Professor in the field of Mathematics Education at Polytechnic of Guarda (IPG);
Post-Doc in Problem-solving Skills at Kindergarten (Institute of Education, Faculty of Education, Sakarya University, Turkey);
PhD in Science and Technology - specialization in Didactical Mathematics (UTAD University, Vila-Real);
Master's degree in Mathematics Education ( UBI University - Covilhã);
Degree in Mathematics Education (Faculty of Education, Coimbra University);
Coordinator of Center for Studies in Education and Innovation (CI&DEI - Guarda Section - from December 2018;
Dean of HEI - School of Education, Communication and Sport, Polytechnic of Guarda, from 12/01/2015 until 14/01/2019;
Member of the Executive Commission of CEI - (Centro de Estudos Ibéricos - from 12/01/2015 until 14/01/2019;
Member of the board of UDI (Research Unit for Inland Development - from 02/2012 until 12/2014;
Develops research in mathematics education, ICT, multicultural education, pre-school and primary school education, and inclusion and innovation.
Has several scientific publications and designed activities with different HEI from Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Ireland, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Albania, Uzbekistan, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru among others
He is an evaluator for ERASMUS+ Portuguese Agency and European COST projects.