Research Article
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Year 2023, , 352 - 361, 31.01.2023



  • Akkol-Kupeli E, Kirmizibekmez H, Kücükboyacı N, Goren AC & Yesilada E (2012). Isolation of active constituents from cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) leaves through bioassay-guided procedures. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 139: 527-532.
  • Antonelli A, Smith RJ & Simmonds MS (2019). Unlocking the properties of plants and fungi for sustainable development. Nature plants 5(11): 1100-1102.
  • Apak R, Guclu K, Ozyurek M & Karademir SE (2004). Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins C and E, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: CUPRAC method. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(26): 7970-7981.
  • Ayla S, Okur, ME, Günal MY, Ozdemir EM, Cicek Polat D, Yoltas A, Biceroglu O & Karahüseyinoglu S (2019). Wound healing effects of methanol extract of Laurocerasus officinalis roem. Biotechnic & Histochemistry 94(3):180–188.
  • Baser KHC (1998). Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin endüstriyel kullanimi. Anadolu Universitesi Tibbi ve Aromatik Bitki ve Ilac Arastirma Merkezi Bulteni (TAB), Eskisehir, 13-14, 19-43.
  • Basri H (1864). Tercüme-i faziletü’l-mücavere fî Mekketi’l-Mükerreme. Istanbul: Matbaa-i Amire.
  • Beyhan Ö, Demir T & Bayram YURT (2018). Determination of antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and biochemical properties of cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis R.) grown in Sakarya Turkey. Bahçe 47(1): 17-22.
  • Capanoglu E, Boyacioglu D, de Vos RC, Hall RD & Beekwilder J (2011). Procyanidins in fruit from Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) differ strongly in chain length from those in Laurel cherry (Prunus lauracerasus) and Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas). Journal of Berry Research 1(3): 137-146.
  • Capanoglu E, Kamiloglu S, Ozkan G & Apak R (2018). Evaluation of antioxidant activity/capacity measurement methods for food products. Measurement of Antioxidant Activity and Capacity: Recent Trends and Applications. Apak, R., Capanoglu, E., Shahidi, F. (Eds.), Chicester, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 273-286.
  • Celep E, Aydın A, Kırmızıbekmez H & Yesilada E (2013). Appraisal of in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity potential of cornelian cherry leaves. Food and Chemical Toxicology 62: 448–455.
  • Cui H, Gabriel AA & Nakano H (2010). Antimicrobial efficacies of plant extracts and sodium nitrite against Clostridium botulinum. Food Control 21: 1030–1036.
  • Dalar A, Mukemre M, Unal M, Ozgokce F. (2018). Traditional medicinal plants of Agrı Province, Turkey. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 226: 56–72.
  • Hami M. (1864). Menafi’ul huccac. Istanbul: Matbaa-i Amire.
  • İslam A, Karakaya O, Sefa GÜN, Karagöl S & Öztürk B (2020). Seçilmiş karayemiş genotiplerinin meyve özellikleri ile biyokimyasal bileşiklerin karakterizasyonu. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 57(1): 105-110.
  • Kamiloglu S, Pasli AA, Ozcelik B & Capanoglu E (2014). Evaluating the in vitro bioaccessibility of phenolics and antioxidant activity during the consumption of dried fruits with nuts. LWT-Food Science and Technology 56(2):284-289.
  • Karabegović IT, Stojičević SS, Veličković DT, Nikolić NČ & Lazić ML (2013). Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction and characterization of phenolic compounds in cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) leaves. Separation and Purification Technology 120: 429-436.
  • Karabegovic IT, Stojicevic SS, Velickovic DT, Todorovic ZB, Nikolic NC & Lazic ML (2014). The effect of different extraction techniques on the composition and antioxidant activity of cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) leaf and fruit extracts. Industrial Crops and Products 54:142-148.
  • Kolayli S, Kücük M, Duran C, Candan F & Dincer B (2003). Chemical and antioxidant properties of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem. (cherry laurel) fruit grown in the Black Sea Region. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(25): 7489-7494.
  • Macit I & Demirsoy H. (2012). New promising cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) genotypes in Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 18(1): 77-82.
  • McDougall GJ, Fyffe S, Dobson P & Stewart D (2005). Anthocyanins from red wine – their stability under simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Phytochemistry 66: 2540–2548.
  • Orhan-Erdogan I & Akkol-Küpeli E (2011). Estimation of neuroprotective effects of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem. (cherry laurel) by in vitro methods. Food Research International 44: 818–822.
  • Ortega-Vidal J, Ruiz-Riaguas A, Fernandez-de Cordova ML, Ortega-Barrales P & Llorent-Martínez EJ (2019). Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of Jasonia glutinosa herbal tea. Influence of simulated gastrointestinal in vitro digestion. Food Chemistry 287: 258–264.
  • Sagdic O, Ekici L, Ozturk I, Tekinay T, Polat B, Tastemur B, Bayram,O & Senturk B (2013). Cytotoxic and bioactive properties of different color tulip flowers and degradation kinetic of tulip flower anthocyanins. Food and chemical toxicology 58: 432-439.
  • Sanchez-Moreno C (2002). Review: Methods used to evaluate the free radical scavenging activity in foods and biological systems. Food Science and Technology International 8(3): 121-137.
  • Singh R, Chidambara KM & Jayaprakasha G. (2002). Studies on the antioxidant activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel and seed extracts using in vitro models. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(1): 81-86.
  • Singleton VL, Orthofer R & Lamuela-Raventos RM (1999). Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of folin-ciocalteu reagent. Method Enzymol. 299: 152–178.
  • Suna S, Tamer CE & Ozcan-Sinir G (2019). Trends and Possibilities of the Usage of Medicinal Herbal Extracts in Beverage Production. A. Grumezescu, A.M. Holban (Eds.), Natural Beverages, Academic Press. pp. 361-398.
  • Siracusa L, Kulisic-Bilusic T, Politeo O, Krause I, Dejanovic B & Ruberto G (2001). Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of aqueous infusions from Capparis spinosa L. and Crithmum maritimum L. before and after submission to a two-step in vitro digestion model. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59: 12453–12459.
  • Ucar TM & Karadag A (2019). The effects of vacuum and freeze‑drying on the physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of phenolics in oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 13(3): 2298-2309.
  • Uslu H, Uslu G.A, Özen H & Karaman M (2018). Effects of different doses of Prunus laurocerasus L. leaf extract on oxidative stress, hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia induced by type I diabetes. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 17(3): 430-436.
  • Yesilada E, Sezik E, Honda G, Takaishi Y, Takeda, Y & Tanaka T (1999). Traditional medicine in Turkey IX: Folk medicine in north-west Anatolia. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 64: 195–210.
  • Zhishen J, Mengcheng T & Jianming W (1999). The determination of flavonoid contents in mulberry and their scavenging effects on superoxide radicals. Food Chemistry 64(4): 555– 559.

Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts

Year 2023, , 352 - 361, 31.01.2023


Cherry laurel is a less known fruit species with an astringent taste and is mostly consumed as fresh fruit only in the Black Sea and Marmara regions of Turkey. Cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roemer) leaves can be prepared in different forms such as infusion by steeping the dried leaf in boiled water and as an extract for its further use as a food supplement or ingredient. In this
study, aqueous and ethanol extracts of cherry laurel leaves were prepared and examined in terms of total phenolic compound (TPC), total flavonoid compound (TFC), antioxidant capacities using 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and the copper reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC) assays after submitting to in vitro digestion. Additionally, the
antimicrobial potential of the leaves extract was evaluated. The TPC of ethanol and aqueous extracts were found at 17.62 and 0.83 mg gallic acid equivalent GAE.g-1 leaves and the TFC of ethanol and aqueous extracts were determined as 11.61 and 0.47 mg catechin equivalent CE.g-1 leaves, respectively. In terms of antioxidant activity results, ethanol and aqueous extracts had 41.11 and 0.77
mg Trolox equivalent TE.g-1 leaves for the DPPH assay, and 67.05 and 1.63 mg TE.g-1 leaves for the CUPRAC assay. After gastric digestion post-gastric (PG), compared to the initial values significantly lower recovery of the TPC (11.2 and 41%) and TFC (5.8 and 14.9 %) was observed for ethanol and aqueous extracts. The recovery of TPC, TFC values after the intestinal fraction was
lower compared to the PG fraction for ethanol extracts, whereas for aqueous extracts they were higher compared to the PG fraction. The highest inhibition zone was observed against Listeria monocytogenes and Aspergillus niger when 10% extract concentration was applied. The experimental data verified that these extracts displayed remarkable antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, and the extraction method was important in terms of the bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds.


  • Akkol-Kupeli E, Kirmizibekmez H, Kücükboyacı N, Goren AC & Yesilada E (2012). Isolation of active constituents from cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) leaves through bioassay-guided procedures. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 139: 527-532.
  • Antonelli A, Smith RJ & Simmonds MS (2019). Unlocking the properties of plants and fungi for sustainable development. Nature plants 5(11): 1100-1102.
  • Apak R, Guclu K, Ozyurek M & Karademir SE (2004). Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins C and E, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: CUPRAC method. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(26): 7970-7981.
  • Ayla S, Okur, ME, Günal MY, Ozdemir EM, Cicek Polat D, Yoltas A, Biceroglu O & Karahüseyinoglu S (2019). Wound healing effects of methanol extract of Laurocerasus officinalis roem. Biotechnic & Histochemistry 94(3):180–188.
  • Baser KHC (1998). Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin endüstriyel kullanimi. Anadolu Universitesi Tibbi ve Aromatik Bitki ve Ilac Arastirma Merkezi Bulteni (TAB), Eskisehir, 13-14, 19-43.
  • Basri H (1864). Tercüme-i faziletü’l-mücavere fî Mekketi’l-Mükerreme. Istanbul: Matbaa-i Amire.
  • Beyhan Ö, Demir T & Bayram YURT (2018). Determination of antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and biochemical properties of cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis R.) grown in Sakarya Turkey. Bahçe 47(1): 17-22.
  • Capanoglu E, Boyacioglu D, de Vos RC, Hall RD & Beekwilder J (2011). Procyanidins in fruit from Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) differ strongly in chain length from those in Laurel cherry (Prunus lauracerasus) and Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas). Journal of Berry Research 1(3): 137-146.
  • Capanoglu E, Kamiloglu S, Ozkan G & Apak R (2018). Evaluation of antioxidant activity/capacity measurement methods for food products. Measurement of Antioxidant Activity and Capacity: Recent Trends and Applications. Apak, R., Capanoglu, E., Shahidi, F. (Eds.), Chicester, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 273-286.
  • Celep E, Aydın A, Kırmızıbekmez H & Yesilada E (2013). Appraisal of in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity potential of cornelian cherry leaves. Food and Chemical Toxicology 62: 448–455.
  • Cui H, Gabriel AA & Nakano H (2010). Antimicrobial efficacies of plant extracts and sodium nitrite against Clostridium botulinum. Food Control 21: 1030–1036.
  • Dalar A, Mukemre M, Unal M, Ozgokce F. (2018). Traditional medicinal plants of Agrı Province, Turkey. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 226: 56–72.
  • Hami M. (1864). Menafi’ul huccac. Istanbul: Matbaa-i Amire.
  • İslam A, Karakaya O, Sefa GÜN, Karagöl S & Öztürk B (2020). Seçilmiş karayemiş genotiplerinin meyve özellikleri ile biyokimyasal bileşiklerin karakterizasyonu. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 57(1): 105-110.
  • Kamiloglu S, Pasli AA, Ozcelik B & Capanoglu E (2014). Evaluating the in vitro bioaccessibility of phenolics and antioxidant activity during the consumption of dried fruits with nuts. LWT-Food Science and Technology 56(2):284-289.
  • Karabegović IT, Stojičević SS, Veličković DT, Nikolić NČ & Lazić ML (2013). Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction and characterization of phenolic compounds in cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) leaves. Separation and Purification Technology 120: 429-436.
  • Karabegovic IT, Stojicevic SS, Velickovic DT, Todorovic ZB, Nikolic NC & Lazic ML (2014). The effect of different extraction techniques on the composition and antioxidant activity of cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) leaf and fruit extracts. Industrial Crops and Products 54:142-148.
  • Kolayli S, Kücük M, Duran C, Candan F & Dincer B (2003). Chemical and antioxidant properties of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem. (cherry laurel) fruit grown in the Black Sea Region. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51(25): 7489-7494.
  • Macit I & Demirsoy H. (2012). New promising cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.) genotypes in Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 18(1): 77-82.
  • McDougall GJ, Fyffe S, Dobson P & Stewart D (2005). Anthocyanins from red wine – their stability under simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Phytochemistry 66: 2540–2548.
  • Orhan-Erdogan I & Akkol-Küpeli E (2011). Estimation of neuroprotective effects of Laurocerasus officinalis Roem. (cherry laurel) by in vitro methods. Food Research International 44: 818–822.
  • Ortega-Vidal J, Ruiz-Riaguas A, Fernandez-de Cordova ML, Ortega-Barrales P & Llorent-Martínez EJ (2019). Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of Jasonia glutinosa herbal tea. Influence of simulated gastrointestinal in vitro digestion. Food Chemistry 287: 258–264.
  • Sagdic O, Ekici L, Ozturk I, Tekinay T, Polat B, Tastemur B, Bayram,O & Senturk B (2013). Cytotoxic and bioactive properties of different color tulip flowers and degradation kinetic of tulip flower anthocyanins. Food and chemical toxicology 58: 432-439.
  • Sanchez-Moreno C (2002). Review: Methods used to evaluate the free radical scavenging activity in foods and biological systems. Food Science and Technology International 8(3): 121-137.
  • Singh R, Chidambara KM & Jayaprakasha G. (2002). Studies on the antioxidant activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel and seed extracts using in vitro models. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(1): 81-86.
  • Singleton VL, Orthofer R & Lamuela-Raventos RM (1999). Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of folin-ciocalteu reagent. Method Enzymol. 299: 152–178.
  • Suna S, Tamer CE & Ozcan-Sinir G (2019). Trends and Possibilities of the Usage of Medicinal Herbal Extracts in Beverage Production. A. Grumezescu, A.M. Holban (Eds.), Natural Beverages, Academic Press. pp. 361-398.
  • Siracusa L, Kulisic-Bilusic T, Politeo O, Krause I, Dejanovic B & Ruberto G (2001). Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of aqueous infusions from Capparis spinosa L. and Crithmum maritimum L. before and after submission to a two-step in vitro digestion model. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59: 12453–12459.
  • Ucar TM & Karadag A (2019). The effects of vacuum and freeze‑drying on the physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of phenolics in oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 13(3): 2298-2309.
  • Uslu H, Uslu G.A, Özen H & Karaman M (2018). Effects of different doses of Prunus laurocerasus L. leaf extract on oxidative stress, hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia induced by type I diabetes. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 17(3): 430-436.
  • Yesilada E, Sezik E, Honda G, Takaishi Y, Takeda, Y & Tanaka T (1999). Traditional medicine in Turkey IX: Folk medicine in north-west Anatolia. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 64: 195–210.
  • Zhishen J, Mengcheng T & Jianming W (1999). The determination of flavonoid contents in mulberry and their scavenging effects on superoxide radicals. Food Chemistry 64(4): 555– 559.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Kübra Özkan 0000-0003-0580-5804

Ayşe Karadağ 0000-0001-8615-7321

Osman Sağdıç 0000-0002-2063-1462

Publication Date January 31, 2023
Submission Date November 28, 2021
Acceptance Date July 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Özkan, K., Karadağ, A., & Sağdıç, O. (2023). Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(1), 352-361.
AMA Özkan K, Karadağ A, Sağdıç O. Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2023;29(1):352-361. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1029306
Chicago Özkan, Kübra, Ayşe Karadağ, and Osman Sağdıç. “Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29, no. 1 (January 2023): 352-61.
EndNote Özkan K, Karadağ A, Sağdıç O (January 1, 2023) Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29 1 352–361.
IEEE K. Özkan, A. Karadağ, and O. Sağdıç, “Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 352–361, 2023, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1029306.
ISNAD Özkan, Kübra et al. “Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29/1 (January 2023), 352-361.
JAMA Özkan K, Karadağ A, Sağdıç O. Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29:352–361.
MLA Özkan, Kübra et al. “Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 29, no. 1, 2023, pp. 352-61, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1029306.
Vancouver Özkan K, Karadağ A, Sağdıç O. Evaluation of the Antioxidant Capacity, Antimicrobial Effect, and In Vitro Digestion Process of Bioactive Compounds of Cherry Laurel Leaves Extracts. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29(1):352-61.

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