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Utilization of Steel Slag as a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review

Year 2023, , 906 - 913, 06.11.2023


The gradual increase in industrial wastes allowed the utilization of these wastes in different areas. Steel slag, one of the industrial wastes, is formed during the reduction of molten crude iron to molten crude steel in basic oxygen furnaces or scrap to molten crude steel in electric arc furnaces and induction furnaces. Removal, storage, or disposal of steel slag is an important environmental and economic problem. Steel slag offers opportunities to be used as an alternative material in various areas and contributes to the national economies through recycling. This research provides information about the studies and application examples on the use of steel slag as a soil amendment and mineral fertilizer in the world. This usage allows reducing the consumption of natural resources and providing great agricultural, environmental, and economic gain by minimizing the negative environmental effects of steel slag.


  • Anderson N P, Hart J M, Sullivan D M, Christensen N W, Horneck D A & Pirelli G J (2013). Applying lime to raise soil pH for crop production (Western Oregon). Oregon State University, Extension Service, EM9057.
  • Andreas L, Herrmann I, Lidström M & Lagerkvist A (2005). Physical properties of steel slag to be reused in a landfill cover. Tenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Environmental Sanitary Engineering Centre, Italy.
  • Beck M & Daniels W L (2008). Tube City IMS, LLC steel slag characterization study. Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA.
  • Branca T A, Pistocchi C, Colla V, Ragaglini G, Amato A, Tozzini C, Mudersbach D, Morillon A, Rex M & Romaniello L (2014). Investigation of (BOF) converter slag use for agriculture in Europe. Metallurgical Research and Technology 111: 155-167.
  • Carvalho S Z, Vernili F, Almedia B, Demarco M, Silva S N (2017). The recycling effect of BOF slag in the portland cement properties. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 127: 216-220.
  • Cebeci M & Sonverdi E (2012). Environmental impacts of integrated iron and steel production processes. International Iron & Steel Symposium, Karabuk, Turkey, 2–4 April.
  • Chand S, Paul B & Kumar M (2015). An overview of use of Linz-Donawitz (LD) steel slag in agriculture. Current World Environment 10(3): 975-984.
  • Das B, Prakash S, Reddy P S R & Mishra V N (2007). An overview of utilization of slag and sludge from steel industries. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 50: 40-57.
  • Das S, Kim G W, Hwang H Y, Verma P P & Kim P J (2019). Cropping with slag to address soil, environment, and food security. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 1-7.
  • Das S, Gwon H S, Khan M I, Jeong S T, Kim P J (2020). Steel slag amendment impacts on soil microbial communities and activities of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Scientific Reports 10: 1–11.
  • Delil A D, Yildirim D & Koleli N (2017). Recovery of plant nutrition elements from steel slag and influence of these elements on the plant growth. APJES 5(1): 1–7.
  • Dimitrova S & Mehanjiev D (2000). Interaction of blast-furnace slag with heavy metal ions in water solutions. Water Research 34:1957–1961.
  • Euroslag (2021). Statistics 2012. [WWW Document]. URL ( statistics/2012). (Accessed 17 August 2021).
  • FHWA (U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration) (2017). User guidelines for waste and byproduct materials in pavement construction. Publication Number: FHWA–RD–97–148.
  • Fisher L V & Barron A R (2019). The recycling and reuse of steelmaking slags-A review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 146: 244-255.
  • GDH (The General Directorate of Highways, Turkey) (2017). Use, performance and legislation proposal of steel slag in highway construction. Project Number: 2012–7.
  • Guo J, Bao Y & Wang M (2018). Steel slag in China: treatment, recycling, and management. Waste Management 78: 318–330.
  • He F, Fang Y, Xie J & Xie J (2012). Fabrication and characterization of glass −ceramics materials developed from steel slag waste. Materials and Design 42: 198–203.
  • He H, Tam N F, Yao A, Qiu R, Li W C & Ye Z (2017). Growth and Cd uptake by rice (Oryza sativa) in acidic and Cd-contaminated paddy soils amended with steel slag. Chemosphere 189: 247–254.
  • Hemalatha B (2013). Utilization of industrial slag as a soil amendment and source of nutrients in acid soil. University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore.
  • Ito K (2015). Steelmaking slag for fertilizer usage. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Technical Report No. 109, 130–136.
  • Jafer H M, Atherton W, Sadique M, Ruddock F & Loffill E (2018). Development of a new ternary blended cementitious binder produced from waste materials for use in soft soil stabilisation. Journal of Cleaner Production 172: 516–528.
  • Kim D H, Shin M C, Choi H D, Seo C I & Baek K (2008). Removal mechanisms of copper using steel-making slag: adsorption and precipitation. Desalination 223(1-3): 283-289.
  • Kostura B, Kulveitova H & Lesko J (2005). Blast furnace slags as sorbents of phosphate from water solutions. Water Research 39: 1795–1802.
  • Lopez F A, Balcazar N, Formoso A, Pinto M & Rodriguez M (1995). The recycling of Linz-Donawitz (LD) converter slag by use as a liming agent on pasture land. Waste Management and Research 13(6): 555-568.
  • Makela M, Watkins G, Poykio R, Nurmesniemi H & Dahl O (2012). Utilization of steel, pulp and paper industry solid residues in forest soil amendment: relevant physicochemical properties and heavy metal availability. Journal of Hazardous Materials 207-208: 21-27.
  • Mamatha D, Gowda R C & Shivakumara M N (2018). Effect of basic slag on yield, nutrient status and uptake by paddy in acid soils of Karnataka, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7: 2286–2292.
  • Manso J M, Ortega-L´opez V, Polanco J A & Seti´en J (2013). The use of ladle furnace slag in soil stabilization. Construction and Building Materials 40: 126–134.
  • Mengxiao S, Qiang W & Zhikai Z (2015). Comparison of the properties between highvolume fly ash concrete and high-volume steel slag concrete under temperature matching curing condition. Construction and Building Materials 98: 649–655.
  • Mihalache M, Ilie L, Doru I M, Mihalache D & Ildiko A (2016). Research on heavy metals translocation from soil amended with LF slag in wheat grains. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2016), Water Resources, Forest, Marine and
  • Ocean Ecosystems Conference Proceedings, Vol.II; 281–286, Albena, Bulgaria, June 30–July 06.
  • Munn D A (2005). Steel industry slags compared with calcium carbonate in neutralizing acid mine soil. The Ohio Journal of Science 105(4): 79-87.
  • NLA (National Lime Association) (1990). Lime: handling, application and storage. Arlington, VA 22201.
  • NSA (National Slag Association) (2003). Iron and steel making slag-environmentally responsible construction aggregates. The National Slag Association-Environmental Committee. Environmental Technical Bulletin May 26.
  • NSA (National Slag Association) (2021). A guide for the use of steel slag in agriculture and for reclamation of acidic lands. [WWW Document]. URL ( (Accessed 01 August 2021).
  • O’Connor J, Nguyen T B T, Honeyands T, Monaghan B, O’Dea D, Rinklebe J, Vinu A, Hoang S A, Singh G, Kirkham M B & Bolan N (2021). Production, characterisation, utilisation, and beneficial soil application of steel slag: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials 419: 126478.
  • Okochi N C & Mcmartin D W (2011). Laboratory investigations of stormwater remediation via slag: Effects of metals on phosphorus removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials 187(1–3): 250–257.
  • Park J H, Wang J J, Kim S H, Siu C J & Seo D C (2017). Phosphate removal in constructed wetland with rapid cooled oxygen furnace slag. Chemical Engineering Journal 327: 713-724.
  • Pinto M, Rodrigvez M, Besga G, Balcazar N & Lopez F A (1995). Effects of Linz-Donawitz (LD) slag as soil properties and pasture production in the Basque country (Northern Spain). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 38: 143-155.
  • Pistocchi C, Ragaglini G, Colla V, Branca T A, Tozzini C & Romaniello L (2017). Exchangeable sodium percentage decrease in saline sodic soil after basic oxygen furnace flag application in a lysimeter trial. Journal of Environmental Management 203: 896-906.
  • Poulikakos L D, Papadaskalopoulou C, Hofko B, Gschösser F, Cannone Falchetto A, Bueno M, Arraigada M, Sousa J, Ruiz R, Petit C, Loizidou M & Partl M N (2017). Harvesting the unexplored potential of European waste materials for road construction. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 116: 32–44.
  • Proctor D, Fehling K, Shay E, Wittenborn J, Green J, Avent C, Bigham R, Connolly M, Lee B, Shepker T & Zak M (2000). Physical and chemical characteristics of blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and electric arc furnace steel industry slags. Environmental Science and Technology 34: 1576-1582.
  • Reuter M, Xiao Y & Boin U (2004). Recycling and environmental issues of metallurgical slags and salt fluxes. VII. International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, 349–356.
  • Shi C (2004). Steel slag-its production, processing, characteristics, and cementitious properties. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 16: 230–236.
  • Song Q, Guo M Z, Wang L & Ling T C (2021). Use of steel slag as sustainable construction materials: A review of accelerated carbonation treatment. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 173: 105740.
  • TSPA (Turkish Steel Producers Association) (2015). Technical Report, Ankara, Turkey.
  • TSPA (Turkish Steel Producers Association) (2018). Technical Report, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Uibu M, Kuusik R, Andreas L & Kirsimae K (2011). The CO2-binding by Ca-Mg-silicates in direct aqueous carbonation of oil shale ash and steel slag. Energy Procedia 925-932.
  • Unal S, Yucel O, Kurt M & Gul S (2014). Iron-steel slag from waste to product. Advanced Technologies Workshop, 255–267.
  • USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) (1999). Liming to improve soil quality in acid soils. Technical Note, No:8. Soil Quality Institute, Auburn, AL.
  • Uysal F F & Bahar S (2018). Slag types and utilization areas. Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences 19(1): 37-52.
  • Wang W, Sardans J, Lai D Y F, Wang C, Zeng C, Tong C & Liand Y (2015). Effects of steel slag application on greenhouse gas emissions and crop yield over multiple growing seasons in a subtropical paddy field in China. Field Crops Research 171: 146-156.
  • Wang W, Lai D Y F, Abid A A, Neogi S, Xu X & Wang C (2018a). Effects of steel slag and biochar incorporation on active soil organic carbon pools in a subtropical paddy field. Agronomy 8(8): 1-17.
  • Wang W, Sardans J, Wang C, Zeng C, Tong C, Bartrons M & Peñuelas J (2018b). Steel slag amendment increases nutrient availability and rice yield in a subtropical paddy field in China. Experimental Agriculture 54(6): 842-856.
  • Wen T, Yang L, Dang C, Miki T, Bai H & Nagasaka T (2020). Effect of basic oxygen furnace slag on succession of the bacterial community and immobilization of various metal ions in acidic contaminated mine soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 388:121784.
  • Winkler H (2011). Closed-loop production systems-a sustainable supply chain approach. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 4: 243–246.
  • Xian W & QingSheng C (2006). Steel slag as an iron fertilizer for corn growth and soil improvement in a pot experiment. Pedosphere 16(4): 519-524.
  • Xue P, Xu A, He D, Yang Q, Liu G, Engström F & Björkman B (2016). Research on the sintering process and characteristics of belite sulphoaluminate cement produced by BOF slag. Construction and Building Materials 122: 567–576.
  • Yang Y, Reijonen I, Yu H, Dharmarajan R, Seshadri B & Bolan N S (2018). Back to basic slags as a phosphorous source and liming material. In: Soil amendments for sustainability: Challenges and Perspectives, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, USA, p. 237–250.
  • Yi H, Xu G, Cheng H, Wang J, Wan Y & Chen H (2012). An overview of utilization of steel slag. Procedia Environmental Sciences 16: 791-801.
  • Yildirim I & Prezzi M (2011). Chemical, mineralogical, and morphological properties of steel slag. Advances in Civil Engineering 2011: 1–13.
  • Yonar F (2017). Investigation of electric arc furnace slag utilization in flexible highway layers and mixture performance. Doctoral thesis. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science, Turkey, p. 264.
Year 2023, , 906 - 913, 06.11.2023



  • Anderson N P, Hart J M, Sullivan D M, Christensen N W, Horneck D A & Pirelli G J (2013). Applying lime to raise soil pH for crop production (Western Oregon). Oregon State University, Extension Service, EM9057.
  • Andreas L, Herrmann I, Lidström M & Lagerkvist A (2005). Physical properties of steel slag to be reused in a landfill cover. Tenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Environmental Sanitary Engineering Centre, Italy.
  • Beck M & Daniels W L (2008). Tube City IMS, LLC steel slag characterization study. Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA.
  • Branca T A, Pistocchi C, Colla V, Ragaglini G, Amato A, Tozzini C, Mudersbach D, Morillon A, Rex M & Romaniello L (2014). Investigation of (BOF) converter slag use for agriculture in Europe. Metallurgical Research and Technology 111: 155-167.
  • Carvalho S Z, Vernili F, Almedia B, Demarco M, Silva S N (2017). The recycling effect of BOF slag in the portland cement properties. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 127: 216-220.
  • Cebeci M & Sonverdi E (2012). Environmental impacts of integrated iron and steel production processes. International Iron & Steel Symposium, Karabuk, Turkey, 2–4 April.
  • Chand S, Paul B & Kumar M (2015). An overview of use of Linz-Donawitz (LD) steel slag in agriculture. Current World Environment 10(3): 975-984.
  • Das B, Prakash S, Reddy P S R & Mishra V N (2007). An overview of utilization of slag and sludge from steel industries. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 50: 40-57.
  • Das S, Kim G W, Hwang H Y, Verma P P & Kim P J (2019). Cropping with slag to address soil, environment, and food security. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 1-7.
  • Das S, Gwon H S, Khan M I, Jeong S T, Kim P J (2020). Steel slag amendment impacts on soil microbial communities and activities of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Scientific Reports 10: 1–11.
  • Delil A D, Yildirim D & Koleli N (2017). Recovery of plant nutrition elements from steel slag and influence of these elements on the plant growth. APJES 5(1): 1–7.
  • Dimitrova S & Mehanjiev D (2000). Interaction of blast-furnace slag with heavy metal ions in water solutions. Water Research 34:1957–1961.
  • Euroslag (2021). Statistics 2012. [WWW Document]. URL ( statistics/2012). (Accessed 17 August 2021).
  • FHWA (U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration) (2017). User guidelines for waste and byproduct materials in pavement construction. Publication Number: FHWA–RD–97–148.
  • Fisher L V & Barron A R (2019). The recycling and reuse of steelmaking slags-A review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 146: 244-255.
  • GDH (The General Directorate of Highways, Turkey) (2017). Use, performance and legislation proposal of steel slag in highway construction. Project Number: 2012–7.
  • Guo J, Bao Y & Wang M (2018). Steel slag in China: treatment, recycling, and management. Waste Management 78: 318–330.
  • He F, Fang Y, Xie J & Xie J (2012). Fabrication and characterization of glass −ceramics materials developed from steel slag waste. Materials and Design 42: 198–203.
  • He H, Tam N F, Yao A, Qiu R, Li W C & Ye Z (2017). Growth and Cd uptake by rice (Oryza sativa) in acidic and Cd-contaminated paddy soils amended with steel slag. Chemosphere 189: 247–254.
  • Hemalatha B (2013). Utilization of industrial slag as a soil amendment and source of nutrients in acid soil. University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore.
  • Ito K (2015). Steelmaking slag for fertilizer usage. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Technical Report No. 109, 130–136.
  • Jafer H M, Atherton W, Sadique M, Ruddock F & Loffill E (2018). Development of a new ternary blended cementitious binder produced from waste materials for use in soft soil stabilisation. Journal of Cleaner Production 172: 516–528.
  • Kim D H, Shin M C, Choi H D, Seo C I & Baek K (2008). Removal mechanisms of copper using steel-making slag: adsorption and precipitation. Desalination 223(1-3): 283-289.
  • Kostura B, Kulveitova H & Lesko J (2005). Blast furnace slags as sorbents of phosphate from water solutions. Water Research 39: 1795–1802.
  • Lopez F A, Balcazar N, Formoso A, Pinto M & Rodriguez M (1995). The recycling of Linz-Donawitz (LD) converter slag by use as a liming agent on pasture land. Waste Management and Research 13(6): 555-568.
  • Makela M, Watkins G, Poykio R, Nurmesniemi H & Dahl O (2012). Utilization of steel, pulp and paper industry solid residues in forest soil amendment: relevant physicochemical properties and heavy metal availability. Journal of Hazardous Materials 207-208: 21-27.
  • Mamatha D, Gowda R C & Shivakumara M N (2018). Effect of basic slag on yield, nutrient status and uptake by paddy in acid soils of Karnataka, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7: 2286–2292.
  • Manso J M, Ortega-L´opez V, Polanco J A & Seti´en J (2013). The use of ladle furnace slag in soil stabilization. Construction and Building Materials 40: 126–134.
  • Mengxiao S, Qiang W & Zhikai Z (2015). Comparison of the properties between highvolume fly ash concrete and high-volume steel slag concrete under temperature matching curing condition. Construction and Building Materials 98: 649–655.
  • Mihalache M, Ilie L, Doru I M, Mihalache D & Ildiko A (2016). Research on heavy metals translocation from soil amended with LF slag in wheat grains. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2016), Water Resources, Forest, Marine and
  • Ocean Ecosystems Conference Proceedings, Vol.II; 281–286, Albena, Bulgaria, June 30–July 06.
  • Munn D A (2005). Steel industry slags compared with calcium carbonate in neutralizing acid mine soil. The Ohio Journal of Science 105(4): 79-87.
  • NLA (National Lime Association) (1990). Lime: handling, application and storage. Arlington, VA 22201.
  • NSA (National Slag Association) (2003). Iron and steel making slag-environmentally responsible construction aggregates. The National Slag Association-Environmental Committee. Environmental Technical Bulletin May 26.
  • NSA (National Slag Association) (2021). A guide for the use of steel slag in agriculture and for reclamation of acidic lands. [WWW Document]. URL ( (Accessed 01 August 2021).
  • O’Connor J, Nguyen T B T, Honeyands T, Monaghan B, O’Dea D, Rinklebe J, Vinu A, Hoang S A, Singh G, Kirkham M B & Bolan N (2021). Production, characterisation, utilisation, and beneficial soil application of steel slag: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials 419: 126478.
  • Okochi N C & Mcmartin D W (2011). Laboratory investigations of stormwater remediation via slag: Effects of metals on phosphorus removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials 187(1–3): 250–257.
  • Park J H, Wang J J, Kim S H, Siu C J & Seo D C (2017). Phosphate removal in constructed wetland with rapid cooled oxygen furnace slag. Chemical Engineering Journal 327: 713-724.
  • Pinto M, Rodrigvez M, Besga G, Balcazar N & Lopez F A (1995). Effects of Linz-Donawitz (LD) slag as soil properties and pasture production in the Basque country (Northern Spain). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 38: 143-155.
  • Pistocchi C, Ragaglini G, Colla V, Branca T A, Tozzini C & Romaniello L (2017). Exchangeable sodium percentage decrease in saline sodic soil after basic oxygen furnace flag application in a lysimeter trial. Journal of Environmental Management 203: 896-906.
  • Poulikakos L D, Papadaskalopoulou C, Hofko B, Gschösser F, Cannone Falchetto A, Bueno M, Arraigada M, Sousa J, Ruiz R, Petit C, Loizidou M & Partl M N (2017). Harvesting the unexplored potential of European waste materials for road construction. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 116: 32–44.
  • Proctor D, Fehling K, Shay E, Wittenborn J, Green J, Avent C, Bigham R, Connolly M, Lee B, Shepker T & Zak M (2000). Physical and chemical characteristics of blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and electric arc furnace steel industry slags. Environmental Science and Technology 34: 1576-1582.
  • Reuter M, Xiao Y & Boin U (2004). Recycling and environmental issues of metallurgical slags and salt fluxes. VII. International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, 349–356.
  • Shi C (2004). Steel slag-its production, processing, characteristics, and cementitious properties. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 16: 230–236.
  • Song Q, Guo M Z, Wang L & Ling T C (2021). Use of steel slag as sustainable construction materials: A review of accelerated carbonation treatment. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 173: 105740.
  • TSPA (Turkish Steel Producers Association) (2015). Technical Report, Ankara, Turkey.
  • TSPA (Turkish Steel Producers Association) (2018). Technical Report, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Uibu M, Kuusik R, Andreas L & Kirsimae K (2011). The CO2-binding by Ca-Mg-silicates in direct aqueous carbonation of oil shale ash and steel slag. Energy Procedia 925-932.
  • Unal S, Yucel O, Kurt M & Gul S (2014). Iron-steel slag from waste to product. Advanced Technologies Workshop, 255–267.
  • USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) (1999). Liming to improve soil quality in acid soils. Technical Note, No:8. Soil Quality Institute, Auburn, AL.
  • Uysal F F & Bahar S (2018). Slag types and utilization areas. Trakya University Journal of Engineering Sciences 19(1): 37-52.
  • Wang W, Sardans J, Lai D Y F, Wang C, Zeng C, Tong C & Liand Y (2015). Effects of steel slag application on greenhouse gas emissions and crop yield over multiple growing seasons in a subtropical paddy field in China. Field Crops Research 171: 146-156.
  • Wang W, Lai D Y F, Abid A A, Neogi S, Xu X & Wang C (2018a). Effects of steel slag and biochar incorporation on active soil organic carbon pools in a subtropical paddy field. Agronomy 8(8): 1-17.
  • Wang W, Sardans J, Wang C, Zeng C, Tong C, Bartrons M & Peñuelas J (2018b). Steel slag amendment increases nutrient availability and rice yield in a subtropical paddy field in China. Experimental Agriculture 54(6): 842-856.
  • Wen T, Yang L, Dang C, Miki T, Bai H & Nagasaka T (2020). Effect of basic oxygen furnace slag on succession of the bacterial community and immobilization of various metal ions in acidic contaminated mine soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 388:121784.
  • Winkler H (2011). Closed-loop production systems-a sustainable supply chain approach. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 4: 243–246.
  • Xian W & QingSheng C (2006). Steel slag as an iron fertilizer for corn growth and soil improvement in a pot experiment. Pedosphere 16(4): 519-524.
  • Xue P, Xu A, He D, Yang Q, Liu G, Engström F & Björkman B (2016). Research on the sintering process and characteristics of belite sulphoaluminate cement produced by BOF slag. Construction and Building Materials 122: 567–576.
  • Yang Y, Reijonen I, Yu H, Dharmarajan R, Seshadri B & Bolan N S (2018). Back to basic slags as a phosphorous source and liming material. In: Soil amendments for sustainability: Challenges and Perspectives, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group, USA, p. 237–250.
  • Yi H, Xu G, Cheng H, Wang J, Wan Y & Chen H (2012). An overview of utilization of steel slag. Procedia Environmental Sciences 16: 791-801.
  • Yildirim I & Prezzi M (2011). Chemical, mineralogical, and morphological properties of steel slag. Advances in Civil Engineering 2011: 1–13.
  • Yonar F (2017). Investigation of electric arc furnace slag utilization in flexible highway layers and mixture performance. Doctoral thesis. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science, Turkey, p. 264.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Gülşen Tozsin 0000-0001-5653-9919

Taşkın Öztaş 0000-0001-5001-103X

Early Pub Date June 8, 2023
Publication Date November 6, 2023
Submission Date October 31, 2022
Acceptance Date June 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tozsin, G., & Öztaş, T. (2023). Utilization of Steel Slag as a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(4), 906-913.
AMA Tozsin G, Öztaş T. Utilization of Steel Slag as a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. November 2023;29(4):906-913. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1197239
Chicago Tozsin, Gülşen, and Taşkın Öztaş. “Utilization of Steel Slag As a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29, no. 4 (November 2023): 906-13.
EndNote Tozsin G, Öztaş T (November 1, 2023) Utilization of Steel Slag as a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29 4 906–913.
IEEE G. Tozsin and T. Öztaş, “Utilization of Steel Slag as a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 906–913, 2023, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1197239.
ISNAD Tozsin, Gülşen - Öztaş, Taşkın. “Utilization of Steel Slag As a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29/4 (November 2023), 906-913.
JAMA Tozsin G, Öztaş T. Utilization of Steel Slag as a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29:906–913.
MLA Tozsin, Gülşen and Taşkın Öztaş. “Utilization of Steel Slag As a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 29, no. 4, 2023, pp. 906-13, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1197239.
Vancouver Tozsin G, Öztaş T. Utilization of Steel Slag as a Soil Amendment and Mineral Fertilizer in Agriculture: A Review. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29(4):906-13.

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