Before submitting a manuscript, authors are strongly advised to review the journal’s policies to ensure compliance with its guidelines.
Guidelines for Specific Study Types
Authors must prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the relevant reporting guideline:
To identify the most suitable guideline for your research, complete the Equator Network questionnaire. The journal also encourages authors to follow the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines to promote inclusivity in research.
Title Page
A separate title page should include:
Abstract & Keywords
Keywords: 3–6 terms from the MeSH database.
Main Points: All submissions (except letters to the editor) should include 3–5 key points, summarizing the study’s significance in a clear, straightforward manner.
Original Articles
Structured with Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections. In the “Materials and Methods” section, the name of the institution and the ethics committee approval number for animal experiments and clinical studies. The herbarium address and number for herbal materials, and the name and surname of the person who made the diagnosis should be given. The gene database registration number of the living species (e.g. microorganism species) used as main material should be written.
Clinical Trials
Must be registered in a WHO-recognized registry (e.g.,
A data-sharing plan must be included (see "Data Sharing" section).
Follow the ICMJE Clinical Trial Policy and COPE Data & Reproducibility Guidelines.
Statistical Reporting
Follow international statistical standards (Altman et al., Br Med J 1983;7:1489-93).
Report p-values, confidence intervals (CIs), and statistical measures with proper formatting (e.g., P < .001 instead of P = .000006).
Use SI units for measurements.
Review Articles
Case Reports
Letters to the Editor
A "Letter to the Editor" is a type of manuscript that addresses important or overlooked aspects of a previously published article. It may also present articles on subjects within the scope of the journal that are of interest to readers, particularly educational cases. Additionally, readers can use the "Letter to the Editor" format to share their comments on published manuscripts.
The text of a "Letter to the Editor" should be unstructured and must not include an abstract, keywords, tables, figures, images, or other media. The manuscript being commented on must be properly cited within the "Letter to the Editor."
Short Communications
Figures & Legends
Example: Discovery St PET/CT scanner (General Electric, Milwaukee, WI, USA).
Supplementary Materials
References should be given at the end of the text in the order of their appearance in the text. Reference numbers are given at the end of the sentence using square brackets [1], [3], [5], etc. should be shown in numbers. The EndNote style available on our website can be used for the bibliography.
Examples for Writing References
For research articles:
[1] Tekdemir O, Özsoy Y. Veteriner alanda kullanılan modifiye salımlı dozaj şekilleri. Türk Farmakope Dergisi, 2020; 5(2): 25-36.
For articles with more than four authors, the names of the first four authors are indicated, followed by "et al." statement should be added.
For book chapters:
[2] Şenel S, Vural İ. Farmasötik Su. In: Zırh Gürsoy A (ed). Farmasötik Teknoloji. 2inci baskı. 2012, İstanbul: Aktif Matbaa ve Reklam Hizmetleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti, 137-146. [ISBN 975- 97725-1-5].
For proceedings:
[3] Gecim M, Beceren A, Aydemir S, Sardas S. Evaluation of incision wound healing activity of Scorzonera veratrifolia in Wistar albino rats. 53rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX), 10-13 September 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia. Abs. Book, 280.
For thesis:
[4] Özdemirhan ME. Agomelatinin sıvı kromatografi yöntemi kullanılarak tabletlerden analizi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir, 2013.
For URL:
[5] Webber S. (2008, 10 Ekim). Information literacy in workplace contexts. reached http://information-literacy.blogspot. com/22 October 2008.
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