Dr. Evren Çağlarer holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from Marmara University, an MSc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Trakya University. He has been working at Kırklareli University since 2000. Dr. Evren Çağlarer serves as the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Head of the Department of Mechatronic Engineering. He has worked on the mechanical and electrical properties of polymer composites produced from natural materials. He has worked on the production of polymer materials, which are materials such as polymer composites. He was awarded the first prize by the Turkish Plastics Research and Development Association (PAGEV) in 2005. He has experience in mechanical engineering, material technologies, polymer processing, recycling of polymers, polymer composites, biopolymers, nanopolymers. He also has studies on risk analysis, factory organization and automation as a class A occupational safety expert.