Uzun Dönem Yaşlandırmanın S2 Cam/Epoksi Kompozitlerin Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkisi
Year 2025,
Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 215 - 222, 07.02.2025
Ersan Kırar
Gökhan Demircan
Murat Kısa
Mustafa Özen
Kompozit malzemeler özgül mukavemetlerinin yüksek olması nedeniyle sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir. S2 cam elyaf takviyeli kompozit malzemelerde özgül mukavemeti oldukça yüksek olan takviye malzemelerinden biridir. Ancak kompozit malzemelerin kullanıldıkları ortamlarda zaman içinde yaşlanma kaynaklı olarak dayanımlarında düşüşler gerçekleşmektedir. Yaşlanma kaynaklı kompozitlerin dayanım düşüşlerinin belirlenmesi emniyet açısından önem arz etmektedir. Literatürde de kompozit malzemeleri çeşitli yaşlanma işlemleri sonrası inceleyen çalışmalara rastlanmaktadır. Ancak S2 cam/epoksi kompozitlerin 36 ay yapay deniz suyunda yaşlandırılması sonrası inceleme yapan çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışmada S2 cam/epoksi kompozit malzemenin 36 ay yapay deniz suyu ortamında yaşlandırılması sonrası hem deneysel (düzlem içi çekme, basma ve Iosipesqu kayma testleri) hem de sonlu elemanlar analiziyle inceleme yapılmıştır. 36 ay yaşlandırma işlemi sonucunda; maksimum gerilme değerleri açısından kayma testinde %17,77, basma testinde %19,19 ve çekme testinde ise %24,39 düşüş olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca testlerin sonlu elemanlar analizi sonuçlarıyla deneysel sonuçlar arasında maksimum hata oranı %6,97 olarak tesit edilmiş ve oldukça iyi bir uyum elde edilmiştir.
Supporting Institution
Harran Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü
Harran Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü tarafından 19353 proje nosuyla desteklenmiştir. HÜBAP biriminin 19353 numaralı projesi kapsamındaki desteği için teşekkür ederiz.
- Arhant, M., Le Gac, P., Le Gall, M., Burtin, C., Briançon, C. and Davies, P., 2016. Effect of Sea Water and Humidity on the Tensile and Compressive Properties of Carbon-Polyamide 6 Laminates. Composites: Part A, 91, 250–26.
- ASTM D3039, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials.
- ASTM D5379, Standard Test Method for Shear Properties of Composite Materials by the V-Notched Beam Method.
- ASTM D6641, Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials Using a Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture.
- Balcıoğlu, H.E., Sakin, R. and Gün, H., 2021. The Effect of Different Environmental Condition on Flexural Strength and Fatigue Behavior of E‑Glass/Epoxy Composites. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 45:165–180.
- Bhuyan, M. K, Bhuyan, M.S., Rodrı´guez-De´vora, J.I. and Yanez, M., 2012. Delamination behavior of bidirectional S2 glass epoxy laminated composite due to combined moisture and temperature cyclic loading. Journal of Composite Materials ,47(27) 3421–3432.
- Davies, P., Mazéas, F. and Casari, P., 2001. Sea Water Aging of Glass Reinforced Composites: Shear Behaviour and Damage Modelling. Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 35 (15), 1343-1372.
- Demircan, G. 2024. Structural integrity of glass fiber reinforced nanocomposites under hydrothermal aging for offshore structure applications. Applied Ocean Research, 146, 103959.
- Demircan, G., Kisa, M., Ozen, M., Acikgoz, A., Işıker, Y., and Aytar, E., 2023-a. Nano-gelcoat application of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites for marine application: Structural, mechanical, and thermal analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194, 115412.
- Demircan, G., Ozen, M., Kisa, M., Acikgoz, A. and Işıker, Y., 2023-b. The effect of nano-gelcoat on freeze-thaw resistance of glass fiber-reinforced polymer composite for marine applications. Ocean Engineering, 269, 113589.
- Fulginiti, F., Rezasefat, M., Xavier da Silva, A., Amico S. C., Giglio, M. and Manes, A., 2023. Experimental and numerical studies on the repeated low-velocity impact response and damage accumulation in woven S2-glass fibre/epoxy composites. Advanced Composite Materials, 32:6, 916-941.
- Ghabezi, P. and Harrison, N.M., 2020. Mechanical Behavior and Long-Term Life Prediction of Carbon/Epoxy and Glass/Epoxy Composite Laminates under Artificial Seawater Environment. Materials Letters, 261, 127091.
- Ghabezi, P. and Harrison, N.M., 2022. Indentation characterization of glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy composite samples aged in artificial salt water at elevated temperature. Polymer Testing, 110, 107588.
- Guen-Ge_roy A.L., Davies, P., Le Gac P. and Habert B., 2020. Influence of Seawater Ageing on Fracture of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites for Ocean Engineering. Oceans 2020, 1, 198–214.
- Guven, C., Kisa, M., Demircan, G., Ozen, M., and Kirar, E., 2024. Effect of seawater aging on mechanical, buckling, structural, and thermal properties of nano Al2O3 and TiO2‐doped glass‐epoxy nanocomposites. Polymer Composites, 45(8), 7376-7390.
- Jose´-Trujillo, E., Rubio-Gonza´lez, C. and Rodrı´guez-Gonza´lez, J., 2019. Seawater ageing effect on the mechanical properties of composites with different fiber and matrix types. Journal of Composite Material, 53(23), 3229–3241.
- Kırar, E., 2024. Yaşlandırma İşlemine Tabi Tutulan Kompozit Plakaların Balistik Hasarının Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi ile Modellenmesi ve İncelenmesi. Doktora tezi, Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Şanlıurfa, 176.
- Kırar, E., Demircan, G., Kısa, M., Özen, M., 2023-a. Deniz Suyu Yaşlandırmasının Cam/Epoksi Kompozitlerdeki Kayma Dayanımına Etkisi. 4. Başkent International Conference on Multidisplinary Studies. Türkiye/Ankara, 770-777.
- Kırar, E., Kısa, M., Özen, M. and Demircan, G., 2023-b. Yapay Deniz Suyu Ortamında Yaşlandırılan Kompozit Plakanın Düzlem içi Çekme ve Basma Davranışının Sonlu Elemanlar Metodu ile Nümerik Analizi. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 8(1), 17-26.
- Kirar, E, Kisa, M., Ozen, M., Demircan, G. and Guven, C., 2024. Mechanical properties of glass/epoxy composites under artificial seawater environment: Numerical simulation and experimental validation. Marine Structures, 98, 103679.
- Li, H., Zhang, K., Fan, X., Cheng, H., Xu, G. and Suo, H., 2019. Effect of Seawater Ageing with Different Temperatures and Concentrations on Static/ Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites. Composites Part B, 173, 106910.
- Sawpan, M.A., 2019. Shear properties and durability of GFRP reinforcement bar aged in seawater. Polymer Testing, 75, 312–320.
- Shillings, C., Javier, C., Leblanc, J., Tilton, C., Corvese, L. and Shukla, A., 2017. Experimental and Computational Investigation of Blast Response of Carbon-Epoxy Weathered Composite Materials. Composites Part B, 129, 107-116.
- Sridharan, S., 2017. Performance Evaluation of Two Progressive Damage Models for Composite Laminates under High Velocity Projectile Impact. Master of Science, North Carolina State University Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina, 163.
- Wang, B., Ci, S., Zhou, M., Di, C., Yu J., Zhu, B. and Qiao, K., 2023. K. Effects of Hygrothermal and Salt Mist Ageing on the Properties of Epoxy Resins and Their Composites. Polymers, 15, 725.
- Wood, C.A. and Bradley, W.L., 1997. Determinatıon of The Effect of Seawater on The Interfacial Strength of an Interlayer E-Glass/Graphte/Epoxy Composıte by in Situ Observation of Transverse Cracking in an Environmental SEM. Composites Science and Technology, 57, 1033-1043.
Effect of Long-Term Aging on Mechanical Properties of S2 Glass/Epoxy Composites
Year 2025,
Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 215 - 222, 07.02.2025
Ersan Kırar
Gökhan Demircan
Murat Kısa
Mustafa Özen
Composite materials are frequently preferred due to their high specific strength. S2 Glass fiber is one of the reinforcement materials with very high specific strength in glass fiber reinforced composite materials. However, in the environments where composite materials are used, their strength decreases over time due to aging. Determining the strength decreases of composites due to aging is important for safety. In the literature, there are studies examining composite materials after various aging processes. However, no study has been found that examined S2 glass/epoxy composites after aging in artificial seawater for 36 months. In this study, S2 glass/epoxy composite material was examined both experimentally (in-plane tensile, compression and Iosipesque shear tests) and finite element analysis after aging in an artificial seawater environment for 36 months. As a result of the 36-month aging process; In terms of maximum stress values, it was determined that there was a decrease of 17.77% in the shear test, 19.19% in the compression test and 24.39% in the tensile test. In addition, the maximum error rate between the finite element analysis results of the tests and the experimental results was determined as 6.97% and a very good agreement was obtained.
- Arhant, M., Le Gac, P., Le Gall, M., Burtin, C., Briançon, C. and Davies, P., 2016. Effect of Sea Water and Humidity on the Tensile and Compressive Properties of Carbon-Polyamide 6 Laminates. Composites: Part A, 91, 250–26.
- ASTM D3039, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials.
- ASTM D5379, Standard Test Method for Shear Properties of Composite Materials by the V-Notched Beam Method.
- ASTM D6641, Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials Using a Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture.
- Balcıoğlu, H.E., Sakin, R. and Gün, H., 2021. The Effect of Different Environmental Condition on Flexural Strength and Fatigue Behavior of E‑Glass/Epoxy Composites. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 45:165–180.
- Bhuyan, M. K, Bhuyan, M.S., Rodrı´guez-De´vora, J.I. and Yanez, M., 2012. Delamination behavior of bidirectional S2 glass epoxy laminated composite due to combined moisture and temperature cyclic loading. Journal of Composite Materials ,47(27) 3421–3432.
- Davies, P., Mazéas, F. and Casari, P., 2001. Sea Water Aging of Glass Reinforced Composites: Shear Behaviour and Damage Modelling. Journal of Composite Materials, SAGE Publications, 35 (15), 1343-1372.
- Demircan, G. 2024. Structural integrity of glass fiber reinforced nanocomposites under hydrothermal aging for offshore structure applications. Applied Ocean Research, 146, 103959.
- Demircan, G., Kisa, M., Ozen, M., Acikgoz, A., Işıker, Y., and Aytar, E., 2023-a. Nano-gelcoat application of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites for marine application: Structural, mechanical, and thermal analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194, 115412.
- Demircan, G., Ozen, M., Kisa, M., Acikgoz, A. and Işıker, Y., 2023-b. The effect of nano-gelcoat on freeze-thaw resistance of glass fiber-reinforced polymer composite for marine applications. Ocean Engineering, 269, 113589.
- Fulginiti, F., Rezasefat, M., Xavier da Silva, A., Amico S. C., Giglio, M. and Manes, A., 2023. Experimental and numerical studies on the repeated low-velocity impact response and damage accumulation in woven S2-glass fibre/epoxy composites. Advanced Composite Materials, 32:6, 916-941.
- Ghabezi, P. and Harrison, N.M., 2020. Mechanical Behavior and Long-Term Life Prediction of Carbon/Epoxy and Glass/Epoxy Composite Laminates under Artificial Seawater Environment. Materials Letters, 261, 127091.
- Ghabezi, P. and Harrison, N.M., 2022. Indentation characterization of glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy composite samples aged in artificial salt water at elevated temperature. Polymer Testing, 110, 107588.
- Guen-Ge_roy A.L., Davies, P., Le Gac P. and Habert B., 2020. Influence of Seawater Ageing on Fracture of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites for Ocean Engineering. Oceans 2020, 1, 198–214.
- Guven, C., Kisa, M., Demircan, G., Ozen, M., and Kirar, E., 2024. Effect of seawater aging on mechanical, buckling, structural, and thermal properties of nano Al2O3 and TiO2‐doped glass‐epoxy nanocomposites. Polymer Composites, 45(8), 7376-7390.
- Jose´-Trujillo, E., Rubio-Gonza´lez, C. and Rodrı´guez-Gonza´lez, J., 2019. Seawater ageing effect on the mechanical properties of composites with different fiber and matrix types. Journal of Composite Material, 53(23), 3229–3241.
- Kırar, E., 2024. Yaşlandırma İşlemine Tabi Tutulan Kompozit Plakaların Balistik Hasarının Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi ile Modellenmesi ve İncelenmesi. Doktora tezi, Harran Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Şanlıurfa, 176.
- Kırar, E., Demircan, G., Kısa, M., Özen, M., 2023-a. Deniz Suyu Yaşlandırmasının Cam/Epoksi Kompozitlerdeki Kayma Dayanımına Etkisi. 4. Başkent International Conference on Multidisplinary Studies. Türkiye/Ankara, 770-777.
- Kırar, E., Kısa, M., Özen, M. and Demircan, G., 2023-b. Yapay Deniz Suyu Ortamında Yaşlandırılan Kompozit Plakanın Düzlem içi Çekme ve Basma Davranışının Sonlu Elemanlar Metodu ile Nümerik Analizi. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 8(1), 17-26.
- Kirar, E, Kisa, M., Ozen, M., Demircan, G. and Guven, C., 2024. Mechanical properties of glass/epoxy composites under artificial seawater environment: Numerical simulation and experimental validation. Marine Structures, 98, 103679.
- Li, H., Zhang, K., Fan, X., Cheng, H., Xu, G. and Suo, H., 2019. Effect of Seawater Ageing with Different Temperatures and Concentrations on Static/ Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites. Composites Part B, 173, 106910.
- Sawpan, M.A., 2019. Shear properties and durability of GFRP reinforcement bar aged in seawater. Polymer Testing, 75, 312–320.
- Shillings, C., Javier, C., Leblanc, J., Tilton, C., Corvese, L. and Shukla, A., 2017. Experimental and Computational Investigation of Blast Response of Carbon-Epoxy Weathered Composite Materials. Composites Part B, 129, 107-116.
- Sridharan, S., 2017. Performance Evaluation of Two Progressive Damage Models for Composite Laminates under High Velocity Projectile Impact. Master of Science, North Carolina State University Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina, 163.
- Wang, B., Ci, S., Zhou, M., Di, C., Yu J., Zhu, B. and Qiao, K., 2023. K. Effects of Hygrothermal and Salt Mist Ageing on the Properties of Epoxy Resins and Their Composites. Polymers, 15, 725.
- Wood, C.A. and Bradley, W.L., 1997. Determinatıon of The Effect of Seawater on The Interfacial Strength of an Interlayer E-Glass/Graphte/Epoxy Composıte by in Situ Observation of Transverse Cracking in an Environmental SEM. Composites Science and Technology, 57, 1033-1043.