faaliyeti, vahyini insanla buluşturan yüce Allah’ın maksat ve murâdını ortaya
koyma çabasıdır. Şüphesiz Kur’ân’ın ilk müfessiri Hz. Peygamber (a.s.) bu vazifesini
vahyin denetim ve gözetimi altında gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu onun (a.s) tefsirdeki
rol ve konumunu tartışmasız kılmaktadır. Böyle bir ayrıcalığa sahip olmayan
herhangi bir müfessir ise bilgi, beceri, tecrübe ve akıl gibi yeteneklerini
kullanır. Yine bir insan olarak yaşadığı dönemin tarihi ve kültürel
şartlarından da az ya da çok etkilenir. Onların tefsirdeki yer yer ihtiyatlı tutumları,
usûl ve yönteme bağlı olma çabaları bu olguya delâlet eder. Yine de tüm tedbir
ve ilkelere rağmen tefsirde insan unsurundan tamamıyla sıyrılmak mümkün olmaz. Kanaatimize
göre müfessirlerin ez-Zuhruf, 43/18 âyet-i kerimesine getirdikleri yorumlar, bu
durumun en bariz örneklerinden birini temsil etmektedir. İlgili âyet-i kerime öncesi
ve sonrasıyla câhiliye anlayışının kadını küçümseyen tavrını gündeme getirmekte
ve bu tavır üzerinden de melekleri Allah’ın kızları olarak kabul eden
inanışlarını reddetmektedir. Ancak batıl bir itikadı yeren on sekizinci âyet-i
kerîme birçok tefsirde kadınla ilgili erkek egemen kısmen de cinsiyetçi yorumlara
konu olmuştur. İlgili izahlar okunduğunda kadınla ilgili gündeme getirilen olumsuz
hükümler Allah’a aitmiş gibi bir izlenim vermektedir. Bize göre bu yorumlar
müfessirlerin içinde yetiştiği erkek egemen kültürün yansımasıdır. Bu makalede
müfessirlerin ilgili yorumları incelenip değerlendirilmiş ve âyetin daha isabetli
bir zeminde anlaşılması gerektiği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.
The unique goal of
each intellectual who interprets Allah’s book is to reveal the meaning that is
referred to by the wording of the Quran. However, definitions of mufassirs are not at the
same level as a prophet who could receive divine inspiration from Allah at any
moment and communicate with the angel of divine inspiration. Again, as is being
in the prophet, there is no divine mechanism that can correct mufassirs in case of an
error and mistaking. Contrarily, there is an understanding process with his knowledge,
culture, and mentality in his explanation and comments. This circumstance shows
that mufassir, in any case, is
affected by social and cultural conditions around him. Professional trends,
sectarian reflexes, and differences in comments of mufassirs who have worked through on versicles of the Quran are
the epitomes of the human fact in interpretation. In this case, it is
understood that it is not possible to completely elude related historical
conditions for almost all the intellectuals. For us, one of the epitomes of
this fact is seen in the interpretation of the eighteenth versicle of az-Zukhruf,
43/18. We can observe when looking at comments for related versicle that almost
all the comments are under the influence of male-dominant mentality. Related
comments have transformed into an interpretation style that can occasionally be
characterized as sexist. Concerning the general acceptance in interpretations,
Arabs believed that angels are Allah’s daughters. This is impossible; it is out
of line to associate Allah to a creature who is in insolvency and deprivation
for explaining oneself. Owner of sardonic evaluations about women in those
comments is accepted as Allah. Accordingly, also the interpretations of mufassirs are parallel to
this line. Almost all the mufassirs
have made mental efforts about why girls cannot be
attributed to Allah. Unfortunately, that they have inclined to comments which
play down women. Swearing has reached the peak by both identifying this
helpless and worthless creature with the gender of angles and describing them
as Allah’s daughter. Comments have turned into a point of view that
underestimates and humiliates girls by a male-dominant mentality and gained
nature that legitimates idioms such as petticoat.
Again, the general
attitude and opinions of mufassirs
have been effective in preference and translation of
meaning authors. It is seen when we looked at meanings in the context of
related eighteenth versicle that the same situation is repeated except some
Mufassirs can mistake in their comments for several reasons. It
is an obligation to criticize controversial approaches in our resources when we
think that the smallest opportunity is exploited by great rumbles in Anti-Islam
propagandas today. However, sardonic approaches for a woman against man are a
perspective belongs to jahiliyyah. It is not pointed to see such approaches as
if they belong to Allah.
According to us, mufassirs have drifted with
the tide of male-dominant climate in their period. Thus, their comments have
continued on this axis as from Qatâda, mufassir of Tâbiîn period. Male-dominant conditions which mufassirs have grown in
surround their world of thought like a lamp glass. This framework is an
indicator that shows us how the interpretation process intertwines with
humanitarian tendencies. While these comments can be seen in interpretation
texts, the general run of mufassirs
has not talked about the value of women in both the
Quran and the sunna. But there are many examples which show value of women in
both Quran and interpretation heritage. For example, it has never been referred
that related sardonic comments do not accord with versicles which leave behind
each kind of secular degree; ‘’In the sight of Allah, your most valuable is the
person with most taqwa’’ ‘’We have created human in the most perfect way’’.
For us, az-Zukhruf,
43/18 consists of a definition of jahiliyyah mentality. Related versicle was
inspired to vilify jahiliyyah mind that attributes child to Allah by describing
angles as Allah’s daughters; besides, the same versicle was also inspired to
reveal a discrepancy in terms of their mentality. Quran, in many of versicles,
hushes up jahiliyyah mind that buries their daughters alive and feels shame for
having a daughter. They did not harm in associating female gender to Allah
within the dad-daughter tie. Quran reveals the fault of their belief through
flinging in their face. It is possible to evaluate this within the scope of a
purpose such as giving unenlightened food for thought or breaking their
routine. Thereby, it has been provided people who accept angles as Allah’s
daughter and hates daughters as many as possible. Context of versicle is
compatible with versicles of the Quran which attribute value and supremacy to
faith and mention that human has been created most perfectly without noticing
being female and male. Now then it is impossible to approve related negative
interpretations on women. There is also not a hadith that supports related
comment of the versicle.
In this paper,
evaluation of related interpretations which reflect to Turkish meanings was
made besides revealing how associated versicle needs to be understood.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Religious Studies |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 30, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2019 Issue: 13 |
Amasya İlahiyat Dergisi-Amasya Theology Journal Creative Commons Alıntı-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.