The Amisos Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal that is published twice a year (June-December) and includes the texts of the papers presented at all conferences, scientific innovations, original and qualified articles, excavation reports, book introduction and criticism and news.
Articles sent to the journal are sent to 2 referees (blind refereeing), if deemed appropriate, after pre-control. If necessary, it can be sent to the 3rd referee. Incoming articles should not be expected to be published in the first issue after the first submission date of the article, depending on the field density.
Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published before or submitted to another journal for publication.
The similarity report of the articles to be sent to the journal should be obtained by the author and sent with the article. The similarity rate for the publication of the study should not be more than 20%.
Articles submitted for publication must be prepared in accordance with the academic writing rules and in one of Turkish, German, English or Russian languages.
The relevant editor can make the spelling corrections he deems necessary. The summary in a foreign language can be corrected if deemed necessary by the foreign language editor.
The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal bind its authors. All legal responsibility of the articles belongs to their authors. Authors must consider the reports of the editorial board and referees.
No royalty fee is paid for published articles.
The Amisos does not charge any fee from the authors for the article evaluation and publication process.
In scientific studies to be sent to the journal, maximum attention should be paid to compliance with research and publication ethics.
Article Submission Rules
Articles sent to The Amisos Journal, Times New Roman, single line spacing, 12 pt; footnotes should be given at the bottom of the page in 10 font size However, as a requirement of some fields, if a special font is used during writing, these fonts should be sent with the article. The submitted article should not have been published before and should not be submitted to any journal for evaluation.
Ethics Committee Approval
According to the decisions taken by the relevant boards of TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR INDEX among the authors of the articles that are indexed in TR INDEX for 2020 and to be submitted for publication in all journals that are in the evaluation phase;
Research requiring the permission of the Ethics Committee
• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experimentation, interview techniques.
• Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical trials on humans,
• Research on animals,
Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data,
• Stating that "informed consent form" was obtained in case presentations,
• Obtaining and indicating permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to others,
• Stating that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
Click on the links for detailed information.
Page structure:
Text size: 12 points
Footnote size 10 points
Paragraph spacing: 6 pt
Paragraph indent: 1.25 cm
Top margin: 2.5 cm
Bottom margin: 2.5 cm
Right margin: 2.5 cm
Left margin: 2.5 cm
Line spacing: Single
The title should describe the article, reflect the basic concepts, discussions, and main argument of the article and, if possible, should not exceed 12 words. It should be in Times New Roman font with 12 pt, capital letters and centered, on the articles and abstracts, there should only be the title of the article and not the name of the author. In papers that were delivered but not published at a meeting, the name, date and place of the meeting should be specified.
Authors should provide their information not in the article but in the journal system, their names, full and open institution addresses, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses and ORCID IDs. This information will not be sent to the referees.
The abstract should be prepared in Times New Roman font with 10 font size, not less than 150 words and not more than 250 words.
Keywords: Word 1, Word 2, Word 3, Word 4, Word 5 (There should be at least 5 concepts.)
The rules given above must also be followed for the English abstract, which is mandatory for every article to be published in our journal.
Keywords: Word 1, Word 2, Word 3, Word 4, Word 5. (There must be at least 5 concepts.)
Main text
It should be written in Times New Roman font with 12 pt and single line spacing, and the paragraph indent should be 1.25 cm and first 0 pt, then 6 nk paragraph spacing. The parts that need to be emphasized in the text should be written in italics.
The article should use Times New Roman font and 12 pt. However, as a requirement of some fields, if a special font is used at the time of writing, these fonts should be uploaded to the system with the article.
The abbreviations to be used in the articles should be based on the TDK Spelling Guide.
Pictures, Drawings, Graphics:
Photographs, computer software visualizations, etc. As drawing, technical drawings drawn either by hand or in software should be named as drawing. Other visuals should be evaluated with an appropriate naming (eg map, figure, graphic). Pictures, drawings, maps, figures and graphics should be numbered consecutively. These should be referred to in the text as (Fig. 1), (Fig. 1), (Graph 1). An appropriate short description should be used for each visual and the description should be written under the image with its number; In addition, if the visual is taken from another source, the source information should also be included. The resolution of the visual material should be at least 300 pixels / inch, the long edge should be at least 15 cm, and in the case of a full-page photo or drawing, it should be at least 22 cm.
Table titles should be above-in the middle of the table, under the headings of other figures, maps, etc. in the middle.
Tables should also be numbered consecutively. Tables should be referred to in the text as numbers (Tab. 1). An appropriate title should be used for each table and this title should be written under the table with its number. Example: Table 1: Distribution of pottery by center. If the table is taken from another source, it should be specified in the lower left corner of the table. Example: Source: Act No 2863 of 1983.
* Articles arranged according to these formal features do not have a page limitation, but should not exceed 30 pages.
Citations to Other Works Below the Page in Footnote (Times New Roman, 10 font size)
• It should be made in the form of "Author 1999, 113" using the surname of the author, year and page.
• For works with two authors, the surnames of the two authors should be used as "Author-Author 2000, 120".
• Works with more authors should be named "Author et al." By giving only the first author's surname. and again similarly by writing the year and page number.
• The cited works should be listed alphabetically in the Bibliography section, according to the surname of the first author.
• For works whose first author is the same, the surnames of the second and subsequent authors should be used respectively to determine the order.
• Articles with the same authors should be listed according to their year from old to new.
• The works with the same authors and years should be distinguished from each other as "1999a" and "1999b" using the lower case letters added to the end of the year.
• Works with three or more authors with the same first author and year should be separated in the same way.
• The entire text, including subheadings, excluding the endnote, is written continuously.
• Footnotes in the text are given by numbering on the relevant page; it is not put at the end of the text.
Bibliography (Times New Roman, 12 pt.):
• The bibliography should include the surnames of all authors and the first letters of their other names. References should be written according to the examples below.
• If there are many references of the same author in the bibliography, the references are written in order from the old to the new date. The sources with the same date are listed by letter. For example: 2000a, 2000b.
Dinçol, A.–Dinçol B. 1992, “Die Urartaeische Inschrift aus Hanak (Kars)”, H. Otten – E. Akurgal–H. Ertem–A. Süel (eds.), Hittite and other Anatolian and Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Sedat Alp, Ankara, 109-117.
Eker, F., “Antikçağın Süsü: Kahramanmaraş Müzesi’ndeki Kaburgalı ve Burma Cam Bilezikler”, TÜBA-AR, 25, 163-171.
Karaosmanoğlu, M. 2010, “Yeni Bulgular Işığında Altıntepe Urartu Tapınağı”, XV. Türk Tarih Kongresi, I, Ankara, 209-220.
Öniz, H. 2008, Arkeolojik Sualtı Araştırmacılığına Giriş İçin Eğitim Metodolojisi, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Arkeoloji Anabilim Dalı, (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Konya.
Yakar, J. 2003 “Identifying Migrations in the Archaeological Records of Anatolia”, B. Fischer–H. Genz–E. Jean–K. Köroğlu (eds.), Identifying Changes: The Transition from Bronze to Iron Ages in Anatolia and its Neighbouring Regions, Procceding of the International Workshop Istanbul, Nowember 8-9, 2002, İstanbul, 11-19.
Yiğitpaşa, D. 2016, Doğu Anadolu Geç Demir Çağı Kültürü, Ankara.
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