General Information
The Anatolian Journal of Health Research publishes original articles, reviews, case reports and letters to the Editor in various branches of the field of health. The journal is published in the electronic environment 3 times a year, every 4 months. The languages of publication of the journal are Turkish and English.
The Anatolian Journal of Health Research accepts articles that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The final version of multi-author articles that are sent for examination has to be approved by all authors.
Before sending a manuscript to the journal, the Copyright Agreement Form on the website of the journal needs to be filled out by handwriting, signed by all authors, scanned and uploaded onto the system. The Ethics Board Documents of the research articles sent for publication in the journal have to be uploaded onto the system, and the “Methods” section of the article has to include the ethics board decision number.
The liability of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors. Quotations may be made from published articles in the case that citation is provided.
Manuscripts must be prepared in the Microsoft Word software with the Times New Roman font at a font size of 12, line spacing of 1.5 and 2.5-cm margins from all edges. The title of the manuscript and all sub-titles have to be Times New Roman, font size 12, bold and only the first letter capitalized (sentence case). Abbreviations must not be used in the title. All pages have to be numbered.
Manuscripts must be uploaded onto the system as two separate files including 1) Title page, 2) Main text of the manuscript.
Title Page
A title page separate from the manuscript has to be prepared and uploaded onto the system as a separate file. The title page has to include 1) The title in Turkish and in English (in English and in Turkish for manuscripts in English), 2) Full names and surnames of all authors, 3) Titles, institutions, e-mail addresses and ORC-IDs of all authors, 4) Name and surname of the corresponding author, their communication information, 5) “Conflict of Interest”, “Acknowledgements”, “Sources of Funding”, “Ethics Committee Approval”, “Informed Consent”, and “Author Contributions” 6) Conference name, time and location if the study has been previously presented at a conference. In manuscripts in English, all information except for the title in Turkish must be given in English.
Manuscript Main Text
The main text of the manuscript has to be uploaded onto the system in a blinded form (not including information on the authors).
Research articles: Articles in Turkish consist of the sections of 1) Title in Turkish, 2) Abstract in Turkish, keywords, 3) Title in English, 4) Abstract in English, keywords, 5) Introduction, 6) Methods, 7) Results, 8) Discussion, 9) Conclusion and Recommendations, 10) References.
Articles in English consist of the sections of 1) Title in English, 2) Abstract, keywords, 3) Title in Turkish, 4) Abstract in Turkish, keywords, 5) Introduction, 6) Methods, 7) Results, 8) Discussion, 9) Conclusion, 10) References.
The introduction section must briefly mention basic information and reasons on which the article is based, and the objective must be included in the last paragraph of the section in a clear language.
The Methods section must include details such as information on the type and sample of the study, data collection, intervention if any, statistical analysis and research ethics. This section must be written with enough clarity that would allow someone not included in the study to understand it.
Results have to summarize the findings of the study, and the main findings should be supported with tables and figures if necessary.
In the Discussion section, the findings of the study must be discussed in the context of the results of national and international studies, and the section must include not a general review but a discussion on genuine findings.
The limitations of the study must definitely be given before the section of Conclusion and Recommendations.
Abbreviations must be given in parentheses at the point where the word is mentioned first, and that abbreviation must be used throughout the text. For internationally used abbreviations, authors may refer to the source “Scientific style and format: the CBE manual for authors, editors, and publishers.” Anatomical terms must be used as they are spelled in Latin. The generic or chemical names of drugs must be used.
Review articles: These must include titles on the topic and references.
Letters to Editor: It is recommended to not include more than 5 sources in letters to Editor.
Abstracts and Keywords:
Abstracts must consist of at most 250 words. The Abstract section must be organized under the titles of 1) Aim, 2) Methods, 3) Results, 4) Conclusion. References must not be included in the Abstract section. At the end of abstracts, at least 3 and at most 5 keywords from each of the two languages must be included. The keywords must be separated by semicolons (;), each keyword must be in lowercase, and they must be listed alphabetically. Turkish abstract at the end of the keywords “Turkey Science Terms”in; key words at the end of the English abstract should be included in “Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)”.
Figures, Pictures, Tables and Graphs:
Tables, pictures, tables and graphs must be given where they should be in the final text.
There must be no vertical lines in the tables, and they should be created using the Tables menu in Word. The number of tables must not exceed 5. The contents of the table must have the Times New Roman font, but the font size may be smaller than 12, and the line spacing may be smaller than 1.5, as long as the contents are readable. Decimals must be separated by periods, not commas (e.g. 86.60).
Abbreviations that are used must be described in the explanation below the table, figure, picture or graph. If a figure, picture, table or graph that has been previously published anywhere is used, written permission must be received, and this permission must be indicated in the explanation below the table, figure, picture or graph.
Table headings must be over the table, and figure and graph headings must be below the figure or graph, and all must be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with only the first letter capitalized.
The total number of references must not exceed 40.
The 6th Edition of the APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) was used for reference, and the 7th Edition of APA was used as of September 2022.
APA 7th Edition can be accessed from the link below:
The references cited in the text in this method are as follows:
- For a single-author in-text reference, the surname of the author and year of publication are given.
Parenthetical citations: (Ashley, 2016)
Narrative citations: Ashley (2016)
- For a two-author in-text reference, the surnames of the authors and year of publication are given.
Parenthetical citations: (Özcan & Kızılkaya Beji, 2015)
Narrative citations: Özcan and Kızılkaya Beji (2015)
- If there are three or more authors, only the surname of the first author and year of publication are given everywhere in the text including the first instance.
Parenthetical citations: (Rebar et al., 2015)
Narrative citations: Rebar et al. (2015)
At the end of the text, the references must be included as a separate list by using the APA 7 style. The references are listed alphabetically based on author surnames. If any, the DOI numbers of articles must be included. Examples for references:
Single-author manuscript in the journal:
Ashley, E. A. (2016). Towards precision medicine. Nature Reviews Genetics, 17(9), 507. Doi: 10.1038/nrg.2016.86
Multi-author manuscript in the journal:
Bakken, L., Brown, N., & Downing, B. (2017). Early childhood education: The long-term benefits. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 31(2), 255-69. Doi: 10.1080/02568543.2016.1273285
Özcebe, H., Ulukol, B., Mollahaliloğlu, S., Yardım, N., & Karaman, F. (2008). School health book in health care. Ankara: Yücel Ofset.
Chapter in an Edited Book:
Şimşek, H., & Öksüzoğlu, G. (1999). Akut Pankreatit. A. Kadayıfçı, Y. Karaaslan ve E. Köroğlu (Ed.). Diagnosis and treatment in emergencies (s. 116-126). Ankara: Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
Book with Editor:
Inness, S. A. (Ed.). (1998). Delinquents and debutantes: Twentieth-century American girls’ cultures. New York: New York University Press.
Translated Book:
Laplace, P. S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities. (F. W. Truscott and F. L. Emory, Çev.). New York, NY: Dover.
In the source from the electronic address:
Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu. (1948). İnsan hakları evrensel bildirgesi. adresinden erişildi. Erişim tarihi: 08.04.2020.
Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perceptions and practices of elementary school leaders [Doctoral dissertation]. University of Virginia.
Writing Instructions for Articles
Accurate and complete writing of articles allows the reader to completely assess, replicate and utilize the research. Authors are recommended to comply with the reporting standards given below.
The CONSORT checklist for randomized studies:
The STROBE checklist for observational studies (cohort, case control or cross-sectional designs):
The PRISMA checklist for systematic reviews and meta-analyses:
One may look at the address for other types of studies.
Ethical responsibility: The principles of the Declaration of Helsinki must be complied with in all studies involving humans. In such studies, authors must state that they have conducted their study in compliance with these principles in the Methods section of the article.
1-Articles sent to the journal must have been written in compliance with the style and format of the journal.
2- Plagiarism report of the article must be uploaded to the system by the corresponding author at the time of uploading the article to the journal. Those with a plagiarism ratio of higher than 20% are sent back to the author.
3- For studies requiring ethics board approval, the “Ethics Board Approval Document” must be uploaded onto the system and stated in the article in the “Methods” section.
4- “The Publication Rights Transfer Form” must be uploaded onto the system by all authors. After the article has been sent to the journal for publication, no author may be removed from the author list without the written approval of all authors, and likewise, no name may be added as an author, or the order of authors may not be changed.
For each manuscript to be examined for publication, at least two blind referees are assigned. Manuscripts are evaluated by considering their significance, originality and scientific validity. Manuscripts that pass this evaluation are reevaluated by the Publication Board. The journal has the authority to make corrections in manuscripts, request changes in their format and make shortenings within the knowledge of the authors. The relevant manuscript will not be included in the publication program until the revisions requested from the authors have been made. Manuscripts that are sent are put into an order to be published with the approval of the Publication Board. Manuscripts that have not been accepted for publication and their attachments (photographs, tables, figures, etc.) are not sent back to the author(s).
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