ISSN: 1302-1966
e-ISSN: 2651-4117
Founded: 1999
Cover Image

Our journal focuses exclusively on applied research articles employing qualitative or quantitative methods and applied review articles (e.g., bibliometric analysis, systematic analysis).

Studies based on theoretical frameworks, legal reviews without practical applications, book reviews, and other types of non-applied works are not considered for evaluation.

The Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences has been an international, peer-reviewed academic journal since 1999. The journal publishes studies in the core social science fields within economics and administrative sciences, including business administration, economics, finance, political science, and law.

All submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism and similarity checks using iThenticate software. Articles deemed suitable after editorial review are evaluated under a double-blind peer review process.

Accepted articles are assigned DOI numbers, as well as volume and issue numbers, within one month. Full-text early view publication is also provided.

For inquiries or further information about the journal, please contact:


2025 - Volume: 27 Issue: Özel Sayı

Early View Policy

The manuscripts accepted at the end of the peer review process are published in full text within the relevant issue's early view section, with DOI, volume, issue, and page numbers assigned, no later than 1 month.