
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering (AKU J.SCI.ENG) is published to track current developments in the fields of science and engineering contribute to the national and international advancement of professional organizations and individuals, and establish a qualified resource in these areas. Formerly known as the "Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science", it was launched in 1999 with articles in Turkish and English, published twice a year. Since January 2013, it has continued its publishing life under the name "Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering." In February 2013, an online article evaluation and tracking system were implemented to enhance transparency and optimization of the article evaluation process.

Since January 2015, it has been published as an electronic journal (e-ISSN:2149-3367), offering advantages such as facilitating the application process for authors, ensuring transparency in the evaluation process, enhancing communication between authors and the editorial team, simplifying the editing process during publication, and enabling easier access for readers to the published articles.

Since 2015, with the published older issues, it continues to publish articles on engineering and fundamental science topics by being indexed in TRDizin (TÜBİTAK-ULAKBIM). Starting from January 2020, AKÜ J.Sci.Eng. accepts Turkish and English articles online through DergiPark online publishing and tracking system, with 6 issues per year (February, April, June, August, October, and December).

Authors can register on our journal's website (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/akufemubid),  can submit online their original scientific research articles and track the process of their submissions. Articles submitted for publication in our journal are evaluated by at least two reviwers (double-blind peer review system) through the DergiPark interface. The names of the reviewers evaluating the articles are not disclosed to the authors, and the reviewers cannot see the names of the authors.

This journal provides immediate, free and permanent access to all its content. Readers and institutions can read, download and share articles without paying any fee.

Last Update Time: 3/20/25, 1:18:57 PM