decisions taken by the relevant boards of TUBITAK ULAKBIM TRDizin, from the authors of the articles to be applied for publication in all journals in 2020 (except review article);

  • Indicating and documenting the candidate article on the first-last page and in the method section of the candidate article (ethics committee name, decision date and number) for researches that require data collection by means of scale, questionnaire, interview, observation,
  • Including information about the volunteer consent form being signed by the participant,
  • Including these in the article as proof that ethical principles are taken into consideration during the data collection process (such as obtaining permission to use the information of others),
  • It will be requested to indicate that the articles comply with research and publication ethics.

Your article will proceed to the referee review process after the necessary documents are uploaded.

            Article Correction Request

    Corrections should only be made for major changes. Corrections, spelling corrections, formatting etc. should not be made for minor changes.
    Any correction is recorded with Crossmark to be shared with readers / researchers. There are 12 defined types of accepted update within Crossmark:

    - Addendum
    - Clarification
    - Correction
    - Corrigendum
    - Erratum
    - Expression of Concern
    - New Edition
    - New Version
    - Partial Retraction
    - Removal
    - Retraction
    - Withdrawal

    If an update / correction is not entering into one of these categories, you must notify the editorial board.

    When the “Correction” decision is taken for the submitted articles, the authors should make the necessary corrections within 15 days and upload the final version of the article to the system. 
    Editorial board has the right to reject the article if the corrections are not made within the specified period.

  2. In our journal, depending on the referee review, the article evaluation process is expected to take a maximum of 6 months for each article. 
  3. Author(s) considers criticism, suggestions and corrections of referees and the Editorial Board. They have the right to report their reasons if there are any issues they disagree with. The author (s) of the articles accepted or not accepted for publication are informed.
  4. The author always has the right to withdraw his article. However, the articles assigned to the referee cannot be taken back by the author due to Dergipark's system. The review process must be completed before the author can withdraw his article.
  5. The plagiarism rate of the articles sent to our journal is determined by Turnitin. If the similarity rate determined before the referee appointment is over 10%, the article is rejected before the referee evaluation process is started. Unpublishing is applied for plagiarism detected after publication and an editorial note is published in the journal for readers.

Author Guidelines in AJIT e

You can download the article template used by our journal by clicking here.
The whole process is progressing over the Dergipark. Detailed narrative on how to send the article to Dergipark: You can contact in case you encounter any problems.

Writing Language

  1. Articles submitted to the journal are accepted in Turkish or English. The articles to be published must include Turkish and English abstracts and keywords determined by their authors.

Writing Rules

         Style of the Article

  1.   Articles submitted to our journal must be fit for our template. Otherwise, the editorial board requests the author to make the necessary arrangements before appointing a referee. If the necessary regulation is not made within 15 days by the author of the editorial board stated in article 28,  he has the right to reject the article.
  2.   If the writing language of the article is Turkish, first, Turkish abstract and keywords must be included under the title of Turkish. Then, English abstracts and keywords must be included under the heading in English.
  3.    If the writing language of the article is English, first, English abstract and keywords must be included under the title of English. Then, Turkish abstracts and keywords must be included under the heading in Turkish.
  4.   The footnote condition specified in article 21 should be given under the title in the language in which the article was written.
  5.   Only the initials of the article title must be capitalized. The font of the article title must be Palatino Linotype, font size 14 and bold.
  6.   The Name of the Author (bold, initials are capitalized), University, Department, Academic Title, e-mail, ORCID ID (italics, initials are capital) should be placed just below the title in the language in which the article is written. The font of the title mut be Palatino Linotype, font size mut be 11.
  7.   Immediately after the abstract section, there must be an INTRODUCTION that specifies the purpose, scope, and methods of the article. Additionally, the article must be edited to include Result and Bibliography.


  1.   It must be written separately in Turkish and English, not less than 100 words, not more than 300 words. The abstract must reflect the main idea of the article and its contribution to science. At the bottom of the abstract, there must be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords as in the template. The abstract's font must be Palatino Linotype, font size 10 and italic. The keywords must be written in bold capital letters. No citation must be made in the summary.

Body Text

  1.   The article must be written in A4 dimensions and the Word program must be used.
  2.   Line spacing is 1.15 cm.
  3.   The font is Palatino Linotype, the font size is 11.
  4.   The paragraph spacing must be 8pt.

Chapter Heading

  1.   Main headings and subheadings can be used to determine the structure of the article and to ensure a regular information transfer in the main text.
  2.   After the INTRODUCTION is numbered 1, the number must be assigned to other headings. 
  3.   The font is Palatino Linotype, the font size is 12.
  4.   Levels of Heading must be selects in styles in Word.
  5.   Main headings must be written in capital letters. Subheadings must be written in lowercase and bold, with the first letters capital.

Figure and Tables

  1.   The figure number and description must be below the figure.
  2.   In the tables, the number and explanation must be above the table.
  3.   Paragraph spacing must be 0pt in all directions, font size must be 10. Table height should be as narrow as possible depending on the content.
  4.   Table and figure descriptions’ font size must be 10. 

Bibliography Style

  1.   AJIT-e uses the latest version of APA (Version 7) as its bibliography.
  2.   Page, paragraph etc. information should be included in citation. Example: Incorrect: (Tingöy, 2009: 23) Correct: (Tingöy, 2009, s. 23) 
  3. The most commonly used bibliography types in APA version 7 are:

    Single Author Book
    Tingöy, Ö. (2009). Bilişim Çağında Etik. Seçkin Yayıncılık
    In-text: (Tingöy, 2009, p. 23)

    Book with Two Authors
    Binark, M., & Bayraktutan, G. (2018). Ayın Karanlık Yüzü: Yeni Medya ve Etik. Kalkedon Yayıncılık
    In-text: (Binark & Bayraktutan, 2018, p. 94)

    Book with Three Authors
    Binark, M., Bayraktutan, G., & Durna, T. (2020). İletişim Hakkı ve Yeni Medya Tehditler ve Olanaklar. Uğur Mumcu Vakfı Yayınları.
    In-text: (Binark et al., 2020, p. 16)

    Book with More Than Three Authors
    Turban, E., Outland, J., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T.-P., & Turban, D. C. (2018). Electronic Commerce 2018: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective. Springer International Publishing.
    In-text: (Turban et al., 2018, p. 314)

    Translated books
    Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2018). Derin Öğrenme (Fatoş Yarman Vural, R. G. Cinbiş, & S. Kalkan, Trans.). Buzdağı Yayınevi.
    In-text: (Goodfellow et al., 2018, p. 59)

    Book with Editor
    Genel, M. G. (Ed.). (2015). Yeni Medya Araştırmaları 1. Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım.
    In-text: (Genel, 2015, p. 159)

    Journal Articles
    Gülmammadzade, U., & Işıklı, Ş. (2020). Instagramda Benlik Sunumu: Takipçi Etkisi Üzerine Dramaturjik Bir İnceleme. AJIT-e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology, 11(43), 74-104.
    In-text: (Gülmammadzade & Işıklı, 2020, p. 76)

    Web Pages
    Akan, Y. (2018, Haziran 9). Yeni Medya Nedir ve Ne İş Yapar? | Pazarlama Türkiye.
    In-text: (Akan, 2018, para. 2) - (Para., is the abbreviation of paragraph.)

  4.   Bibliography indent must be 1.25 cm hanging and font size must be 10.
  5.   AJIT-e recommends using reference management systems such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote.

Authors who submit articles to AJIT-e are deemed to have accepted this policy.


AJIT-e Contact Information

AJIT-e: Academic Journal of Information Technology) 
Address: Kazım Ozalp Sk. No: 15 Kat 2 34740 Şaşkınbakkal / Suadiye / KADIKÖY / ISTANBUL / TURKEY
Tel: +90 216 355 56 19
Faks: +90 216 368 43 30


AJIT-e has an Open Access policy and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Same License Share 4.0 International License. Access to published articles is free.

Last Update Time: 2/20/25, 9:38:14 AM