Research Article
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Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments with GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production

Year 2023, , 464 - 477, 31.03.2023


Besides irrigation water (IW) quantity and quality, there is a decrease also in soil quality and fertility. Agricultural production lands are decreasing both in quantity and quality. There is a search for different operational alternatives in sandy soils with low production potentials. Drip irrigation is primarily practiced attain get greater yields per unit area. This study was conducted under sand soil conditions, commonly preferred for peanut farming, in the 2017-2018 growing seasons. A drip irrigation system was used in production. Halisbey, NC-7, and Sultan cultivars were used as plant materials. Two different irrigation intervals (2 and 4 days) and four different irrigation levels (I50, I75, I100 and I125, calculated based on cumulative evaporation from the class-A pan) were applied. The data of five vegetative traits, including grain yield, were evaluated by regression and GGE biplot analysis. In addition, applied IW quantity, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency (WUE) were assessed by econometric analysis. Evapotranspiration values varied between 402-832 mm, applied IW quantities between 313-783 mm, yields between 5,269-8,269 kg ha-1, WUE values between 0.63-1.55 kg ha-1 m-3, economic water productivity over gross revenues between 1.29-3.81 $ m-3 and benefit and cost ratios varied between 4.73-10.95. The GGE biplot statistical method is a useful tool in the evaluation of irrigation research where the number of applications and materials is high. As a results of the study, a 2-day irrigation interval and 75% of pan evaporation could be used in the irrigation of peanut plants grown under sandy soil conditions.


Many thanks to the Farmer’s Training Branch of the Rural Affairs Department of Balikesir Greater City Municipality.


  • Akçura S (2021). Investigation of Salt Tolerant Genotypes in Edible Cluster Bean. KSU J. Agric Nat 24(1): 99-107.
  • Akçura M, Turan V, Kokten K & Kaplan M (2019). Fatty acid and some micro element compositions of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) genotype seeds growing under Mediterranean climate. Industrial Crops and Products 128: 140-146.
  • Arya S S, Salve A R & Chauhan S (2016). Peanuts as functional food: a review. J Food Sci Technol 53(1): 31-41.
  • Aydinsakir K, Dinc N, Buyuktas D, Bastug R & Toker R (2016). Assessment of different irrigation levels on peanut crop yield and quality components under Mediterranean conditions. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 142(9):04016034.
  • Bandyopadhyay P K, Mallick S & Rana S K (2005). Water balance and crop coefficients of summer-grown peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in a humid tropical region of India. Irrigation Science 23:161-169.
  • Bessembinder J J E, Leffelaar P A, Dhindwal A S & Ponsioen T C (2005). Which crop and which drop, and the scope for improvement of water productivity. Agricultural Water Management 73(2): 113-130.
  • Canavar O & Kaynak M A (2013). Determination of yield and yield components and seed quality of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea l.) at different harvest times. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production 4: 3791-3803.
  • Choudhary A, Singh A K, Kumar R, Kaswan P K, Singh R, Godara A S, Kaledhonkar M J & Meena B L (2020). Performance of different varieties of groundnut under surface and subsurface drip irrigation using saline and good quality waters. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 12(1): 65-69.
  • El- Boraie F M, Abo-El-Ela H K & Gaber A M (2009). Water requirements of peanut grown in sandy soil under drip irrigation and biofertilization. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3(1): 55-65.
  • El-Metwally I M, Abido W A E, Saadoon S M & Gad S B (2020). The integrated effect of deficit irrigation and weed control treatments on peanut productivity under sandy soil conditions with reference to nematode infection. Plant Archives 20(1): 2581-2593.
  • Enciso J M, Colaizzi P D & Multer W L (2005). Economic analysis of subsurface drip irrigation lateral spacing and installation depth for cotton. Transactions of the ASAE 48(1):197-204.
  • Groundnut.
  • FAOSTAT (2022).
  • French R J & Schultz J E (1984). Water use efficiency of wheat in a Mediterranean-type environment. I. The relation between yield, water use and climate. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 35: 743-764.
  • Guimon J & Guimon P (2012). How ready-to-use therapeutic food shapes a new technological regime to treat child malnutrition. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79(7): 1319-1327.
  • Halim A E A K, Awad A M & Moursy M E (2016) Response of peanut to some kinds of organic fertilizers under drip and sprinkler irrigation systems. Alexandria Science Exchange Journal 37(4):703-713.
  • Howell T A, Cuence R H & Solomon K H (1990). Crop Yield Response. In: Hoffman G J, Howell T A & Solomon K H, Eds., Management of Farm Irrigation Systems, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, 93-106 (Chapter 4).
  • Jin X X, Song Y H, Wang J, Cheng Z S, Li Y R & Chen S L (2021). Effects of sowing dates on agronomic traits, yield, and quality of peanut. Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences 43(5): 898.
  • Allam K A (2017). Effects of soil conditioner on water content of sandy soil and peanut production under different irrigation rates. Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering 34(3): 1271-1296.
  • Kheira A A A (2009). Macro management of deficit-irrigated peanut with sprinkler irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 96(10): 1409-1420.
  • Manzano Jr V J P (2020). Peanut production through innovative water management strategies. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 13(17): 1764-1777.
  • Maximov N A (1929). The Plant in Relation to Water. (Translated from Russian by R. H. Yapp): George Ailen & Unwin, Landon.
  • Mengiste Y (2015). Agricultural water productivity optimization for irrigated teff in a water scarce semi-arid regions of Ethiopia. Ph.D Thesis. The Netherlands: Institute for water education, Wageningen University.
  • Mishra J N, Paul J C & Pradhan P C (2008). Response of cashew to drip irrigation and mulching in coastal orissa. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 7(3): 36-40.
  • Narayanamoorthy A, Devika N, Suresh R & Sujitha K S (2020). Efficiency and viability of drip method of irrigation in groundnut cultivation: an empirical analysis from South India. Water Policy 22(6): 1109-1125.
  • Passioura J (2006). Increasing crop productivity when water is scarce-from breeding to field management. Agricultural Water Management 80(1-3): 176-196.
  • Rathod A B & Trivedi S A (2011). Summer groundnut crop performance and economics under drip irrigation at various water application levels. National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology.
  • SAS Institute (2014): SAS User’s Guide, SAS Inst., Cary.
  • Sezen S M, Yazar A, Canbolat M, Eker S & Çelikel G (2005). Effect of drip irrigation management on yield and quality of field grown green beans. Agricultural Water Management 71(3):243-255.
  • Sezen S M, Yucel S, Tekin S & Yıldız M (2019). Determination of optimum irrigation and effect of deficit irrigation strategies on yield and disease rate of peanut irrigated with drip system in Eastern Mediterranean. Agricultural Water Management 221: 211–219.
  • Sharma B P, Zhang N, Lee D, Heaton E, Delucia E H, Sacks E J & Khanna M (2022). Responsiveness of miscanthus and switchgrass yields to stand age and nitrogen fertilization: A meta-regression analysis. GCB Bioenergy 14(5): 539-557.
  • Shoman H A, Bughdady A M M (2018). Effect of irrigation systems and calcium on productivity and quality of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) at New Valley. Plant Production, Mansoura Univ 9(4): 321-326.
  • Soni J K, Raja N A & Kumar V (2019). Improving productivity of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under drip and micro sprinkler fertigation system. Legume Research 42(1): 90-95.
  • Sorensen R B & Butts C L (2014). Peanut response to crop rotation, drip tube lateral spacing, and irrigation rates with deep subsurface drip irrigation. Peanut Science 41(2): 111-119.
  • Sri Ranjitha P, Ramulu V, Jayasree G & Narender Reddy S (2018). Growth, yield and water use efficiency of groundnut under drip and surface furrow irrigation. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7(9): 1371-1376.
  • Suchoszek-Lukaniuk K, Jaromin A, Korycińska M & Kozubek A (2011). Health Benefits of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Seeds and Peanut Oil Consumption. In: editor(s): Preedy V R, Watson R R, Patel V B, Nuts & seeds in health and disease prevention. Academic Press. 873-880.
  • Tewelde A G (2019). Evaluating the Economic Water Productivity Underfull And Deficit Irrigation; The Case of Sesamecrop (Sesumum indicum L.) in woreda Kafta-Humera, Tigrai-Ethiopia. Water Science 33(1):75-83
  • L A (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. LWW. 78(2): 154.
  • Viets F G (1962). Fertilizers and the efficient use of water. Advances in Agronomy 14: 223-264.
  • Wang L, Li Y, Wang Q, Duan Z, Liu Z, Zhang L, Han P & Wei J (2016). Analysis on Major Agronomic Traits and Yield of Huayu Series of Peanut Cultivars under Mulched Drip Irrigation. Agricultural Science & Technology 17(3): 539-543.
  • Yan W (2001). GGEBiplot-a windows application for graphical analysis of multienvironment trial data and other types of two-way data. Agronomy Journal 93(5):1111-1118.
Year 2023, , 464 - 477, 31.03.2023



  • Akçura S (2021). Investigation of Salt Tolerant Genotypes in Edible Cluster Bean. KSU J. Agric Nat 24(1): 99-107.
  • Akçura M, Turan V, Kokten K & Kaplan M (2019). Fatty acid and some micro element compositions of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) genotype seeds growing under Mediterranean climate. Industrial Crops and Products 128: 140-146.
  • Arya S S, Salve A R & Chauhan S (2016). Peanuts as functional food: a review. J Food Sci Technol 53(1): 31-41.
  • Aydinsakir K, Dinc N, Buyuktas D, Bastug R & Toker R (2016). Assessment of different irrigation levels on peanut crop yield and quality components under Mediterranean conditions. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 142(9):04016034.
  • Bandyopadhyay P K, Mallick S & Rana S K (2005). Water balance and crop coefficients of summer-grown peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in a humid tropical region of India. Irrigation Science 23:161-169.
  • Bessembinder J J E, Leffelaar P A, Dhindwal A S & Ponsioen T C (2005). Which crop and which drop, and the scope for improvement of water productivity. Agricultural Water Management 73(2): 113-130.
  • Canavar O & Kaynak M A (2013). Determination of yield and yield components and seed quality of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea l.) at different harvest times. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production 4: 3791-3803.
  • Choudhary A, Singh A K, Kumar R, Kaswan P K, Singh R, Godara A S, Kaledhonkar M J & Meena B L (2020). Performance of different varieties of groundnut under surface and subsurface drip irrigation using saline and good quality waters. Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 12(1): 65-69.
  • El- Boraie F M, Abo-El-Ela H K & Gaber A M (2009). Water requirements of peanut grown in sandy soil under drip irrigation and biofertilization. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3(1): 55-65.
  • El-Metwally I M, Abido W A E, Saadoon S M & Gad S B (2020). The integrated effect of deficit irrigation and weed control treatments on peanut productivity under sandy soil conditions with reference to nematode infection. Plant Archives 20(1): 2581-2593.
  • Enciso J M, Colaizzi P D & Multer W L (2005). Economic analysis of subsurface drip irrigation lateral spacing and installation depth for cotton. Transactions of the ASAE 48(1):197-204.
  • Groundnut.
  • FAOSTAT (2022).
  • French R J & Schultz J E (1984). Water use efficiency of wheat in a Mediterranean-type environment. I. The relation between yield, water use and climate. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 35: 743-764.
  • Guimon J & Guimon P (2012). How ready-to-use therapeutic food shapes a new technological regime to treat child malnutrition. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79(7): 1319-1327.
  • Halim A E A K, Awad A M & Moursy M E (2016) Response of peanut to some kinds of organic fertilizers under drip and sprinkler irrigation systems. Alexandria Science Exchange Journal 37(4):703-713.
  • Howell T A, Cuence R H & Solomon K H (1990). Crop Yield Response. In: Hoffman G J, Howell T A & Solomon K H, Eds., Management of Farm Irrigation Systems, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, 93-106 (Chapter 4).
  • Jin X X, Song Y H, Wang J, Cheng Z S, Li Y R & Chen S L (2021). Effects of sowing dates on agronomic traits, yield, and quality of peanut. Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences 43(5): 898.
  • Allam K A (2017). Effects of soil conditioner on water content of sandy soil and peanut production under different irrigation rates. Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering 34(3): 1271-1296.
  • Kheira A A A (2009). Macro management of deficit-irrigated peanut with sprinkler irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 96(10): 1409-1420.
  • Manzano Jr V J P (2020). Peanut production through innovative water management strategies. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 13(17): 1764-1777.
  • Maximov N A (1929). The Plant in Relation to Water. (Translated from Russian by R. H. Yapp): George Ailen & Unwin, Landon.
  • Mengiste Y (2015). Agricultural water productivity optimization for irrigated teff in a water scarce semi-arid regions of Ethiopia. Ph.D Thesis. The Netherlands: Institute for water education, Wageningen University.
  • Mishra J N, Paul J C & Pradhan P C (2008). Response of cashew to drip irrigation and mulching in coastal orissa. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 7(3): 36-40.
  • Narayanamoorthy A, Devika N, Suresh R & Sujitha K S (2020). Efficiency and viability of drip method of irrigation in groundnut cultivation: an empirical analysis from South India. Water Policy 22(6): 1109-1125.
  • Passioura J (2006). Increasing crop productivity when water is scarce-from breeding to field management. Agricultural Water Management 80(1-3): 176-196.
  • Rathod A B & Trivedi S A (2011). Summer groundnut crop performance and economics under drip irrigation at various water application levels. National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology.
  • SAS Institute (2014): SAS User’s Guide, SAS Inst., Cary.
  • Sezen S M, Yazar A, Canbolat M, Eker S & Çelikel G (2005). Effect of drip irrigation management on yield and quality of field grown green beans. Agricultural Water Management 71(3):243-255.
  • Sezen S M, Yucel S, Tekin S & Yıldız M (2019). Determination of optimum irrigation and effect of deficit irrigation strategies on yield and disease rate of peanut irrigated with drip system in Eastern Mediterranean. Agricultural Water Management 221: 211–219.
  • Sharma B P, Zhang N, Lee D, Heaton E, Delucia E H, Sacks E J & Khanna M (2022). Responsiveness of miscanthus and switchgrass yields to stand age and nitrogen fertilization: A meta-regression analysis. GCB Bioenergy 14(5): 539-557.
  • Shoman H A, Bughdady A M M (2018). Effect of irrigation systems and calcium on productivity and quality of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) at New Valley. Plant Production, Mansoura Univ 9(4): 321-326.
  • Soni J K, Raja N A & Kumar V (2019). Improving productivity of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under drip and micro sprinkler fertigation system. Legume Research 42(1): 90-95.
  • Sorensen R B & Butts C L (2014). Peanut response to crop rotation, drip tube lateral spacing, and irrigation rates with deep subsurface drip irrigation. Peanut Science 41(2): 111-119.
  • Sri Ranjitha P, Ramulu V, Jayasree G & Narender Reddy S (2018). Growth, yield and water use efficiency of groundnut under drip and surface furrow irrigation. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7(9): 1371-1376.
  • Suchoszek-Lukaniuk K, Jaromin A, Korycińska M & Kozubek A (2011). Health Benefits of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Seeds and Peanut Oil Consumption. In: editor(s): Preedy V R, Watson R R, Patel V B, Nuts & seeds in health and disease prevention. Academic Press. 873-880.
  • Tewelde A G (2019). Evaluating the Economic Water Productivity Underfull And Deficit Irrigation; The Case of Sesamecrop (Sesumum indicum L.) in woreda Kafta-Humera, Tigrai-Ethiopia. Water Science 33(1):75-83
  • L A (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. LWW. 78(2): 154.
  • Viets F G (1962). Fertilizers and the efficient use of water. Advances in Agronomy 14: 223-264.
  • Wang L, Li Y, Wang Q, Duan Z, Liu Z, Zhang L, Han P & Wei J (2016). Analysis on Major Agronomic Traits and Yield of Huayu Series of Peanut Cultivars under Mulched Drip Irrigation. Agricultural Science & Technology 17(3): 539-543.
  • Yan W (2001). GGEBiplot-a windows application for graphical analysis of multienvironment trial data and other types of two-way data. Agronomy Journal 93(5):1111-1118.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

İsmail Tas 0000-0003-0872-2529

Publication Date March 31, 2023
Submission Date June 1, 2022
Acceptance Date September 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tas, İ. (2023). Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments with GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(2), 464-477.
AMA Tas İ. Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments with GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2023;29(2):464-477. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1124344
Chicago Tas, İsmail. “Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments With GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29, no. 2 (March 2023): 464-77.
EndNote Tas İ (March 1, 2023) Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments with GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29 2 464–477.
IEEE İ. Tas, “Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments with GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 464–477, 2023, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1124344.
ISNAD Tas, İsmail. “Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments With GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29/2 (March 2023), 464-477.
JAMA Tas İ. Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments with GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29:464–477.
MLA Tas, İsmail. “Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments With GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 29, no. 2, 2023, pp. 464-77, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1124344.
Vancouver Tas İ. Evaluation of Irrigation Experiments with GGE Biplot Method and Economic Analysis of Drip Irrigation System: A Case Study of Peanut Production. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29(2):464-77.

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