Musa Kadıoğlu was born in 1971 in Bafra. In 1989 he started his undergraduate studies in the Department of Classical Archaeology of the Faculty of Letters at the Ankara University from where he graduated in 1994. He gained his master's degree from the same department in 1997. In 2002 he completed his Ph.D. entitled “The Scaenae frons of the theatre of Nysa on the Maeander” under the supervision Prof. Dr. V. M. Strocka at the Institute of Archaeology of the Albert-Ludwig University at Freiburg with scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the State of Baden-Württenberg (Landesgraduiertenförderung). His thesis was elected for the Günter Wöhrle Achievement Award in 2002 by a state foundation called “Humanismus Heute”. The book derived from the thesis (published in 2006 as Die Scaenae Frons des Theaters von Nysa am Mäander, Forschungen in Nysa am Mäander I) received the 2007 Encouragement Award of Turkey Academy of Sciences (TUBA). In 1995 he started his academic career as a research assistant at the department of Classical Archaeology at the Faculty of Letters of the Ankara Universityand since 2006 he is working as an Associate Professor at the same department. Since 1990 he has been a member of the excavation teams of Stratonikeia, Magnesia on the Maeander and Nysa on the Maeander. Since 2010 he directs the research and restoration works in the ancient city of Teos in Ionia (Seferihisar/Izmir).
Graduated at the Sapienza University of Rome (1998) in Prehistory of the Near East, she took one year of graduate studies at the University of Michigan, USA (1999). PhD at the University of Rome La Sapienza. Aggregate professor since 2008 at the same university and associate professor since 2020. Alexander von Humboldt fellow in 2016-18. Habilitation as Full Professor in Prehistory and in Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, in 2020.
She Teaches prehistory of the Near East for the BA, Ma and graduate school. She is member of the Doctoral School in Archaeology and Associate Editor of the Journal “Origini”.
Field research activities: yearly, since 1993, in Europe, Central America and the Near East. Director of excavations and research at the site of Arslantepe, Turkey. She is part of the working group for the construction of a site management plan for Arslantepe and is involved in community programs for the enhancement of the knowledge on the site of Arslantepe.
Research Interests: Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in the Near East, domestication, development of complex societies, specialization of craft production, commensality as an instrument of social cohesion and/or social success, and as expression of socio-cultural identity.
Timothy Harrison is a renowned academic leader and scholar with decades of research experience in the Middle East. His research focuses on the rise of early social complexity in the ancient Near East, specifically the complex societies of the Bronze and Iron Ages of the Levant. He has more than 35 years of experience conducting field research, primarily in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and Iraq. Harrison has directed excavations at Tall Madaba in Jordan and has led the Tayinat Archaeological Project in southeastern Turkey since 2000. Recently, he led a team participating in the post-conflict documentation, preservation, and restoration of the cultural heritage of Iraq, primarily focused on Mosul (Nineveh).
His work has been published in PLOS One, American Journal of Archaeology, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Scripta Mediterranea, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, Archaeology Odyssey, and Journal of Near Eastern Studies, among others. He has also contributed or co-authored chapters to more than two dozen scholarly books.
Harrison completed a BA with honors at Wheaton College and earned an MA and PhD in Near Eastern languages and civilizations from the University of Chicago. He was most recently a professor of Near Eastern archaeology at the University of Toronto.
Musa Kadıoğlu was born in 1971 in Bafra. In 1989 he started his undergraduate studies in the Department of Classical Archaeology of the Faculty of Letters at the Ankara University from where he graduated in 1994. He gained his master's degree from the same department in 1997. In 2002 he completed his Ph.D. entitled “The Scaenae frons of the theatre of Nysa on the Maeander” under the supervision Prof. Dr. V. M. Strocka at the Institute of Archaeology of the Albert-Ludwig University at Freiburg with scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the State of Baden-Württenberg (Landesgraduiertenförderung). His thesis was elected for the Günter Wöhrle Achievement Award in 2002 by a state foundation called “Humanismus Heute”. The book derived from the thesis (published in 2006 as Die Scaenae Frons des Theaters von Nysa am Mäander, Forschungen in Nysa am Mäander I) received the 2007 Encouragement Award of Turkey Academy of Sciences (TUBA). In 1995 he started his academic career as a research assistant at the department of Classical Archaeology at the Faculty of Letters of the Ankara Universityand since 2006 he is working as an Associate Professor at the same department. Since 1990 he has been a member of the excavation teams of Stratonikeia, Magnesia on the Maeander and Nysa on the Maeander. Since 2010 he directs the research and restoration works in the ancient city of Teos in Ionia (Seferihisar/Izmir).
She completed her archaeological education at Ankara University in 2004. Her doctoral thesis is on the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic lithic assemblages of Karain B Cave (Antalya-Türkiye) and she graduated in 2013. Since 2006, she has been working at Ankara University, where she became an associate professor in 2021. Dr. Kartal is an expert in analysing Palaeolithic and Neolithic chipped stone assemblages. Dr Kartal has been involved in a number of excavations and surveys in Türkiye. She has been conducting a surveys on Prehistoric Archaeology in Ankara (Türkiye) since 2022.
Prof. Dr. Serdar Hakan ÖZTANER – Classical Archaeologist
Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History - Geography, Department of Archaeology, Faculty Member
Born in Ankara in 1974, Prof. Dr. Serdar Hakan Öztaner completed his secondary education at Ankara Tevfik Fikret High School. In 1992, he began his undergraduate studies in the Department of Classical Archaeology at Ankara University's Faculty of Language and History - Geography, graduating in 1996. He earned his master’s degree in Archaeology in 1999 at Ankara University with a thesis titled "The Nymphaeum at Alexandria Troas", supervised by Prof. Dr. Coşkun Özgünel. In 2006, he received the title of “Doctor of Philosophy” with his doctoral dissertation, "The Civil Basilica at Magnesia ad Maeandrum", supervised by Prof. Dr. Orhan Bingöl, at the same university.
In 1998, Prof. Öztaner was appointed as a research assistant in the Department of Classical Archaeology at Ankara University. He was subsequently promoted to Assistant Professor in 2010, Associate Professor in 2014, and Professor in 2023. Currently, Prof. Öztaner serves as a Professor in the Department of Archaeology at Ankara University. Over the course of his career, he has received various scholarships both nationally and internationally and has conducted academic research in France, Germany, Greece, and Romania. Specializing in Roman Architecture, he has authored more than forty publications and presented numerous papers at national and international conferences and symposiums. He is also a editor and contributor to the books "NYSA: Çift Yakalı Kent" and "A Dipolis on the Meander: NYSA", published by İş Bankası Cultural Publications in 2022.
From 2017 to 2020, Prof. Öztaner served as the Chair of the Social Environmental Sciences Department at Ankara University. Since 2018, he has been a member archaeologist of the Bursa and Van Regional Boards for the Protection of Cultural Heritage under the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Between 1993 and 2012, he participated in various excavation and research projects as a team member. These included sites in Turkiye such as Smintheion, Alexandria Troas, Klaros, Magnesia, Nysa, Zeugma, Kaunos, Letoon, Miletos, Keramos and Teos, as well as international projects such as Capidava in Romania and Salamis in Cyprus.
Since 2012, Prof. Öztaner has been directing excavation, research, and restoration efforts at the ancient city of NYSA in Aydın-Sultanhisar. From 2012 to 2016, he served as a scientific consultant for the project. Since 2016, he has been leading the excavations as the director, representing both Ankara University and the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Born on 16th July 1967, he graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Department of Archaeology and History of Art in 1989. In 1990, he was appointed as a research assistant in the same department, and in 1993 he completed his master's degree. In 1999, he completed his doctorate at Ankara University. In 2003, he was promoted to the position of Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor in 2010, and to Professor in 2015. He is currently working as a Professor at Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Department of Archaeology.
Adnan Baysal currently works at the Department of Archaeology, Prehistory, Ankara University. Adnan conducts research in Prehistoric Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology. His most recent publication is the edited volume of "Lithic Studies: Anatolia and Beyond" (2022) and in addition leading the Canhasan Sites excavations.
Kadriye Özçelik, born on November 20, 1970, in Ankara, completed her primary, secondary, and high school education in the same city. She graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Languages, History, and Geography, Department of Prehistory, in 1991 and started working as a Research Assistant in the same department in 1992. She earned her Ph.D. title in 2001, her Associate Professor title in 2012, and was appointed as a Professor in 2018.
She teaches undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral courses in the Faculty of Languages, History, and Geography, Department of Prehistoric Archaeology, and also serves as a thesis advisor. Between 2014 and 2024, she directed the "Prehistoric Period Surface Survey in Denizli Province" project. She has participated in many excavation and survey projects as a team member. She has been leading the excavations at Karain Cave since 2024.
Born on 16th July 1967, he graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Department of Archaeology and History of Art in 1989. In 1990, he was appointed as a research assistant in the same department, and in 1993 he completed his master's degree. In 1999, he completed his doctorate at Ankara University. In 2003, he was promoted to the position of Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor in 2010, and to Professor in 2015. He is currently working as a Professor at Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Department of Archaeology.
He was born in Ankara in 1959. B.Sc. : 1984, Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Department of Archaeology, Sub-department of Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology 1980-1984. Master's Degree: 1986, Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Department of Archaeology, Sub-department of Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology. Dissertation: "Jewelry in Central Anatolia in the Second Half of the Second Millennium BC". Ph.D.: 1993, Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Department of Archaeology, Sub-department of Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology. Thesis Topic: " Metal Vessels in Central Anatolia in II Millennium B.C.". Academic Titles: In same Sub-department: Research Assistant: 1987, Assistant Professor: 1993, Associate Professor: 2001, Professor: 2014. Excavations and researches in which he participated: Niğde Pınarbaşı Höyük Excavation 1982; Niğde Köşk Höyük Excavation, 1983; Kayseri Kültepe Excavation 1984-2004; Tokat Maşathöyük Excavation 1984; Kayseri Karakuyu Hittite Dam Excavation, 1988-89. Excavations and Researches: (with Tayfun Yıldırım) Çankırı Çorum Provinces Survey 1996-2012; (with Tayfun Yıldırım) Çorum Hüseyindede Excavation 1997-2003; (İ.Tunç Sipahi) Çorum Fatmaören Excavation; (İ.Tunç Sipahi) Çorum Boyalı Höyük Excavation; (İ.Tunç Sipahi) Çorum, Alaca, Eskiyapar Excavation since 2010. Throughout his academic life, he has publications in the field of Hittite Archaeology and Near Eastern Archaeology and his studies continue. He has publications on subjects such as Law in Near Eastern Archaeology of Food and interdisciplinary issues. Within the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, he served as a member of the Adana, Eskişehir, Samsun and Istanbul “Regional Council for the Conservation of Cultural Property” and as the Chairman of the Board. He has participated and participates in scientific meetings and studies related to his field. Within the Ministry of Justice, he also carries out expert duties in Turkish courts.
VASIF ŞAHOĞLU is Professor at the Department of Archaeology, Program for Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology at Ankara University. He is also the current director of Ankara University Mustafa V. Koç Research Center for Maritime Archaeology (ANKÜSAM). His research focuses on the prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology of Anatolia and the Aegean. He conducted excavations at the Bronze Age site of Çeşme - Bağlararası and is currently the director of land and underwater excavations at Liman Tepe in İzmir. Following the passing of Prof. Dr. Hayat Erkanal, he is now also coordinating the Izmir Region Excavations and Research Project (IRERP). He has been publishing on Bronze Age economies, maritime archaeology, Human responses to Natural disasters, long distance travel, contacts and trade issues, burial habits and pottery studies around the Aegean and Anatolia.
Born in Istanbul, 14.10.1969,
Undergraduate: 1986-1990: Classical Archaeology at the University of Istanbul.
MA: 1990-1993 Classical Archaeology at the University of İstanbul, subject: „Ainos Pişmiş Toprak Heykelcikleri. Oturan Kolsuz Aphroditeler ve Adak Grubu Eserleri“ (Terracottas from Ainos. Seated armless Aphrodites and Votive Figurines)
PhD: 2001: Archaeology at the University of Leuven in Belgium, Subject: “Die Nekropolen und Grabdenkmäler von Sagalassos in Pisidien in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit” (Necropoleis and Burial Customs at Sagalassos in Pisidia in Hellenistic and Roman Times), promoter: Prof. Dr. Marc Waelkens, co-promoter: Prof. Dr. H. von Hesberg (University of Cologne), with Suma Cum Laude.
- (1990 to 1995) Part-time student work in the library of German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul.
- (01-06-2002 to 31-05-2004) Postdoctoral research Project of DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - German Research Foundation), in the research program „Formen und Wege der Akkulturation im östlichen Mittelmeerraum und Schwarzmeergebiet in der Antike“, the subject: Kultureller Wandel in den Städten West- und Süd-Pisidiens/Türkei in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit.
- (01.08.2004 to 31.01.2005) Part-time Post-doctoral researcher for the Pisidia Survey Project in Pednelissos, at the University of Cologne (Germany).
- ( February 2007) Permanent post as Lecturer at Hacettepe University in Ankara.
- (2008-2018) Permanent post as Senior Lecturer at Hacettepe University in Ankara.
- (Since 2018) Permanent post as Prof. Dr. at Ankara University in Ankara.
Turkish (Mother tongue), English and German (Fluent), Dutch und Spanish (Basic)
Prof. Dr. Zeynep Çizmeli Öğün graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of Classical Archaeology in 1991 and completed her Master's and PhD studies in numismatics at Lille 3 University in France with a scholarship from the French Government. At the same time, Z. Çizmeli Öğün attended the seminars of Georges Le Rider, Olivier Picard and Michel Amandry at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes of Paris - IV Sorbonne University and has been a faculty member at the Department of Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Language and History Geography, Ankara University since 2001. Between 2021 and 2024 Çizmeli Öğün assumed the position of Head of the Department of Archaeology at the same faculty and is currently focusing on Anatolian Numismatics and excavation coins.
Translated with (free version)
Born in Istanbul, 14.10.1969,
Undergraduate: 1986-1990: Classical Archaeology at the University of Istanbul.
MA: 1990-1993 Classical Archaeology at the University of İstanbul, subject: „Ainos Pişmiş Toprak Heykelcikleri. Oturan Kolsuz Aphroditeler ve Adak Grubu Eserleri“ (Terracottas from Ainos. Seated armless Aphrodites and Votive Figurines)
PhD: 2001: Archaeology at the University of Leuven in Belgium, Subject: “Die Nekropolen und Grabdenkmäler von Sagalassos in Pisidien in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit” (Necropoleis and Burial Customs at Sagalassos in Pisidia in Hellenistic and Roman Times), promoter: Prof. Dr. Marc Waelkens, co-promoter: Prof. Dr. H. von Hesberg (University of Cologne), with Suma Cum Laude.
- (1990 to 1995) Part-time student work in the library of German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul.
- (01-06-2002 to 31-05-2004) Postdoctoral research Project of DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - German Research Foundation), in the research program „Formen und Wege der Akkulturation im östlichen Mittelmeerraum und Schwarzmeergebiet in der Antike“, the subject: Kultureller Wandel in den Städten West- und Süd-Pisidiens/Türkei in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit.
- (01.08.2004 to 31.01.2005) Part-time Post-doctoral researcher for the Pisidia Survey Project in Pednelissos, at the University of Cologne (Germany).
- ( February 2007) Permanent post as Lecturer at Hacettepe University in Ankara.
- (2008-2018) Permanent post as Senior Lecturer at Hacettepe University in Ankara.
- (Since 2018) Permanent post as Prof. Dr. at Ankara University in Ankara.
Turkish (Mother tongue), English and German (Fluent), Dutch und Spanish (Basic)
Prof. Dr. Serdar Hakan ÖZTANER – Classical Archaeologist
Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History - Geography, Department of Archaeology, Faculty Member
Born in Ankara in 1974, Prof. Dr. Serdar Hakan Öztaner completed his secondary education at Ankara Tevfik Fikret High School. In 1992, he began his undergraduate studies in the Department of Classical Archaeology at Ankara University's Faculty of Language and History - Geography, graduating in 1996. He earned his master’s degree in Archaeology in 1999 at Ankara University with a thesis titled "The Nymphaeum at Alexandria Troas", supervised by Prof. Dr. Coşkun Özgünel. In 2006, he received the title of “Doctor of Philosophy” with his doctoral dissertation, "The Civil Basilica at Magnesia ad Maeandrum", supervised by Prof. Dr. Orhan Bingöl, at the same university.
In 1998, Prof. Öztaner was appointed as a research assistant in the Department of Classical Archaeology at Ankara University. He was subsequently promoted to Assistant Professor in 2010, Associate Professor in 2014, and Professor in 2023. Currently, Prof. Öztaner serves as a Professor in the Department of Archaeology at Ankara University. Over the course of his career, he has received various scholarships both nationally and internationally and has conducted academic research in France, Germany, Greece, and Romania. Specializing in Roman Architecture, he has authored more than forty publications and presented numerous papers at national and international conferences and symposiums. He is also a editor and contributor to the books "NYSA: Çift Yakalı Kent" and "A Dipolis on the Meander: NYSA", published by İş Bankası Cultural Publications in 2022.
From 2017 to 2020, Prof. Öztaner served as the Chair of the Social Environmental Sciences Department at Ankara University. Since 2018, he has been a member archaeologist of the Bursa and Van Regional Boards for the Protection of Cultural Heritage under the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Between 1993 and 2012, he participated in various excavation and research projects as a team member. These included sites in Turkiye such as Smintheion, Alexandria Troas, Klaros, Magnesia, Nysa, Zeugma, Kaunos, Letoon, Miletos, Keramos and Teos, as well as international projects such as Capidava in Romania and Salamis in Cyprus.
Since 2012, Prof. Öztaner has been directing excavation, research, and restoration efforts at the ancient city of NYSA in Aydın-Sultanhisar. From 2012 to 2016, he served as a scientific consultant for the project. Since 2016, he has been leading the excavations as the director, representing both Ankara University and the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
H. Levent Keskin completed his undergraduate education in 2000 at Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology. After receiving his MA degree in 2003 at Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology, he completed his PhD in the same department under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hayat Erkanal in 2009. Keskin, who started working as a Research Assistant at Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology in 2002, was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor in 2013 and received the title of Associate Professor in 2020. He currently serves as a faculty member in the same department. Starting as an undergraduate student he has taken part in numerous excavations and research, especially in Western and Central Anatolia. His studies focus on Anatolian Archaeology in the Bronze Ages, History of Archaeology, and Archaeometallurgy. Since 2024, he has been the director of the survey project titled “Kütahya-Manisa Archaeometallurgical Survey”.
Prof. Dr. Zeynep Çizmeli Öğün graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of Classical Archaeology in 1991 and completed her Master's and PhD studies in numismatics at Lille 3 University in France with a scholarship from the French Government. At the same time, Z. Çizmeli Öğün attended the seminars of Georges Le Rider, Olivier Picard and Michel Amandry at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes of Paris - IV Sorbonne University and has been a faculty member at the Department of Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Language and History Geography, Ankara University since 2001. Between 2021 and 2024 Çizmeli Öğün assumed the position of Head of the Department of Archaeology at the same faculty and is currently focusing on Anatolian Numismatics and excavation coins.
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She completed her archaeological education at Ankara University in 2004. Her doctoral thesis is on the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic lithic assemblages of Karain B Cave (Antalya-Türkiye) and she graduated in 2013. Since 2006, she has been working at Ankara University, where she became an associate professor in 2021. Dr. Kartal is an expert in analysing Palaeolithic and Neolithic chipped stone assemblages. Dr Kartal has been involved in a number of excavations and surveys in Türkiye. She has been conducting a surveys on Prehistoric Archaeology in Ankara (Türkiye) since 2022.
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