ISSN: 2667-7326
e-ISSN: 2667-6710
Founded: 2013
Publisher: Amasya University
Cover Image

Article acceptance for the June 2025 issue started on 01.01.2025.

Amasya Journal of Theology is a refereed journal published by Amasya University twice a year on June 30 and December 30. It aims to publish articles, book reviews and scientific meeting evaluations in the field of Theology and Social Sciences and share them with the public. The article acceptance dates in our journal, which is scanned by Ulakbim TR-Dizin, Erih Plus and EBSCO-Host: Academic Search Ultimate, are between January 01 - April 01 for the issue dated June 30, and July 01 - October 01 for the issue dated December 30. If the number of articles in the journal reaches a sufficient level, the article acceptance process may be closed before these dates.
Articles requested to be published in Amasya Journal of Theology must be prepared according to the Article Writing Template, Journal Writing Rules and ISNAD CITATION SYSTEM (2nd Edition). Articles that do not comply with the Article Writing Template, Writing Rules and ISNAD 2 Citation System are rejected without being evaluated.

Article Submission Considerations
1. Article submission dates are as follows.

Article submission for June issue: January 1-April 1
Article submission for December issue: July 1-October 1
2. It is important to pay attention to the Isnad-2 Citation System in writing the articles. We look for full compliance with Isnad-2 in terms of titles, spelling of concepts, abbreviations, quotations, dates, holy book references, footnotes and bibliography.
3. We consider it important that the articles are prepared using programs such as Zotero, Mendeley, Citavi, EndNote. This is important to prevent technical errors in the articles.
4. The articles to be sent to the journal should not have been published/have not been decided to be published anywhere before, should not be less than 5000 words including the title, abstract, footnotes and bibliography or should not exceed 10,000 words in total (except for the special decision of the Editorial Board). We subject articles that pass the preliminary review to double-blind peer review by at least two referees.

5. We look for a prerequisite that the similarity rate in articles does not exceed 20%. We prefer iThenticate and Turnitin programs for similarity reports. Authors must upload the similarity scan report and copyright form completely during article submission.

6. We request a 500-700 word abstract for articles that have completed the refereeing process.

7. In studies produced from thesis, the author's name must be listed first. In addition, the ratio of publications produced from thesis to the total articles in the journal issue is limited to 10%.

8. Master's and doctoral students can submit studies to the journal individually or together with their advisors (provided that the first author is a student and the second author is a faculty advisor).

9. During the publication acceptance period, we evaluate articles in terms of compliance with the writing ethics rules and similarity scan. We return the studies that we do not find to be in compliance with the journal standards and especially those that contain serious spelling errors and technical errors to the author.
10. In studies that require ethics committee approval, it is important to upload the relevant document to the system together with the article.
11. Our article publication process consists of the following stages. This process can take approximately 3 months or longer depending on the reports and suggestions of our referees.
• Editor review
• Editorial board review
• Formal and ethical preliminary review
• Appointment of field editor
• Double-blind review process (in some cases, a third referee appointment)
• Language review (Turkish, English or Arabic)
• Final reading
• Obtaining the author's final approval after layout

2024 - Issue: 24

Amasya Theology Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.