The beginning from the
designing phase of the implementation of the religious education activities,
determining the appropriate methods, techniques and materials, preparing the
educational environment, creating the social areas and ensuring the
participation of the students who are the most important stakeholders of the
education, will provide to increase in the success level of the theology in the
religious education institutions. In this context, it is very important to take
the opinions of the students in the social and cultural fields, especially in
education and training, to detect of the issues, to reveal the statistical data
in the related fields and to benefit from these data. Thus in the light of
emerging ideas and offers that it is a necessity to put into implemented of the
ideas which will contribute to the solidarity, socialization, information
sharing, intellectual development among the students and to create the suitable
higher education ground together with the students for more effective religious
Theology faculties need to be constantly renewed
taking into consideration the interests and needs of the students, develop the
awareness of the changing world conditions to give an appropriate training to
the aims and conditions of education. Therefore, this situation is made it
essential to have adequate studies done to solve the existing problems.
Research shows that many students are coming to theology faculties with great
ideals and goals, but they are disappointed.
Today, the instructive-centered understanding of
education had changed and instead an understanding of education has been
adopted that makes active learning necessary. In other words, a new education
system is adopted, which is student-centered, which takes care of using
different sources in information acquisition, foresees continuous development.
Besides, a new education system has been adopted in which everyone, including
instructive, learns throughout life. Religious educational institutions should
also benefit from this transformation in education. In general, this
understanding of religious education, in which the ongoing instructive is
active and the student is passive, must change. Although the roles of the
instructive and the learner are different in the theology of higher education
institutions during the process of religious education, the parties must be
equal in terms of contributing to the educational process as a result of the
necessity of being a party. The demands, thoughts and opinions of the students
who are one of the parties in religious education on the activities of
religious education will contribute significantly to the development of
religious education. Furthermore, the development of religious education
activities in higher education institutions according to the conditions of the
age and the characteristics of the students will play an important role in
improving the quality of their output.
In this context, the aim of our study is to determine
students' perspectives on curriculum, education system, educational methods and
techniques and teaching staffs, administrative structure and faculty in the
example of Theological Faculty of Siirt. Another aim of the study is to reveal
the purpose of the students' coming to theology and the attitudes of the
students who are parties to the religious education process towards theology.
The universe of the research is made up the students of Siirt University
Theology Faculty. This research was conducted using the screening model which
one of the methods of collecting quantitative data. Survey technique was
applied to the selected sample group in suitable with the research model. The
total number of senior students is 213 which selected as a sample group.
However, as a result of examining the questionnaires applied to the sample
group, 180 questionnaire forms were found suitable for evaluation.
According to the findings, it is possible to make some
evaluations. First of all, when we look at the gender status of the students
who prefer the theology faculty undergraduate program, the ratio of female
students is higher than male students. When we look at the type of school that
students who prefer theology graduate, it has been observed that the number of
arrivals in other high school types increased except for imam hatip high
schools in recent years. This means that the faculties of theology, which had
previously been forced to be preferred only by imam hatip high school students
with the application of the coefficient applied to universities between
1999-2011, it reveals which have started to have a more colorful student
profile with the students coming from other high schools. Another finding in
research is that a high percentage of the participants (52.7%) preferred this
section because of occupational anxiety and preferred against their will
(family wish). 43.4% of respondents who prefer our religion to learn and serve
religion correctly and comprehensively. This ratio is low than reason of choice
from necessity. Finally, there are no participant who prefer faculty of
theology to become cleric(imam).
About the teaching staffs; although the students who
participated in the study generally considered the instructors to be sufficient
in their field, they found them inadequate in the use of appropriate methods
and techniques and materials. The participants think that philosophy (85%) and
formation (97.2%) lessons which given in the faculty of theology are necessary
and useful. Participants think that educational opportunities in the faculty of
theology provision to a sufficient degree their expectations. At the same time,
studying in the faculty of theology led to a change of opinion in the majority
of students (84.4%). Most of the participants have described this change of
opinion as personality change and having a critical thinking with knowledge
In the light of these results, it is possible to
present some suggestions. Students should be given opportunities to improve
from every angle, platforms where students can freely express their ideas
should be established, faculty should be turned into a place where education
and socialization are carried out together. Collaborate should be done with
students in these issues, the relationship that between faculty administration
and students should be strengthened. If necessary, the faculty student
representative should be included in the faculty boards. In addition, lessons
should be enriched in content, lesson materials should be updated. Teaching
staffs should review telling lecture strategy, methods and techniques, should
diversify the lecture tools and materials in accordance with the subjects. In
addition, according to the findings of the research, it is seen that students
have difficulty in Arabic lessons. Language teaching methods should be applied,
new teaching materials with methods and techniques should be determined in
Arabic teaching. On the other hand, theology programs should be revised again
and organized according to the conditions of the day and the professional
differentiation. Curriculums should create according to their service areas in
the theology faculties, Students should take lessons according to the
institutions in which they will work, and they should be directed to more
Consequently, in theology faculties which high
religious education institutions the role of students is important for the
development and transformation of the theology faculties and to be an ideal
institution of higher religious education. In this context, it is important to
apply more frequently to student opinions, to involve students in the process
and to evaluate the appropriate opinions and suggestions of the students.
Religious Education Faculty of Theology Higher Religious Education Educational Status Student Perception
Yüksek din eğitimi kurumlarında, din
öğretimi faaliyetinin yürütülmesinin tasarlama aşamasından başlayarak, uygun
yöntem, teknik ve materyallerin belirlenmesi, eğitim ortamının hazırlanması,
sosyal alanların oluşturulması konularında eğitimin en önemli paydaşı olan
öğrencilerin katılımının aktif olarak sağlanması, ilahiyatlardaki akademik
başarıya ve eğitimin niteliğine katkı sağlayacağı muhakkaktır. Bu bağlamda
öğrencilerin başta eğitim-öğretim olmak üzere, sosyal ve kültürel alanlardaki
düşüncelerinin alınması, sorunların tespit edilmesi, ilgili alanlarda
istatistiki verilerin ortaya konması ve bu verilerden yararlanılması oldukça
önem arz etmektedir. Nitekim ortaya çıkan fikir ve düşünceler ile öğrencilerden
gelebilecek teklifler ışığında öğrenciler arasında dayanışmaya, sosyalleşmeye,
bilgi paylaşımına, öğrencilerin entelektüel gelişimine katkı sağlayacak
fikirlerin uygulamaya konulması ve din öğretiminin daha etkin yürütülmesi için
uygun yükseköğretim zemininin öğrenci ile birlikte oluşturulması gerekliliktir.
Bu çalışmada ilahiyat fakültesi son sınıf öğrencilerinin fakülte içerisinde
eğitim-öğretim sürecini etkileyebilecek genel unsurlara karşı görüşlerini
ortaya koymak amaçlanmış olup, bu amaç doğrultusunda Siirt Üniversitesi
İlahiyat Fakültesi 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılı son sınıf öğrencileri ile
anket çalışması yapılmıştır.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Religious Studies |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 30, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2019 Issue: 13 |