Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 57 - 73, 22.06.2020


This study deals with the problem of the assignment of workers to the stations and the balancing of the assembly line in an electronics company. The approach used to solve this problem consists of two stages. In the first stage, a mathematical model is presented which takes into account the information about which jobs the workers can and cannot do, whether the workers are present during the assignment to the stations, which equipment/ equipments the jobs should be done with, and the stations where these equipments are located and the various assignment constraints related to the jobs. As a result of this model being solved with LINGO optimization software, information about which jobs and workers are assigned to which stations is obtained. In the second stage, the assembly line which is arranged using the information obtained from the first stage, in order to test whether the assembly line reaches the desired production target under real life constraints, ARENA simulation model which takes into consideration the factors such as conveyor movement between stations, intermediate inventory areas and stochastic variability in operation times that could not be considered in the present mathematical model is presented. The results obtained from the simulation model show that under these conditions the output amount is below the production target. Then, a solution is achieved that reaches the desired production target by making improvement suggestions for the current system.


  • Ağpak, K. ve Gökçen H. (2005), “Assembly Line Balancing: Two Resource Constrained Case”, International Journal of Production Economics, 96, 129–140.
  • Arau´jo, F.F.B., Costa, A. M. ve Miralles, C. (2012), “Two Extensions for the ALWABP: Parallel Stations and Collaborative Approach”, International Journal of Production Economics, 140, 483–495.
  • Chaves, A. A. , Lorena, L. A. N. ve Miralles, C. (2009), “Hybrid Metaheuristic for the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem”, (Ed.) M.J. Blesa, C. Blum, L.D. Gaspero, A. Roli, M. Sampels ve A. Schaerfs, Hybrid Metaheuristics, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 1-14.
  • Corominas, A., Ferrer, L. ve Pastor, R. (2011), “Assembly Line Balancing: General Resource-Constrained Case”, International Journal of Production Research, 49(12), 3527-3542.
  • Costa, A.M. ve Miralles, C. (2009), “Job Rotation in Assembly Lines Employing Disabled Workers”, International Journal of Production Economics, 120, 625-632.
  • Çil, Z.A., Mete, S. ve Ağpak, K. (2017), “Analysis of the Type II Robotic Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem”, Engineering Optimization, 49, 990–1009.
  • Daoud, S., Chehade, H., Yalaoui, F. ve Amodeo, L. (2014), “Solving a Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problem Using Efficient Hybrid Methods”, Journal of Heuristics, 20, 235–259.
  • Gao, J., Sun, L., Wang, L. ve Gen, M. (2009), “An Efficient Approach for Type II Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problems”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 1065–1080.
  • Levitin, G., Rubinovitz, J. ve Shnits, B. (2006), “A Genetic Algorithm for Robotic Assembly Line Balancing”, European Journal Operational Research, 168, 811–825.
  • Li, Z., Tang, Q. ve Zhang, L. (2016), “Minimizing Energy Consumption and Cycle Time in Two-Sided Robotic Assembly Line Systems Using Restarted Simulated Annealing Algorithm”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 508–522.
  • Li, Z., Janardhanan, M.N., Ashour, A.S. ve Dey, N. (2019), “Mathematical Models and Migrating Birds Optimization for Robotic U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problem”, Neural Computing and Applications, 31, 9095–9111.
  • LINGO (2013), The Modeling Language and Optimizer, Chicago: LINDO Systems Inc.
  • Mete, S. ve Ağpak, K. (2013), “Çok Amaçlı Genelleştirilmiş Kaynak Kısıtlı Çift Taraflı Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemi ve Hesaplama Analizi”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 567-576.
  • Miralles, C., Garcı´a-Sabater, J.P., Andre´s, C. ve Cardos, M. (2007), “Advantages of Assembly Lines in Sheltered Work Centres for Disabled. A Case Study”, International Journal of Production Economics, 110, 187–197.
  • Miralles, C., Garcı´a-Sabater, J.P., Andre´ s, C. ve Cardos, M. (2008), “Branch and Bound Procedures for Solving the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem: Application to Sheltered Work Centres for Disabled”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156, 352-367.
  • Moreira, M.C.O., Ritt, M., Costa, A.M. ve Chaves, A.A. (2012), “Simple Heuristics for the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem”, Journal of Heuristics, 18, 505–524.
  • Mutlu, O., Polat, O. ve Supciller, A.A. (2013), “An Iterative Genetic Algorithm for the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem Of Type-II”, Computers and Operations Research, 40, 418-426.
  • Nilakantan, J.M., Huang, G.Q. ve Ponnambalam, S. (2015), “An Investigation on Minimizing Cycle Time and Total Energy Consumption in Robotic Assembly Line Systems”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 90, 311–325.
  • Oksuz, M.K., Buyukozkan, K. ve Satoglu, S.I. (2017), “U-shaped Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem: A Mathematical Model and Two Meta-Heuristics”, Computers & Industrial Engineering 112, 246–263.
  • Pekin, N. ve Azizoglu, M. (2008), “Bi Criteria Flexible Assembly Line Design Problem with Equipment Decisions”, International Journal of Production Research, 46 (22), 6323-6343.
  • Ramezanian, R. ve Ezzatpanah, A. (2015), “Modeling and Solving Multi-Objective Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing and Worker Assignment Problem”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 8, 74-80.
  • Ritt, M., Costa, A.M. ve Miralles, C. (2016), “The Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem with Stochastic Worker Availability”, International Journal of Production Research, 54, 907-922.
  • Rubinovitz, J., Bukchin, J. ve Lenz, E. (1993), “RALB—A Heuristic Algorithm for Design and Balancing of Robotic Assembly Lines”, CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 42, 497–500.
  • Sungur, B. ve Yavuz, Y. (2015), “Assembly Line Balancing with Hierarchical Worker Assignment”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 37, 290-298.
  • Triki, H., Mellouli, A. ve Masmoudi, F. (2017), “A Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Assembly Line Resource Assignment and Balancing Problem of Type 2 (ALRABP-2)”, Journal of Intellgent Manufacturing, 28, 371-385.
  • Vilà, M. ve Pereira, J., (2014), “A Branch-and-bound Algorithm for Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problems”, Computers & Operations Research, 44, 105-114.
  • Yoosefelahi, A., Aminnayeri, M., Mosadegh, H. ve Ardakani, H.D. (2012), “Type II Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problem: An Evolution Strategies Algorithm for a Multi-objective Model”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31, 139–151.


Year 2020, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 57 - 73, 22.06.2020


Bu çalışma, bir elektronik
firmasına ilişkin montaj hattında, işçilerin iş istasyonlarına atanması ve
montaj hattının dengelenmesi problemini ele almaktadır. Bu problemin çözümü
için kullanılan yaklaşım iki aşamadan oluşmaktadır. İlk aşamada, işçilerin hangi
iş elemanlarını yapıp hangi iş elemanlarını yapamadıkları, işçilerin iş
istasyonlarına atanması sırasında mevcut olup olmadıkları, iş elemanlarının
hangi ekipman/ekipmanlar ile yapılması gerektiği ve bu ekipmanların hangi iş
istasyonlarında bulundukları bilgilerini ve iş elemanlarına ilişkin çeşitli
atama kısıtlarını dikkate alan bir matematiksel model sunulmaktadır. Bu modelin
LINGO optimizasyon yazılımı ile çözülmesi sonucunda, iş elemanlarının ve
işçilerin hangi iş istasyonlarına atandığı bilgileri elde edilmektedir. İkinci
aşamada ise, ilk aşamadan elde edilen bilgileri kullanarak düzenlenen montaj
hattının, istenilen üretim hedefine gerçek hayat kısıtları altında ulaşıp
ulaşmadığını test etmek için, mevcut matematiksel modelde dikkate alınamayan, iş
istasyonları arası konveyör hareketi, ara stok alanları ve işlem sürelerindeki
stokastik değişkenlik gibi faktörleri de dikkate alan bir ARENA benzetim modeli
modelinden elde edilen sonuçlar, bu koşullar altında çıktı miktarının üretim
hedefinin altında kaldığını göstermektedir. Daha sonra ise mevcut sisteme
ilişkin iyileştirme önerilerinde bulunularak istenilen üretim hedefine ulaşan
bir çözüm elde edilmektedir.


  • Ağpak, K. ve Gökçen H. (2005), “Assembly Line Balancing: Two Resource Constrained Case”, International Journal of Production Economics, 96, 129–140.
  • Arau´jo, F.F.B., Costa, A. M. ve Miralles, C. (2012), “Two Extensions for the ALWABP: Parallel Stations and Collaborative Approach”, International Journal of Production Economics, 140, 483–495.
  • Chaves, A. A. , Lorena, L. A. N. ve Miralles, C. (2009), “Hybrid Metaheuristic for the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem”, (Ed.) M.J. Blesa, C. Blum, L.D. Gaspero, A. Roli, M. Sampels ve A. Schaerfs, Hybrid Metaheuristics, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 1-14.
  • Corominas, A., Ferrer, L. ve Pastor, R. (2011), “Assembly Line Balancing: General Resource-Constrained Case”, International Journal of Production Research, 49(12), 3527-3542.
  • Costa, A.M. ve Miralles, C. (2009), “Job Rotation in Assembly Lines Employing Disabled Workers”, International Journal of Production Economics, 120, 625-632.
  • Çil, Z.A., Mete, S. ve Ağpak, K. (2017), “Analysis of the Type II Robotic Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem”, Engineering Optimization, 49, 990–1009.
  • Daoud, S., Chehade, H., Yalaoui, F. ve Amodeo, L. (2014), “Solving a Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problem Using Efficient Hybrid Methods”, Journal of Heuristics, 20, 235–259.
  • Gao, J., Sun, L., Wang, L. ve Gen, M. (2009), “An Efficient Approach for Type II Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problems”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 1065–1080.
  • Levitin, G., Rubinovitz, J. ve Shnits, B. (2006), “A Genetic Algorithm for Robotic Assembly Line Balancing”, European Journal Operational Research, 168, 811–825.
  • Li, Z., Tang, Q. ve Zhang, L. (2016), “Minimizing Energy Consumption and Cycle Time in Two-Sided Robotic Assembly Line Systems Using Restarted Simulated Annealing Algorithm”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 508–522.
  • Li, Z., Janardhanan, M.N., Ashour, A.S. ve Dey, N. (2019), “Mathematical Models and Migrating Birds Optimization for Robotic U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problem”, Neural Computing and Applications, 31, 9095–9111.
  • LINGO (2013), The Modeling Language and Optimizer, Chicago: LINDO Systems Inc.
  • Mete, S. ve Ağpak, K. (2013), “Çok Amaçlı Genelleştirilmiş Kaynak Kısıtlı Çift Taraflı Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemi ve Hesaplama Analizi”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(3), 567-576.
  • Miralles, C., Garcı´a-Sabater, J.P., Andre´s, C. ve Cardos, M. (2007), “Advantages of Assembly Lines in Sheltered Work Centres for Disabled. A Case Study”, International Journal of Production Economics, 110, 187–197.
  • Miralles, C., Garcı´a-Sabater, J.P., Andre´ s, C. ve Cardos, M. (2008), “Branch and Bound Procedures for Solving the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem: Application to Sheltered Work Centres for Disabled”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156, 352-367.
  • Moreira, M.C.O., Ritt, M., Costa, A.M. ve Chaves, A.A. (2012), “Simple Heuristics for the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem”, Journal of Heuristics, 18, 505–524.
  • Mutlu, O., Polat, O. ve Supciller, A.A. (2013), “An Iterative Genetic Algorithm for the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem Of Type-II”, Computers and Operations Research, 40, 418-426.
  • Nilakantan, J.M., Huang, G.Q. ve Ponnambalam, S. (2015), “An Investigation on Minimizing Cycle Time and Total Energy Consumption in Robotic Assembly Line Systems”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 90, 311–325.
  • Oksuz, M.K., Buyukozkan, K. ve Satoglu, S.I. (2017), “U-shaped Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem: A Mathematical Model and Two Meta-Heuristics”, Computers & Industrial Engineering 112, 246–263.
  • Pekin, N. ve Azizoglu, M. (2008), “Bi Criteria Flexible Assembly Line Design Problem with Equipment Decisions”, International Journal of Production Research, 46 (22), 6323-6343.
  • Ramezanian, R. ve Ezzatpanah, A. (2015), “Modeling and Solving Multi-Objective Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing and Worker Assignment Problem”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 8, 74-80.
  • Ritt, M., Costa, A.M. ve Miralles, C. (2016), “The Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem with Stochastic Worker Availability”, International Journal of Production Research, 54, 907-922.
  • Rubinovitz, J., Bukchin, J. ve Lenz, E. (1993), “RALB—A Heuristic Algorithm for Design and Balancing of Robotic Assembly Lines”, CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 42, 497–500.
  • Sungur, B. ve Yavuz, Y. (2015), “Assembly Line Balancing with Hierarchical Worker Assignment”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 37, 290-298.
  • Triki, H., Mellouli, A. ve Masmoudi, F. (2017), “A Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Assembly Line Resource Assignment and Balancing Problem of Type 2 (ALRABP-2)”, Journal of Intellgent Manufacturing, 28, 371-385.
  • Vilà, M. ve Pereira, J., (2014), “A Branch-and-bound Algorithm for Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problems”, Computers & Operations Research, 44, 105-114.
  • Yoosefelahi, A., Aminnayeri, M., Mosadegh, H. ve Ardakani, H.D. (2012), “Type II Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problem: An Evolution Strategies Algorithm for a Multi-objective Model”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31, 139–151.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Şeyda Topaloğlu Yıldız 0000-0001-6827-126X

Gökalp Yıldız 0000-0003-3962-7604

Ekinsu Cin This is me 0000-0001-7265-4853

Publication Date June 22, 2020
Submission Date November 11, 2019
Acceptance Date March 5, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 22 Issue: 1
