The articles that are published in the journal cannot be published or presented anywhere else unless permission is granted from the editorial board. The articles that are published either partially or completely cannot be used anywhere else unless reference is given. The articles that are sent to the journal has to be authentic, not previously published or sent to be published. The authors of the articles have to have a consensus regarding the order of the authors' names in the article.
If you download the “sample article” that was prepared according to spelling rules and format of the Journal of anemon from our website through the link for authors to help you prepare the article, this will save your time and facilitate the preparation process. You can also prepare your article by saving this sample as a template on the Microsoft Word program.
1) Anemon Muş Alparslan University Journal of Social Sciences is an international journal published regularly three times a year as April, August and December issues since 2022. The aim of the journal is to contribute to the publication of qualified academic studies in the field of social sciences.
2) Articles published in the journal cannot be published anywhere else or presented as a paper without the permission of the editorial office. Partially or fully published articles cannot be used anywhere without reference. The contents of the articles submitted to the journal must be original, not previously published anywhere or sent anywhere for publication. The authors of the manuscript should agree on the order of names.
3) In order to help you during the preparation of the article, downloading the file prepared according to the spelling rules of Anemon Muş Alparslan University Journal of Social Sciences, which is available on our website under the link ‘spelling rules’, and preparing your article by taking this article as an example will provide convenience and time saving in editing. You can also prepare your article by saving this article as a template in Word programme.
4) The publication language of ANEMON Muş Alparslan University Journal is Turkish and English. Articles will be published in English-Turkish or English-Kurdish. The manuscripts submitted to the journal for review should be uploaded to the system as full text in both Turkish and English.
5) A proofreading document may be requested from the authors (with the recommendation of the language editor) for the English translation of accepted manuscripts. However, this document is not required from authors whose native language is English.
Translated with (free version)
6) Acceptance or rejection decisions are made by the editors. Reviewers only provide their opinions and suggestions.
‘The final decision to accept, reject, or request further revision of each submission is made by the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the field editor. Decisions are based on suggestions and comments from external reviewers and an editorial judgement based on the quality, originality, relevance and importance of the submission. The decision is communicated via e-mail via journipark. Reasons are provided in case of rejection or request for further revision. Objections or complaints from authors who disagree with the decision are initially handled by a designated associate editor, but if not resolved are submitted to the Editor-in-Chief or wider editorial board for discussion. The Editor-in-Chief's decision is final.’
7) For revised manuscripts, authors should fill out the ‘Reviewer Response File’ and provide a detailed response to each reviewer's opinion.
8) Manuscripts that do not include introduction, method, findings, discussion, conclusions and recommendations, author declarations (conflict of interest, author contribution rate, ethical statement) will not be included in the peer review process.
9) Ethical information must be included in the method and author statements.
10) Articles that do not include data collection processes, are influenced by the political and/or religious views of the author and/or authors and are based on personal interpretations will be accepted. Works that do not comply with this scope will not be evaluated.
11) Manuscripts should be prepared and submitted in MS Word 2007 or higher version.
12) The page structure should be arranged on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm), in MS Word programme, in text, Times New Roman font, 11 pt, single line spacing, 1 paragraph indentation and paragraph spacing of 6 and then 0 pt. Margins should be 2,5 cm left, right and bottom.
13) The name(s) and surname(s), institutional title(s), institution(s) where the author(s) work(s), e-mail address(es) and ORCID number(s) should be given in the article. In addition, the corresponding author should be indicated in the articles.
14) The title of the article should be a title that is compatible with the content and best expresses the content. The title should be bold and 12-point font size and should be centred with the first letters capitalised. Manuscripts should include a title/title in English with the same feature. The English title should be italicised.
15) The articles to be submitted to the journal must include a Turkish ‘Abstract’ consisting of 150-200 words. All abstracts in the article should be written in ‘Times New Roman’ font in 10 pt, with a paragraph spacing of 6 then 0 pt and single line spacing. References, figure and table numbers should not be mentioned in the abstract. Keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 5 words should be given below the abstract. Keywords should be compatible with the content of the article and should be inclusive. Likewise, articles should include an English title/title, keywords/keywords and abstract/abstract.
16) Studies presented in any symposium or congress can be published by indicating the name, place and date of the congress (for Symposium Special Issues). In studies supported by a research institution or fund (BAP, TÜBİTAK, Ministry of Development, etc.), the name of the organisation providing the support and the project number should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the first page.
17) Formulas and equations should be written using Math Type or Word Equation Editor.
18) The study must comply with the rules of grammar. The most recent TDK Spelling Guide should be taken as basis in the use of punctuation marks, spelling of words and abbreviations, a clear and simple way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the purpose and scope should not be included. In the preparation of the article, valid scientific methods should be followed, information such as the subject, purpose, scope, reason for preparation, etc. of the study should be given sufficiently and in a certain order.
19) Tables/Figures must have numbers and captions. Vertical lines should not be used in table drawing. Horizontal lines should only be used to separate subheadings within the table. Table name and number should be centred at the top and figure name and number should be centred at the bottom and written vertically; table/figure names should be written with the first letter of each word capitalised. If there is a situation that needs to be cited, it should be given in the in-text citation format under the table.
20) In the article, main, intermediate and subheadings can be used to provide an organised transfer of information. All headings other than the title of the article should be capitalised, in 11 pt (upper 6 pt; lower 0 pt) and written 1 cm inside in harmony with the text. All headings should be written in the same way.
21) The format used in referencing is APA (American Psychological Association) Style 7th Edition. In both citations and bibliography, authors should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the American Psychological Association Writing Guide published by the American Psychological Association. For further information see:
In-Text Citations
Basic Format:
- Single author: (Yilmaz, 2020)
- Two authors: (Yılmaz & Demir, 2021)
- Three or more authors: (Yilmaz et al., 2019)
Format for Direct Quotation:
- Short quotations (less than 40 words): ‘...text...’ (Yılmaz, 2020, p. 25)
- Long quotations (more than 40 words): As a block quotation, 1.25 cm inside the text, without quotation marks. At the end of the text: (Yılmaz, 2020, p. 25)
More than one source in the same parenthesis:
- In alphabetical order: (Demir, 2018; Yılmaz & Acar, 2020; Yılmaz et al., 2019)
Use of Author Names in Text:
- If the author name is specified in the text: Yilmaz (2020) in his study.
- Two authors: In the study of Yılmaz and Demir (2021)...
- Three or more authors: Yılmaz et al. (2019) in their research...
References Citation
- The bibliography page starts on a new page at the end of the study.
- The title ‘References’ is written in bold, centred.
- References are listed in alphabetical order.
- All lines are double spaced, hanging indent is used.
- Author names: Surname, first letter(s) of first name.
- If there is more than one author, the names are connected by ‘,&’.
- The year of publication is given in brackets immediately after the author(s).
Below are examples of common types of resources.
Author, A. A. (Year). Book title: Sub-title (Edition/Translation information etc.). Publisher.
- Book title italicised.
- Not every word in the title begins with a capital letter, only the first letter, proper names and words after a colon (:) begin with a capital letter (Title Case).
Yılmaz, A. (2020). New approaches in education: Theory and practice. ABC Publishing.
In-text citation:
(Direct quote) (Yılmaz, 2020, p. 45)
Journal Article
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Article title: Sub-title. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), page range.
- Journal name and volume number italicised.
- Every important word in the journal name starts with a capital letter.
- In the title of the article, only the first letter, proper names and the word after the colon are capitalised.
Demir, B., & Acar, S. (2021). Difficulties encountered by school administrators in the use of technology. Journal of Educational Administration, 35(2), 123-145. 1234
In-text citation
(Demir & Acar, 2021)
Conference Proceedings
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year, Month Day-Day). Paper title: Sub-title. X. Conference Name, City, Country. If Published: Publisher/Ed. Information.
If it is available online, the URL or DOI is added.
Example (Published Paper)
Yılmaz, A., & Demir, C. (2019, September 10-12). Student motivation strategies in distance education. 3rd International Conference on Educational Technologies, Ankara, Turkey. abc123
In-text citation
(Yılmaz & Demir, 2019)
Web Page (with Corporate Author)
Corporate Author. (Year, Month Day). Title Sub-title URL
Ministry of National Education. (2021, March 5). 2021 education statistics.
In-text citation
(Ministry of National Education, 2021)
Report (Corporate Author)
Corporate Author. (Year). Report title: Sub-title (Report No. xxx). Publishing Organisation. URL (If available)
World Bank. (2020). Global education report: Trends and data (Report No. 2020-45). World Bank Publications.
In-text citation
(World Bank, 2020)
DOI and URL Usage
- If DOI is available, it must be included (
- If there is no DOI, the URL to the article can be given.
- URL is usually not required if DOI is present.
Citation of Three or More Authors
- All 20 authors are listed, if more than 20, the first 19 authors are listed, followed by ‘...’ and the last author.
Author, A. A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., ... Author, Z. Z. (2022). Example of a long author list. Journal Name, 10(3), 200-220.
In-text citation
From the first citation (Author et al., 2022).
22) There is no word limit.
23) Articles submitted in accordance with the writing rules of Anemon Muş Alparslan University Journal of Social Sciences should be checked for plagiarism with iThenticate programme and the similarity report should be added to the system. The maximum acceptable similarity rate should be 15%. Even if the similarity is below 15%, the single source similarity rate should not exceed 5%.
24) For the first step of the publication phase, manuscripts should be submitted via the Online Application System. A confirmation message will be automatically sent to your e-mail address immediately after submission. For more information, please contact the editor via
25) The time settings in our journal are as follows.
Additional period to be given for all cases exceeding the processing time 7 days
Maximum time for processing the new article 15 days
The maximum time given to the secretary while on the secretary step is 20 days
Maximum time required for the editor to take over the article (Check Complete Step) 10 days
Maximum time required for the editor to continue processing after taking over (Step in Editor) 20 days
Maximum time allowed to continue processing after the manuscript is ready for decision (Ready for Decision Step) 15 days
Maximum time given for the editor to make a decision (Pending Decision Step) 10 days
Maximum time given to the editor for the publication process (Publication Process Step) 15 days
Maximum processing time for Spelling, Language, Statistics Editor and Final Reader 20 days
Maximum processing time for the Layout Editor 20 days
When resubmitted to the author, the deadline given is 15 days
Time given to the author for minor revision 15 days
Time given to the author for major revision 15 days
Response time to the invitation sent to the arbitrator for evaluation 10 days
Evaluation period given to the referee 30 days.
26) If artificial intelligence (AI) tools are used in the articles to be submitted to our journal, this situation should be clearly stated and the details should be explained. Authors should transparently express at which stages and to what extent AI tools are used, and guarantee the accuracy and originality of the content produced with human supervision. Compliance with ethical principles is essential in articles; it should be kept in mind that the content produced by artificial intelligence does not contain copyright infringement and the scientific responsibility lies entirely with the authors. If incomplete declarations or ethical violations regarding the use of AI are detected, the article may not be included in the evaluation process or its publication may be rejected. In this regard, ‘Ethical Guidelines on the Use of Productive Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research and Publication Activities of Higher Education Institutions’ is taken as basis.
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